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She really should consider buying mark a green egg BBQ and getting him to BBQ for her . Some men require training !
Her YouTube numbers seem to be declining
How has he managed to get through life unable to cook basic things like eggs and bacon? At his age!! . How many other women has mark lived with who have mothered him all this time?
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So she’s looking a different way , her expression smiling or not is different . I think it’s Leo . Are there any more pics similar age ?. The space between lip and nose is about the same, the lip volume is same, face shape is same , hair colour and the fringe quiff is her signature style, eyebrows are same the photo on right is just makeup making them look a bit fuller . The neck I can’t compare one is stretched up one isn’t …

maybe finding more photos would help. 😂 imagine if this was a different person then mark definitely has a type!.

I just think it’s the same person


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Such a major downgrade to the grand hall /house they owned before . Can only assume the reason behind selling the former home was financial.

zoopla is a fairly unreliable way of gauging property values in situations where houses aren’t cookie cutter type housing estates. When the properties are more unique it’s so much more difficult to value. There are very few other properties close by to Leo’s making it tricky.
What property did they own before?
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No comment re the face

the Alex Miro two piece set she says is on the wonk isn’t - she is wearing it incorrectly . The skirt has a split in the middle. Madam wants her leg out all the time so has shifted it to the side and slated it as being on the wonk
She really has her mums arms and body type

“My eyes look SO blue” “my teeth look So white “
Says she wants content which is original - yes Leo posing for winter collection Holland cooper polo neck and tweed in 30c heat next to lambs is definitely original ! You cracked it 😂


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Did she go to Jade's party? I'm not on insta so couldn't see if she did or not?
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Ive been out of the loop this afternoon so maybe I'm out of date here, are you saying Leo wasn't invited to any of the Josie wedding days?, none at all?.
It appears as if she wasn’t invited. Plus someone said they saw Leo on a flight back from Majorca on Friday or Saturday. I think it was in Josie’s thread.
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I thought so as well. The red lip popped and she looked great. She has a lovely figure.

I'm glad Leo, as a relative newbie, realises in order to advance and establish herself in the industry, she has to spend alot of her own money. I remember Tamara saying she spent her own money going to fashion week be it New York / London / Paris ... air tickets, hotels etc. Now everything is sponsored.
And I’m way more likely to be influenced by someone spending their own money.
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Ah OK! So she just has the one full sibling - Cameron - and an unspecified number of other half brothers (and sisters?). How complex!
No she has a full sister too who I think is older she married on temple island on the Thames in Henley in about 2019
At she’s she’s moved on in life and is captain of her ship unlike Leo
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I think she’s sucking it in and photoshopping , it is a triangle shape - her back doesn’t look right
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I wonder what the story was about her being followed. It is odd why she didn’t tell the full story , it makes me think she made a mountain out of a molehill . Maybe mistook someone for following her or someone followed her but nothing else happened . If she had a story surely she would of told it
I doubt very much the housekeeper lives in, I don’t believe they have a seperate annex space for a member of staff , hence she’s there a lot on her own with just sausage dogs and probably an alarm which won’t do much , even if connected to a call centre who phone police, police take a good hour or more to respond . The house is isolated . I don’t think she is particularly safe there . The lanes around that way aren’t nice either , a fair bit of one track so two cars can’t pass
The other thing which doesn’t make sense is if she’s claiming she was followed from home then there’s nowhere for anyone to park and wait for her to come out, if they did , they would be blocking the single track lane. There’s another lane a bit further up so come out of her parents house turn left , they could probably wait there at that tiny junction but again they are blocking that single track lane as well if another car did come up behind them .
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Well-known member
For those asking about house prices nr Henley this is just outside Henley 28 acres 6 million gbp . Leo’s parents have about just 4 acres in comparison

between the fact there’s a number of offspring plus Leo is expensive to run , mark needs to start earning some big bucks 😂
I'm not sure about the 4 acres. They might have 4 acres of gardens, but I'm sure Leonora mentioned in one of her blogs that they have farmers who rent their land, so probably the total acreage is much higher, but some is rented out.
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Interesting comment!.

also who are the “4” other brand ambassadors?!. Clearly Josie and Victoria are two , I’m not convinced either way as to Lydia but she was supposed to be under a two year contract so that’s 3 ..
The radio silence from HC is remarkable. Leo has done posts announcing it and now a vlog but nothing from HC .

other possible names as one of the other 4 ambassadors scarlet martin (although to me she just isn’t much of an ambassador and small following, Laura Blair ?, she often features on the hc grid .

Laura collet is a pro rider who they use a lot as well. Surely Laura is considered an ambassador- where did Leo get the number of 4 others from?!

I personally know Charlotte dujardin has in the past received hoodies from hc … gifted and they have historically used her on the grid but I don’t feel she is a current ambassador

outfit of the day by Mandy and the other one who’s similar (struggling to recall her name both older ladies ) they consider themselves as brand ambassadors

harriet Lily (who imo is too short and stumpy ) seems to think she is as well the list is long and way past 4 others

the professional model they use who went to the game fair - super beautiful girl , I’m sure she is considered one.

I feel Leo has made up the number 4
This patterned dress she’s wearing to obsess over her wedding is sooo unflattering


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Noooooo, you're kidding !!! Where can I read up about Kate ?
It was discussed earlier in the thread but someone came out confirm it very recently,
Here's the link

Did anyone else notice when she first described breaking down she said she “called mark, called John” asking them what should she do. Once she’s home she describes the scene again and claims she bust the tyre hitting a kerb and “had no phone signal no 4g , was in the middle of nowhere in the Cotswolds”.

such a drama queen who lies!
I thought I was petty to remark on it, but yea I was like which one is it. I also found her remark about men stopping to help her weird ? Who else would fix your tire on a busy road ? Men offer to help all the time, it's not that rare.
I noticed her hair's condition too. I usually stick with french haircare brand but just tried Philip Kingsley Elasticizer, and it's very nice. Granted my hair is in very good condition (I have lupus, I'm as neurotic as Lydia about my hair lol).
Let me tell you, that chicken meal sounded vile and probably ended up being raw... Courgettes and tomatoes cook very fast, and chicken are better slow cooked. (Also what a waste of very fresh juicy tomatoes..)

I also wondered... Most equestrian I know are in top shape, Leo doesn't seem that fit.. I know she's retired, but you would think her body would be used to intense workouts.
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Clay shooting for charity … I’m sure she and daddy have a blast at the game shoots they also attend in winter .

not that she will mention the game days 😂

I think daddy has bought the tivon stone at cost price which would probably be closer to 5k trade for the auction so she can brag
The brother is in poor condition, I thought it was her dad , he’s bright red in the face and has definitely hoovered up the pies
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