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VIP Member
Another title suggestion? Pour moi?

You nusty trolls shouldn’t have!! (Honestly you shouldn’t have, I was feeling as creative as Soph choosing colour schemes for her many trees) 😜😂

Gonna celebrate with a bottle of robinsons and all this pigs in blankets chat in the previous thread has made me crave some so off to Aldi I pop 😂

Cheers you evil pastry demons ❤❤❤
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If you look at people with lots of money who have had it for a while you can tell there is a total class difference and the majority know how to read the room and realise when they can talk about an opportunity and when they shouldn’t! She has got absolutely no idea about this skill cause deep down she’s a chav who’s got lucky with money I can’t bloody wait until she does one!
Real money & real working class gel fine, it's what billy connolly calls the "polo necked" or "bungalow" brigade in the middle that fuck everything up. Pretentious, greedy, selfish, wannabe, tasteless, classless, tacky, chavtastic, I'm alright Jack, keep up with the Joneses obsessed, fuck the rest of you, n'aer do good, commerce whoring, 1st class A-hole fuckers.
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Eleanor Abernathy

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Well done Soph, you married someone ten years older than you. I did the same thing only I manage not to make a big thing out of it all the time or make it sound so creepy..
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or JusRollWithIt

VIP Member
Nothing funnier than hinch trying to be relatable. It’s like an alien’s first day on earth trying to pass as a human being. Act normal!!!
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Well guys, what did Hinch make of the Christmas quiz? Did she...

A. Love it?
B. Jusssshhhhhttttt loved it?
C. I just luuuuuurrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvveeeeeedddddd it? Or...
D. Who cares, she's quite clearly had a lobotomy at some point 🥴
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Chatty Member
Here's my daily rant
1. Which mentally sane 30 year old wears a fucking bow?? what is she Sophie Siwa? Get that the fuck off your head hinch whatever in the land of Oz nostalgic image of innocence your trying to show off we can see right through it.
2. Why is every creature under your care slowly developing diabetes and rapid weight gain and Jus rollin about Maldon and youre looking like a Herbalife Coach with way too much commission.
3. If you Zophlow-life knew anything about that charity you wouldn't be splashing cash on useless tat and a fake ass presence you done fuck all to earn.
4. Just hurry the fuck up and delete your Instagram the sooner you stop sucking every ounce out of your short and shit loved insta career the better, the sooner "home accounts" will fuck off and stop building an insta presence piggy backing off you.
5. Seriously Inch . . that shirt is painted on.
6. I hope someone steals your postbox you self centred twat
Rant Over
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Jac In The Box

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After reading about her morning quote on here all I can say is this bitch needs a reality check!!😡 I’ll admit when mine were younger I spoilt them at Christmas, I worked 2 jobs & I think I tried to overcompensate for the fact their dad was a cunt🤦🏼‍♀️ That was until one Christmas morning I had to pop to the local shop because I’d forgotten batteries. There was a small group of young boys discussing what they had got, the usual bikes, clothes, computers then one little boy said he only got £5 so he was up at the shop to buy himself his Christmas🥲 I went home & I was distraught about that when I looked at what mine had☹ I spoke to my kids about it & from that day on they’ve been more appreciative of everything they get & the true value of everything❤ But cuntymcfuckface won’t even give children like this a second though😤
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Well-known member
Hahahaha. Wait until RonAndHen is old enough to climb out of his cot, wiggle across his bedroom in his sleeping bag like Hinchy doing the worm, and pull himself up to start screaming over the toddler gate that you put across the door to try (for the love of Jesus) to keep him in his room at 1am. See how much you can be arsed running a fucking cotton bud around the rubber lip of your washing machine then, Soph.
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Well-known member
That post this morning has really pissed me off.

Yes, it's OK if people don't have some, or any, of the things on her list. In fact, it's more than OK, especially for people who don't want them.

But, what about people who do want those things but can't afford them? The whole 'it's OK' seems seriously sarcastic. She's just not genuine.

