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I always flip and flop (see what I did there 😂) between my feelings on Jimbo inch. I’m either feeling sorry for him-no friends, constant carer for Ronnie and Hinchy, has his mother in law Freda yahoo constantly in his orbit, has his pants shown to the world, his flip flops thrown in huffs, can’t shit in peace
Or...thinking he’s the brains, is using her for cash and babies, creepy as fuck (though I’m no oil painting) and is loving all this attention
I think it’s a mix. I think he was the brains in the beginning but then Freda got involved, Sopha ran with it and now he’s stuck. But still loves the perks. And he could stop this tomorrow with regards to poor Ronnie. He is a good dad though. You can see that
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I've just about caught up and wanted to say ( sorry if it's all ready been said ) that I wasn't shocked but I was definitely disgusted when she said "which celebrity couple are having a baby in 2021" Celebrity couple? Since when? Who on earth do they think they are? That, together with making a very personal family announcement so public on Instagram purely for the reward of likes, gushing messages and grown women crying about it is just a step too far in my opinion.
Just when you think she couldn't possibly be any more crass and vile, she pulls a stunt like this!
I'm going to take a break my lovely friends because I've had enough of her and everything she stands for.
I'll be back at some point xxx
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I've got friends who follow her and that's their choice BUT I can't escape the bloody woman. I'm going to have to delete my Insta account if I see ONE more story on my feed saying they are crying/in tears cos she's pregnant!!!

I don't wish her any illwill. I hope her pregnancy goes ok and that she has a healthy beautiful baby at the end of it. I hope Ron doesn't get his nose pushed out. It's bad enough the dog comes before him as it is.

However I just wish that people would realise that actually she is not a very nice person. She's not "down to earth", "normal" or "one of us" as her sheep bleat on. Its all fake and everything she does is purely for her own gain. She doesn't give back to others.
It's not like she's saved the planet/found a cure for covid. She's not Mother Teresa/Marie Curie/Princess Di. What has she done that's so bloody special?? I don't follow her and I still can't escape her as she's just popped up on TV with bloody advert for Ariel!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Yea I’ve heard this too but surely this is rubbish? How does the genitals affect a heart beat ? Any midwives here to confirm this ? 😂
Midwife here 🙋🏼‍♀️

It’s an old wives tale

As is the fast for a girl, slow for a boy heart rate thing.

Wedding ring on a string is legit though... 🤔
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I just can’t get over the celebrity couple label she gave them 😂😂😂 I’m absolutely mortified for her. There’s so many other phrases she could’ve used that don’t come across so bloody narcissistic!!
I’d love to see them out and about, bet they walk about like Maldon’s Posh and Becks 😂.
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Anyone seen any nice white dresses in the sales?, the youngest donkey has just brought all their used crockery down to the kitchen. I have a family photo shoot organised to celebrate the occasion and need a frock.
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There’s women all over social media sobbing because some random bint that they’ve never met is up the duff and I didn’t even cry when I found out that I was pregnant. I must be a right heartless bitch! 🤷🏼‍♀️
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For those of you who think she wouldn't have attempted the worm if she had known she was pregnant at the time.

Let's just remember that this is a woman who identifies as vulnerable yet has continually flouted lockdown rules and Covid guidelines, putting herself and her unborn baby at risk, while she was off gallivanting here, there and everywhere in the midst of a pandemic.

She was definitely pregnant at the superhero party where she lay on the floor next to SS with zero social distancing.

She didn't give a shit on any of those other occasions so why wouldn't she fling herself on the floor. Don't forget, rules don't apply to Princess Sopha of Maldon.
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Chatty Member
In that latest pic Ronnie has clearly been pulled to one side so that the bump is more in shot. I can see that becoming more of a theme as time goes on
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I mean this kindly - those women need to get some self respect. Nobody is crying. They just want attention and validation from Sophie, because they are insecure.

Soph is the one who started the “Crying at everything” thing, so they’re all just copying her because they think that’s what she likes. It’s become a bit like people who type lol 😂 but aren’t actually laughing. Something vaguely “cute” (stretching the definition here) happens and you have to overreact and be like “omg I’m actually crying hun this has made my week”.

Also I love how Sophie treated it like some grand surprise/treat for us that Ronnie learned to pour the food. Why would I be interested? I don’t give a flying fuck.
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Now I'm all for family photos but this is just another one to add to the creepy collection 😅. What's up your with your face Soph ? View attachment 369756
Looks like forced happiness to me....

Not everything will be as perfect as it seems in the Hinch household!

I do really feel for Ronnie and like this won't be a good thing for him. Not sure why I get that sinking feeling but it's so sad! I feel like she will push him away, especially if the baby is a girl.
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Just been to Morrison‘s for the first time in a while and saw the Meemoir(now 9.00). Followed the Tattle trend of hiding it, the book below it I used summed up my feelings about the Meemoir, Lynda LP you star 😂😂😂
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Anyone think Jamie sees her as a baby machine to keep up content?
Ronnie's birthday video he couldn't wait to get in about #2 soon
He's always making weird immature sexual comments about her
Now she's pregnant he's banging on about #3

... I see no love from either of them in this relationship they are both using eachother for their own personal gain and or emotional/financial needs.
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Active member
who else shed a tear when Ronnie put the food in the bowl? No me neither because it’s not FUCKING NORMAL
What is wrong with these people seriously 😳
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VIP Member
I’ve never heard of the heartbeat thing. Everyone knows the scientific way to find out the gender is to tie a ring to a piece of string and hold it above the belly - if it turns in circles it’s a girl, if it swings it’s a boy

C’mon Sopha, there’s nothing on TV. Get the craft box out and give it a go
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Bloody Nora these threads are on fire 🔥 can’t keep up.

the woman actually makes me angry 😡 for so many reasons but mainly for the bullshit she is spouting to her sheep. Her pre recorded stories, Why the hell would you not tell your dad? No way does her mum sense she is pregnant because her face has changed, my sister has 4 children and my mum never gushed oh I think you’re pregnant take a test 🙄 CELEBRITY? in what sane world are they celebrities? deluded bint. Needs knocking off that pedal stool she thinks she’s on and disappear.

The sheep also need to grow up, who cries over a strangers baby? and the sharing of those pictures SHE DOESNT KNOW YOU SHE DOESN’T CARE SO STOP IT ITS WEIRD

Sorry rant over

I’m off to do some proper cleaning, something she has forgotten to do in the last year

see you later probably on thread #310 they moving that quick
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This has most probably been said but they haven’t a natural spontaneous bone in their body!!! They have to stage everything, bloody wearing white for that photo holding the scan picture 😩 He is as much to blame as I know what my Husband would say if I suggested posing for a photo like that!! She even has to make the dog perform every day which I think is very sad for Henry too 😞 And I feel sorry for Ronnie such a sad looking boy xx
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