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Has anyone used any of these methods to reconcile with someone who is currently estranged?
Would the writing down the feelings of having this person in your life work or is manifesting best for objects and things rather than relationships/people?
Thanks all 💛
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Hello! First time poster, has anyone had any luck with manifesting a broken relationship back to working? I split with my ex a year ago in may 2021, after knowing each other for over 7 years and 2 years of dating. I’ve really struggled to move on from him and I know I don’t intend to move on from him as I was and still am so in love with him, I’m convinced he is the one! I’ve been manifesting/visualising nearly 10 months that he will be coming back, that he is going to come back and visualising that I’m sat on a sofa with him and my dog and all of us happy, content and in love. Are there any tips/advice on this please? Any help/experience would be appreciated.
I haven't done this technique myself, so I can't vouch for if it works or not, but I am subscribed to Neyah's YouTube channel, and I find her videos really helpful and inspiring.
Hopefully it will work for you, fingers crossed (the comments section under the video is also interesting imo, the reviews left by people who have had success are always interesting to read).
Good luck 🤞

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Hi @Roryx1 i followed your steps from your last post and providing an update since you asked to try it for a week.

so starting from 14th (two weeks ago) I set out my desire that my sp will call me by end of next week (the week just gone) with two affirmations being that he really loves and that he thinks of me all the time. I did this 3 times as you had asked, as days went I know I did it more than 3 times. I must say I was feeling very positive and happy when I was affirming my thoughts. It was a feel good factor.

However, the week did end yesterday and I didn’t receive the phone call I so badly desired. I’m not upset about it, disappointed yes but not upset. I’ve been manifesting consistently since May 2021 with no luck so far which is why when I read your post about affirmation I thought I’ll give that a go as I have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Is there something I didn’t set right? Or is it cause my desire is for this one specific person? Any advice? Tia
Hi Tia. I’m so glad you tried my method. I would like to ask you if you had any doubts while manifesting your Sp this week? Any doubts at all whether they be big or small. Mental diet is key and to manifest your desires you have to switch any negative thoughts to positive.
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VIP Member
Is there anything that you can’t manifest? Ie can you manifest a proposal or pregnancy for example?
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So.. I asked the universe for a sign. I used a white feather because I really like seeing feathers and my son is obsessed with birds so it seemed fitting 💜

I first saw one that was kind of light grey, then the next one I saw was so nearly white but had a tinge of grey. Can I take that or does that mean I need more work before my manifestation is close?
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So how many of you here are doing JFDI academy? I thought it was £4000 and stopped scrolling. Didn’t realise it was between £33 and £39 per month. Is
for those already doing it how did you find it? I mean I find her irritating to an extent, but do value and appreciate what she brings Knowledge and insight wise.……
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Hi Has anyone done Noor Hibbert's free 5day manifestation course?
I did and its what got me into her work. I do love her academy and as @Thank(space)you said alot is focused on money/business but you can easily adapt it to whatever area of your life. Goal setting covers every area. Most of the work is digging deep and removing blocks for whatever your story/goal is so it's all easily adaptable and just make it fit to your situation.

It's definitely worth a watch. Her energy is amazing
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I have used LOA to manifest two things:

1. I love Yorkshire terrier dogs and really wanted one so I announced on Facebook that I would have a Yorkshire terrier. I did change my manifestation slightly as I didn’t mind if it was part Yorkshire terrier. Due to a family bereavement I forgot all about my manifestationIn December 2017, my mum rescued a Cairn Terrier crossed with Yorkshire terrier in a terrible state (Very thin, matted fur, dirty, smelly and terrified of everyone). 4 years later, no one claimed her and the dog is totally different.

2. Back in 2015, I decided to manifest a large sum of money and it took three years to manifest. I did use gratitude to help (At first I wrote down what I was grateful for in a plain journal) and then gradually bought a gratitude journal from Amazon. It got to a point where I was content with the money I had and I had this weekend where I just felt calm and content (something I hadn’t felt for a while) just planning how to pay off my overdraft the next year and six days later, I manifested £30,000, I was excited about the money and shed happy tears but I really couldn’t think of what I wanted to do with it as at that point there was nothing materially I wanted.

My next manifestation is that by next year I want to shed 6 stone in weight, look amazing and start dating again. I’m going to try a vision board, manifesting journal and see what happens.
Love this! Thank you for sharing
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Yes, sorry I meant the JFDI Academy.
I've watched the Bootcamp and I do like her energy. I've watched a lot of manifesting people and I don't really like the airy fairy ones, she's quite direct and blunt and swears like a trouper like me lol.
I like the academy personally. It's got the app (that has hypnosis/meditations on it) & 52 weeks of videos/audios etc and the FB group which has various lives including breathwork ceremonies, goal setting, live coaching sessions you leave a question for, and guest speakers for various topics (love, money etc). It depends what you're looking for. You can sign up for a month and convert to longer but I don't think you get the bonuses that way but then you can see what's on offer
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Can I recommend an Akashic Record reading. It will guide you to your soul purpose which will align you with what you are wanting. So interesting if you're into past lives, why you have a certain phobia, why you chose your family etc
Can you recommended anyone?
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Hi there

Well-known member
Hi @Roryx1 i followed your steps from your last post and providing an update since you asked to try it for a week.

so starting from 14th (two weeks ago) I set out my desire that my sp will call me by end of next week (the week just gone) with two affirmations being that he really loves and that he thinks of me all the time. I did this 3 times as you had asked, as days went I know I did it more than 3 times. I must say I was feeling very positive and happy when I was affirming my thoughts. It was a feel good factor.

However, the week did end yesterday and I didn’t receive the phone call I so badly desired. I’m not upset about it, disappointed yes but not upset. I’ve been manifesting consistently since May 2021 with no luck so far which is why when I read your post about affirmation I thought I’ll give that a go as I have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

Is there something I didn’t set right? Or is it cause my desire is for this one specific person? Any advice? Tia
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VIP Member
Yes!! Thank you. Been wracking my brain how to word it/go about it.

It's a nightmare. Has affected my sleeping and appetite. I'm quite a highly emotional person anyway and I have lovely relationships with my other colleagues and patients and my managers think highly of me. It does get you questioning whether it's something you did/didn't do but she has done it to a few colleagues. They say not to take it personal and she will probably start speaking to me again like nothing happened, but I dont want that. Why should she make me feel like shit and dread going to work and then pretend like nothing happened.
Keep us updated on how it goes, hope it improves for you 😊
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Tangerine Cat

VIP Member
I watched an amazing NDE video before Christmas last year. It was a black american lady who spoke in a very religious way like they do in those church services saying things like 'praise the Lord!!'

it was about an hour long and was fascinating saying how she sat in front of Jesus and he answered all her questions and she felt like she’d Ben with him for days. I’d love to watch it again but I’m blowed if I can find it. Went back through my history for months but I think it must have been pulled.
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