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This thread is so uplifting and positive 💕

I'm working my way towards manifesting a calmer working space.

I'm very fortunate to have my own dedicated home office (which is an old spare bedroom) but it's absolutely laden with old files (which we have to keep for seven years), sewing materials, household stuff like batteries and lightbulbs, and a raft of other bits and pieces. Everything is neatly organised, in plastic crates and labelled accordingly, but they're all stacked upon each other which makes the space feel very heavy. I have several little trolleys with drawers in them, containing stationery and what-not; and three desks ... I really only need one, which is a corner workstation. The wardrobe cavity doesn't have doors and it looks really untidy.

Yesterday, I took the time to photograph all and list for sale all of the things I don't need, for sale - intending use the proceeds to buy an extra tall and wide dresser (which will sit in the wardrobe cavity) that I will store everything in. I even found the perfect dresser, the photo of which I pinned to the wall above my computer, and it just happens to be on sale until close of business tomorrow.

Lo and behold, within minutes of my listing all the things I don't need, some guy hit 'buy now' on everything, which means it all sold for prices over my reserve! Not only that, but he asked if he could come and collect everything today, as he's in my area over this long weekend. So, he's coming at 2pm.

I did not imagine that I would sell everything so quickly! I didn't even ask the universe to make it happen ASAP. I did think it would be nice if I could afford to get the dresser for the sale price, but then put it out of my mind.

The store that has the dresser is going to hold it for me until 5pm today - so fingers crossed this guy will come as he said. Meanwhile, the space has all been cleared out - with the items put on our carpad for him to collect - and it already feels much better ... it doesn't feel so heavy. As well as the two desks and mobile trolleys (with stationery intact), I also took the opportunity to get rid of some other office bits and pieces (monitor stands, spare keyboards, extension leads ... just stuff that is useful, yes, but takes up a lot of space and I really don't need it).

The room is already nicely decorated (I painted it and changed the carpet not that long ago), but I might use the extra money I got from my sales to get a couple of recycled timber pieces which I'll make into wall shelves, plus I might splash out on some gorgeous Orla Kiely fabric and reupholster a chair to pop in the corner of the room.

Last port of call will be to smudge everything with Palo Santo, then it's ready to go!
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So I was messaging my friend and its just hit me that my biggest block is still not truly believing I deserve it all. So it's nice to know that's something to work on as it's given me some direction.

I've also started a blog as I've been having this feeling for a couple weeks I should start one
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The first hurdle people need to get over is the fact that it's easy and others complicate it all. As I have said before you don't need expensive books, programmes or gurus. it's just a very tiny thing you need to do and that is changing your mindset from lack to abundance and faking it till you make it. Remember I said if I found a penny I would pick it up and make myself act ( internally) like I had found £50.

It's like spirituality it's as easy or as complicated as you believe it to be. If you believe you have to meditate three times a day for half an hour to open all your chakras and 3rd eye to become "I am" then that's is exactly what you have to do. If you believe it's just a matter of walking in nature and feeling the silence is all you need, that that is all you need.
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Oh my god I can’t believe I only just found this thread. I’m super into manifesting.

If anyone wants a book reccomendation I personally, highly reccomend Joseph Murphy - the power of the subconscious mind (don’t bother with the subreddit the man who runs it is an absolute nutter and a scammer). Neville Goddard is highly reccomended aswell but I find him a bit preachy with the bible verses.

Most of what you read online are just techniques, scripting, affirmations, visualising, SATs, praying etc. You don’t need to do ALL of them. Don’t get caught up in the process, find the one that works for you and stick to it.

If your new have a practice, it can take a while to convince yourself you believe it. A car parking space or a cup of coffee are good starting points, just to prove you can do it.

Also I usually avoid manifesting spaces now, I don’t tell anyone what I’m manifesting because I don’t want them to put doubt in my mind, I like hearing success stories but I try to block out listening to other peoples frustrations etc because it makes me start to doubt myself
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I've been reading with great interest as I love this stuff!!

I manifested my pregnancy when we were struggling to conceive. Every night before bed I would repeat to myself where I will be in x months time "I will be pregnant" for example and it happened.

I also manifested the redecoration of out living room, new sofas ect. Its now exactly how I thought it would be.

Right now before I go to bed most nights I go through my new dream home. Every room every aspect I go though it in my head as if weve already moved in. Its something I'm really focusing on right now.

