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Cheering Arlo up this morning? What's going on? I am not a fan of cryptic messages. Say it, or don't.
She has a very charmed and privileged life, hard for me to relate. Influencing it's her only source of income (eBay aside), so, I guess she feels like she needs to post, but many of us still need to go to work, after divorce or personal losses.
Always annoys me when influencers do this. It's not like Liv really shares anything much of her private life - so why feel the need to say anything at all? It just invites speculation. Mentioning that Arlo needs cheering up just makes me wonder what might have happened to upset a two year old. Is he ill? Was he somehow let down by his dad?

Carrie (WishWishWish) is another one who does this. Doesn't share anything much of her private life, but once in a while will posting something cryptic about having a tough week. No explanations for the 'tough week' are ever offered - so why share it in the first place?

My guess is they do this for engagement.
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I'm so nosey about it too 😂 but think she's handled it well keeping it civil and private. Especially when comparing to someone like Hannah Gale and her weird behaviour atm 😳 who has recently split from her long term partner who she has children with.
Glad I'm not the only one flicking back and forth between these two threads 😅 I agree, Liv has handled it really well and HG... well, let's just see how it goes but it's all a bit manic and 'I'M FINE!!!!!!!1!' isn't it?
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Thing is, whilst what she’s going through is absolutely shit, what is even more shit is that this is what routinely happens to mums when they split. They sit and watch their partner quickly meet someone else (often younger and child free) and they’re left with the kid almost full time, doing the ‘boring’ bits of parenting - ie midweek parenting and not just turning up at weekends collecting the child for fun activities. And often they’re left with all the damage having a baby has done to your body and self esteem. Whilst they’re partner appears coupled up with someone new.
It comes across as exactly this and I find it very depressing. They were together for their entire adult lives and to see him enjoying a sunny press trip with someone else must be painful.

I think she's right to keep things private, especially with a young child involved. She's not shared why they separated in the first place so it would be jarring to suddenly lift the lid on whatever is happening behind the scenes right now. It wouldn't fit with her brand either - she's smart so I'm sure this is part of her thinking too.
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Liv was the first blogger I ever followed, I used to show my Mum her posts. Very sad for her. Never sure of Joe's vibe. His fb profile picture and cover photo are still of them both.
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I can’t imagine how difficult the wedding was for her. Hats off for 1. getting through it 2. doing so with grace

I can see her eventually writing a book about this chapter in her life, it will be an interesting read.
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Aw her post- she is lovely and I wish her the best. She has a great support network of family and good friends around her and she will get through this.

I wonder why he would delete his Instagram entirely, it seems a bit extreme? Though I don’t know how often he used it or anything.
She doesn't seem like the type to have crazy die hard fans, but maybe he's deleted it so he doesn't have to deal with any messages. I thought he used it for work, photography stuff, but I know he had a few different profiles. I always got the impression that he wanted in on the influencer game but it didn't take off.

Speculation as always, of course.
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I know people were saying that Liv was doing it for the attention, but if she didn't put anything and stayed quiet people would question what is up. I see that she is being mature and is processing things. Poor gal
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VIP Member
I'm so nosey about it too 😂 but think she's handled it well keeping it civil and private. Especially when comparing to someone like Hannah Gale and her weird behaviour atm 😳 who has recently split from her long term partner who she has children with.
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Reading that article, you would never known she had ever been married. She makes it sound like she found the house with the help of her mum and moved in there alone. She talks about redecorating the front room, which happened soon after they announced their split, if I recall, and she's made it into a much more feminine space. This seems like the obvious space to mention her marriage split - but it seems like she doesn't want to mention it at all and has possibly also asked the journalist to omit any mention. Maybe this is her way of dealing with the split, but it does feel like Joe has been somewhat erased from her life, and makes me think that there's more to their split than simply 'growing apart.'

The above is not meant to be critical of her - it's just an observation. I know she likes to keep things private.
I felt the same as you and wondered that about the split. She had this frame above the bed which used to include a set of photobooth photos of the two of them. The same frame is there but replaced with her and Arlo doing photobooth photos instead. It's cute but made me a bit sad for her.

Clearly she is reclaiming the house as her territory - and fair play to her for doing so.
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She’s playful with her sense of style which I like, but she definitely gets it wrong sometimes. Agree, recently I’ve been thinking WTF 😂
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Well you all called it! Sad for her but hopefully she’s doing okay. I do wonder what happened, they seemed fine in spring on their California trip? Foul play on his part perhaps?
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He has also deleted/archived his post of Liv for Valentine’s Day :(

I hope they are both doing well. A divorce/separation is horrible for anyone let alone them two who have been together since they were in their late teens right?
Yes I noticed that, and he’s changed his profile pic from the one of them both on their wedding day to one of just him. I’m so sad for them! Did not see it coming (until reading the speculation on here) 😢
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I wonder if they’ve blocked each other as Liv had liked Joe’s most recent post of his sister and her husband, but it’s not saying she’s liked it anymore.
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I had a glance at his insta and the thing that struck me the most was the one when their son was born. Liv and Arlo stayed in hospital and he wrote that his two hour visits were keeping him going and I was like….keep YOU going? Nothing about his wife. Or even son. It was about him! Red flag for sure.
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i notice hardly any mention of maggie anymore, i wonder if joe has her
I was wondering about Maggie too. I can't see Liv letting her go. Maybe they will share custody depending on what their living arrangements are. I think Liv is still in their house but I wonder if that will remain the case or if she'll have to sell.
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VIP Member
Well you all called it! Sad for her but hopefully she’s doing okay. I do wonder what happened, they seemed fine in spring on their California trip? Foul play on his part perhaps?
I actually wonder if they were almost holding it together until the California trip, and when that had happened and they didn't have much left to look forward to together it kind of fell apart.
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Seeing those sorts of freebies when people literally cannot afford heating or food makes me feel uneasy. This isn't an attack at Liv personally, I understand it's her job. If I were an influencer I would feel so uncomfortable having to advertise all the things I got for free while knowing so many of my followers who helped me get to where I was are struggling.

I would LOVE to see them donating more of their freebies to charities or followers, or even a one off of them letting one of their followers enjoy one of the experiences they get for free. It would still be good publicity for the brand too - I would be more likely to support a company that did that.

Instead, we get influencers selling their free gifts for profit on vinted and hinting on stories for more free stuff. (Not aimed at Liv just influencers in general).

Couldn’t agree more.

It’s a major case of ‘read the room’. I’d much rather see at least one of them use their platform for good - raffle off the freebie for a charity, the ‘gifter’ still gets a bit of publicity and the influencer doesn’t look like a greedy, materialistic parasite.
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I think they’ve definitely separated. She didn’t mention his birthday and his family posted video montages and she’s not in any of the clips, just arlo and family members. She mentioned him so much that’s it’s very obvious now she’s not. She talks about dinner for her and arlo, and I do think she drops the odd intentional hint here and there. Hope they’re both doing ok! As someone else said, they’d been together since GCSEs, that’s a long time! Lots of growing up between then and now. I believe she’s a bridesmaid in his sisters wedding, which would have been arranged before they broke up I imagine, so it’s good they’re staying on good terms for arlo. But I think now it’s quite obvious they’ve separated. Perhaps she’ll mention it, perhaps she’ll just assume we’ve all guessed.
I am glad she gets on well with Joe’s family but as a follower of almost 10 years it’s like a griefing process. They have been together for ever ! It’s sad how it has ended but You either grow together or grow apart. It must be really difficult.
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