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Long time lurker and pretty late to the party but just want to say that I’m absolutely sickened by the amount of vile messages the poster ‘Martha’ received on his fake arse biscuit post. It’s absolutely disgusting he let that many people respond to her. Her point was completely valid and by him just sitting back and letting the bitching happen, just proves what an a class wanker he really is! Maybe Clemmie’s not the real bully after all
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I really don't have a problem with her being in Paris. It could be for a variety of reasons, but she's not a mass murderer. She criticised people anonymously, which is what most of us are doing. I do have issues with some things, but really don't think she should be imprisoned at home. As for being recognised, she's not exactly Meghan Markle! I think 99.999999 etc of the world hasn't got a clue who she is.
I’m not for a minute suggesting she should be imprisoned at home. I’m not surprised she’s taking me time in Paris with some other needy mamas because there is not the risk at all of her being recognised as the disgraced midwife as she pouts in mirrors.
The reason I commented on that is she has endless streams of groups of glossy mamas she can turn too. I don’t care that she’s in France or why, but my reaction to photos of her with fringe off, hat on, yet another coat, a boot and a collective mama pose is just 🤦🏻‍♀️😆🤢. You’re so predictable and self adoring Clemmie.
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Chatty Member
I'm still confused why Gimmie chose to try and sway the tide of opinion, and defend her family on Tattle, by persistently slagging off her InstaBuddies?

Why didn't she try and sway the tide of opinion, and defend her family, by making articulate and erudite observations about the validity of Insta shilling? Oh, no wait.....
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They seem really into the mid century look which clashes horribly with the house itself.
It'll be like those avocado bathroom suites, 30 years from now...

I know! If I fitted a bespoke handmade fully built in kitchen like that, with handles that cost £70+ each I'd expect that kitchen to remain in place for 30/40 years. Not just 10. 🙄
For £70, I'd want the handles to open the doors by themselves...
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London is very multi cultural. There are a lot of black, ethic minority and EU midwives. I experienced care from all different races during my 4 pregnancies. Mostly received good standard care. And the times I experienced rudeness (post birth) I put down to overstretched and tired staff. Whatever the reasons are, Clemmie is being made into a scapegoat. It's really quite ridiculous.
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All the time.
Actually I don’t have an instagram, account I use my daughters 🤣
Incidentally I deleted my Instagram account about three or so years ago partly because I got fed up with MOD and FODs accounts getting more full of ads. I remember the specific post too... I think she had the two eldest daughters on a train somewhere and she was saying how wonderful the jounery was because she had a laptop or tablet or something #ad #microsoft #whatever. I thought this is all about selling not about parenting.
Just been looking recently since the drama started.
I deleted Facebook 4 years ago. It had gone from a way to keep up with old friends to just blah wank blah bollocks blah ads rinse repeat. Now when I tell people I don’t actually use FB they look at me like I’m an alien!! I think IG will be going the same way very soon 😴
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My mum is like that with my husband and it enrages me!! Always dawns over him. Not relevant but this is exactly the kind of attention seeking thing she'd do about something that is none of her business!!
Mind you, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. It could be that Clemmie is really suffering and he's pulling up (more of) the slack.
Really suffering? give me a break- does he look like a man whose wife is really suffering 🤷‍♀️ The only suffering she is probably feeling is not being able to moan on Instagram about having to look after her children and how she has had to change a light bulb or cleaning his beard hairs out of the kitchen sink whilst he is swanning off enjoying himself soooo soon after his treat whilst in Japan - they don’t live normal lives - they are not scrabbling round thinking how they are going to afford Christmas after ‘tattle-gate’ they are loaded save you sympathy for people with real problems.
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There are definitely drugs available in Dubai!!!!!
Off course. But I don’t see anything to indicate drug use! He’s not gurning, pupils look normal, he’s just his normal techno-Wednesday Simon Hooper. I do wonder if he has ADHD at times.
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I am always really tempted to write 'Thank you so much for your posts encouraging me to vote. I now have my voting card and am really looking forward to voting for the Monster Raving Loony Party. I hope they win. Without you, I wouldn't have done this and my vote would have been wasted. Thank you.' 😂
I’ve just unfollowed Bella Mackie relating to this topic. She did one of her “vote, but not Tory” stories. The whole point of democracy is that it allows everyone the opportunity to express their own views. Incidentally it’s the same reason I unfollowed MOD a while back. Compelling their followers to exercise their democratic right to vote, and compelling their followers to vote Labour are NOT the same thing. Dirty virtue signallers.
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FOD in fact clearly really very annoyed at having missed his office Christmas party and being the company’s celeb attendee.
I’d love to think he wasn’t invited because they all know what a massive 🔔🔚 he is 🤣
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The Pukka brand is a family business and adorable small children are an asset to an Instagram account, but since the children haven’t been featured, the Pukkas have managed grow their business without exploiting their daughters.