I have a 5 year list of specific things also.

I'm trying to be grateful for the things we have, how lucky we are and how 9/10 years ago I dreamed of being where I am now.

I'm going to listen to some of the podcasts mentioned above and look into some of the books too.
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So.. I asked the universe for a sign. I used a white feather because I really like seeing feathers and my son is obsessed with birds so it seemed fitting 💜

I first saw one that was kind of light grey, then the next one I saw was so nearly white but had a tinge of grey. Can I take that or does that mean I need more work before my manifestation is close?
White feathers have always been a symbol of a passed loved one being near.
I have feather pillows, duvet cushions so yes I see white feathers a lot. one day a white feather floated in front of me in my bedroom and I laughed and said I'm surrounded by white feathers you will have to do better than that. walked into the bathroom and right in front of me, a brown feather floated down.

Maybe grey has a meaning for you. all feathers have a meaning.

Trouble is even when we are given a sign we doubt it and ask for a sign-ier sign 🤣
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Any tips on letting go of the timeline? Struggling with my 30th fast approaching and dealing with the disappointment of still being single, not having a family, whilst all my friends bar one are in relationships.

I know I know I need to find my own happiness within etc etc
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Chatty Member
You don't need to read books or watch 100 videos. All I did was change my mindset from lack to abundance.

Did I have a roof over my head.. yes
did I have food in my belly... yes
did I have an income coming in ... yes.

Then I was abundant and had more than so many in the 3rd world. it was like something clicked in my head. I stopped seeing my top floor flat as a curse, stopped seeing my crap diet as a curse and stopped looking at my income as crap.

If I see money on the floor I would pick it up and in my head go wooohooo YAY!!!! even if it were just a penny

Anyway as I said before things just started to change I didn't have any more income but it seemed as if I had more and now I live in an amazing village in a lovely bungalow and my income is twice what it was even though I am on disability benefits nothing has changed only my mindset.

I cut out from my life all those people who drag me down with negativity or at least not be round them so much.
You also need to help the universe to help you. if you want something start doing things to bring it to you. don't just think about it, but be proactive.
as the joke goes about the miser who thought the lord had forsaken him because he never won the lottery.. every week he cried that the lord didn't help him until finally the lord shouted "at least meet me half way and buy a ticket!! 😂

This is the video I showed the children it's simple and to the point and unlike all those out to make money off you, its very uncomplicated

this was very insightful and stripes it right back to the basic! Xx

Are there any specific podcasts or Youtubers you recommend? I found a podcast or two about it but none of them really lay out the first steps for beginners which was part of what was overwhelming to me. But maybe thats bc everyone's journey is different?
Funnily enough, I wanted to go back to basics and went searching and found this podcast & this episode & she’s from the U.K. which I like because she talks no BS and typical British humour!
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Im really struggling with a case of the blues. I know it's not my depression, because it feels different. Workplace morale is so so low at the moment. Does anyone have any suggestions? I do my daily gratitude I'm exercising more. I know I'm very lucky to have my job and afford my little luxuries but I just feel so bleugh. I know I'm not living the life I desire. But I don't know what to do to change that.
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I’m doing the 5 day free Emma Mumford manifestation thing, I just can’t warm to her though & she’s plugging her Queens monthly sign up thing all the time. I liked the writing yourself a letter to open at the end of the year. Ive got the magic book on the way I ordered from Vinted I really like Francesca ambers podcast. Stepping into the best year of our lives so far 😊
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Chatty Member
Okay so I wanted to post this as I think it gives a good example of LOA and reminder to be grateful for what you do have!

My friend does Air BnB. She’s a 32 year old woman living in her house alone with her cat. She’s never had any issues with guests- sometimes she’s there for their stay, sometimes not. She’s quiet popular as she’s a super host and her house is in a great location. Anyway, we were voice noting and she said it’s grreat I’ve guests wanting to stay for one or two nights, but it’s better money if guests stay for longer. So we said we’ll manifest for guests to stay longer.

Well the universe delivered. A week later she got a guest who wanted to stay 10 days but could only book 7 days (as my friend blocked the weekend out he wanted to stay longer for!). Anyway, he was the most unsettling guest she’s ever had!! To the point where she found any excuse to be out of the house or stayed locked in her room!

Aftetward he left, we were talking and she was like I’m so grateful for those short term guest etc!

