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Anyone got any advice for cleansing ready for the new year. This year has been an anxiety fuelled mess so I’m hoping to enter the new year fresh
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I really hope it’s ok to post this here. I’m just not having much luck right now. And it go as far as saying it’s been 12 months. Most recently, I applied for a job. I won’t go into it but it was 4 stages, with one stage being an interview. I can honestly say with all my might that you *couldnt* have convinced me I wasn’t going to get the job. I prepped so well and fell at the final hurdle. I genuinely was in that role in my head. I have been so disheartened and unmotivated since. I still come close to tears when I think about it. I want to be positive and believe that it works but with that particular scenario I’m struggling to accept it
Have to believe that there was a reason and that something better is coming for you from the universe ❤
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What type of crystals are suitable for a beginner?
I’d recommend:
Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Smoky Quartz -

Or Crystals/stones that represent each Chakra

It can be overwhelming because there’s hundreds. But the best thing to do is choose what you are most drawn to. (Online or in person). I love the colours purple and blue so tend to have a lot of amethyst, celestite and labradorite in my collection.

& also research into their properties so if you suffer from anxiety and depression - amethysts & black tourmaline are great. Want to manifest money and abundance - Jade & citrine.

I use the app Crystalyze as a quick guide when I want to look up a crystal and it’s properties

& recommend The Crystal Bible books by Judy Hall. Theyre huge but so informative!
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Cucumber and eggs

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Hi all, I’ve been reading about asking the universe for a sign, much like the post above. Everything I read however says to ask for a sign in the form of something (like a butterfly). And for it to mean something to you. How does one know what kind of object to ask for? I love cats, but I live with two of them so probably not the best thing to ask to be shown 😂
I did a text message to prove law of attraction works. It was from my personal trainer (can be anyone you know that you know wont text you or speak to regularly)
Picture your phone receiving a text from this person and reading the text and tell the universe you want the text in 48 hours.
My pt text me yesterday saying he had spaces and had a January offer!!!!

Not sure if anyone is into numerology also?

Finally my people! So glad we have this thread.

I've managed to manifest my 2 younger children after years of secondary fertility. I manifested my car, job and house also. Hit a bit of rut with finances and health, and been a negative nancy, but back on it again.

My finances have spiralled out of control and I'm in a lot of debt! So trying to use the law of attraction to help! Trying to manifest a new bigger house since our family has expanded. Also trying to create opportunities for myself to go to uni, but finances and 3 children have held me back from applying.

I'm massively into star signs and horoscopes, spirituality, crystals, law of attraction, numerology and angel numbers.
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Haven’t posted for a while but I put on here before that I’m manifesting a job, I then shared that I got the job and wanted another, I suppose it’s a promotion, alongside that. Well I have only gone and got it. Very happy and also a pay rise so the start of my 2022 has been full of positive things. Keep manifesting and being grateful and good things will come.
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Met up with a couple of friends I've not seen in ages and it turns out one of them has gotten really in touch with her spiritual side roughly the same time I did. Was so lovely to talk about with someone who gets it
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I came across Francesca Amber’s podcast, and have have enjoyed listening. I like her chatty style and potty mouth 😂 I do believe that gratitude and positive thinking affect for the better how you experience life, and good luck to Fran for turning a bad situation to her advantage. BUT I think she’s disingenuous to say that she bought a flat in London whilst earning a low wage, and then almost lost everything due to Covid. I think it gives false hope to people in truly dire situations that they can just ‘manifest’ a solution, and encourages them to pay £££ to do a ‘workshop’. Fran said that she’d paid £1000 to do an online course with the ’Rich as Fuck’ woman, but had recouped that tenfold within a week, which I think is misleading desperate people, and sounds like a pyramid scheme.

