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VIP Member
Grandma must've left him a ton of money. Just blowing left and right on really doing nothing. At least he's wearing the correct size shirt.
I know. WTF? Is he still "working" remotely???

(placed in quotes on purpose 🥴 )

Did he really get an inheritance? Is this the grandma that worked with HRC???
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Music sounds like kids bop. The ambience is completely destroyed. Construction walls make park navigation so difficult.
The construction walls have also been up for going on four years now at Epcot. It's hard to imagine what it would be like without the walls since they've always been there the times I have gone.
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Dave's channel is way overdue for a life update. Does he officially have a girlfriend? Is he still going to make "silly, fun" material? Will we ever get another league of heroes? Is he going to be reviewing the food at Michael's wedding? TBD. Who knows. We'll see
I just need the dad jokes again.

Although I'm hoping he'll be performing at the wedding reception.
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Well-known member
Here’s the recap of Dave’s Cádiz video:

He begins by attempting to speak Spanish, but only succeeds in sounding like a moron. I do have to admit his foreign language skills might be marginally better than his accents, but then again the bar is on the floor.

He tells us he’s in Cádiz but can’t be bothered to learn how to pronounce it, so he splits the difference by saying “Cá-DIZZ/Cá-DEEZ” almost every time. Tomato, tomahto. Deez what, I shudder to think.

Geography expert Dave describes his location as “the southern, not southern, it’s the southern peninsula in Spain, southern little tip area, I think it’s a peninsula, we’ll find out.” He steps off the ship and says he’s “back on the real big lands here in Europe” before jumping on a bus tour for a poorly edited musical montage of some of the saddest shots ever taken of what I’m sure is a beautiful place. He then goes back to his cabin to eat leftovers before venturing back out for a walking tour. Yes, this Grade A Certified Angus Doofus not only saved leftovers on a luxury cruise ship where food is plentifully available 24/7 at no extra cost, he also chose to eat them alone in his room (presumably off a towel) instead of trying local Spanish cuisine. “Food dude” my ass.

“I am now walking… on the ground, of course,” Dave says as he gets back off the ship and heads to the walking tour. More musical montage before he points out a “telephone tower, one of the icons of modern Cádeej” (yes, that’s a third pronunciation if you’re keeping track).

Dave wanders around, narrating his surroundings which he knows nothing about. “Very very cool to see this indeed,” he enthuses as he leans in close over a small replica of the building he’s currently standing in.

We are treated to the sound of rushing wind and “beautiful views” of parked cars and the backs of people’s heads as Dave goes back to the ship. “Good news,” he says when he’s back on board, “the lemon ginger tea returned!” This man just had hours to explore a beautiful Spanish city and the thing he’s been most enthusiastic about all day is the change in tea options at the cruise ship buffet. He offers a fourth pronunciation as he waves goodbye to “Cadeeth.” “You can hardly even tell that there’s glass between me and outside,” he marvels, breathless with wonder as he encounters a window for what I can only assume is the first time. He continues: “We’ll see ya real soon, or maybe we won’t. Yes, no. We certainly will.”

There’s a jump scare when Dave appears onscreen in a bathrobe. His hair has taken on yet more volume and now brings to mind the many wriggling tendrils atop a sea anemone.

He heads to dinner and once again proves himself unable to cope with the simplest of tasks, such as figuring out a restaurant’s opening hours, sitting down to eat in a sit down restaurant, and committing to spending €4 on a beverage.

You thought he was done, but no! There’s a final sea day in store! “Dave Kay here today,” he says at over 12 minutes into the 16 minute video. With that, we’re dragged right back into the swirling, senseless void of Dave Kay’s Sea Day Experience. He once again tells us he’s been watching “footie,” pronouncing the word with what can only be described as an obscene emphasis on the T that would make my skin crawl even if I was in a coma. He says he might get afternoon tea even though he’s not hungry. Then his toilet overflows and I don’t even have to make a joke about that, the material just writes itself. This has clearly distressed him, because his sea anemone hair has leveled up again and now resembles one of those joke soda cans full of snakes that pop out at unsuspecting people.

After some chewy duck and an okay burger, his stomach isn’t feeling so great, so he retires to his cabin and teases us that we “don’t even know all the amazing places in Europe” that he’s going. Dear readers, we have been warned.
Fabulous re-cap! Thanks! 😃
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Chatty Member
The park is pretty well kept. The tour will not show the park attendees which are mainly large groups of non white young people without leaders carrying yellow flags. I can just hear Mickey calling for a security escort. LOL
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Wait....his new wife won't let him on camera anymore? WTH? :oops:
we are all just guessing here but the general feeling is Dr Princess is behind the name change and the kibosh on being in front of the camera. I think the wedding date is sometime in May but the wedding registry disappeared.
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