So just goes that something that you want to manifest may not be what you think it is & to be grateful for what you do ❤✨
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Do you have a link to that meditation by any chance @oddsock17?
Yeah here it is -

For child work John Bradwshaw had a good series called homecoming which is still up on youtube. He also had the book healing the shame that binds you.

Lisa A. Romano also does a lot of childhood trauma meditations.

Could also try self administered EDMR or EFT tapping.

At this moment in time If I'm being honest I know all of the things that I'm supposed to be doing, but mentally I just feel like I've given up. I've been feeling incredibly low ever since I came back from Brighton. I've had depression since I was 14 so it's nothing new but I just feel like I don't have any hope left or reason to still be living.
This is from a man I follow on FB called Chris Kirckof -
Depression: 8 things you may not know

1. Depression is often an inflammatory condition

Depression is often a manifestation of irregularities in the body that often starts far away from the brain and is not associated with so-called “chemical imbalances.” Not a single study has proven that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. That’s right: there has never been a human study that successfully links low serotonin levels and depression. Imaging studies, blood and urine tests, post-mortem suicide assessments, and even animal research have never validated the link between neurotransmitter levels and depression. In other words, the serotonin theory of depression is a total myth that has been unjustly supported by the manipulation of data. Much to the contrary, high serotonin levels have been linked to a range of problems, including schizophrenia and autism. So if you think a chemical pill can save, cure, or “correct” you, you’re dead wrong. That is about as misguided as putting a bandage over a nail stuck in your foot and taking aspirin. It’s absolutely missing an opportunity to “remove the splinter” and resolve the problem from the source.

2. Antidepressants have the potential to irreversibly disable the body’s natural healing mechanisms

Despite what you’ve been led to believe, antidepressants have repeatedly been shown in long-term scientific studies to worsen the course of mental illness—to say nothing of the risks of liver damage, bleeding, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and reduced cognitive function they entail. The dirtiest little secret of all is the fact that antidepressants are among the most difficult drugs to taper from, more so than alcohol and opiates. Moreover, antidepressants have a well-established history of causing violent side effects, including suicide and homicide. In fact, five of the top 10 most violence-inducing drugs have been found to be antidepressants.

3. The effect of anti-depressants is not a cure

Even if we accepted the proposition that these drugs are helpful for some people (82% of which is due to the placebo effect according to Dr. Irving Kirsch),extrapolating a medical cause from this observation would be akin to saying that shyness is caused by a deficiency of alcohol, or that headaches are caused by a lack of codeine.

And what about a genetic vulnerability? Is there such thing as a depression gene? In 2003, a study published in Science suggested that those with genetic variation in their serotonin transporter were three times more likely to be depressed. But six years later this idea was wiped out by a meta-analysis of 14,000 patients published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that denied such an association.

4. Pharmaceutical companies have greatly manipulated the data about anti-depressants working

To truly appreciate the breadth of evidence that states antidepressants are ineffective and unsafe, we have to get behind the walls that the pharmaceutical companies erect. We have to unearth unpublished data, data that they were hoping to keep in the dusty catacombs. A now famous 2008 study in the New England Journal of Medicine by Turner et al sought to expose the extent of this data manipulation. They demonstrated that, from 1987 to 2004, 12 antidepressants were approved based on 74 studies. Thirty-eight were positive, and 37 of these were published. Thirty-six were negative (showing no benefit), and 3 of these were published as such while 11 were published with a positive spin (always read the data not the author’s conclusion!), and 22 were unpublished.

5. Most prescriptions for antidepressants are doled out by family doctors...not psychiatrists

Seven percent of all visits to a primary care doctor end with an antidepressant and almost three-quarters of the prescriptions are written without a specific diagnosis. What’s more, when the Department of Mental Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health did its own examination into the prevalence of mental disorders, it found that most people who take antidepressants never meet the medical criteria for a bona fide diagnosis of major depression, and many who are given antidepressants for things like OCD, panic disorder, social phobia, and anxiety also don’t qualify as actually having these conditions.

6. Many physical conditions mimic psychiatric symptoms

Many different physical conditions create psychiatric symptoms but aren’t themselves “psychiatric.” Two prime examples: dysfunctioning thyroid and blood sugar chaos. We think (because our doctors think) that we need to “cure” the brain, but in reality we need to look at the whole body’s ecosystem: intestinal health, hormonal interactions, the immune system and autoimmune disorders, blood sugar balance, and toxicant exposure.

