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Liked that yellow skirt and top she wore to the wedding.
so did I . Something positive for once although the skirt needs a steam at the bottom of it . Nice colour.

tonight’s vlog is a borefest . Just her blabbering on mainly wasting time .


VIP Member
I wasn't going to read your previous posts. I'm not that desperate.

On that note, I'll not be engaging further with you. Never argue with an idiot as they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with their experience. I'll take my own advice on that. 😗
No I'm talking UK and I'm a shoe size 8 which is perfectly usual.
I live in the UK, I'm 100% aware of how uk and European sizes work thank you.
It's rude of you to assume that a poster doesn't know how sizing works never mind using the term big foot and laughing especially when a poster has said they wear a size 8 shoe.

If she was wearing US size 8 shoes then that would equate to a 10 in UK sizes which would be unavailable in most stores and there wouldn't be too many women needing a size like that. You have gotten mixed up with your UK and US sizes when you think a UK 8 is a US 10

The average women's shoe size in the UK is a size 6.
Goodness gracious me , Not you again! 😂 Music to my ears you won’t be communicating with me again , let me hand out some champers as Leo would say 🥂

goodbye duchesspink , you don’t contribute anything to this thread anyway, you only post to moan and disagree. you have done little but disagree with me ever since I mentioned Glasgow is very rough in parts (many months ago!) maybe you are a Glaswegian. You can’t argue with facts, nor can you pull woke cards on me . You take everything personally, this isn’t about you it’s a thread about Leo.

If you are going to continue to attack me at least get your facts straight. I haven’t mentioned US size 10 that you are going on about .

Nor did I state that I knew the exact conversion to US although my guess was very close . My words were “I think that is…” which implies a little doubt .

Having checked Russell & Bromley’s website they stock up to an 8. They go down to a 3. It is fact to say a size 3 foot is small and a size 8 foot is big . They don’t offer any bigger!!! If facts offend you then that’s your issue and nothing to do with me.

You have big feet, whether you want to admit they are big or delude yourself they aren’t is up to you! so rock them and stop being so sensitive about the comments a complete stranger makes about Leo.

meanwhile in the less delusional world :-

i came here to include a comment I just saw on Leo’s YouTube about her honeymoon. They haven’t had it yet!. They did a mini moon to Ibiza . She’s off to st barths for her proper honeymoon (bit late now surely) . it’s just another holiday at this late stage .

Also someone mentioned her marriage and mark not liking the vlogging . Plus a funny comment someone left about naming the drone Charlie because he drones on and on 😂


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VIP Member
She’s got a new outro - in manolos of course , flapping the bingo wings looking a bit self conscious walking past the mother’s house .


VIP Member
Ridiculous she takes 3 press passes for herself and two “assistants” aka “rent a friends”
I’m about 3 mins in and if I was taking a shot every time she says “gosh” I’d be drunk by now.
She’s getting a greenhouse - parents paying and content creating for the future for her
lol she points out that Josie has little dainty pixie feet 😂

don’t think I can take anymore debate on feet so I’ll keep stumn 😂 😮💨
Sorry Josie, Leo said Daisy is the most beautiful gardener 😂

what a thing to broadcast!
Daddy smee declares kazza “she’s the love of my life” .. really? Odd comments never a comment I like to hear . Did he not love the mothers of the other children he’s brought into the world?. Did/does he dip his wick into anything? It’s the second time I’ve heard mr smee allude to the fact he’s not getting much/any (attention from kazza).

men just never change do they. I’ve known men his age have mistresses on the side … who knows what goes on behind closed doors .
They took their own bottles of champagne into the car for the journey to Chelsea flower show (starting to sound like Lydia !) , then they took more bottles to the show itself and yet she thinks she can con her audience that she barely drinks .

Leo throws her siblings under the bus by saying they were too mean to contribute their share into buying a certain garden sculpture last year for daddy’s big birthday !

firstly mean girl of Leo to say that but secondly why would the siblings decline to contribute to a gift for their dad ?? Can they not afford it after daddy divorced wife no 2/3 (I’ve lost count!)

mummy is sporting a large diamond necklace and ginormous yellow diamond ring in London - it’s a wonder she doesn’t get mugged these days , London is no longer a safe place to flaunt
Daddy smee also has bought his neuvo rich self a pinky ring! The bloke was a footballer fgs ! Not landed gentry born with pure silver in his mouth