I‘ve also listened to some Canny Crystals podcasts, but was raging at one (old) episode where Mart (who worked for the NHS) was spouting nonsense that illness can’t exist in a body where you only think positive thoughts, and went on to say that the guy from The Wanted who had a tumour had cured himself of cancer just by positive thinking, obviously he’s dead now 😢 Mart also told of his father with COPD who was very ill on oxygen, using a stairlift etc, BECAUSE he’s a negative person who gave up and didn’t fight his illness. I have a family member who’s very ill with a lung condition, and the attitude that it’s his fault and he could just think it better is insulting 🤬
Yes, I don't agree personally with some claims ie in Louise hay you can heal your life she said she cured her cancer with manifesting and positive thinking and healthy eating. Maybe that's my own block as I'm still very sore with losing my stepdad rapidly to cancer in 2020.

I just take what resonates with me and leave the rest.

On a separate note, I was really worried about my finances next month. Friday I was in a really positive mood so did some money affirmations and today I got a notification I'd been underpaid by £100 which is almost the exact amount I needed to be fine next month! (I needed £108)
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@Misbehaving he is gorgeous!! So glad you've got him back 💕
Thank you 🥰 I was so sad when we lost him, and really I'm just so grateful and relieved that some nice people took him in (including an old man who Lex kept company till he passed away) and then again he stayed with the lovely couple who cared for him till they found out that we were the owners he's definitely been on quite an adventure :giggle:

It's lovely to have him back home though (I got him when I was pregnant 5 years ago) and he's definitely a valued member of our family.
Plus my son is also called Alex and he was heartbroken when Lex left and he's definitely happier since he came back.....thanks for the well's nice to have something positive to write about.
Take care.
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I know I'm just feeling a bit bleugh as a rough day at work yesterday and on my period, but I'm so sick of lessons. I'm ready for a blessing

We're almost halfway through the month and nothing the psychic said has happened yet. She's said I'm gonna have an amazing month in October, meet a great love, New career opportunities and just wow. That's what she's written down.
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Has anyone got any amazing manifesting stories from 2022? It’s nearly new year and I want to hear about anyone that manifested something great this past year!
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Hey everyone I’m so pleased I have found this thread. I have been trying to get into the manifesting for a long time and I always seem to find a block. I guess it just the impatient part of me who wants instant results😂. I try to keep positive but some you know shitty things happen in life and then I get stuck again in the cycle of feeling shitty and the negativity starts again. I guess it’s probably trying to learn how to take the rough with the smooth. Any help with the manifesting and getting going would be greatly appreciated 💫 also I love anything to do with astrology, moon cycles and crystals but I’m never quite sure on how to use my crystals!
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Do you remember the saying bad things come in threes.... sure enough it wasn't long before you had three bad things come into your life.

Try reversing that, good things come in threes. bet they will.

I normally have black cats and so many people tell me "oh they are unlucky" how strange that I have always thought it was lucky black cat, when I was young we even had lucky black cat charms.

All these sayings are manmade.. So make some up for yourself. Break a mirror? Whoop with joy at all the luck that will come your way

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Chatty Member
I’m not sure if this is the same thing but I have mild chronic sciatica that only flares up if I become stressed or overwhelmed. Well, recently instead of taking painkillers, I’ve been focusing on the pain and closing my eyes and imagining my pain disappearing and going for a run. It was very odd but it actually made the pain disappear, I truly believe the human mind can do so many things beyond our understanding ❤
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Thank you, I've been very stressed with family issues lately, my heartbroken sister is on my sofa (which as you can imagine is very draining!) Plus we are going to the police re our brother (see the incest thread if want details) so it's been particularly tricky. I'm starting to feel a bit better than I have been at the start of the week. I've asked the universe for a sign I'm on the right path 🤞🏽 focusing on meditation and allowing myself to feel the feelings

@Misbehaving how do tarot cards work please? Can anyone do them?
I'm so sorry, I thought I had replied to this but just had this nagging feeling that I hadn't sent it! 😩 I've been thinking of you - I had actually seen your other posts but didn't want to mention it here in case using the other thread was a way of compartmentalising and here was for escapism (no idea if that makes any sense, but I was just trying to be respectful and considerate, but now fear maybe it came across as uncaring!!!)

