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As someone who is 37 weeks pregnant I think I’ll be giving this new video a miss.. calling a video ‘reacting to my traumatic birth..’ seems fucking problematic to me. Not only are you terrifying expectant mothers everywhere who are conditioned to expect birth to be scary and horrible, you’re also probably offending a lot of people with PTSD from their births.
Those types of videos terrified me so much when I was pregnant that I convinced myself I needed a c-section because I couldn't do it and my baby would die if I gave birth normally. Guess what? My labour and recovery was perfect. I wish influencers would pay more attention to their words and how they could affect their audience because they left me severely paranoid and I'm sure any teen mothers watching Mia would be just as terrified.
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Does anyone know why she hates baby Disney stuff as well my little girl is 1 next month and has a fair bit of Disney stuff. I mean Mable is a little girl surely when she’s a bit older she might want a little top with a Disney character on and what’s Mia going to say no it doesn’t match my aesthetic.
Some of the Disney stuff can be quite garish and just like I don’t put my daughter in tutus and frilly clothes cos I don’t like it, it’s The same for Mia, might not be her taste which is fair enough I think haha
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I actually like them oops🤣if she only got 1ml they will go down MAJORLY. I’ve got 3 in my lips and they’re not much bigger than hers are rn because they go down a lot
Ehhhh honestly it looks cute on some girls but I wouldn't want it for me personally, and I'm not really attracted to girls who have surgery / filler (just a preference though). I think it could be worse, it just looks a bit crazy now as she's bleeding. x
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Chatty Member
I think she gains a few each day and when it reaches 100 it’s put down on the stats. I do wonder how if her channel is managing to slowly grow why are her views never reaching over 30k if she has over 90k subscribers. You’d think if there was that low of a ratio you’d actually look at why people aren’t watching you anymore and change, but Mia never listens to anyone who isn’t telling her what a great mum she is.
Either that or shes buying subscribers 😂😂
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The sad thing is Mabel already sounds like she has such fussy tendencies with food now that I wonder if she’d even enjoy these things. If Mia actually cooked anything properly for a change I could see her just giving up and never trying again if Mabel was “difficult” to feed. I’d love to know what she gets fed at nursery... I hope she gets lots of warm nutritious meals and is allowed to get messy.
I really hope she does! Because the way Mia is going she’s going to make problems for herself x
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i agree, I’m glad she hasn’t made a post yet and by the looks of mias snapchat she is actually spending good, quality time with Mabel... it’s so refreshing to see... it’s just a shame that she’s doing it because it’s mabels birthday, mia should be like this more often with Mabel (taking her out, choosing to spend time with her over anything else etc). I’m hoping in mabels birthday vlog mia has tried really hard with Mabel especially when it comes to her meals... a happy baby is important but a healthy baby is even better.
She has made a post and a TikTok for Mabels birthday
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Chatty Member
I get you don't worry - I'm just saying (as far as I know) she doesn't have a family member to buy a place for her.
No disrespect to you or anything though, your family sounds lovely ❤
I swear it was said somewhere her grand parent was getting her a "fixer upper"! And she would pay him I may be wrong but I'm sure I I remeber that
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How can even she say “obviously I’ve bought the main things and people have just put little things to go with Mabel’s bits” when Victoria bought the kitchen (£73) and her grandma paid some money towards the pram, which is over £140..? Make it make sense 🤦🏼‍♀️
I didn’t catch the bit about her Nan put money towards the pram, I think other people contributed more for the expensive present and she paid fully for the cheaper ones which is fine but don’t make out your buying the main ones and others are buying the filler presents. The pram is for age 3+ As well
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In reference to her latest TikTok, is it okay to put lipstick on so soon after getting filler?
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On today’s episode of why Mia’s followers make me lose the will to live:View attachment 284611View attachment 284612I truly don’t understand this “As long as they eat something and are healthy who cares” well the first and most important thing in being healthy is to have a proper diet. Yeah giving unhealthy things every so often isn’t going to kill them, but giving puffs every meal most definitely won’t keep them healthy and does put them at risk. I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if Mabel had a iron or vitamin D deficiency. I’m genuinely not a health freak, but I’m also not going to give my son a chocolate bar for tea because he’s happy and not dying so it’s fine to do whatever’s easiest for me right 🙄

1. it’s not heartbreaking that she has to explain her meals because she’s only doing it because inside she feels guilty that she gives the bare minimum but is too selfish or lazy to do anything about it and is just trying to convince herself that it’s not that bad.

2. NO it is NOT people who aren’t mothers shaming you, god do youtubers love to use that one 🙄 it doesn’t even matter, everyone with a brain knows 600 berries with burnt toast every morning isn’t normal nor a balanced diet.

3. I’m not calling out the commenter with an autistic daughter, I don’t know enough about the situation to say anything because I’ve looked after autistic children and I understand how difficult change is for them.. but that’s not Mias case in the slightest imo.