the smees have more than I thought in common with the millen morons 😂
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VIP Member
As a Glaswegian, this is very much a generalisation. It most definitely is not ‘mostly rough’. Like any big city there are of course rough areas, but that is not to say that it is the majority. The majority of Rangers players are not Scottish, nor are their partners. People who behave that way are football hooligans, they do not represent the city or country they come from or the ‘normal’ residents. Please don’t be bigoted based on a negative experience by a tiny minority of folk.
We should agree to disagree. The amount of fans /hooligans who were Glaswegian who trashed Manchester City in a way never seen before unless you count the bomb attack. Shops windows were smashed. The litter the next day was swept into huge piles in the streets. They are discusting. Just because they lost. I’ve never heard anyone have anything good to say about anyone from Glasgow. A lot of Glaswegians have such strong accents they are difficult to understand. They have a bad reputation and that’s something I’ll stand by any day of the week after seeing what happened an hour from where I live. I witnessed it first hand both days. I went in for beauty apps, saw the new clientele from Glasgow , heard the staff moaning about how rough they are - they were not ladies . Went back in for a concert only to be told to leave half way through because Glaswegians are smashing in (the thumping noises were horrendous). Next day I had apps back in town and witnessed all the damage, litter and smashed windows. Glaswegians should hang their heads in shame . We host a lot of sport in Manchester and we have never seen anything as bad as how the Glaswegians behaved. They are filthy pigs. Sore losers the lot of them .

I’m welcome to my opinions and unfortunately you cannot alter them. I speak as I find . You say I’m bigoted, I say you are biased!.

Google Glaswegians and Manchester - one of the first articles you will see I have attached . Daily Mail said 100,000 Glaswegians turned Manchester into a war zone . Daily Mail were spot on . We don’t get this level of trouble ever . Glasgow is the problem ! . We get hooligans when football is on but this level is unprecedented.

Look at these disgraceful photos and have a think tonight about how people see Glasgow. These are people from Glasgow, witnesses state how they saw them getting off the Glasgow trains .

Also, if Glasgow is nice why are the property prices so low ?! Because it’s rough and undesirable 😂 now trot on with your biased ideas . You might try to fool people further afield , but you won’t fool me. The ONLY good thing about Glasgow is the road out of there .
I suppose you are proud of Michelle Mone as well

I’ll put you on ignore being as we just don’t agree whatsoever.

Now let’s move this on to the point we are here - Leo


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VIP Member
Not only are you an ignoramus but you are also thick.

You are completely wrong in your uk to us conversions. You haven't a clue.

A simple "I'm sorry for coming across rude" would have been suffice.
I won't put you on ignore, I'll look out for the rest of your posts to see if you are usually so ignorant and ill informed.

You also must not get out much if you've never seen shoes bigger than a 6 in shops. I'm embarrassed for you!
geez your a sensitive one 😂

well I’m surprised you wish to read my posts being as you accuse me of being rude, thick and ignorant (at least I am not a Bigfoot 😂 ) . hope you enjoy the reading.

Have a good evening
Not only are you an ignoramus but you are also thick.

You are completely wrong in your uk to us conversions. You haven't a clue.

A simple "I'm sorry for coming across rude" would have been suffice.
I won't put you on ignore, I'll look out for the rest of your posts to see if you are usually so ignorant and ill informed.

You also must not get out much if you've never seen shoes bigger than a 6 in shops. I'm embarrassed for you!
funny you say you live in the uk when your profile states Geneva .
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VIP Member
I forgot that!. I’d guess it will be a prize to be taken after new year , making it a less valuable prize. That would make sense but who knows!.

she definitely seems to prefer the sun . ☀

From what I can see she’s never advertised where she is for New Year’s Eve (on her instagram for years gone by)


VIP Member
Oh yes you are fat shaming! Size 8 shoe? About normal for a woman in the UK. On men? Well you know what they say? “The bigger the shoe size the bigger their… What size did you say your husband was again, 8🤭. You seem to have taken over this thread with your constant comments on Leo’s weight and I for one am so glad I have a mute button. 🛑Byeeeeeee
You need to do more listening and less mouthing off!. For your information as previously mentioned , I do not have a husband and nor do I want one , Maybe get your facts straight before you attack .

Meanwhile I note you are very busy liking a high number of my Lydia millen posts.

Far from ignoring me, you read a lot of what I’ve posted and taken some incorrect mental notes . Off you go now, press the ignore button and whilst you are at it do the same for all the other tattlers on here who have said she’s gained weight , looks puffy, seems puffy in the face etc - I’m not the only one to notice these facts 😂 👍
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VIP Member
Many people's profiles say many different things. This is an anonymous forum after all.
I'm also far from sensitive however many women reading here will also have size 7 or 8 feet and I'm not going to let ignorant comments pass especially when the commenter is completely wrong.

Body shaming isn't on. It's not what we are here for.

Azibi how do you like that sage machine? I've been interested in buying one but the choice is huge and I've not decided on one yet. Is it a good one to have?
oh pull the “body shaming” card out 😂 honestly … “I’m not sensitive” .

I’d say you probably need something stronger than a coffee to chill yourself out with 😂


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I think there is a risk of a couple of things happening in their marriage. If she has children she will tune out entirely from mark. Become wrapped up in the children (and why not !) and he starts to look elsewhere and tot up what a great start to the rest of his years a divorce would bring him.

I can see her staying in mummy’s pocket too .