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Chatty Member
To be perfectly blunt, they are paying for renovations by publishing images of their toddlers using a potty. I think there's a particular word for that?
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Not just an author; a selfless midwife, a talented jewellery designer and a moral compass for our times! What a girl!
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Chatty Member
He’s such a fucking creepy weirdo. Those kids will hate him eventually for what he has done.
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They should not be sharing private conversations, that’s really low. Tbh, the money those kids have earned for their family, they ought to boss the parents around
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Is it bad when she said the resort was safe for her girls (8 and 11 years old) to wander around I just thought. - Madeleine McCann’s parents thought they were in safe resort once upon a time. And then there wasn’t a million odd followers who knew about it.....! Should she really broadcast how she basically left the girls to do what they wanted whilst she sat on her arse.
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To be fair her one 12 hour shift per week is not preferential treatment, anyone can apply for it. I imagine MOD is probably quite anxious when another #gifted holiday proposal is sent to her, she knows how much has been said about the usage of the children so I think in work especially she probably tries to keep it low key. FOD on the hand doesn't give a toss, any publicity is good publicity as far as he's concerned.
Wow seriously?? I can only begin to imagine the anxiety of being gifted another once in a life time holiday... whilst other full time nhs workers have been reduced to using food banks just to get by.
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Would love to see her doing haven or butlins to make her relatable.... Who takes kids to the Maldives 🤔
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VIP Member
She has a terribly high opinion of herself.

Healthy self esteem is hugely important but when it tips over into arrogance and superiority like Clemmie shows, it’s not an attractive trait.
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Anyone else bemused by FOD’s endless references to a vague resemblance of daughter #1 to Blake Lively? He’s obsessed and crowbars it into any random post...what’s he gonna do next, pimp the poor girl out to a lookilikey agency? I’m sure she’s a happy, well rounded young lady (altho hard to believe in that house of narcissism) but pre-teen years are hard enough to navigate as it is without being paraded in front of 100 and thousands of strangers (including your school mates and their parents) for constant scrutiny. Local friends have told me the general consensus is that he’s a total dickhead....but that’s up to him. It’s his platform, his money-making entreprise. But surely enough’s enough when you’re knowingly putting your daughter up for whispered bitching behind her back. That’s what teenage girls was bad enough in the 80s / 90s before all this nonsense was around. Non of my business really, clearly they can do what they like! Would just have thought MOD, with her obvious insecurities and caring nature would have been a bit more mindful of the implications of her self obsessed husband using her girls in this way. Holly W, Davina, emma Willis...all the big names they aspire to be never show their kids faces. Watch and learn and learn..,.
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VIP Member

Poor, little Simon having to defend his choices. His choices to exploit his children and then get free food, and paid by the food company to advertise while sat with hundreds and thousands in the bank he’s made of the back of those following...
So weird this attitude. People get offended/complain about/have opinions on tv programs, books, newspapers etc and there is the opportunity to raise these or discuss them. But on Instagram they can ignore and delete it.
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I was momentarily wide eyed with surprise at the two Clemmies simmering with resentment because they’ve been left LOOKING AFTER THEIR OWN CHILDREN while the other parent has a weekend away or works away from home.

Jesus , the pair of them have spent half the year on holiday , they’re hardly knackered are they.

The pair of them get right on my tits 😠.
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I have been blocked by her for liking a comment somebody wrote regarding instagram becoming a sea of ads and gifts.....either agree or you're blocked...nice
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VIP Member
MOD being holier than thou with her ‘I’ve been asked to comment on Meghan and her birth by multiple sources etc...’ 🙄 oh please midwifery oracle, people are desperate for your opinion! oh wait..nah we’re good
"Lots of people have been asking me"... bore off you work 1 day a week and FOD when the Sussex's ask you for advice it will be a cold day in hell as little Archie will be kept out of the spotlight unlike your 4 kids who have had no choice in the matter ..🤔
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Jeez, do you think he’s got some form of mental illness (and I don’t mean that in a flippant way). He’s totally delusional and seems to have lost all sense of what’s normal / appropriate/ interesting. It surely can’t be long before he loses his job too....the management consultants I know all seem to put in a few more hours than FOD (not interspersed with childcare, selfies, erratic dancing and trips to the tip) and I can’t imagine his employees and clients are that impressed by his alter ego? Bemused, more like (and starting to look at his actual billable hours in a day!) He’s a very peculiar man....
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Well-known member
The celebrity midwife is actually going to give us working mothers advice on our work wardrobe? That may be the funniest thing I have heard in 2019 😂😂😂. Maybe she will share some words of wisdom on how to make those hard paid for clothes work from the office to an evening out 😂😂😂. I honestly can't wait.
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Chatty Member
Since qualifying, she really hasn't spent much time midwifing. When you break down how much time she has spent on maternity leave, then returning part time, and then reducing to just one shift per week, she isn't a midwife 'with 10 years experience'. All told, she only has the same amount of experience as a midwife who has worked full time for maybe 3 years? I can only imagine the affronted eye rolling among her colleagues when she peddles herself as 'a very experienced midwife.'
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Thank god we have the Clemmies to get paid to “start the conversation”.

Starting the conversation - it’s the new “raising awareness”.

Sorry but imagine the wankers who will be in the parenting tent at Camp Bestival for the DLAM show followed by MOD V FOD. I am sure there will be people actually cheering and whooping.
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