4. “there are worse things in this world than what we feed our children” cool, you’re right, let’s just feed our kids sweets every meal because there are worse things! “If they’re healthy we know what they need” but that’s the exact f’ing point.. in what world is eating puffs all day every day healthy? Just because it isn’t visibly obvious, it doesn’t mean your child is not healthy. Not going outside of one room for days and being ignored by your mother is not healthy!! Just because Mabel looks fine it does not mean you can be lazy and feed her whatever you can grab within 3 seconds!!

idk why I’m so mad but it just doesn’t sit right with me how she openly admits to feeding her puffs constantly, and other mums will just be like “YeAh WeLl she’s alive soo you’re the best mum ever!!1!” 🤦🏽‍♀️ by all means make your kid happy. But it’s not that f’king hard to give them a suitable diet at the same time. Feeding your child so that they grow strong and healthy is literally the most important part of being a mum imo. She’s done this since Mabel was like 7 months old (she tried for like a month maybe?), it’s not a case of Mabel being difficult and Mia just “trying her best” 🙄 rant over lol sorry
If I was you I’d reply to that girl with what you just said tbf you summed it up perfectly
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In Beth's video she done Mabel had leaked through aswell and mia was wondering around while beth played with her
Oh yeah, and Mia was too busy on her Mac to give one, then angrily flung a new nappy on the bed like it was such an inconvenience to her
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Might just be me who thinks this, but in the video of what she bought Mabel for her birthday, why has she bought most, if not all, of her clothes in sizes that aren’t going to fit her for ages? I get babies grow fast but why would you buy her birthday presents that she can’t wear for another few months?
I bought my little girl clothes for her birthday in the next size up. When she’s in a size I gradually pick things up in the next size. And as it was near her birthday, I just wrapped some of the nicer ones up so she could have some fun opening them. In the same way I bought her toys she’s too young for, but in a few months will love, at this age, the unwrapping part is one of the bits they often enjoy the best, not always what is in it.
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Love that people were defending her on here saying that she isn’t neglectful, only to then post a vlog of her not bothering to feed Mabel for her lip filler appointment 🙃😂 I don’t even think I can defend her at this point, I would without a doubt describe it as neglect, especially emotionally. I understand it isn’t a severe case, but constantly putting down your child, talking to them like you dislike them, ignoring them when they cry and just getting annoyed because they are upset, barely washing them, not washing nappies correctly (which will cause ammonia burns), not making any effort to feed your child anything besides snacks, spending more time watching your tv while leaving your child on the floor, putting your child in a jumperoo for 95% of the day, using unsterile water for formula out of laziness, only taking your child on a day out for their first birthday and then spending the rest of the time stuck in a room with a small rug for a play area is borderline neglect. Not a dangerous level obviously, but it’s not exactly good care and attention is it. I understand she goes to nursery but that doesn’t mean Mia doesn’t neglect her needs when she’s at home... I want to think Mia can be that mum she was at the start, but I’m sorry, right now she really isn’t doing her job and isn’t doing what’s best for Mabel at all..
*especially considering she’s been informed and warned about all of things and the potential risks but she doesn’t care at all. If she was just naive it would be different but she chooses to be like this.
I was one to give her the benefit of the doubt 😆 because I thought “abuse” was the wrong term to use! Mabel is safe and there’s no denying that but she will suffer massively from a lazy mum when it comes to understanding that as a mother, you should come after your baby! Mia just exposed herself as a parent that really doesn’t give a shit about no one but herself! Mabel is looked after, but barely when it comes to something mia wants to do! You’d make sure you got up early enough to sit her in her chair and give her breakfast! It’s so lazy and inconsiderate.... I personally wouldn’t say abusive and neglectful but that’s my opinion. To me neglect would warrant Mabel being safer elsewhere... yes she’d be stimulated and paid more attention to elsewhere but she is obviously loved by that family. She’s just offered the bare minimum from her mum! I pray she never moves out!
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For me it’s mr tumble that kills my soul 🤡 give me bing and peppa any day 🤣 mr tumble and Justin’s house pushes me over the edge lol
Oh no mr tumble over peppa in my house that’s the only rule I made when I was a pregnant was no peppa 3.5 years and we are still a peppa free house😂 cocomelon for the win tho
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About a month ago i had a bad cold and tbh couldnt taste or smell anything but i was like oh its just a cold. I was in hospital giving birth to my child a week ago and I got a positive test result. 100% believe that that cold was covid and I didnt realise. also my track and trace guy asked if i had a runny nose soooooo
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No way really! Unless it prescribed Isn’t that bad
she spoke about putting calpol in bottles before and we had quite a lengthy discussion about it but in short, it’s not a great idea.
mid Mabel doesn’t finish all the milk then Mia will have no idea how much of the dose of medicine she has consumed. If she gets in a bad gab it if doing it often it can upset Mabels tummy. And overall it’s pure laziness not wanting to give it to Mabel desperate from the milk so she does it all at once.
(Having said all that there were also some mums who’s babies refuse medicine from a syringe/spoon so who have opted for either putting it in the bottle or having the syringe behind the bottle teet and sort of scooshing it as baby sucked the teet)
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Idk I’m pretty sure she’d be comfortable leaving Mabel with anyone she knows considering she doesn’t mind having her in nursery for 10 hours a day, 3x a week!
Oh yeah i forgot about that! I was just thinking that maybe she was hinting that she was going for drinks with that guy she gifted funk pops to? I don't really have social media so I don't know everything that goes on but I remember reading on this thread about some guy saying they should go for drinks after her birthday 😂
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