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Whoa! What the f kinda train wreck did i just watch? She is a bit manic, spews random, bizarre commentary and is just plain weird af. Those shoes and dresses were throwback 80’s awful. Toss ‘em in the bin. She also loves herself way too much. The makeup, the hair, the prancing and posing, so peculiar. She needs some sensible feedback from someone.

Then came the disturbingly awkward date night between a mismatched, odd couple who have zero chemistry.
The husband seems more like her pervy, creepy uncle. 🤢
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Ahh poor Marcus is bored of the same food they eat, well how about you jump in the RR and go to the supermarket and choose something you would like to eat! Leonora enjoyed going food shopping with Marcus as she always goes on her own, why, what's he doing thats too busy to help his wife do the shop?
I agree.

I think the mother has had a traditional marriage and Leonora is doing the same . The food is the woman’s department in their world , whether that’s cooking it yourself, having the housekeepers prep it and you oven it later yourself or whether it’s arranging chefs to come to the house for the catering of a dinner party, in the smee household it’s the woman’s job to arrange food on the table .

Yet mark is failing to be a traditional husband . He hasn’t bought the house, he doesn’t work a career or his own successful business .

The childcare will be the same. All the woman’s job whether that’s arranging professional help or doing it themselves . It’s all going to fall on the woman to make sure childcare is sorted one way or another .
Ahh poor Marcus is bored of the same food they eat, well how about you jump in the RR and go to the supermarket and choose something you would like to eat! Leonora enjoyed going food shopping with Marcus as she always goes on her own, why, what's he doing thats too busy to help his wife do the shop?
Also feel like alessio the hairdresser took his training in the 80s or 70s and hasn’t updated his ideas/skills since . She’s got the most 80s dynasty hair ever! Very ageing
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Her posing was toe curling embarrassing & cringe. Tell me you wanted to be a model & failed without telling me you wanted to be a model. 😆
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I try to give most of these “influencers“ a break. They do seem to work hard at schlepping all those products and must be stressful not knowing if your going to be cancelled or written off like a bad sitcom at anytime but…with that said this one is insufferable. The worst. Her cringy baby talk, her outfits giving me Bette Davis, Baby Jane vibes. I swear I sometimes watch because I cannot believe what I am seeing!
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Anyone could put on an amazing spread if they didn't have a job to go to and could drop hundreds of pounds on one lunch.
If it wasn't for her father's cash, she wouldn't be hosting in the way that she can
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Her use of contour on her nose and how unblended does her no favors, it’s really not that terrible of a nose and she highlighting it with the brown rather than letting it alone. If she would tone down the OTT verbage and she would be pleasant to watch.
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Vivian sheriff had sent Lydia the same hat Leo wore as an option for Cheltenham. I’m surprised VS weren’t more careful
Leo often deletes and blocks negative comments . Here’s some more
Lydia millen looks like a wax work from Madam Tussaurds..... this girl loves herself and eyeball f***s herself.
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Does anyone else feel that Mummy & Marcus are rather close??🤔🤔
OMG yes!!! I think they secretly bang for sure!!! Hence mummy always being perky and jolly and he is awashed with guilt/detached from reality
they remind me on mexican soap drama families
So in the summer I ordered the exact dress Leo hired for an event . The dress (and I don’t blame Leo for this because I have no clue who else had wore it although I have to say it arrived with me fairly soon after Leo wore it) was covered in grass stains on the hem , blood , makeup , terrible body odour by the armpits and missing sequins. It also smelt of a perfume I didn’t recognise . It was grim!

I ordered it because I was nosy as to her actual waist size . Last summer she fitted a waist size UK 10 in that dress , I was surprised she could squeeze into it at the time. The dress was in my opinion a true 10 in uk for boobs and waist. It was loose on hips and bum and I feel it was able to take a uk 12 on hips and bum being so loose.

So she was waist and boob wise a uk 10 last summer.

I totally agree she’s put weight on. She’s puffy allover and it’s getting worse. I’ve posted several example of how much she is editing her size in her still photos . I’ve compared them to the videos but I’m aware now that video cameras can slim as well lengthen people .

