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I've been trying out law of assumption and it's working for me so far. I kept failing something at work as part of my training, and was feeling really stressed and worried about redoing it, so I started imagining I'd already passed it and let go of stressing over what might go wrong, and then it actually did go well next time and I passed.

And whenever I start the day assuming I'm going to have a good day, it always does turn out good 👍
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Something I'm really trying to work on at the moment is "fuck the timeline" and surrender and let go.
I've been reading Louise hay you can heal your life and I've had a bit of a breakthrough this morning. Lately I've been battling with wanting to go and spend lots of money on material things, and I've realised it's not to do with the things, or even the lack of money mindset (focusing on paying off my credit cards at the mo) but it's actually to do with me turning 30 in January, and trying to use external things to delay the aging process, and trying to fill that void I feel with being single. In my head I associate turning 30 with being settled down, having a family (I'm a single mum so my family is just myself and my daughter at the moment) I'm looking to fill that with stuff, which isn't gonna work. So even though I've made so much progress this year especially, I've still got a lot of work to do. I know healing is always a work in progress, but clearly I've got a lot more to do and maybe I'm not as "there" as I'd thought.

I do things on my own, I've learned to enjoy my own company and I do more or less enjoy my life. But maybe not as much as I'd thought.
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Still winning still only one ticket per draw still only small amounts. 😂

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That's actually a lot of wins there! Keep going. 😊

With manifesting, for me the simplest ways are best. Journaling, writing down affirmations X amount of times, those sort of exercises just feel too forced and false for me. Because of that I don't genuinely feel positive about it, im not in the right mindset and for me, genuinely feeling that something is already so, and feeling all the emotions that go with it are key. So I prefer to just daydream and imagine, and let those feelings stir. ☺
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Regarding the amount LOACML makes, there was a post in the Facebook group addressing this and whether or not manifestation / LOA teachers are using it as a “get rich quick” scheme. I think the reason the comment surfaced was perhaps due to the BCB podcast the money magic day I think it was? When Fran mentioned having sugar daddies in the past? I think people are maybe questioning whether her past financial situation might be due to help from others as opposed to manifesting?It does seem however that some people are charging very hefty sums for some information that can be found online. Just do what is best for you 😊
I saw that comment and some of the replies on it were awful. Convinced me that it is basically a cult now, especially when you can’t question things or the leader. Some of the replies were gaslighting the commenter saying if you need to ask this it’s because of your limiting believes and I’m pretty sure another said you shouldn’t question these things. If that’s not brainwashed I don’t know what is.

After that and last weeks podcast where she once again told the story of how she had nothing during Covid(except her £million+ flat in Central London) I decided I’m not giving her any more of my time or money.
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Hi I was just wondering… I manifested the exact job that I wanted it came about when I least expected it tbh and kind of fell into my lap but just wondering is there anything you do after you get a manifestation like a thank you to the universe 😂😂
Not sure if this is even 100% official, but I would do something to help someone else. Make a food bank donation, write a letter or just call a friend to tell them how much you appreciate them.
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Been scanning here a while but finally joined. Thank you for all the advice so far. Bought a journal, a gratitude one, hopefully it will help ☺
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Woke up very emotional and sad. I'd not lost weight this week (2lb up) and felt frustrated and defeated. I had a cry and analysed where this feeling was coming from. Got to the root (not feeling good enough etc) said some affirmations. I've come home from the school run been productive and now I'm sitting in the sun in my garden with a cuppa and feeling a lot more positive and grateful. And I've let myself sit in the moment and send out the vibes to the universe that this feeling, not being at work, this is what I desire.
And in the space of 3 hours I've completely changed my mood.
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Omg coming back to this today has been so heart-warming 🥰 Thank you all for sharing your experiences of shadow and inner child work - I've made lots of notes of things to look at 🙌🏻

@oddsock17 @ATV2021 @rainbowlemon @Misbehaving You are all truly wonderful human beings, realising and accepting you need to do inner work is huge and I'm sending you all lots of love! 🥰 Xxx
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I have my guard up too, which I suppose is a block to me moving forward. I am desperately trying to learn how to manifest and be in that mindset constantly as I hate my job and need out ASAP.
I sometimes think well if you can manifest money no problem and change your life why not help people for free but then I suppose she wouldn't have a business
I sometimes feel like this, which is why I do find it hard to make more money. I have done a few money courses and they all say the same thing, charge more money for your services, let your friends pay for your lunch etc. This doesn't sit right with me.
For me personally I think it stems from being raised in a poor household, always being given handouts and charity from others. For 3years in the 90s growing up we had no hot water or heating. My parents couldn't afford to get a replacement when ours broke. For Christmas it was one present to share between me and my brothers.
Now I'm in a better position and so grateful, I want to share what I have and gift away my services for free. I am attuned to Reiki level 2 and felt uncomfortable when my Reiki master said you must never give out your services for free. Reiki is energy and you must receive something in return. I thought but I want to help everyone. I'm dyslexic so not very good at talking (can mispronounce words) and my grammar isn't the best, so I wouldn't feel confident creating a course but I've always said if I could help people I'd only charge £5 or a small amount. I do truly believe more good people need money, but a lot of people who need it can't afford more than £10 a month.
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Thank you, I've been very stressed with family issues lately, my heartbroken sister is on my sofa (which as you can imagine is very draining!) Plus we are going to the police re our brother (see the incest thread if want details) so it's been particularly tricky. I'm starting to feel a bit better than I have been at the start of the week. I've asked the universe for a sign I'm on the right path 🤞🏽 focusing on meditation and allowing myself to feel the feelings

