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I think once people have seen the parents house decorated for Xmas most will be tuning out during vlogmas. I can’t see how she can come up with the content . Not when she struggles like she does to do 1-2 a week
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I am DYING at this conversation @mustbeuni @ella1979 !!!

I had so many questions re the party some of which I asked on Josie’s. I just don’t get it but questions will never be answered because there are no explanations. How much is she paying Klaudia?!? This may be ignorant but I almost feel like she’s indentured servitude-ing her so that Klaudia can get UKA citizenship. Who knows.

I am committed to cutting back my own drinking. Pale skinned women don’t have the genetic lottery when it comes to aging as it is, but seeing how leathery the ladies at this party were, I know sun and alcohol need to take a backseat. I will say I do think Alex Coll is a beauty. Interesting features. Skin looks healthy despite fake tan. She’s also fit (not sure how old she is).

I too was happy to see WOC at the party. I absolutely hate that established influencers only hang around the same white blonde women. Their only diversity is a brunette.

Lastly, does anyone know what medical specialty the doctor at the party was. I can’t find any credentials. Dr. Cara Wilson Quarmby.
Klaudia is £100 for 30 mins shooting which is just one outfit shot and a reel made for it. She lives 90 mins away from madam Leonora each way!. So madam must be paying her a lot to travel and do a day a week every week at her house (so unnecessary) . Like everything else in madams life it’s done to excess.

Klaudias been in uk for a while. She was/is a fashion vlogger herself . She started off with a blog and moved onto Instagram . I attach a screenshot of Klaudias other instagram handle . Very strong eastern euro accent. I suspect she’s Russian .

Alex Coll is stunning and about 26. I can’t bear her accent though it’s even worse than madams!

Somebody asked Leo for Cara’s instagram but I can’t think what it is - it was recently on insta or YT


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Latest look shot before she went to Majorca but intimating it’s after she landed back!. The heel guards are for grass and ruin the elegance of the shoe . They are also evening shoes not daytime trudge around London shoes


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Oh bless Josie has commented that she’s sat in her fanny leggings same as Leo has and she wants to wear the Fanny dress the same as Leo has to play paddle at Bamford with Leo - hilarious .

would Bamford welcome Leo back after the last time?! 😂
So emface is reported to (after a course) encourage up to 26% increase in collagen.

we all know collagen takes its time to build its not something which happens overnight more like 3 months plus .

so how does Leo expect this device to reduce her puffiness when what it is said to do is INCREASE VOLUME in the face 😂 it makes the face bigger not thinner . It thickens the skin .
So the twitching of the muscles the machine does concerns me with Botox as I’ve mentioned. It’s possible that the twitching could give a temporary micro circulation improvement but imo this isn’t going to outweigh the fact the collagen eventually increases by 26%!


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Whilst she’s good with her hands on her horse her feet are more like a cowboy. She got away with the toes out incorrect style in showjumping but it doesn’t pass in dressage Leo!. Toes IN. Stick to jumping .
She should have filmed herself cantering as she’s better at that.

I did wonder if we might see some canter pirouettes or one time tempis changes on a fancy borrowed horse but no….. they take a long time to learn to ride . Never mind 😂
Watching her pose about in a pinny trying hard to be a domestic goddess is cringe inducing . Like a child in mums shoes and mummy’s pinny dressing up , in her parents house 😂


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she’s not all sweetness and light for sure. She’s an actress most of the time.

she has used the quote about being talked about before today as well. That quote is getting old Leo 😂
The chesnut coloured horse in the HC footage isn’t her horse.

she doesn’t ride (unless for a shoot) and competing days have been and gone .

hence it’s a bit ridic for hc to use her for horsey gear

if she went back to competing and training for comps she wouldn’t have time for all the constant posing and preening .
Meant fiesty not fiesta .. damn autocorrect. 😂

I'll be honest, I haven't fully watched a vlog of hers in ages. I give her a few minutes and that's it, i switch over to something else, anything else, the fakery is just too much.

I'll give her another shot over the weekend ... if I'm bored.


