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Anyone into crystals? Just put mine outside ready to charge in tonight’s full moon🌙✨

Anyone on their manifesting journey tonight’s full moon is a great starting point into releasing what’s not right or working for you in life at the moment or whatever is holding you back !
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How are you feeling in yourself lovely? Think I see recently you weren't in a great place, though I may be mistaken - apologies if so! I've mentioned before I'm not brilliant at manifesting, though it's something I believe in and want to use on future. But from a lot of the inner work I'm doing at the moment, I know it is really impacted by feelings of self-worth and our ego. We're also going into another Mercury retrograde from tomorrow so those energies are at play - if you can, be gentle with yourself. Self-care, grounding and taking things slow should help 🥰 (I'm the biggest hypocrite but it's so much easier to be kind and supportive to someone else isn't it!) Xx
Thank you, I've been very stressed with family issues lately, my heartbroken sister is on my sofa (which as you can imagine is very draining!) Plus we are going to the police re our brother (see the incest thread if want details) so it's been particularly tricky. I'm starting to feel a bit better than I have been at the start of the week. I've asked the universe for a sign I'm on the right path 🤞🏽 focusing on meditation and allowing myself to feel the feelings

@Misbehaving how do tarot cards work please? Can anyone do them?
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Pesky Tarian

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Not sure where to put this so apologies if wrong. When we moved house I lost a necklace my husband bought me for my 21st, it was a lovely bespoke piece and the one thing I would have liked to have passed down. Whilst sad I was never stressed as always thought it will come back to me if it's supposed to. Last night was tidying my wardrobe and it just dropped down from the top shelf 😲. I must have cleared the wardrobe out half a dozen times before in the last 8 years since moving. Very happy 🙏
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I really enjoyed good vibes good life and I'm currently reading "make it happen, manifest the life of your dreams"
I've written a "magic list" of things I want to happen in my life, 2 things have already happened so I've ticked them off. And I honestly spoke so much to everyone about "when x happens" "when I have y I will" I dreamed about it, visualised about it. I really really worked hard to achieve it.

I do count 10 blessings every morning and have a gratitude rock in the evening. Since I've tried LOA/crystals, I can honestly say I've been happier. Friends have noticed and I'm slowly coming off my antidepressants.

The things I'm struggling with are manifesting more money (I'm trying to manifest £120K a year) and meeting my soul mate.

I used to be the biggest sceptic but one day I thought fuck it, what have I got to lose?

@ATV2021 you may be interested in this thread ☺
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I managed to declutter my home this year and unexpectedly moved into a smaller, quieter and warmer flat. I didn’t achieve my weight loss goal.

I’m turning 40 next year so my plan for 2023 is to lose weight and find love. I’ve been single for a while and now I feel ready to meet someone new.
I've heard you should write a list of the qualities you want in a partner and to also start embodying that yourself.

Well done with the intention to become healthier. Just start with baby steps and make small changes. The website myfitness pal is also very supportive.

I'm back at the gym tomorrow morning too after skipping four days.
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Aww love that there is a thread on this! I first learnt about it when I was going through a breakup and have thought about it and used it a lot since.

I've got things in really unexpected ways and definitely think there is something in it but more in the way that it helps me to feel less anxious rather than believing in 'magic' - bad things have happened to me too and I don't believe we can escape illness or hard phases of life etc just by thinking positive.

For me I try not to be too specific, for example I would never wish for a specific person as a partner but would think I want to meet someone funny, kind, etc, and focus on how I would feel in the type of relationship I was looking for. I find it works better for me as it's easier to let go and be patient for, and sometimes we can want the wrong thing for ourselves e.g. if you want a specific guy, he might end up being an awful fit for you. Similar with jobs I ended up taking a completely unexpected career path with this mindset and am so relieved!

Letting things go and trusting that things will happen the right way and at the right time has kept me positive. I don't make it overlycomplicated. Journaling has also really helped me get all my thoughts and anxieties down on paper and feels like a release after.
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That’s amazing!! A win is still a win! My issue is letting go, when I put it out in the universe, it’s all I can think about it and get upset when it doesn’t happen after 24hrs x

Awwww I’m so happy for you!! ☺ How often did you do this? Once a night? Once a week? That’s my issue and I can’t seem to let gooo xx
Don't beat yourself up about it @boomska I struggle with the same issues i.e Lack of patience and sometimes lack of confidence.
It's about believing that we are worthy of having good things manifest in our lives isn't it?
It's amazing how often the gremlin of self sabotage (also known as fear) can pop up and undermine all our better efforts isn't it?

