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Soph does realise most people work full time, raise children and keep their house tidy and find the motivation to get it done even if they’re knackered cos they don’t have another choice.

She’s such a lazy dosser. She has Orville home all day and he can watch the boy or....let’s say something radical...pick up his own shit and contribute to the housework 😱😱😱

I honestly can’t stand the woman. She takes women back 50 years and acts like doing her laundry is a task she should be proud of and should receive praise from others for doing, I’ve done 3 loads today, someone pat me on the back. I don’t do housework because I want to, I do it because my house will be chaos if I don’t!
Ive done 3 loads of washing. Stripped woodchip wallpaper from the walls. Been to the tip and moved 11 boxes of tiles (25kg each) cooked a meal from scratch and still need to do a food shop. I need some stranger approval pleaseeee 😂😂
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Christ if she talks down to him like that on social media I’d hate to think how she speaks to him behind closed doors😳
Do you know what, I never,ever thought I‘d say this as I don’t find him in the slightest bit attractive but over the last few days I‘ve started to genuinely feel sorry for him. She’s been really shitty with the way she’s spoken to him tonight and the way she looks at him -If looks could kill. I imagine his pre Hinch life was pretty normal for a ‘bloke’ his age but that’s all stopped. He’s stuck with this ultra high maintenance bimbo that he seems to act as a carer for and is under the thumb of her and her peculiar mother. No mates, no Willy Hill, no footy and if he watches it on TV she mocks him. But then there’s the Range Rover, the Audi, the 5k week away and the money. Ok then, I’m back in the room and normal service has been resumed🙂
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They are literally the opposite of couples goals. I hope Orville and Skeletor will be very happy together when their continued use of shocking behaviour has them lose everything and when their careers eventually die and they’re forced back to the 9/5 grind they’re still just as in love and don’t at all resent each other at all for ruining their lives.
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I’ve noticed when Ronnie does try to make a sound she yells or cheers him on she makes really odd loud high pitch sounds they are startling noises and he instantly stops and thinks what the hell (am I supposed to speak like that instead) he will be like Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump “My mummazzzz said... life is like a box of gifted stuff. You never know what ya gunna get”
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Ooft she didn't handle that well did she, she ain't seen nothing yet either. Just wait til he's chucking himself on the floor in the middle of Tesco giving it laldy. Also he "laaaaaves it" the poor wee souls face was blank as always.
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Are Tesco’s feeling bad? They just emailed me 7 £4 delivery saver e-coupons for no apparent reason 😂

There’s a definite cry for help in his eyes isn’t there 😂😂
Blink 3 times and wear red if you need help Inch
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Don’t hate me but i feel a wee bit sorry for him 🙄 it’ll pass though it’s okay 😂
Must be the Christmas spirit, but I do actually somewhat agree. She was so bloody rude to him on that video. Why would you speak to your husband like that, especially in front of all your hinchaaaaaas? Why would you humiliate him publicly like that? Poor guy's already doing all the child care of Ronhamed Ali, living off jusrol and tomato puree and now you've just got to get those little digs in. Wife of the year there :rolleyes:
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Do we need a Jamie Rave Thread guys 😂
I don’t know what’s got into me I just feel sorry for him 😂
I think with Jamie he seems less fake less try hard and actually, he really goes out of his way to say nice things about her (working soooo hard to put up the tree), but is he really happy, we all know money doesn’t equal happiness
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So she spent 3 days dicking about putting up that sodding Xmas tree and then didn’t think it might make the ideal backdrop for a Xmas sodding quiz?!?
The mind boggles.
As for the rest of today’s shit show, advent calendar, elf on a shelf etc, I just don’t have the energy today to put how she has made me feel into words.
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What type of person has to state that they are looking forward to opening their curtains and tidying their washing away? Does anyone actually give a shit?
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Is it just me who felt sorry for Jamie?! Trying to join in and support her and she just makes digs at him?!
I don't feel sorry for him.He chose this and he's only got to look at his mil to know what he's in for for the long term. Perhaps he should have a long chat with pa barker and discuss his options?
He won't though cos he likes his lifestyle,however,he will end up a lonely,broken man.
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I’m So Kate and behind think I’ve missed atleast a whole thread guyzzzz.
Just watched her snapping the lorry doors shut and thought how controlling she is! Let the poor kid do it himself. At that age mine was OBSSESED with opening and closing things. Taking lids off and putting them on again. He needs to learn motor skills by himself. My nephew is obsessed with clicking open the hand sanitiser lid and clicking it shut again. Does it 100 times over. (poor corona kid generation 😂) but he’s never going to learn if she does everything for him all the time!
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What happened to the horrible nativity scene snow globe that Mother Gothel "dropped off" for kidda a couple of months ago? Haven't seen that on display.
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Chatty Member
Her life is just a chavvy version of The Truman Show. Everything is for instagram. I’d be so embarrassed if I filled my day posting adoring messages from fans (ooh Sophie you’re such an inspiration), showing a conveyor belt of purchases at a time of national economic hardship and making opening the curtains sound like an Olympic achievement.

It’s such an artificial existence yet it’s time-consuming and at the expense of proper quality family time together. I’d have no self-respect if my days were filled farting around with faux happy montages on social media. If you love your family, don’t tell a load of strangers, make them feel loved by spending time with them. And stop selling your son’s childhood for a quick buck, he deserves better than that.
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I’ve just had my first personal experience of the damage hunch causes and I wont lie, if she lived nearer to me I would be round her house, banging her door and dragging her rats tails out the front for a good hiding 😡

My daughter in law has been in tears because she feels like a shit mam, even though she works full time, out the door at 7.30 am every morning and not back till 6pm at the earliest, because my grandchild ‘only’ has a peppa pig advent calendar and she hasnt done the stupid elf on a shelf, she feels like she’s let the bairn down!

We’ve already had the conversation about how they dont need a shit load of presents because we are a very big family, there’ll be no shortage of presents and they dont need to go into debt to make the bairn happy never mind the fact that their not even 2 year old yet so dont have a clue whats going on!

My son and daughter in law are brilliant parents, freshly made home cooked food, clean, played with, the odd mcdonalds happy meal, but most of all loved and played with and the main priority in their lives.

My daughter in law has her head screwed on, she’s confident, she has a managerial role and she feels like shit because of hunch! So imagine how she’s making less confident people feel!

To all the new members, dont ever feel ashamed for falling for her shite! Nobody here is judging you 💜
You sound like such a lovely mother in law. I wish my MIL was like you.
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It's not as irritating though.
Think it’s time for a tattle would you rather....

Would you rather listen to Soph’s audiobook once read by her and once read by Inch and you’re free forever no further consequences (React 👍🏻)


Would you rather have cystitis and thrush for a straight year...I’m talking burning everytime you wee and a constant itch down there for a whole year (React ❤)
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