@Misbehaving how do tarot cards work please? Can anyone do them?
@Thank(space)you I just want to say that I have so much admiration and respect for you.
I think under very difficult circumstances, you have handled yourself brilliantly.
No one could do any better no one!
You deserve to be proud of yourself,you have been through hell and back and you are coming out of the other side.
That's a testament to your strength of character, resilience and tenacity.
If I was even 10 per cent the person you are I would hold my head up high every day, you have nothing to be ashamed of,not ever!
Every time I have read one of your posts I have felt in the presence of someone calm and wise and intuitive and understanding.
I feel you have a vast reserve of empathy, insight courage and strength and it's yours to tap into at any time.

It took courage and trust for you to open up, but I'm so glad you did.That was the first hardest step not being afraid to speak the truth.
Or feeling the fear and having the strength and presence of mind to work through it anyway.
That's amazing a real achievement...from now on as difficult as things are or can get, at least they will never be as bad as before.
You truly are a brave person and I believe you can free yourself, from now on to face your trauma's get help or support if needed and to finally get a chance to live out your best possible future.
You can do this, you're already come so far.
❤ Love to you, your patience and understanding and love for others will come back to you and then some. Of course you felt drained who wouldn't?
This is energy spent dealing with painful issues but it's a release from it as well.
You're amazing ❤ and truly deserve every future happiness and support either from a higher source (manifestation) or from other people.

As for the tarot, thank you for asking, i am not a professional and I just go by my instincts and intuition tbh.
I am into astrology and found a deck online (Amazon) that combined the two, from that I would just do a 3 card spread (the most simple) from that.
I found it reassuring and accurate in answers and then when I started doing shadow work and looking into (Jungian) archetypes, I purchased the Dark wood tarot set and read the accompanying book.
I haven't used them (not yet) in the traditional sense but just got inspired to consult them in regards to finding out my real (previously hidden) character?
That was just me, seeking inspiration I think,but it worked and I am grateful for that.
Really I just dabble but it's a tool that I find useful as I overthink and have a tendency towards anxiety sometimes.
Symbols and archetypes are very powerful I think and speak to the subconscious?
That's what I needed at the time.

Again thank you for asking, sorry don't know if that was useful for you or not ,but I find that when our intuition speaks and we act on it, we find the right path? ❤
Good luck 🍀 to you for now and in the future, you deserve it.
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Hey, new to manifestation and this thread. I'm determined to make some positive changes after spending so many years unhappy. Thanks to @Thank(space)you as I've just downloaded noor hibbert "just f*cking do it" and "you only live once", so I'll be listening to these over the next few days. Any tips for a new starter please anybody? Have a great day
Noors books will help you. They both came with freebies (links are in the books so you'll come across them) and she encourages writing. JFDI has alot of tasks so make sure to do them too. It's not a quick fix, or a short term thing. It's a lifetime change so have to keep that in mind too.

I refuse to go back to who I used to be now. She was miserable, over anxious and self deprecating. I'm about 4 months in so far ❤
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I do believe that gratitude and positive thinking affect for the better how you experience life

I‘ve also listened to some Canny Crystals podcasts, but was raging at one (old) episode where Mart (who worked for the NHS) was spouting nonsense that illness can’t exist in a body where you only think positive thoughts
I’m new to this thread and to manifesting in general, so I’m still learning, but my philosophy is similar to your first point in that I think being positive and grateful can only be a good thing for me, no matter what.

But one thing I keep coming back to is the idea of negative thinking manifesting bad things. The trigger for me seeking out some more meaning in life was my mum being diagnosed with cancer in 2020 (she’s cancer free at the moment but it is stage 4 so it’s like living life waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under us) and I just can’t accept that anyone manifests illness in themselves or their loved ones. I actually wonder if this belief comes from the privileged position of never having experienced something truly awful and senseless. If anyone has any thoughts or philosophies on this I’d be interested to know.
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Chatty Member
I am thinking of doing one of these. I have had nothing but bad luck since august and I'm starting to feel like i welcomed it because I was so anxious about choosing the path that I did versus the other path. I'm worried now that I set myself up for it.