Anyway I just wanted to send you the biggest virtual hug and let you know that I think you are doing incredibly well in such difficult circumstances. I'm so sorry you are in this position and I hope you are able to find peace and contentment, however that looks ❤

Having seen a few of your posts on other threads, I wish we could DM on here - I feel like we could be friends! Which is bizarre because I find it hard to make and keep friends! Don't suppose you're Midlands based at all? 😅

Sorry for the waffle, just wanted to make sure you knew I hadn't ignored you! Sending lots of love 💖
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Can you sage yourself to get rid of bad luck? I feel I have permanent bad luck. For example, worked in a dead end job and finally after 3 interviews and it being a two month process I got the job I’d aimed for for over four years.

Except no one bothered to train me, I have a breakdown every day and my “fresh start” has severely impacted my mental health.

I have a billion examples, I just feel I have a curse on me that gives bad luck.
I've felt similar. My tarot reader assured me I wasn't cursed.

I'm a huge fan of therapy. This quote resonated with me. “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate.

I would suggest working on your core beliefs and wounds. Where did you first get the idea you were cursed?
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I've had quite a positive month. I've been mostly chilled about everything and it's going good! Been entering many online comps and won more than I expected to. Had a refund from my former shared ownership contract which paid off a bill AND I treated myself to a little designer purse I wanted (which I also managed to get cheaper). Trialling a business (technically MLM type) but its something I use so I'm not massively bothered if it takes off or not - normally I'd have mad anxiety about it but I'm all for if it happens then it was supposed to, if it doesn't I got a bargain on stuff I'm using daily anyway! 😀

The letting go of the outcome side really has changed how I feel, and I'm more chilled than I used to be ❤
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Coastal dreams

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Hi everyone,
I've been following this thread with interest. I've spent the majority of this year planning to move house. I don't have a lot of money but had an idea in my mind of my dream house within my limitations and found it. My offer was accepted back in May and I've been waiting and picturing it since then. Updates have been scarce and I think now I was manifesting it before I even realised what I was doing, if that makes sense.
For the past month or so I've had a feeling that things weren't going to plan hence my reading up on manifesting and the law of attraction and finding this thread, because I wanted it so badly. I've now had confirmation that my worst fears have been realised and the purchase has indeed run into difficulties and may not go ahead at all.
I'm totally gutted and wondering if I have somehow made this happen by harbouring doubts that I'd ever get my dream house? How do I try and remain positive knowing it may not happen?
For reasons I won't bore you with I desperately need to I have my current house. Can the universe sense panic?
Grateful for any thoughts you may have. I want to believe in the universe but struggling right now.
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Thank you for posting this. I have been unwell with a very bad salivary gland infection, time of the month and just feeling really low and under the weather. But then I begin to panic that im not thinking happy thoughts ir being positive. The more I moan how tired I am or how much pain im in, the universe will give more tiredness and pain to me!
I hope you feel better soon 💓 it's horrible how clusters of sickness, seem to come at the same time, and it can be difficult to find respite, sometimes.
I am going through my own bad patch at the moment (co vid again!) and have been practically bed bound. No fun, hardly sleeping and with gastrointestinal issues and then the bloody hacking cough! Lovely 😛 So I feel for you, right now,❣it is tough.

This time though I'm just accepting it, and going with the flow, I hate being sick (who doesn't?) but I told myself (because this thread also inspires me) that this time I will cope with it as best I can.
So this time I made myself as comfortable as possible, I got a good list of films on netflix, I got my husband to shop or got in takeaway....I tell myself I'm lucky to be able to do that.
I do my theta meditation video's before sleep, and when my cough was really disturbing me it helped calm my nerves and I slept afterwards....
I just think yeah I can do this.... remember the coping mechanisms... remember the tools you have learnt?

Surrendering, letting go, not being hard on myself all help? I caught myself having a bit of a meltdown the other day (quite comical as I can't shout, just screech :D)...then I thought ok...hang on I'm being ridiculous here....there is another way to deal with this.
So I went downstairs and explained to my husband what I needed and asked for help.
I think having (or reminding myself) of a mindset of manifestation (gratitude) helped me to do that.
I haven't always been the best at being assertive, and had a I'll go it alone mentality...but that's the fastest way to burn out isn't it?