I think she’s a uk 12 right now . The minute she hits 40 something and with alcohol it’s the perfect storm she’s going to become her mother overnight 😂

She keeps wearing ball gowns which are loose on hips and legs . Everything is baggy . The red suit was baggy. When she leans in to kiss mark she shows her thighs in the only short dress I’ve noticed her in for a while.

She hasn’t had any gifts from brands other than hc and their hamper was a joke. Shes not trendy enough for LV, Bvlgari etc

She looks like a palm beach resident of about 70 how she dresses . (I love PB don’t get me wrong I’ve been twice!) but combined with her real housewives hair she looks so old for her age .
In terms of the dog brooch she shoved onto the dress between zi boobies , I thought it was a microphone to start with. Who sticks an ugly brooch in black on a red dress? . She needs a tailor to tack the v neck or a very carefully placed safety pin clipped on the inside of the dress .
The mother is queen of wearing tents in a bid to cover her weight. A kaftan can only hide so much though. I’m always surprised Karen’s happy to wear the one shoulder pieces that show her incredibly flabby , loose skinned batwing arms .

we all have either tight skin or loose type skin like Karen. Loose skin is troublesome . It sags like crazy. For example people with lax skin find around knees and elbows shows sagging and wrinkling. This type of skin on the thighs makes people good candidates for thigh lifts . If the person is fat then it’s lipo then thigh lift !

I wonder if Leo has inherited stretchy lax skin of her mum .

of course it’s none of my actual business their sizes but it’s up for discussion imo bearing in mind Leo aeeems to think she’s miss world , the pair of them also put their lives and bodies o line for everyone to see . People will critique what they see, it’s to be expected imo .
I suppose as well that people with every luxury available to them, with all the time in the world to care for themselves with exercise and with housekeepers who will almost certainly be creating lunches and dinners regularly there is little excuse to not be in shape . I think Leo’s alcoholic drinks loving lifestyle is an eye opener for the average person who has to be sober full time for work .
I wonder if they will regret opening their lives up. Leo seems to want to be the next Martha Stewart . I think she has her eye on bringing out dresses or tablecloths. Maybe a bit like Mrs Alice
I am sorry but what?? You ordered a dress to check how big her waist is??? what the hell :D and my goodness me as Leo would say, what are your comments about actually overweight and obese people!!! She and her family are weird, but to be so venomous about her appearance is so bizarre to me , sorry! She is a healthy normal looking median size UK woman and her mother looks ok for her age
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Loved it when Leo said to Em and Freddy "I'm the bride and you 2 are my bridesmaids." or something to that effect.
Ooooh Leo, that sentence was enough to make an enemy of Freddy who always has to be the centre of attention. 😂 😂 😂
The white dress was very bridal and very boring.
Does Leo go out of her way to appear dowdy and older to fill in the age gap between her and the husband ? Her dress sense is so meh.
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I couldn’t watch it all. I ffwd her time wasting bull 🐂 to see the bridal dress and gloves she was wearing , in Feb fgs!

One trick attention seeking pony
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The huffing and the puffing and the drawing in breath in awe while she’s unboxing stuff that she’s begged for makes me feel physically sick.
She literally said she has emailed Rebecca Udall and begged for free stuff.
Then I assume that’s what teefers did too when she unboxed her stuff in her last vlog. Coincide I think not. The stuff is even the same! She said she had ordered it. The lies!
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You would of thought with all of her staff someone could help her to spell Border correctly 😂
Man she is dumb.🤣 I always think to myself, get out on your own, do your own thing! I grew up very lucky but worked hard to be independent. Then I realized she may have her limits intellectually and otherwise…not sure she would make it very far. Just counting that inheritance I suppose. But even w the homes etc doesn’t Roger have a lot of kids…and tax obligations.

I’m not caught up w her yet, thank you all for providing good coverage thus far. I knew the overly gushy was an act but I am disappointed in her for secretly being a mean girl. She is dumb and lives at home w her parents and layabout husband, her skill is limited…she should at least develop a personality and be kind to people!

