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So I had a bit of an anxiety attack earlier, I was sat on a bench on my way home and just consumed with dread. Didn't want to come home.

I am home now, but I've just watched a really interesting insta video on ayahuasca. Long story short, I think what hit home for me is just I need to spend more time in nature. And more time just being. Less time consuming media constantly and just to sit with myself.
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There’s a few books on highly sensitive people. The Google search term would be HSP.

-It’s okay to limit social interaction and retreat when you need to.

Try to focus on calming your body and creating comfort like the danish. I would also recommend searching up on Hygge.Just some small things:

-If the overhead lights are too bright. Use a lamp to light the room.
-Do you have a soft and thick blanket to wrap up in?
-If you’re sensitive to noise- you could buy noise cancelling headphones.
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Think I’ve manifested bad this week. Had a couple of bad things happen and went straight to what’s gonna happen next. And everyday something worse has happened than the day before. Any tips how to get out this cycle?
Could you try and counteract this by writing all the good things that have happened? They don’t have to be big just small things for example traffic lights on green, saw and smiled at a neighbour, have enough food in your fridge. Even if it’s just 1 good thing per day and build up from there. This reminds me that I’d like to get back to doing my own gratitude list 💜✨

Please don’t think you are a bad person, unfortunately bad things happen to good people often.

Good luck 🍀🌈

The above link has “Gratitude List: 200+ Things to Be Grateful For” to give you some ideas 🌻
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Does anyone have any tips for letting go? I'm single and really desire a healthy, happy relationship and more children. However I feel like it occupies my mind a good portion of the day which is gonna drive it away even further 😫
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I need to manifest something that sounds simple enough but due to supply issues and the person I want to do the work being booked up for the next 12 months, it will be an absolute miracle if it comes off!

Basically, I want something like this:


... But instead on everything being out in the open, I want to be able to close it off, with four matching doors (all opening outwards), to match a cupboard that already exists (super glossy with vertical lines cut through the wood; that cupboard will sit right next door to this).

I already have the space available - it will go on a blank wall - and have the funds saved up ... I've even picked a gorgeous Orla Kiely fabric for the swab, which I'll make myself.

The man I want to do make this is a kitchen installer but he's also a qualified builder; he did our kitchen and laundry as well as a few other things and his work is exceptional ... hence why I'm pinning my hopes on securing him. However, with kitchen installations being his main focus, and because he is the best of the best, he is naturally booked up for months to come.

There are all sorts of supply issues at the moment also ... with everything being held up at ports as well as raw materials being hard to come by ... so I really have my work cut out for me.

Wish me luck!
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In the Jan sales after last Xmas I bought Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree I wanted in my new kitchen diner, at that time had no money or idea how to pay for it. Token items seem to work for me.

Put pics of how I wanted it to look in on a vision board on my phone, started doing daily gratitude, opening my mind to new possibilities and looking for the good in every situation where I could. Listened to positive affirmations and subliminals.

My tree with my decs is up in my new kitchen diner which was completed in July ✅

I started Francesca Ambers LOA changed my life podcast in January last year and I love it - I listen every week. However what I will say is I think it’s really just her story on repeat, it doesn’t really tell you how to implement the practices into your own life? She had Canny Crystals on as a guest and I’ve listened to his podcast since then -he’s very good.
Love canny crystals and I’ve signed up to his Jan gratitude challenge.

Enjoy Fran’s podcasts too and find her inspirational, especially with her new house but do find recent pods a little repetitive.
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Sounds silly, but i’ve been finding a lot of money on the ground.

6p the week before
3p yesterday

I did also give £1 to a busker today.
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I practice a bit of both (Laws of attraction and assumption).

Dream / vision boards are by far my most effective tool. I do speak affirmations but tend to be a bit of a daydreamer / find it hard to concentrate, so find my mind drifting a lot.
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I hope you don't mind an extra person joining in. I haven't actively manifested in the past but have very much lived by the motto "what's meant for you won't pass you by", most notable, a lovely house in my dream village when I was heavily pregnant and facing homelessness. However, lately, I've been in such a negative mindset and had a few 'knocks' to my confidence.

I've got an important interview coming up later this week for a place on a course that I am desperate for a place on - but I can't get rid of that negative niggly feeling and wondered if anyone had any tips or advice? I'd be so grateful!
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Sounds silly, but i’ve been finding a lot of money on the ground.

6p the week before
3p yesterday

I did also give £1 to a busker today.
I honestly found 10p today!!

Being more generous is one area where I know I need to work on and I have been having this nudging that I can't explain that I should give more. Instead of trying to ignore it I've been following the feeling. I gave a £2.50 tip to the Tesco delivery driver yesterday and today I got a unexpected payment for x4 more then I gave away.
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I'm struggling to keep the faith, I'm trying my best to take inspired action and stay positive but I'm just finding it hard to keep up, and to believe things are gonna improve
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I'm feeling very called to look after myself right now. Gonna trust that gut instinct and focus on me rather than manifesting a relationship right now
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Chatty Member
I have been interested in the law of attraction for a while now and have recently started daily affirmations which has really improved my outlook. Things have been going well for me - a new job, nice boss (which I believe i manifested) and a good wage.

But this past week I've been ill with a sickness bug and have had to have time off. Then this weekend ive been ill and gp says I have hand foot and mouth so more time off tomorrow 😪

I now feel like something is sabotaging my good fortune or that it is a reminder that great things shouldn't happen to me.

Has anyone been through anything similar? Or any inclinations on why this is happening? Xx
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I have a story to share!

So, I am saving up, visualising and trying to manifest, my special cupboard (which I've mentioned previously here).

