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She plays the song red red wine whilst drinking white wine and she didn’t even take a sip she just faked it 😂😂 she’s just tragic 🤦🏼‍♀️ Honestly she’s so fuddy duddy she makes me cringe
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Something is UP with the accommodation, we haven't even seen the UV light toilet test yet :unsure:

It's not like Lynz's standards are that high anyway, she was all over that tatty Jimmy Savile hotel in Leeds a few weeks ago and gave us the full room tour! What's going on!!
I reckon it’s a normal run of the mill complex that we would all like but not up to her so called posh (fur coat no knickers) imagine on the gram !
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Tea and Toast

Chatty Member
Why the fuck did they only have two hours sleep? So they got in at 4:30am, and Rigid Rita had them all up at 6 bastard 30 to do washing?? Jesus, have a fucking lie in after getting back from your hols in the middle of the night, what’s the worst that’ll happen? Her kids must hate her.
Exactly that . . Imagine??
Not just her kids, shes got rigid rib at it too!!

Her cases made it home but 1 of the T's have disappeared 🤣



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Yeah really wanted to go to the theme park today but couldn't as she so much on🤔 more like she wanted peace and quiet to sunbathe.
"As you know I do so much cleaning" hmmmm think a few would disagree with you Lynsey.
Typical day -
Show my morning walk like I'm so good at getting all my steps in - never actually see how far she walks.
Next the gym with my dopey work out, again waste of time.
Show my useless supplements instead of a decent breakfast - excuse to put a link up
Show some washing products that I recommend that day as tomorrow it will be something else.
Show some random decluttering and some wonderful product I use - again another swipe up for some useless tat.
Quick pic of computer, ironing, wiping something, hanging washing etc to make out she has such a busy schedule -
when in reality all this is done very early, pre records used and she has the rest of her day to sunbathe and damage her skin even more and then its teatime and her favourite time of day when she opens the wine.
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Can’t believe they’ve taken the dog out

yep mine bounced off the bed

Just watched her tik tok on ace stain remover she ruined a brand new T-shirt with various stains left them overnight then sprayed them with ace stain remover soaked for 5 mins and hey presto stain ms gone what’s the bet that it’s a different t shirt pulled out the sink 🤦🏻‍♀️
You vile troll why can’t you just be happy!! 🤣🤣 we will be treated to another look inside her washing basket now!!
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Tea and Toast

Chatty Member
So they're off on they're holidays today . .
Seen spraying antibac all over the laptrays already 🙄

How long before we're treated to a trip down the foreign supermarket cleaning aisle?

Bring on the pics of a super singhed corned beef neck . . 🤣
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Thanks me old cocknose, just remembered I need to re sole my winter boots 👍
Jesus Christ is that one of those boil in the bag Sunday roasts?!! She is actually the worlds worst cook.

She’s back with a bang isn’t she, we’ve had it all this weekend:

Aff links galore
New shit Swan products that no one asked for
Rib delivering the drinks
Teenagers trying fruitlessly to hide from Lynsey’s omnipotent camera
Happy Dog song to gouge your eyes out with
Devil Dog on the bridge
Last week’s mouldy roast beef dinner
Ironing mountain even though nothing looks creased
Coffee break
Hitting 30k steps by 8am
Washing the suitcases 🤯

All we’re missing is:

Channel 5 shit movie for ironing
Glass of wine
Self care Sunday
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Her new website is laughable!! She’s got the this morning logo on there which I’m sure she shouldn’t be using she says she’s a tv presenter… you’re not lyns and for the queen of clean why do we need to see what clothes you are wearing and what food you supposedly eat?? She’s so up herself it’s unreal who does she think she is??
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Tea and Toast

Chatty Member
Fuck meeeee. .
If it took a new pack of tea towels to brighten my day I'd be taking a long hard look around me and kicking a few "fings" into touch!!

What a sad existence she has 🙄
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They should have the demon dog on a lead. Going round that corner onto that bloody bridge filming for content, she must’ve seen those other people weren’t comfortable that her dog was off the lead. They don’t know how dogs are going to react. Selfish, thoughtless twats.
Irresponsible dog owners. I hate other dogs off the lead. You can’t tell if a dog is reactive and just because your dog is ‘fine’ doesn’t mean everyone else enjoys it pottering along. You could clearly see the other people were uncomfortable.

Also I don’t know about anyone else but I’ve never noticed fly poo before…
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Be careful Rob, it’s a good day to do some pegging- tomorrow is sheet Sunday after all!
I wouldn't blame Rib for enjoying a good old pegging, as weekend pursuits go it'd be way more fun then getting filmed serving drinks for the 478th time or taking devil dog to that bloody bridge yet again :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
We had “boo hoo dress” for this FRED, we need “scam and do” for the next one - another captions classic from our Lynz :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

(She’s not going to give up on begging them for freebies is she…)
Lynsey QoC - she can Scam and Do one

I haven't have looked at her page in ages since she just made me want to hit my head off the wall, glad to see she hasn't changed at all 🙄
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I love the fact her reels for bedsheet Sunday show she only has 1 bed set and wears the same clothes and dressing gown 😂 clear recycling of clips!

Who the fuck strips the bed at 7:30am on a Sunday?! Why are you not in it with a cuppa watching the news or eating breakfast?!
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TBH, if Lynz has disconnected so she has some time to enjoy herself on holiday, then that's a great thing!

I've mentioned it before, but I don't think she enjoys the instahun life at all, maybe this will help her reassess. She could totally rebuild her brand if she was more selective and focused, maybe on eco cleaning like she got her start with. And this FRED would die off as most people here rightly focus on calling out her grifting and relentless swipe ups for tat.

Or maybe she's had a drink fuelled blowup and is lying low for a while, but I hope it's the former tbh!
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Here’s a tip your cringe fest PT clearly hasn’t given you yet Lynz - if your trainning is so easy that you can FILM IT YOURSELF while holding your phone… then you don’t get to call it ‘trainning’. Try ‘posing’.

Or try spelling ‘training’ correctly, you pleb!
I nearly cried at my PT class last night, I was drenched in sweat and could hardly lift myself off the floor let alone take pouty selfies in the mirror. Everyone would have thought I was a right dick if I did that anyway! She is such a twat!
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Popcorn ready

Chatty Member
Lazy dirty slob of a liar, you have OCD my arse yet you don’t scrap the plates. You say you have OCD but you leave a dirty sink while you have a coffee and chocolate bar. You say you have OCD but really you’re just a cunt !!! A filthy dirty ugly old liar.
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Her “team” must be as fick as she is. On a positive note though she’s got a new dress on today for a change, and it’s a really god lenf on her so happy fridge Friday guys 💃🏻
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Those poor boys. They look mortified! Jake has already had to move schools due to bullying- she has not learned her lesson at all has she! There is no privacy in her house. If I were those boys I’d refuse to go round there for fear of ending up on social media. Considering her past history with the ex- her safeguarding of children is awful. Thank god she doesn’t work with people, I’d dread to think what would happen. Stick to inanimate objects, she can’t damage them.

Rude bitch.

How people follow her with insulting replies to genuine questions I’ll never know.
She always comes across so aggressive
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Chatty Member
Next time this grifting old boot gives us a home organisation tip, just be sure to remember the absolute STATE of that splinter cupboard, with everything shoved in and piled up any old how!

Exactly how FICK does she think her followers are?!
Did this hit a nerve? She’s spent the whole day cleaning the hoarding hutch and is now gifting out products, like she should have done all along if she was a decent person. Quite clearly on the plonk too judging by this face…


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