The universe I think or abundance in general, reminds us that we are not alone, and asking for help and support when really needed is just part of trusting life?
That took a lot for me to learn, but I remind myself it's ok to be sick or ill or bad tempered or needy so long as I am honest with myself.
When you're honest life responds to that, I feel this.... manifestation is not for liars! Or it is but that's a false paradise.....maybe that's the toxic positivity that's called denial, and yes I have felt pushed into that at times.
Like life was maybe for some of us so hostile at some point that we had to construct a different reality, one in which our needs were met!
People are ingenious! Thats a survival strategy right there! We all need to survive, but we need to live as well.
When the ideal or idealisation (and that's what denial is a projection of the ideal imo) doesn't work is when we can feel like we are not good enough or never will.

Chronic insecurity/anxiety can really be soul destroying though and it's this mindset that I am gradually moving away from.
First because we can rescue ourselves, I don't believe in the concept of a saviour anymore (I was brought up in a religious family). That was my Achilles heal,and people pleaser tendancies getting triggered?
We are all given gifts and tools even if they are hidden or we don't always see them.
So it takes the sting out of feeling needy or helpless for every bad state we find ourselves in, there is another corresponding state of helpfulness or courage as well.
This only comes though, when we accept our limitations, then we can work through them

I really believe that a lot of us suffer when we are ill because as a society we seem to be very stuck on the idea and execution of purpose and doing things and being productive even performative?
We've all had those times when we felt forced to put on a brave face, or soldier on, or felt guilty for not being able to give?
If anything this whole pandemic has taught me, that I really don't want to do that anymore!
It's ok to be sick, I'm not a performing seal, and the world isn't going to end if, my children eat pizza or I don't do the all the housework, etc etc..

All this buzz for example with influencers and be kind, but maybe the best way to be kind is not to have unrealistic standards (that society encourages, dissatisfaction is very profitable).....
Unrealistic standards or expectations of ourselves that is? We are here to live, to experience pleasure to be loved, and to be helped, as long as we help ourselves to that as well?
My point being that it's not normal to push ourselves beyond limitations day in day out, or try to do it all.
Yet life can be relentless (or feel like it) but then by facing up to that, and saying hang on that's not what I want, we can with practice get what we really want?
More time or more space or more pleasurable experiences, yes we can all do that. It is possible, when you go through the pain, it just adds to your appreciation of these precious things.
For me that's the real meaning of manifestation cultivating a sense of gratitude....and grace in times of uncertainty and stress.

We have all done this, we just need to remind ourselves?
I was the woman on the cardio ward doing Tai chi after heart surgery....I was the one that the lovely Italian doctor commented on that, she has a positive attitude, she wants to recover I can see that...and he gave me admiration for that! How humble and generous and kind people can be.
Our attitude does make a difference, and positivity does help but as a support to our vulnerabilities not a denial of them.

Thank you 💖 and @fusspot and all the other lovely people on this thread.I was down as well and that article just reminded me of perspective.
Sometimes we all need that, I also needed to be reminded to trust life a bit more, (or universe) and not be so wary, pain is better dealt with understanding and kindness.
I matter I am a person I have needs, so do all of us and that's absolutely as it should be, we are all human and striving after a happiness (that if you have been programmed by narcissistic parents like me)was based on the promise of others, so never found within!
Well that turned out to be the biggest lie! That other people could provide the answers or play god, when all the time we have a higher power at our disposal, but that comes from us, I believe when we connect to source (intuition) and love ourselves, not egotistically but with the awareness of limitations that pain brings, just makes it all the sweeter, when we eventually ease beyond them, and that is more than possible.

Sorry this turned into another long post! Thanks again for reading.
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I posted back in January 2022 that I needed to find affordable housing, during that time I visualised a cosy living room and having cats. I did get there but only after a very stressful situation where my former landlord served a no fault eviction which nearly ended with bailiffs changing the locks. None of which was my fault.

I now find myself on the verge of moving house again because my daughter came back to live with me so I need another bedroom. My current home is so lovely and in a quiet area so I'm reluctant to leave.

There's also a couple of other changes I want to happen, one is my job, I've been for two interviews which were unsuccessful so it's really knocked my confidence. I know I didn't perform well enough in the interviews. I just keep saying to myself that something will turn up, like it always does. There's got to be something else out there!
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