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FOD has just done another AD, this time for gousto cooking boxes. Because they don’t have time to cook from scratch being that Clemmie works 1 day a week.
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Chatty Member
It's his strangulated prose which is just painful to read. This man has never met a metaphor he didn't like and immediately crowbar into his writing.
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There's an article on the bbc news site today about children who are born with genetic conditions so rare that there is no diagnosis. Their families go through hell so if any brands want to 'reach out' and help I can guarantee they will get my business because the last thing I need to see is people who have enough get even more.
Maybe a few free holidays chucked their way? Imagine the positive feedback and genuine smiles.
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I just find them both (her especially) quite "uncomfortable" - as if they know they are doing something wrong but are doing it anyway. As Alice/Leopard /Clemmie said, they have 4 children to put through private education and maybe this is their way of financing it. Makes you wonder really, what does private education buy you and if this total humiliation by/of the parents is a price worth paying. Money really doesn't buy class - glad I enjoyed a childhood. Those poor, poor girls.
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It's proof that private education doesn't necessarily = good education.
In my career I can instantly tell privately educated students. They aren't usually any cleverer, but they are far more confident in their abilities (often this is a misplaced confidence). They aren't aware or don't care about what they don't know.
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VIP Member
I wonder how Clemmie's NHS colleagues feel about the free food? We know that NHS workers are forced to use food banks and I imagine those in London especially feel the pinch. Then she swans in for her one day a week, tanned from her free holiday to the Maldives, stuffed with free food, acting like the world's authority on midwifery.

There is no self awareness about the choices they make and how absolutely greedy they appear. Simon’s doing it for the family, fantastic, but they don’t need free food.

It’s pure greed.
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Chatty Member
They are literally a modern day version of The Truman Show, aren't they? Their entire lives rehearsed, scheduled and coreographed in whatever way best promotes their latest advertising deal.
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Chatty Member
You’re totally right there, I have seen him meet up with other instadads... all looked like fuckwits. He wouldn’t last two minutes with my mates.
My DH is very much of the no nonsense 'Shit, shower, shave' school of personal grooming. He likes a decent pint and a good game of rugby. He isn't remotely interested in the workings of my pelvic floor and in 20 years I have never heard him use the word 'vulva' ( thank God).

So to prove my point I briefly showed DH the last few FOD posts (bear in mind, DH doesn't do social media) and he was typically succinct and accurate. 'Cock' was his dismissive response.
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New member
I would swerve any brand promoted by the ODs, its probably doing more damage with them promoting their products.

These are the people large corporations should be reaching out too
New here, hello. I am one of these people with a child who is severely disabled and has no diagnosis. I have a nicely put together blog and super instagram engagement, but a small following, so brands absolutely don't want to know. Also, I'd question them on their inclusivity and accessibility, so if they weren't tip top, it'd probably do them no good.
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I had forgotten about the £150 pyjama debacle. I'm sure if my child was admitted to hospital my immediate instinct would be to treat myself to £150 jimjams.

Or...............maybe, you know, put up with only wearing your White Company £75 pyjamas and donate that £150 to the hospital which is treating your sick child?

Or...............use that £150 to send a huge basket of goodies to the nursing staff working round the clock to take care of your sick child?
No, silly, that’s not how it works! How could a hard working NHS midwife possibly be expected to slum it in White Company pyjamas? Ugh, White Company is only good enough for the cashcows, I mean, children, she NEEDED those pyjamas because it was all just so stressful and she needed a treat to make herself feel better! Don’t worry about the sick twin, that’s what the staff are there to deal with while she prances around taking selfies because she is a hardworking midwife.
#prayforclemmie #dontforgetshesamidwife #sheworkssohard #didshementionshesamidwife #shesamidwifeyouknow #clemmieneedsafireplace
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They have absolutely no morals. His reaction to criticism is to post one of the most humiliating piles of crap I’ve ever seen. His poor older daughter. And her ad for mental health is disgusting.
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Haha. Pretending someone slid into her DMs! Thing is, that's what people will assume if you sell you family out for freebies. Your twins' childhoods are paying for that house reno.
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I’m impressed that both MOD and FOD are dyslexic. That’s an amazing coincidence. I almost believed him but I honestly thought she was a bit dim. Can’t believe she’s chairing a midwifery conference with her pathetic input of work for the nhs. Clemmie you are an influencer, not a midwife.
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And now we have Clemmie asking for Fireplace help. Can she not google or actually talk to a fireplace company. Nope, cause she isn’t looking for advise she is looking for free shit: when will people finally see through her?
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I'd be horrified if she was my midwife now. I wouldn't trust her or her integrity.
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I imagine her defence will be "I'm a busy working mum etc I can't reply to everyone".

Well don't ask people to share. But if you do and you're getting paid for it then answering people IS part of your job. If I were her I would have blanked out an hour or two in my diary to do replies. Looks like she went to a book launch instead.
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The eye roll comment tho!! Ha
.... and what a typical, entitled MoD reply. Almost nonsensical because of its really, really poor grammar and rambling structure and that last sentence, "l always preach......." Stop right there, Clemmie, at least that part of the sentence is correct - what follows is just, frankly, bollocks.
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This ad with Superdrug is the lowest of the low, what an absolute C*NT. A midwife, mum and queen bee influenced and she’s actually taking money to promote maternal mental health?! Is this a joke? Maybe she should donate her fee to charity
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