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Yeah Simon, so easy for those without disposable income and childcare on tap. If someone paid for all our dinners I could probably afford me time.
These guys are so entitled and have no fucking clue.
I’ll tell you what Si, in 2 weeks of your challenge I’ll still be there with no me time and my husband working all the hours he can to support us because there is no me time available, except the odd pee in peace.
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Jesus Christ I told my son (8) to stop being a little shit today. I wonder if when his older it will affect him? Maybe he will be confused as to what type of shit he is! Maybe dog, cantaloupe or the rare Mongolian cheese monkey shit.
Parents need to give their head a wobble can’t call your kid bossy 😩 it may make them not be such a whinge bag. God forbid anyone’s allowed to parent in their own way aye.
(Not a dig at you Hun just the up their own arse insta mums that are turning the mini generation into mini lunatics)
It's possibly why their kids all act like brats most of the time. But it's most of their content. Because they're middle class it's funny to see the twins doing whatever they want. If they were working class people, people would say they were feral and to get a grip on them
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Has this been commented on yet? Spotted it on my Facebook feed. Another vomit inducing example of the “we’re here to help women” crusade. What do they know about (proper) working mothers?! A few genuinely interesting speakers aside, it’s a pretty dire sounding event.
Bet DLAM’s fewmin’ she hasn’t been invited to that 😂
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Chatty Member
You can't even see what she wrote before and his penned response is obviously something he planned to go on the gram. Just no need to share.

Isn't he advertising his own poor parenting if she's being bratty?
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Just seen this post I’ve come over from the Meldrum threads!

I started following Clemmie when her twins were babies. I commented on a picture of the twins in the cots with cot bumpers on just informing her that bumpers aren’t safe and can be deadly. She went absolutely mad and told me as a midwife and Mum of 4 she knows best and they wouldn’t sell bumpers if they weren’t safe 🙄. She then called me threatening. Just because I tried to make her aware they are really dangerous.

After that and seeing her trying to identify as a normal midwife & Mum despite living in a house probably worth a couple of million and moving her girls to private school I really went off her. Oh and don’t even get me started on the toff FOD.

Moaning about the washing pile 😂 after a free holiday to Mauritius
Ha, she blocked me for asking her opinion about social media and children's mental health issues. One day this is going to blow up so badly for her and her totally bizarre husband and she won't even be able to claim she hadn't been warned. Clemmie, you may be the mother of influencers today but when you become the mother of all bad/greedy/irresponsible parents, don't blame anyone but yourself. You have knowingly, repeatedly and shamelessly flogged four small girls in pursuit of ego and greed and I hope you sleep badly at night knowing that.
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I heard it, they barely ever have sex & Clemmie barely thinks about it & isn’t interested in it. Fod isn’t bothered that she doesn’t want it. Wow. What a connection
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I also being a father of three year old twins find him to be an absolute prick.... he actually makes me feel a whole lot better about myself and the job i'm doing bringing up my twins. Ladies.... continue.
My husband happened to see the story today of him talking about calling back after a call gets disconnected. He was literally speechless that someone would film themselves talking about that. He’s such a boring useless prick. How is he even popular.
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You can never read the tone in a text and Anya does sound a little stroppy and brattish , that’s how some older kids are ; welcome to the world of parenting older children .

However , him sharing it is unforgivable , what an absolute twat he is for everyone now thinking she’s a petulant princess.
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Not one mention of missing the twins, or him missing the older girls. Our 2 year old was away for us for 4 nights at the in laws when our 6 year old was in hospital.....we missed her loads. It was the longest we'd been away from her and it didn't feel good. Maybe we are losers though and need some freebie holidays to try and get rid of our desire to spend time with our kids
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F&B is crap anyway. I pushed the boat out a couple of years ago and painted my front door in Inchyra Blue (get me 😝). It bubbled up in the summer and looked horribly dull. I’ve stuck to Dulux ever since.
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Just seen this post I’ve come over from the Meldrum threads!

I started following Clemmie when her twins were babies. I commented on a picture of the twins in the cots with cot bumpers on just informing her that bumpers aren’t safe and can be deadly. She went absolutely mad and told me as a midwife and Mum of 4 she knows best and they wouldn’t sell bumpers if they weren’t safe 🙄. She then called me threatening. Just because I tried to make her aware they are really dangerous.