Muthahood’s daughters aren’t just modelling the products for the family business, they are ALL OVER the feed and stories. I know way more about their anxiety, personalities, bedrooms and so on than is necessary to sell t-shirts.
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Chatty Member
I really don't have a problem with her being in Paris. It could be for a variety of reasons, but she's not a mass murderer. She criticised people anonymously, which is what most of us are doing. I do have issues with some things, but really don't think she should be imprisoned at home. As for being recognised, she's not exactly Meghan Markle! I think 99.999999 etc of the world hasn't got a clue who she is.
Er she slagged off her mates whilst simultaneously sympathising with them about being ‘trolled’ and they accepted that support from her unaware she was one of the trolls, she tried to get this site closed down whilst posting on it for months. The people she criticised were her friends not anonymous people, these were people who had supported her selling her tat who gave her their birth experiences to put on her podcast....That said no one expects her to be hiding in the attic/zen room but I think they probably thought she might be spending quality time with her children, you know the ones who have contributed to her wealth and it’s not like she’s some hard working mum who never gets any me time or who hasn’t been on holiday for ages ( just my opinion of course)
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Just to say: my husband is a senior journalist at a well known newspaper and it’s definitely not a high paying job. At all.
Also, we are gifted free flights and holidays ALL the time - it’s PR and all they really want is their names mentioned somewhere. For flights, it’s usually just a mention in the fact box of the travel pieces.
I just think it’s important to have perspective over how this sort of thing works - it’s all just publicity for the brands and costs them next to nothing (that plane will be flying anyway...), and it’s got nothing to do with whether or not me or my husband deserve it, it’s all just transactional.
But the point is FOD is claiming he deserves it. For what, we know not why.
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Missed the office Christmas party and I don’t really that weird? Not really Sly, they are real world people you may know and have actually worked with or met...but what IS weird is that you spend most of your day speaking to yourself on camera to beg likes from a whole load of people you don’t know and won’t ever meet so you can beg some more freebies. Sycophant much! Great 👍🏻 values to live by!
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Is thanet really bad still thesedays? I thought it was all gentrified n hipster?

Even though they were out in crystal palace (or was it actually penge?) the move and lifestyle must have been tough. From people I know they're rarely happy with leaving london, not that they admit it as it's too late.
It's a place of two absolute opposite halves. I live in Westgate, just outside Margate. We have some of the poorest wards in the country (Cliftonville being one) juxtaposed with a new community of ex Londoners and young artists thanks to the Turner gallery (which I find fantastic and inspiring personally) Thanet council love the new trendiness of the area and do anything to please the DFLs (sorry for that term) however those of us who have lived in and around the area for years are being priced out and the poorest just seem to get poorer, they're just tidied away now, out of sight out of mind...happened in Whitstable with all the little terraces and harbour front homes being bought for holiday homes, it's sad to walk along there in the winter and see them all boarded up...
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