I think the challenge is to find peace and equilibrium and that's not always easy. In my own case I come from quite a deprived area and have ancestors who have faced great poverty and the struggle for survival and it's almost like that gets hardwired into your DNA when a lack of resources and great determination is what you need and encounter that's what you also find coming true?
I.e that life is hard and hard work and I don't have enough so my central nervous system has to go into red alert (leading to all kinds of inflammation) and my body has to store unnecessary fat (cling onto it) Just in case? Just in case we encounter another famine?
So who can believe that life could be a feast of abundance after all that?
When we find it hard to let go it's nearly always the past calling us back isn't it?
Again in my own case quite literally I am a hoarder I accumulate I need proof of abundance it's like I don't trust life? Not fully anyway?
So I think their can be a lot of inner obstacles that crop up when you start on this journey of wanting maybe to be a bit more in control of your destiny and asking the universe for help?
Don't worry that's to be expected I think it's good to take an inventory of all the excess baggage and understand where that came from and if it is holding you back or not?
Not to be glib but when you step into the light you can find your darkness (shadow) becoming more obvious as well and that can be scary?
So your not alone in being uncertain or finding it difficult sometimes.
Actually I am glad that I found this thread because I was feeling the need to establish some boundaries in my life and to re start my own journey of manifesting a better reality if you will.

When I did it previously (before post natal depression and chronic fog hit me plus lockdown etc etc) with some success this book helped me.

The sacred history...How angels mystics and higher intelligence made our world.
By Jonathan Black.

See also The secret history of the world.

The book that I recently brought to hopefully reignite that flame of self belief is ..

You'll see it when you believe Wayne Dwyer

Tbh there are plenty of other authors but I would use your intuition and ask yourself who feels like the most supportive or understanding author for you right now?
Good luck.❤

Also it's good that your happy for others (never underestimate that) and happiness in some form or other will come to you also.
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I found this hopefully it will make sense & also be helpful to others 💜 🪶

View attachment 984375q
That's really interesting @Zulkraa thank you for sharing this.
Recently I have felt I had a bit of a spiritual awakening or growth spurt if you will!
I am into tarot cards and recently used a deck that, I felt very connected to, and one night I was shuffling the deck and asked who am I really?
I picked the card that I felt drawn to, and turned it over and it was the Queen of wands.
A card that I had always had a bit of a fascination with tbh...I doubted myself at first a little, as it seemed too good to be I deluding myself or being egotistical here etc etc?
So I started shuffling again, this time repeating the process for lots of people that I knew, well it was instinctively very accurate.
So I kind of meditated on it, and because I have been doing shadow work, I came to the conclusion that I was manifesting the reverse energies of this card. For example feeling sluggish instead of energised, snappy and ill tempered instead of assertive....etc etc.
Also I pulled out a card that explained my mother, sorry if this is all a bit OTT, but it was the 10 of wands....similar energy to mine, but explained as carrying a large load (heavy burden) and I understood with clarity, that's why I had felt so burdened by her presence (literally overbearing) and also that I had been carrying her problems (and everyone else's) all my life?
Also that unconsciously because we both carry similar energy, she had literally overshadowed me, and been competitive, tried to keep the upper hand.
Her card was literally described as demonic fire in this tarot deck, tbh I had always been a bit horrified by her?
Sadly I found myself acting out (in times of stress) all of her hidden (dark) impulses that she had never owned up to!
It was a a ha moment for me, liberating the thought that I,d tried to almost suffocate and put out my own (creative) fires, just to appease someone else (who didn't know how to use hers) made absolute sense.
So this card the queen of wands spoke to me about redemption, and giving myself and life another chance.Also urging me to be benevolent and love myself, and shine instead of hiding in the darkness.
Also that my previous resistance to do so had been about trying not to displease my mum, or threaten her ego?
With the consequence that I had never loved myself before, because I was ashamed (she was right and I was wrong)!