7. Basic lifestyle interventions can facilitate the body’s powerful self-healing mechanisms to end depression

Dietary modifications (more healthy fats and less sugar, dairy, and gluten); natural supplements like B vitamins and probiotics that don’t require a prescription and can even be delivered through certain foods; minimizing exposures to biology-disrupting toxicants like fluoride in tap water, chemicals in common drugs like Tylenol and statins, and fragrances in cosmetics; harnessing the power of sufficient sleep and physical movement; and behavioral techniques aimed at promoting the relaxation response.

8. Depression is a message and an opportunity

It’s a sign for us to stop and figure out what’s causing our imbalance rather than just masking, suppressing, or rerouting the symptoms. Our body communicated to us through emotions and they will signal to us when we need to make changes. Listen to these signals!

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You need to be on the right vibration to manifest anything. Otherwise it's just words and is pointless. Focus on your subconscious. It will always sabotage your efforts unless you change it. Inner child work is great for this.
There are so many meditations on YouTube and once you've meditated a few times it's easier each time to get into.
I've also done some sleep hypnosis from there on topics such as finding soul purpose, meeting soul guides and healing work.
It is a long process, I tried the Secret etc for years, and wish I'd realised all the other stuff first.
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You could watch the movie doc or read the book of the same name the Secret by Rhonda Byrnes to get a basic idea.

There's also Napoleon Hill's think and grow rich book.
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I have an item in my house which I feel is bad luck for romance. It is not mine, the owner won't take it back & my mum, who was meant to take it, is now refusing.

Can I sage the item to get rid of bad luck? Or is there anything I can do? 😨
Can you sage yourself to get rid of bad luck? I feel I have permanent bad luck. For example, worked in a dead end job and finally after 3 interviews and it being a two month process I got the job I’d aimed for for over four years.

Except no one bothered to train me, I have a breakdown every day and my “fresh start” has severely impacted my mental health.

I have a billion examples, I just feel I have a curse on me that gives bad luck.
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I'm interested in others' thoughts on this ...

In my LoA group last night, we had a new member come along who was of the belief that in order to receive something from the universe, you have to give up something in return.

This doesn't align with my beliefs - well, only so far as removing things that I decide aren't working for me ... I'll happily release those and do so. But I don't believe that you have to give up something you value, in order to receive something else.

What do you guys think?
I personally believe there needs to be a balance of give and take. There are a lot of people who give with the expectation that they will receive something in return which is something I don’t agree with. Give with good intentions, but don’t give for the sake of giving and wanting something more in return in that makes sense?

There are studies that have shown when someone receives money and they spend it on someone else instead of themselves that brings more joy which I can relate to. 💜
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You can get loads of Bob Proctor stuff for free on his YouTube channel

I’ve noticed a lot of people now charging angel number prices such as £333 and £111 and £44.44
Agree with the above. Loads of Law of attraction free stuff on You Tube and Internet. Law of Attraction can be a money making thing for some people, when you can actually do it for free. The Law of Attraction belongs to all of us, does not have to be taught in an expensive course.
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Anyone tried Reiki/Quantum energy healing on here?

I have got serious anxiety that I can't shift. My weekly therapy sessions aren't helping so I have been thinking of it. Any experience?
I have Reiki healing once a month.
I started about 18 months ago when I was struggling terribly with grief.
After the first session I completely broke down in tears but that evening I did feel lighter.
I am a much calmer person now than I was before (that wasn’t related to my grief) and I do let things go now rather than let things anger me. I still had to work my way through my grief - nothing helps with that except time tbh - but I was more accepting of it. If I needed to spend the day on the sofa in tears then I did because fighting it only put off the incoming tsunami.
I am definitely more relaxed about things than I used to be. If I ever feel any anger starting to bubble up inside usually I can now take some deep breaths and let it go. I never thought I could be like that but here I am. I’m not saying I never get angry but I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. I know what matters and what doesn’t. I know who is worth my head space and who isn’t. Sorry it’s hard to explain.
I used to find the week before my next Reiki session I could feel myself getting tense and agitated again so now I have reflexology in between. That seems to work well for me - Reiki, then 2 weeks later Reflexology, then 2 weeks later Reiki again, etc. It’s not cheap but I know it helps me. If money became tight then I’d try 3 weeks between or have to go back to monthly.
Give one session a try and see how you get on.
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