She reminds me of a perpetual 5 year old girl, one that loves princess parties and tea and dress up and make believe and her parents indulge her because she is 5. I was like that when I was 5, but I was also kind because my parents demanded good manners. And she isn’t 5. Leo, wake up, your husband is in his 40’s…time to not be a 5 year old that wants to be a princess when she grows up.
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If I was rolling in money and wanted a family crest made, I wouldn't hesitate to do it. It's fun and why not have one if you want it?

I expect Leo's husband wears whatever he is told to wear.
He doesn't seem to have a life or personality of his own and clearly cow tows to the purse holder in the family.
I can never take my eyes of her "model walk" why is she doing that one leg crossing in front of the other walk, as if she's on a catwalk? It looks ridiculous
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Good god! She’s gone and ordered a huge canvas of photos of her getting ready for her wedding as a gift to her hairdresser to hang on the salon wall. What a joke!.

Look it’s Smee and it’s ALL about Smee, whether I’m in a ball gown outside Cartier or a wedding dress , look at (S) mee squeal !

She’s such a posing vacuous bore
She called the house her house tonight too

According to land registry it is certainly in Karen smee and roger smees name
Hahaha killing myself laughing here at Leo slipping on the comment that she feels like she lives with her mother …. Erm you do! I know the property having been past it , the footprint is bigger than josies but that doesn’t say much , when mummy isn’t in Majorca on her jolly hols she very much lives at the property with you Leo stop lying and trying to mislead your audience

Mummy still has the apron strings tied to you Leo
I think the truth about the vintage clothes is that her mummy has piled on the pounds and no longer fits the fortune of a wardrobe she’s collected up until maybe 10 yrs ago (when mummy last fitted a 10/12) and now the clothes are Leo’s .

Leo pick and choose carefully what you wear from the old clothes. The purple thing you wore reminded me of a certain Quality Street chocolate wrapper lol 😂
I’ve never seen a young woman age herself this much , she could pass for 50s here imo


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What on earth is she doing here? Who is she posing for? The group of people in front of her who aren’t giving her any attention?

The incessant up-do’s make her look so severe and manly.
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Soooo much wasted time again in last night vlog.

time lapsed long periods of her driving around the lanes, marlow, Henley, her exercising at Pilates , getting hair blow dried , her washing her makeup brushes, yet another video of the coffee dripping … now packing makeup for majorca

Good grief! She’s admitting she has to get up at 4am before a shoot so her face has time to de puff 😂

and she’s admitted the owner of (Tivon?) fine jewellery told her she looks like a beached manatee 😂 pics attached of manatees.

Can’t believe she will get on a flight in rollers. It’s like certain Liverpool girls who walk around Liverpool all day long on a Saturday in rollers because they are going out that night! It’s behaviour we laugh at in Cheshire .


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The hair style is SO aging. It is so Stepford Wives. I haven't watched her recent blogs, but there was one (I think the wedding in Barbados) where she had natural hair, didn't use the massive rollers and she looked a decade younger. So much better.
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She’s in full on QVC over enthusiastic selling mode in tonight’s vlog. Why say 1 word when you can say 10.
lol im howling!!! The lady giving the speech says “we also have two wonderful influencers here today “ she goes to say their names and naughty nasty Leo cuts the filming!!! It then comes back on and the same lady says “we also have Leonora smee here too “ as if she’s an after thought . I wonder who it was Leo cut out??

Most of the clivedon afternoon tea looks squished, old and dry. In particular the sandwiches.

She tells Anna to eat a creamy scone and says she force feeds her team. That might explain why Anna’s looking very different lately.

Gross klaudia licks her fingers whilst at the afternoon tea table
Force feeding people is some weird mean girls shit and utterly mannerless. If I was being forced to eat on camera when I didn’t want to I would be as impolite and embarrassing as possible to the person making me for their own content so I can’t blame Klaudia for licking her fingers.
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