All that post will do is make people feel bad about themselves. Even those who have done some of those things will now feel like they aren't giving their kids the best Christmas because they didn't twat about all December with the fucking magic* elf.

What a nasty, passive aggressive, narcissistic bitch!

* the elf is only magic if you don't let the kids touch it so Soph no longer has an 'Elf on a shelf', just an elf doll.
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Challenging day today Soph... Reading! I hope all the questions contain words of 1 syllable only!
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I can’t wait for Ronnie to come in steaming drunk at 5am when he’s 15, stinking of weed and refusing to be her little puppet, only interested in going to sleep and not giving a shite about being mummaz little mans anymore and he’ll probably call her crazy and obsessive cos what teenager isn’t a dick to their parents and she’s gonna have to deal with that 😂😂
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Wow. Ever heard anyone genuinely shit themselves when their toddler throws a wobbly like Soph did just then?
That has just cemented to me that that little boy is allowed to completely rule the roost and is given anything so that Soph can have an easy life
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The Dowager

Chatty Member
I think the thread suggestion with the most votes goes to @mgh727 with 'your tree looks crap and you’re a self centred twat', but with a slight amendment as I think we got told off for using twat in a thread title before? Complaints to the ASA if I picked the wrong title, together with our daily complaints about Sophie Hinchliffe's shady advertising.

Wiki is here for new members:

Also for new members:

Kate to the party, nusty people, duty heart, crunky snack and #bekond are typos from Hinchers so Tattle are using them.
Among others, a few words below, etc. that we use, there are many more, either rude or sarcastic.
Onslow, Vestlife, Kanye Vest etc. = Jamie as he is seen to always wear vests.
MadMaYahoo/Freda/Ma Barker = Zoph's mum.
Lardsome/fat bastard/chicken strip = Henry.
ATV = all the vest = Jamie wearing vests and she uses ATB (all the best).
RonRon etc. = Ronnie.
Ronnie Balboa = Ronnie, after he smacked her in the face (truth is more likely that her face got in the way of his flailing arm, but hey. Sophie is always the victim)
I’m thank you – what she said to Phil Scofield on her This Morning interview.
Plip and Plop = Flip and Flop the fisccch (as this is the sound they’ll make when they head down the toilet along with their 10+ children who are currently unnamed)

Can someone please do a TLDR / catch-up from the last thread please?

Just waiting for the little pastry trolls to come over here like...

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Chatty Member
How can you miss your own child in a pandemic were we are all isolating together in the same house?🥱🥴
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The Slayer

Well-known member
I don’t think it’s to make other people feel better, it’s to make herself feel better 🙄
100% basically saying she can post this stuff if she wants to and people shouldn't make her feel bad for it 🙄 bore off Zoph and get some fucking perspective.

Its embarrassing that you were representing a children's charity yesterday - a charity for under privileged children and this is how you go on. You are an embarrassment and you should be ashamed
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Christ if she talks down to him like that on social media I’d hate to think how she speaks to him behind closed doors😳
It turned me cold watching those outtakes. Brought back a whole host of horrid memories from an abusive relationship with a controlling narcissist.
Are the outtakes to make them appear relatable following the obnoxious showing off of advent calenders and needless presents. There are parents wondering how they can afford food, bills, or a single present and RonRon is getting 24 new ones before the big day 😠🤬😔😪
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Well-known member
You guys are the best ❤I’ve just worked my way through the 47 pages and I’ve got a smile on my face for the first time this week. My poor bestie is on ventilator with Covid and not doing well at all bless her 😢 Makes me even more angry about grinch and her sad little privileged, rule breaking life 😤
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Cambridge to the party....she did not post that wank about it being okay not to do advent calendars and elf and then shows Ronnie getting yet another car today and the dog getting his own advent calendar.

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Chatty Member
I took 2 things away from those videos...

1. She does not suffer with anxiety.
2. He is being dragged along for the ride.
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