Well this card and it's beautiful imagery, spoke to me of real courage and boldness, instead of rage and access to magic and manifesting if I just let go and accepted my divine light!
So I did and something clicked in me, a sense of certainty, a reassurance that I was going to be alright, better than that I was going to live again.

Well 2 things happened today i picked my daughter up from school, and on the way home I noticed a grey feather on the floor.
I thought to myself oh I remember reading about feathers on this thread, maybe that's why I noticed.
I then saw another feather on the floor!
We live close to a busy street in London tbh I have never seen feathers on this street before?
Usually I am pretty observant about my surroundings?
Then we got home, I was sat on the sofa and my daughter excitedly gave me a present, a yellow feather!
Also I received a book just today Queen up (,unleash the power of your inner tarot queen) by Angela Kaufman..and I was reading about the Queen of wands...and there it was in print of her symbols was (you guessed it,) feathers! :D

So either I am going to be really dense now and go into denial , or say you know what maybe I should just be graceful and grateful and admit, this could actually be a sign right?
All this happened before I read your post, so yes I had an inkling of say feathers but I had no idea about a yellow feather (quite rare around here) so I definitely wasn't expecting that!
Also that it means reassurance, you're on the right path? Well why not then! That would be great. 👌

Also I would like to give a big thank you to the posters on this thread, you have inspired and encouraged me and I am really grateful for the positive energy on here. Also people's generosity of spirit. Honestly you are all an inspiration to me and I look up to all of you.❤
It's honestly inspired me to kick-start some very positive changes in my life.After what seemed like years in a kind of limbo land and wilderness.
That I really wondered if I would ever come out of.
So a very big thank you to all of you, but know that it is appreciated and valued and I shall definitely be making the most of it!
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Hello - new to this thread :)
After a really rough couple of years, I want to make 2023 as positive as possible. I have been stuff in a rut for ages, with a very negative mindset and want to turn that around.
Any tips re vision boards/best way to manifest?

ETA - I am reading through this thread but will take time 😅
Honestly, this is the best idea ... start from page 1 and read all the way through to the end, before you do anything.

I like a physical vision board, but I know of others who have success with a Pinterest board.

I have two of them, whiteboards with magnets, and I keep them on the wall next to my TV so they're always front and centre.

I used to have pictures glued to a large piece of card, with clear sheeting over the top, which I kept in my study; when I redecorated that room I pulled it down and put it into storage. When I was going through my items in storage a bit later, I rediscovered it and realised I had manifested everything on it!

So for me to move to London I would put a picture of say, Big Ben and the London Eye and when I’m walking around my town imagine that I’m walking around London and I live there?
Yes, but go deeper ... find a street and the sort of house you'd like to live in. If you're looking for a job, think about what you'd like to do and where you'd like to work, and FEEL yourself going there each workday. Don't just put pictures up and leave it at that; you have to close your eyes and visualise - imagine - FEEL - yourself doing these things.

Wow I found a vision board I made when I first discovered LOA in 2014 & actually even though I had put this away & forgotten that I made this lots of the things have came true!

1. I wanted to work from home - I’ve been in a fully remote role and not been in an office in 5 years ✅

2. I put a Range Rover on it - that’s what I now drive ✅

plus lots of smaller personal achievements…

And trust me when I say this I’m not even exaggerating when I made that vision board the thought of me driving a Range Rover then would have made me cry - there’s no way that was in my reach then! I drove a 20 year old car, with bits held together with tape, no central locking, the windows didn’t work, etc. It was so embarrassing. I remember when driving it I would look at the steering wheel and imagine it was a Range Rover. That’s now my reality and I’m so so so so grateful 🥲
Sometimes the universe delivers in mysterious ways ... I had my dream card on my board for a while and when I saw ones like it for sale on car yards, would sit in them and FEEL what it was like to drive. I ended up buying one that was heavily reduced in price as the (secondhand) car dealer was closing down and everything had to go.