But, in parallel we suddenly have an urgent need to replace one of our cars, which my husband mainly drives (he doesn't fit into my car). It's very old (1996!) and has been needing to get serviced more and more regularly, at which point our mechanic nearly always finds something that needs replacing which, as you can imagine, gets more and more expensive each time. Its latest issues are a shopping list long.

I said to my husband on Monday, "Enough with this craziness! Let's just cough up and buy a secondhand car!!" - same make and model as this one is perfect and nothing else compares - and he actually agreed. I looked online and found a couple that were really affordable and being sold by dealers (so they'll come with a good warranty and new WoF). I found one I loved, in black (very smart), but it sold while I was emailing the car yard. The others I found were either over the amount I had in mind, or not quite right for whatever reason. The amount I had in mind is in savings, so is already there (it's savings for something urgent, which this is - the special cupboard is not).

Last night, I found a picture of one that I wanted (just in Google images - not for sale). It was black, with black interior, the year range I was thinking of, and with a towbar (which we need). I printed it in A3 colour and stuck it on my vision board, right in the middle. I did all the usual things when trying to manifest something in a hurry - meditated, FELT myself driving it, visualised it sitting in our carport ...

Lo and behold this morning when I got notifications of new car listings, the perfect car turned up!! It was originally advertised for $2,900 more than our budget, and was now reduced to $500 over our budget ... but $400 discount if you went through their finance company. I rang the salesperson and managed to sweet talk him into giving me a $200 discount because we're paying in cash and he's had this sitting on the yard for two months (a long time in car yard land). That was actually an amazing accomplishment because he said it was already reduced to what they'd paid for it as someone else's trade. So, we have paid $300 more than what we really wanted to, but it is still a fantastic deal. It's currently getting a service (for free - it's something that the car yard gives all their buyers) and will be ready for me to fly in and drive it home on the weekend. I feel a bit bad that they won't make any money on this car, but hopefully it's not the norm ... they do have 300 other cars on the lot! Oh, and the car has a towbar too.

This afternoon, I was a bit annoyed about the extra $300, feeling delighted about our new car but wondering if perhaps I'd waited a bit, I could have got something just as good for our budget, but I put it to the back of my mind. Then, out of the blue, I got a call from a man I occasionally freelance for, asking if I'd like to pick up some hours for the next three months ... just whenever I can (it's easy-peasy work, can be done from home anytime, and is so incredibly enjoyable). So, that will pay more than the $300! Actually, it should just about pay for the car, so the money can go back into our savings!

So, we have a new car! And it is thanks to the law of attraction!

Never doubt that it works - and when the timing is right!
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Chatty Member
omg I loved reading that!! Thank you so much for posting and well done on manifesting all those things ❤

I’m in the same place as you as not knowing what I want etc so I cant help you there sadly 😂 BUT I did once wrote out a list of all things I liked about my then current job and just went on job sites and applied to jobs with similar points in the job description to my list but ignored the job title & that’s helped me once before xxx
That is a great idea thank you! After writing that long post I felt inspired and started to write down what kind of things I would like my job to be (work from home / liase with or work with interesting people etc) which I thought might be a start at least! Looking at what I like about my job in a job specification sense is such good thinking, I think complicated job titles etc put me off!

@Rosie878 I am listening to Just Fucking Do It. It's less wishy washy than The Secret. But bizarrely I had more luck with this stuff before I knew about it! I think as a child I read something about athletes picturing winning obsessively and just decided that sounded like a good idea. But writing down about my partner seemed to help as well 🤷 Knowing what you want is the key I think! My aunt used to say "You have got to know where you are going, and if you don't, you can't moan about where you end up." Which obviously resonated with me as a child!
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Thank you! That was really useful! I always thought the idea was to be super detailed with visualizations. But its less about detail in the journey and more detail for the end goal/ state I guess! : )
Yep exactly that. The journey will be chosen to what is best. I wrote down a list of things I'd want (for example in a relationship/man) and then burnt this and let it go on the full moon. You can manifest as many things as you want unless you're doing it manicly/panicked as then your energy and vibration won't match up with trusting the universe to deliver.

I like guided manifestations too as they can aid you to visualise more clearly. I know I preach about her alot but if you Google Noor Hibbert then lots of videos from her former bootcamps do appear. I haven't watched this one yet but there are some on FB too. Just be specific just trust the journey

Also some books I've seen recommended:

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Feeling so good right now, happy and at peace. Long may it last. Always feel sooo much better after charging and cleansing my crystals

What type of crystals are suitable for a beginner?
I went and just chose the ones I was drawn to initially. I've got a few more since then which I bought specifically because of their purpose. I charge and cleanse at full moons which ones I feel drawn to using that month. So last night I set my intentions with jade, garnet, smoky quartz & rose quartz
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Chatty Member
Same! We didn't have problems conceiving as you did but when I was pregnant we didn't find out the sex but I kept picturing a tousled headed blonde boy with hazel eyes and lo and behold.

Then with my daughter I kept seeing a dark haired blue eyed older teenage girl. My partner and I both have hazel eyes and he's blonde and I'm mid brown, so the blue thing was unlikely as was the hair. Out she popped with a mop of dark hair and bright blue eyes.

Now I just need to find the energy to really focus on my next career move so I can be at home to take them and pick them up from school, whilst earning six figures, naturally 🤣💸🤞
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Not to sound like a crazy planet lady 🤣 But Mercury has just been in retrograde, in short it can cause all sorts of emotional chaos. Hope everyone’s doing alright x

& definitely agree with the scaremongering, with costs rising, restrictions relaxing, all sorts of doom and gloom coupled with Mercury retrograde is awful.
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