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Chatty Member
Does she pay a mainstream media subscription or did she only read the headline?

Did she look into the findings in that article and do her own rEseArch on the dark web or is SHE "letting the media become her only source of belief system"?

Does she read the side effect warnings to her western medicine horse paste or is SHE "being manipulated"?
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She must be thoroughly exhausted, robbing Peter to pay Paul all the time. And having to keep up the facade that everything is fine. It’s like a hamster wheel she refuses to get off. I’m sure that’s the cause of her anxiety. She is almost 40 and hasn’t made any forward progress in her life. She just can’t admit to herself that this influencer persona she wants so badly is not in the cards for her.

I wonder if it ever occurs to her how much more peaceful her life would be if she just gave up on the hopes of being a social media personality and got a normal job? And how much easier it might be to get and keep a relationship if she had a more stable life? I’m guessing not, from my own personal experience with a family member with Borderline. That kind of personal reflection isn’t in their wheelhouse. What a sad life. For her but especially for Ever.
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The Taylor Swift Travis Kelce conspiracy in a nutshell. And Leila Stead, sitting in Lennox Head, Australia is totally invested in the “DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA OP” in America. 😂 Omg, she’s so unhinged.


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It sure is a curious decision to launch an expensive $900 course with no follow-up community interaction at all. Three days ago she slapped those slides up and not a peep since. No pre-recorded video introduction to hype it that explains more about the course and what you get for your money. She didn’t go live to talk about it and engage her followers and answer their questions about it. Hell, she didn’t even post any responses to her Q&A box she put up for it, fake or otherwise. She’s requiring a $200 deposit for a class 10 days away but isn’t putting any energy at all into promoting it. Just 5 vague Canva slides. She is so lazy she can’t even make the effort to market her scams anymore. SMH.

You know what she did put energy into though? Pretend choking up and fake holding back tears in multiple melodramatic videos talking about her latest fake ailment. God she’s a mess.
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Liar’s tiny brain will be blown when she learns chemicals occur naturally in food, and air, and water, and sea, and soil, and animals, and plants.

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It’s hilarious that idiots like Leila, who maxed out their education with a high school degree, think they are smarter and more informed than doctors and scientists.
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Or … don’t take the meds, Leila.
Whatever you do, don’t go see an MD.
Please, take a shit-tonne more dewormer and colloidal silver.
I’m enjoying the schadenfreude.
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What? The hell? Is this ???

Gittit meemaw! 😂

She has a teenage son.
He must be truly mortified by her.
I was waiting for one of her boobs to flop out of that top. OMG. Personally its the ass twerking at the start for me. These idiots just have no shame. Do this in the privacy of your bedroom for your husband.
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A few kangaroos short in the top paddock 😂
The Aussie gift for idioms is one of my favorite things about you all! 😍 Clever bastards.
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The two supposed “testimonials” she’s shared are absurd.
One woman says she’s never been sick from her implants but claims Leila convinced her to take them out (I guess the risk of an unnecessary surgery was better than … having absolutely no health issues at all??)
The other talks about her friend who is supposedly on her deathbed from a self-diagnosed BII when her doctors have actually diagnosed her with long Covid. If these are real women they’re idiots.
Why is it that people who get a severe vaccine illness or need to heal from a toxic implant that no regular doctor can diagnose have also been anti vax and spewed stupid rhetoric about conspiracies? It’s almost like there is a pipe line of crazy beliefs to some made up/over exaggerated illness. LOLLLL
What these ding dongs like Liela don’t realise is that they will never be widely believed or taken seriously outside of their niche audience of fellow fuckwits. It’s like they can’t see the bigger picture of how stupid they look. In the real world, people are suffering from long covid, or have family members who have died from covid. End of.
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Yikes, thats a massive red flag. BabyGirl is desperate!
No kidding. Assuming she flew in and out in less than 24 hours just for sex, after she just posted about how it’s totally fine to wait on standby for a man in the middle of a divorce to come around to you on his own time … that’s some sad shit. What ever happened to being a high value woman, Leila? How about making them pursue you? You’re a single mum with responsibilities at home and here you are flying around to be his on-call escort service basically? Yikes 😬

You know a while back I came across a post of hers that she made to a guy on Facebook years ago. I screencapped it because it just seemed so typical of the desperate way she bends herself to chase and accommodate a man. I didn’t share it at the time I saw it because I thought, well, we all did silly things in our 20s we probably wouldn’t do now so maybe that’s the case here. But it seems kind of appropriate now, assuming she did just fly to see this guy for a roll in the hay. I hope she got him to pay for the plane ticket at least and wasn’t like Crystal paying for her own ticket to Canada to bone the real estate agent.


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Leila wants to be a housewife so badly it’s palpable. She is over hustling to figuring out how to get money with the least amount of effort possible. She’s tired y’all, I can feel it from here. She just doesn’t want to make the effort anymore - constantly lying to maintain the facade that she’s successful, dodging people she took money from, dodging people who expect something from her (Allira), having to come up with one scheme after the next because she fails at all of them. She just wants a man to come in pay for her, period. All of this plate spinning to keep the stories going is too much like work to her and she really, really doesn’t want to fucking work. The most effort she wants to make at life is spreading her legs to some loser willing to take her on and maybe cooking for him.


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Hard days like lately? But she’s been bragging about how she’s in her Magnificence Era and she’s manifested everything she ever wanted 😂
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She will never get approved for have to go to an actual Doctor who then has to believe you have an actual issue....they then send you off to associated specialist ( actual Doctor) and from there you generally need another specialists who then ALL have to agree to your diagnosis. There is also the mountains of paperwork that is required and we all know with Lie-la's brain only operating at half capacity that this might be a stretch....
That's too much work for Leila. I reckon another GFM is imminent
She’s always got some big dramatic illness to reveal at the same time that she’s running a special or promoting a new course. Always. That’s her MO, ramp up sympathy to try to lure people into sending her money. Unless she received this diagnosis from an actual MD, I’m calling bullshit on this one too.
She's not sick and there's no illness. Her eyes dart left to right constantly. You can tell she’s lying. I love how in one of these stories(might have been your 2nd lot) where she talks about her clients being so understanding with hervneed to reschedule.
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wednesday adams

Active member
I don’t understand. She just put up multiple stories about how she has tremors and is sick and can’t see and blah blah blah but then next story is treating herself to new swim wear because she’s healed.

And Leila, stop with the horse medicine you are literally making yourself sick. Or is that the point? Munchausen much?
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Of all the things Liela claims to be an expert on, banging on about relationships is the biggest laugh.Girl, you have never had a successful or one of any length..ever!
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Could someone pls clarify as I've only just started observing this nut case in the last couple of months. These questions she gets asked, are they just via IG? And then she provides these garbage responses based on her sPiRiTuAl iNtUiTioN? If so, are you fucking kidding??????!!!!!!! I feel as though I must be missing something here?? People can't actually believe this moron is able to tell their future based off a one sentence question on social media??
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