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In my mind, Leo appears to have worn this outfit a few times over ... or maybe it was Josie. But HC is the same look over and over. Always tweed, browns and greens. Meh.
Shes wore it a lot yes. There was the film of it with the mares, then showed it in the run up to Game Fair, then another video curtesy of Klaudia showing Leo walking through her garden (with handbag!), then game fair day. She unboxed this outfit on the vlog too.

HC gave the influencers certain things this time. they wanted to promote the soho bag, the flat boots, the new longline jacket and skirt set is a new design albeit the Charlton tweed is years old which is why I think you might of seen the Charlton fabric on Josie perhaps.
how long until the location of her own garden becomes boring?. she looked weird modelling a handbag in her garden. all very convenient to have Klaudia rock up at Leos house but makes for same old backgrounds with same old modelling. and same old products
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She's gunning to become one of their ambassadors: the more often she wears their stuff, the more often she can tag them "look at me look at me". The brown-nosing never ends.
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Leo and Mark seem like a happy couple. I don't think he likes being on camera which is understandable. The thing I find strange about Leo and Mark is that they live they live on her parent's property. That' has to be emasculating for him. If I was a newy wed I would want to living completely separate from my parents.
Maybe not is you could live there …and save up’s a stunNing location and possibly if they were to buy something they would have to move a distance away or buy a one bed flat in Henley . This may also help with future inheritance if she’s already living there .
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Someone once said to me, during a discussion about looks, "a girl can be the prettiest in her street and think of herself as a world beater from the local admiration, but when she goes to compete for Miss World she realises exactly how hard it is to be a world beater".

There is just SO much competition out there. So many stunning women, beauty is enhanced sometimes yes but I think some people need to take a reality check. They have possibly been used to relatives blowing smoke up them .
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I wonder how much £££ she’s going to waste throwing her luncheon. I could see the advantage a year ago when she was appearing on josies channel but not this time
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The Luxury luncheon aka Leo's birthday party was, ngl, a bit pathetic.
The speech about the partygoers, her 'friends' always being there for her blah blah blah was laughable.
There's Teefers, whom Leo's met a few months ago, and Alex Coll, whom she's met a few weeks ago. Come on now !!! Really ? Always being there for her 🤭 Don't know who the other dates were but, as I said, laughable.
I did see 2 ladies of colour at the event so that was a plus in her favour.
Leo's dress - the length was not a good one for her. And the damn floral headband ... yikes, are you 8 yrs old ?

But, in all, it was just so meh.
The gift bag was nice. I would have wanted a few more Laduree macarons though 😂

Oh what people have to do to get into the influencer industry. My lazy arse just wouldn't bother to sell my soul for free makeup and skincare to be honest.
Couldn’t agree more. If anything I see how K has deteriorated at the rate of knots as a warning sign for L. “Don’t let this happen to you”. She’s over indulged and probably doesn’t ever do fitness. I’d imagine it’s a Lazy lifestyle, not looking after the diet/over drinking plus possibly unfavourable hormones (although she’s now 61 and was in shape 8 yrs ago so hormones might be ok because they tend to become a problem 45-50 ish weight wise if they are in an unfavourable balance), if it is partly hormonal Often this type of physical set up passes on through related females.

If I were Leo I’d cut the booze, be careful with diet (although currently she appears to be re food) and in 10 yrs start taking the Dutch test and figuring out what path her hormones are on . K has the looks now of someone insulin resistant . She was once in great shape which makes me suspect this is down to lifestyle possibly more than hormones. Or perhaps 8 yrs ago she had unbalanced hormones but worked so hard to keep weight off it didn’t show up, It seems to me she used to diet and exercise but woke up one day and thought stuff it let’s enjoy the wine and food and not bother keeping track or being active .

Which is a nice way to live life but then it’s not healthy and nor do people look or feel their best.

She reminds me of someone who know , I had to giggle this person of a similar size to K said “lose weight? I’ve got the answer for summer it’s my beautiful kaftan collection”… a bit like teefers mum thinks throwing an expensive floral tent on does the trick . It often makes people look bigger imo.