I typically try to manifest things within reach - I didn't think this would ever be - but my patience and dedication was rewarded!
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If you want the simplist and most effective way to understand and use the Law of Assumption I would recommend Sammy Ingram on YouTube. Her followers have had phenomenal results with robotic affirmations. She also has a brilliant group on facebook Mermaid Gang ✨
I joined this group to have a look, holy crap it's all silly girls trying to win back their exes, and one is trying to make one die. 😲
The phenomenal success seems to be I wanted fuller lips/ flat stomach / slimmer face. then they show before and after clearly of a very young girl (s) to one that is maturing into a woman

Young girls' shape changes and no one is saying this is a natural thing, but OMG you did it can I pm you to ask questions?

I have said it before but will say it again. this can be as simple or as hard as you make it. same with spirituality. if you belive you need to do X,Y and Z to achieve something then that is what you have to do.
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Chatty Member
For sure! The advice on this is super contradictory. Its always "You won't find anyone if you don't go out and make an active effort" or "You need to learn to let go and work on yourself and the person will find their way to you" and its like okay so?! What do I actually do then?

Thats amazing! Congratulations on your new promotion and good luck with the new position! Do you mind sharing what methods and tips worked for you with manifesting a job? I'm in college now and job seeking is the next step!
I literally made a list of things I wanted to achieve starting with the job then underneath I wrote once I have this job I want to progress to manager. 2 months later I have it.
I never thought it possible as the previous manager had been in the position 15 years, I couldn’t believe it when he gave his notice, I went straight in and asked if I could apply. Jobs mine. Obviously as well as writing down that I wanted it I told myself how grateful I was for the job I already had and worked hard at what I was doing. Still feel it was meant to be that the other manager is leaving after so long,
write down everything you want to achieve however small and read it regularly telling yourself it will happen and it will. I even wrote down silly little things such as decorate my bedroom and get a new sofa etc as at the time I couldn’t afford them but I really wanted them once it’s written down you will achieve it. I also have a very positive outlook on things and am grateful for what I have.
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Guys you are NOT supposed to let go. The whole point is to persist in what you want until you get. Law of attraction is such bullshit, it’s unrealistic and I said before law of assumption is the way to go. Simply assume your desire and you will get them. It’s THAT EASY! None of this fucking 369 method and weird meditation videos. Dang it!

I have a challenge for every person on here struggling to manifest their desires. I am going to write step by step what I would like you to do. In one week I want you all to come back on this thread and tell me if it manifested.

Step 1- Choose a desire (text from Sp, a simple cup of coffee from somebody, a job interview, ANYTHING you want)

Step 2- Choose 2 affirmations. It could be “my Sp loves me only” and “my Sp texts me all the time” or whatever it is just choose 2 affirmations for your desire.

Step 3- Take 4 different 10 minute slots from your day, every day for a week. Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes and affirm your 2 chosen affirmations over and over in your head until the 10 minutes is up. Do this 4-5 times throughout your day. All for 10 minutes.

Step 4- When you are NOT using the 10 minutes (so all the other times throughout the day) I want you to affirm “isn’t it wonderful”. Just that. Don’t add anything to it all I want you to affirm over and over throughout the day is “isn’t wonderful”. If you have time take 5-10 minutes a day to visualize your desire. But visualizing is NOT necessary.

Step 5- Use SATS. State Akin to Sleep. It works wonders. When you are going to bed and feel yourself getting into that drowsy sleepy state, I want you to use 1-2 affirmations. No more than 2. Repeat these affirmations for your desire over and over while you’re falling asleep. Repeat them until you eventually fall asleep.

Step 6-Mental diet is everything. YOU WILL GET THE SHIT YOU DESIRE BECAUSE YOU ARE DESERVING OF IT. Letting go is bullshit. High vibration is bullshit. 369 is bullshit. All you need is affirming. You can affirm when you are fucking crying and you will still get your desire. Of course it’s still important to stay as positive as you can and if you feel any doubts coming on then you simply switch your thoughts. Just turn it around and tell yourself you deserve your desires.

