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Have any of ever felt a pull to change something really random?

it's not a want or a need. It feels like a pull or an urge.
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I journal a lot, it helps my mental health and I write down my manifestations and goals which I have to say are coming to fruition with putting in the actual work too.

You can get a gratitude journal on Amazon or even use a plain notebook and write down what you’re grateful for and some affirmations. Some people write in present tense like they already have what it is they want. I’d recommend two books (The secret by Rhonda Byrne and Good vibes, good life by Vex King.) There’s also lots of podcasts on Spotify/apple and YouTube videos or tiktoks that are so useful!

I always visualize what I want and have made a vision board on Pinterest too! I listen to high frequency music and try to meditate because you have to be aligned and in a good place to receive, it’s hard sometimes but if you’re in a negative or lack mindset you attract bad vibrations.
Thank you for all the suggestions! Do you visualize as yourself in like first person or is it more third person/outsider perspective?

I started by writing a list of things I want to achieve even really simple things like decorating a room and buying a new sofa, I now have that new sofa and my room got done I even have a bigger salary as that was another achievement for this year I can now tick off. Write a list of everything you would like to achieve in a year no matter how small and you will do it. 2 years ago we wanted to get our first family holiday abroad and we managed to achieve that too. Be grateful for everything you have and never down about the things you don’t because you will get them if you believe in them. Next on my list is the job I have been after and I’ve already had steps towards getting it. I will have it by the end of this year I’m sure.
Best of luck with getting the job! I'm sure you will get it :) Thanks for the suggestion!

Omg this is amazing i do affirmations 4x a day and also scripting/journalling and ive had a few amazing things happen.
I Don't do scripting everyday but when i remember to do it then i do and its so good really detail everything it helps to visualise, i start my new week on a Saturday (for some reason) and at the end i ask for a sign and it could be something like yellow cups in any form (tattoos,pictures etc) and i ask to see 10 in a week and yeah sometimes i see 10 sometimes i see 4 but thank the universe and then the following Saturday ask for something different
Another book to look out for is the magic that is amazingly good and ive felt so much better by doing it, i found a pdf version of the book online for free but also have a hard copy
I have also done 33x3 and that's worked many times for me too but always small things with that
Thank you for all the suggestions! I have never heard of 33x3 but I look forward to learning more about it! Are the signs you ask for just random things or things you genuinely want? I used to do affirmations as well and it really helped my mindset and anxiety and helped me do well on a job interview but I fell out of the habit! Definitely a good reminder to get back into it!
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It was quite scary, I’ll not lie. I was put under a meditation state where I seen a few things like my spirit guide, and this awful spirit that was attached to me appeared and it got quite frightening but afterwards I felt very light and clear headed, also strange stuff that was happening around my home stopped immediately and I’ve not had any strange going’s on since.
The lady done Reiki on me and gave me some crystals and a reading which I found really good. I lived my life up to that point thinking I was just born under an unlucky star but it got worse since the pandemic, she said it was this spirit playing on my vulnerable state at the time (I had a lot of trauma all at once)

I’d recommend it. My head is so much clearer and I’ve done things I’d have been too scared to go for before so my dreams are starting to happen!
Have you looked at gatekeeping? Here is a link that you might find useful - and anyone else who is interested 💜

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Cucumber and eggs

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So how many of you here are doing JFDI academy? I thought it was £4000 and stopped scrolling. Didn’t realise it was between £33 and £39 per month. Is
for those already doing it how did you find it? I mean I find her irritating to an extent, but do value and appreciate what she brings Knowledge and insight wise.……
I have watched two of her videos of the bootcamp and bought her book (still need to read it), but I've just got this niggle that it's quite like an MLM. I may be wrong. Ive got my guard up I suppose as I got sucked into one when I was absolutely desperate, it caused me to have a breakdown because I wasn't doing as well and seeing results, and I lost quite a bit of money. Since being in the Facebook group and asking questions on there, ive had people in the group who work for mlm, send me friend requests and messaging me, trying to get me to join their business. But I do find Noor my kinda person, swearing like a sailor, happy and bursting with energy and alot of what she says has given me confidence and motivation.
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I’ve just discovered this, it’s absolutely fascinating.
is it better to write things down or do you just say it over in your head?
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Chatty Member
Anyone who journals, what do you write? Just a diary or something?
I will just google prompts tbh. Usually on a topic I feel I want to explore more when I sit down to journal. So self discovery prompts or personal growth prompts and then I just pick one that stands out to me.
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I'm so sorry, I thought I had replied to this but just had this nagging feeling that I hadn't sent it! 😩 I've been thinking of you - I had actually seen your other posts but didn't want to mention it here in case using the other thread was a way of compartmentalising and here was for escapism (no idea if that makes any sense, but I was just trying to be respectful and considerate, but now fear maybe it came across as uncaring!!!)