Pilates on reformer I think is easy , body sculpt shouldn’t be that taxing she names a vlog about it killing her. I don’t think Leo has ever had an interest in fitness , I think she did the pt vlog just for content , the exercises were something most 75 yr olds could manage, sat in a chair some of them!!. She’s the type who thinks aqua aerobics with a bunch of 80 yr olds is over exertion . She should be fitter than she is. The Pilates doesn’t fool me, she took it up for content and because a new studio was opening up in marlow .

Diabetes scares me and it seems some of it is so closely linked to lifestyle .

Re mark other than the fact it gives Leo a husband /bit of company and possible father of her children I can’t see the point in having him. Many men could do so much more for her. I see this time and time again though with girls I’ve known who have been spoilt by their families wealth plus who have parents who want them kept under the wing.

Imagine being married and 28 /40 yet not choosing and earning your own curtains / holidays / house. I just hope for his sake mark gets on genuinely well with the in-laws because it’s a close knit situation otherwise. I guess he just has to agree with everything they say and everything they want to do, take the easy life and wait for the inheritance .
In the mini skirted photo of Karen 8 yrs ago I spy a packet of cigarettes….. not necessarily hers but maybe she smokes /smoked
K also has incredibly thin lips in her mini skirt pic .
Same goes for Teefers and Lala (her mum). Teefer's mum has (bad) sun damaged skin on her face, neck and hands - I noticed this at the wedding.
I don't mean to shame her, but it is something Josie should be cognisant of seeing as she sun tans so much and doesn't apply her sun block properly.
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Does anyone else not get what she ‘does’??? 😂😂😂 She talks of shoots as if she has Mario Testino on hand, commissioned by the most sought after fashion house. Anyone could say they were ‘shooting’ and pay a photographer and other peeps to fawn all over them? I can’t understand how/why people pay her to do this shooting stuff?!!! Because it’s not even very good?! This house in Mallorca business is also quite ridiculous. I think Mummy is also a wannabee influencer. She’s desperate to be on the videos and IMO they are the most nauseating pair, just beefing each other up at every oppo. I know my mother (who I also embarrassingly call Mummy) loves me to bits but she doesn’t big me up in such a sickly way 24/7 … I find it fake and absolutely head over heels RIDICULOUS!!! In fact, to use Leo speak, I find all of her content ABSOLUTELY EXQUISITELY UTTERLY RIDONCULOUS … (#said in very S-L-O-W speech …) … also
Love how she gets words wrong … like ‘pergUla’ … she can’t tell us how thick it is that it creates such a cool thick area to dine under. It’s a pergola, love. Also, I was irritated by the totally OTT 30th bday party for the slightly dim Cam.
Other random observations on the house tour …
Mummy likes wine. Permanent rose in hand. Likes yellow. It’s divine. And she’s so clever because someone I’ve never heard of has yellow as the colour of the year by the pool. And the 1970s Denby is out in force in the kitchen.
We are obsessed with the lion’s head on the olive oil jar from Tetbury High Street.
Loving the butter yellow textiles and the oven of ‘absolute dreams’. Special mention for the mustard Le Creuset. It’s FABULOUS.
MUMMY is so clever again. The colour on the shutters is the latest farrow and ball blue. It’s absolutely gorgeous. They absolutely love it. Made especially for them (jokes).
Lanterns are magnificent. Made by matteus rose in Seville.
Front door bloody fabulous …
Mummy is a genius. The hall … have you ever seen anything so special?!! YES!!! overload of bloody butter yellow in my opinion …
Mummy is nauseating …. Waiting for a faux lemon tree to come … from France … omg I need to get out more!!!!!!
What gives you the impression her brother is dim..?
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And let’s be real. She dresses 100x better. She wears (problematic) cute D&G while Teefers wears Amazon and Karen Millen.
To me she acts quite new money with the flashy spending and overdone accent (compared to Amelia Liana who is very wealthy but doesn’t seem insecure enough to put on an act)
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