Step 7- Come back to this thread in a week and I want you to tell me everything you have manifested whether it be big or small.
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Cucumber and eggs

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Same here. My health has taken a hit and im on longterm sick from work. I still get payed thankfully, but I used to do alot of overtime. Just worried about money now
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Cucumber and eggs

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Anyone the last few weeks, been really emotional, angry for no reason, low in mood, tired and lacking of energy, feeling lost and alone? Not sure if this is a spiritual awakening, something to do with the moon possibly? I just dont like feeling like this?
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Cucumber and eggs

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Anyone have any affirmations, success stories etc.. to manifest better health. I'm at the end of my tether now and with the pain im in, it's hard to stay positive. I have a rare syndrome which affects my heart and kidney. Im stage 2 chronic kidney disease and also waiting for heart surgery. I have degenerative disc disease and currently I'm off work with a bulging disc and waiting to see whether they can do anymore spinal surgery (I have had 3 spinal surgeries and refer to myself as a transformer) ive also been diagnosed in the last year with sjogrens, an autoimmune disease and for the last six weeks have had horrendous sinus and salivary gland infections. I just cant take anymore! Fed up of hospital appointment, medication and antibiotics. I know people are far worse off, Im usually a "just get on with it" kind of person, not defined by medical conditions. What also doesnt help is the fact ive been off work, worried about money and fed up of these four walls. I moss being a proper mum to my kids because im so tired and in pain.
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I think for me after years of thinking so negatively & that didn’t deserve things.. I started to think I bloody do. Why shouldn’t I be able to have the house we want so my daughter can walk to school, we did deserve it. The same with jobs I just kept thinking no I’m better than this, I’m worth more than this & started to use time at work to learn more skills & train hard so I could aim for better paid jobs. If you are after interview tips I also recommend the interview boss, Australian but very helpful. Re crystals I’ve always loved them & also a really great declutter is a great thing to do, start just with those drawers fulll of crap & work your way round tour home! Feng Shui is another area I’ve been working on the thread on here is great.
Annnnd it is so nice to chat about this subject without a pile on of WOO accusations, isn't it!!??
I agree with what you say, I think we tell ourselves a 'story', or create a narrative of who we are, what we deserve, what we are good at or bad at in life - and that script often reflects back on us like a mirror.

I was watching some Eckhart Tolle vids a few weeks ago where he discussed the poverty mindset, regarding people who grew up struggling being unable to let the fear of money go (obviously understandable of course). What we believe about ourselves often 'comes true' to some extent, it is a really good idea to try to become aware of our beliefs, challenge them and create some new, more positive (or profitable!) ones.
Although Tolle isn't focused on manifesting, his work does prepare the mind for it.

I found the Jane Roberts 'Seth' books really interesting. Weird premise (channelling) but very wise words and concepts in those books!

The only tip I would share about the LOA is that if we find ourselves judging others for being poor, unhealthy or otherwise unhappy, we are allowing the ego to blind our vision. The ego loves to make us feel better than others, but we are all on our own individual path, at different turnstiles, so compassion and non judgement does free the self up to grow more, I think. A lot of LOA people get bad press for insinuating starving kids chose their fate :(

Compassion though, has it's own rewards ❤
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I hope this doesn't upset or offend anyone who is struggling.

I manifested both my children as September babies, both conceived straight away. I just know I'll have another one. And she'll be a girl. I bought 2 little tiny baby girls outfits and took a photo beside a dated newspaper. I did the same last time. I downloaded some manifestation app. Put a generic baby scan pic with my name at top and I knew the next day, after first day of trying that I was pregnant. I was so convinced, despite the tests not showing it yet, I even booked in for a super early scan and she could only say it looks like there might be a pregnancy. But I just knew. I was so confident in myself. I believe I could manifest another September baby but not sure I want 3 birthdays in 1 month 😂 and would quite like to be heavily pregnant in the Winter rather than Summer for a change.
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Hi guys… I posted last year on manifesting an ex and he msged me this week on a significant day which I’m taking as a sign! Just wondering any tips to keep vibration high as I can go into my own head and bring vibration down. I over think everything and don’t want do this time I want to be able to just go with the flow
Fill your days with things you enjoy and keep yourself busy so you don't have time to think about him ... take up a new hobby or learn a new skill (even if it's just watching tutorials on You Tube to begin with); pamper yourself (something as simple as buying a new hand cream and eating dinner by candlelight, even if you're on your own); say "yes" to invitations out with friends and co-workers - extend your network.

Sometimes - and I'm not saying this is the case here - the ex comes back and you find you've outgrown them!
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