After that and seeing her trying to identify as a normal midwife & Mum despite living in a house probably worth a couple of million and moving her girls to private school I really went off her. Oh and don’t even get me started on the toff FOD.

Oh man, that post made me feel so angry. I would LOVE to go on a holiday like that. Imagine getting back and IMMEDIATELY moaning! The sense of entitlement is just 🤯
Moaning about the washing pile 😂 after a free holiday to Mauritius
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If they are reading here, maybe the fact they're getting more free food when there's such a crushing weight on the food banks might make them pause. I'd hope so? Are they really that selfish? And all the other insta mums with their free food?
It makes me want to cry seeing people like this.
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Not just an author; a selfless midwife, a talented jewellery designer and a moral compass for our times! What a girl!
You forgot feminist, French fashion expert, fanny admin advisor and practically a single parent about 2 days a month!
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It might be deleted from his feed but it’ll live forever on Tattle .

Simon , if you’re reading , you become a bigger dickhead every time you think you have to up the ante to portray yourself as a dad fighting to gain respect from the girls in your house.

Here’s a clue , stop sharing private stuff.
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Would love to see her doing haven or butlins to make her relatable.... Who takes kids to the Maldives 🤔
But why be relatable when you can shill your daughters for a freebie - and, my, how those girls are paying! Maybe Clemmie has told the school that her girls don't need to participate in social media education as she is taking care of that for them.

Was only thinking how long it had been since the poor loves had had a freebie holiday. Bless them.
But she is a selfless midwife and she DESERVES a holiday for that one day a week she is toiling for all mankind. #relatable
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😁 Clemmie really should accept that she will get some people disapproving of how she operates. She has form for fishing for free stuff (washing machine Clem, remember that🙄)

Social media provides all of us with a voice ; the gushers and the ones irritated by the blagging of free goods and services.

She has a very thin skin when faced with someone who doesn’t think she’s God’s gift.
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I heard it, they barely ever have sex & Clemmie barely thinks about it & isn’t interested in it. Fod isn’t bothered that she doesn’t want it. Wow. What a connection
Do they talk about it as though they are the first busy couple, with a large family, and a decade of marriage under their belts to EVER EXPERIENCE THIS!!?? I think that's what irritates me most about the instamum brigade, everything they say about life/relationships/parenting is GROUNDBREAKING. Except it's not, it's just what parents/humans have been doing for years. I had to unfollow NSSN (who kind of irritated me anyway) when she did a whole series of stories about doing her kid a reward chart, to help her learn about jobs and responsibilities, as if reward charts were the most revolutionary parenting idea she'd ever heard of... what is with these people??
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I want to like MOD. Sometimes I even do when she’s talking to camera. But she is so, so, so, entitled she makes me want to vomit. And she gets so shirty over anyone politely questioning her or disagreeing with her, it makes me wonder if she realises how lucky and privileged she is (but I don’t think she does). I remember on last years Destinology holiday when a follower said something that wasn’t praising her to high heaven, she replied with how she was going on holiday for her followers and the insinuation was that everyone should be grateful that she was putting herself through it. Added to that, her photos and captions about the holiday were so crap that I can’t believe the company have gifted her another one.
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I just find them both (her especially) quite "uncomfortable" - as if they know they are doing something wrong but are doing it anyway. As Alice/Leopard /Clemmie said, they have 4 children to put through private education and maybe this is their way of financing it. Makes you wonder really, what does private education buy you and if this total humiliation by/of the parents is a price worth paying. Money really doesn't buy class - glad I enjoyed a childhood. Those poor, poor girls.
I guess you could convince yourself that private school was in some way worth selling your childhood and privacy, but it’s so short sighted. Children of actual actors or showbiz tend to be protected and pixelated and not shared. Certainly not used as advertising fodder. So these kids are not anonymous. There will be the ‘so and so’s mum and dad are on IG have you seen them. Omg they are such twats’
‘Yeah her dad was chucking tampons around trying to be cool’
‘Everyone thinks he’s a dick’
And private school will not protect you from other children and access to social media.
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