What was the experience like if you don't mind sharing?
It was quite scary, I’ll not lie. I was put under a meditation state where I seen a few things like my spirit guide, and this awful spirit that was attached to me appeared and it got quite frightening but afterwards I felt very light and clear headed, also strange stuff that was happening around my home stopped immediately and I’ve not had any strange going’s on since.
The lady done Reiki on me and gave me some crystals and a reading which I found really good. I lived my life up to that point thinking I was just born under an unlucky star but it got worse since the pandemic, she said it was this spirit playing on my vulnerable state at the time (I had a lot of trauma all at once)

I’d recommend it. My head is so much clearer and I’ve done things I’d have been too scared to go for before so my dreams are starting to happen!
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Im currently having issues at work with a colleague giving me the silent treatment. She has been this way for a few weeks now and even though Ive racked my brain, I cant think of anything I've done wrong. She goes like this from time to time with different colleagues. She caused one colleague to go on the sick for six months. A temp manager has tried to get rid of her for this behaviour but she played the race card and nothing was done. She has my deputy wrapped round her little finger especially when it comes to getting all the overtime and moving peoples shifts around to accommodate her. She got into a row with another colleague for giving them the same silent treatment, the colleague got moved to another ward to work! It's causing me great anxiety and depression at the mere thought of going into work when she is working with me. Is there anyway I can use the law of attraction to basicially get rid of her? I dont want her to stop the silent treatment and be friends, she is not a very nice person and I dont want a relationship with her. Can I ask the law of attraction to move her elsewhere/new job/new ward? Ive asked that the universe releases me of all negative energy and people in my life.
The trick is to not focus on not wanting her around, but to focus on what you do want. So visualising a happy workplace that you feel good going into, happy interactions with your colleagues. So the focus shifting from her and wanting not to work with her, to you enjoying your workplace with your colleagues, that it just so happens she doesn't picture in anymore... Does that make sense?
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LoA absolutely can be a money making selling a dream scheme.

I like persia lawson but would I pay £1K for an 8 week course about finding your soul mate (hint: it's you, the course is loving yourself etc) um no.

I've just paid £33pcm for a year for noors course (JFDI academy) & whilst there was a lot I found helpful, a lot doesn't resonate with me as it is very business focused.

It does seem on fb groups, that the only people posting success stories are coaches. Which is why I like this thread. It's "normal" people posting success from all areas of life.

Those who gave the law of assumption challenge a poster posted about, how did you get on?
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I manifested a holiday with friends which is happening in the new year and a permanent working from home job! For 2023 I’m manifesting a move to London, going to three festivals and a promotion at work!
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I joined this group to have a look, holy crap it's all silly girls trying to win back their exes, and one is trying to make one die. 😲
The phenomenal success seems to be I wanted fuller lips/ flat stomach / slimmer face. then they show before and after clearly of a very young girl (s) to one that is maturing into a woman

Young girls' shape changes and no one is saying this is a natural thing, but OMG you did it can I pm you to ask questions?

I have said it before but will say it again. this can be as simple or as hard as you make it. same with spirituality. if you belive you need to do X,Y and Z to achieve something then that is what you have to do.
agree 100%

I also checked out her website and her services include receive 3 emails per month for £180 WTF!

as someone mentioned above, some people really almost put a MLM spin on LOA to make money, but all the info is there for free
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Chatty Member
Hi everyone! How do you all work on motivation?

I legitimately cannot tell anymore if I'm just being lazy or if its mental health related or I just lack drive but I've been having the hardest time getting good habits started or doing things I know I have to do. I don't even mean traditionally boring things like work or school or chores, this even applies to things I love and am genuinely interested in like manifesting or my hobbies. Even though I know I want to do it and its a good thing to do, I just can't bring myself to move out of wanting to do it and actually doing the thing. Any help or advice with this would be super appreciated!
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I personally feel like I’ve outgrown Francesca. I discovered the Law of Attraction through her YouTube videos, back before she was married and for that I’m grateful to her but I’ve had to stop listening to the podcast because it’s all a bit stale now. I absolutely don’t think anyone should do anything for free, everyone’s time is valuable but her wealth and success, much like many others in the same field, is coming from selling other people a dream. The thousand dollar+ courses that some of the American law of attraction people do, as if there sharing this big magic secret is really a sort of spiritual MLM scheme. If all we need to do is ask, believe, receive then why do we need monetised products books, podcasts, courses, subliminals, necklaces, candles, tote bags etc Fran’s podcast has become popular and she’s jumped on this and monetised where she can but that’s not magic that’s just good business sense.
This has hit the nail on the head 🙌

I mentioned previously that I listen to Frans podcast every week but I don’t believe it teaches me anything about LOA to be perfectly honest!

She’s inspirational to listen to - absolutely has smashed her goal of becoming a wealthy woman. If you look at her paid group on Facebook (book club bitches) there’s 6,000 people there @ £10 per month. Your girl is making £60K PER MONTH before selling so much as a candle 🤯

Let’s face it anyone who follows her, has kids & a 9-5 and believes that they’re going to achieve that level of wealth is deluded!
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