Anyway I just wanted to send you the biggest virtual hug and let you know that I think you are doing incredibly well in such difficult circumstances. I'm so sorry you are in this position and I hope you are able to find peace and contentment, however that looks ❤

Having seen a few of your posts on other threads, I wish we could DM on here - I feel like we could be friends! Which is bizarre because I find it hard to make and keep friends! Don't suppose you're Midlands based at all? 😅

Sorry for the waffle, just wanted to make sure you knew I hadn't ignored you! Sending lots of love 💖
Thank you, sadly I'm not in the Midlands, I'm down in the south west x
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Aw I'm so happy you loved it, it's a fantastic book. If you haven't already, look at The Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson. There's a group on Facebook and I downloaded the app (don't subscribe as it's £30 a month and I've had it near 2 years and never been charged). It's around a grand to do the course to be a practitioner but I self-learned through the app and reading posts. Get your muscle testing tip-top and you'll learn to use it for everything. I've cleared so many trapped emotions from me, my family and even my dog who was ill. Now if I have a physical ailment I go to the Metaphysical Anatomy book, see what the underlying issues or emotions are and then clear them 😊
Do you think this would help with chronic illnesses?
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I've stopped trying to manifest anything. As a matter of fact, today I've tossed every single piece of paper I wrote my "dreams" on. I even tossed a plaque which stated "dreams do come true". No dream of mine has ever really come true, so I think it's time to let go and stop trying to force destiny. Last thing I manifested was my current apartment last year and I think the owner is now looking to sell. Everything I've ever manifested never lasted very long and ended up going haywire after a short period. The things that actually lasted were things I didn't try to manifest and just happened randomly. It gave me room for thought and I now realize you can't control your own destiny and if you try, it will only be for a short while.
Maybe the lesson is, nothing has permanency and really the only thing that matters is the relationship to your own self. Happiness comes from within, the cultivation of being able to handle life stressors and to try and bring joy to your own life each day!
I’ve manifested things, but nothing has lasted. But that’s ok, it filled the need for the here and now I needed. Then it’s time to move along and dream new dreams……..
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Chatty Member
Yeah exactly that. Manifest how you'll feel, where you'll be, what your life looks like and really feel it. When writing the "I am" type phrases (instead of I need/I want) you'd put like "I am in a job that I love, doing XYZ (helping people/working with animals/sales - whatever it is) and earning £50,000+ a year" for example. Parts have to be specific - You can do manifesting for specific jobs too but also be accepting if that doesn't happen it may be that there's a different path set for you. But the important part of all that waffle is the feelings and imagining you at the end goal - not the journey/who/what/where/whys of it all.
Thank you! That was really useful! I always thought the idea was to be super detailed with visualizations. But its less about detail in the journey and more detail for the end goal/ state I guess! : )
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Guys you are NOT supposed to let go. The whole point is to persist in what you want until you get. Law of attraction is such bullshit, it’s unrealistic and I said before law of assumption is the way to go. Simply assume your desire and you will get them. It’s THAT EASY! None of this fucking 369 method and weird meditation videos. Dang it!

I have a challenge for every person on here struggling to manifest their desires. I am going to write step by step what I would like you to do. In one week I want you all to come back on this thread and tell me if it manifested.

Step 1- Choose a desire (text from Sp, a simple cup of coffee from somebody, a job interview, ANYTHING you want)

Step 2- Choose 2 affirmations. It could be “my Sp loves me only” and “my Sp texts me all the time” or whatever it is just choose 2 affirmations for your desire.

Step 3- Take 4 different 10 minute slots from your day, every day for a week. Set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes and affirm your 2 chosen affirmations over and over in your head until the 10 minutes is up. Do this 4-5 times throughout your day. All for 10 minutes.

Step 4- When you are NOT using the 10 minutes (so all the other times throughout the day) I want you to affirm “isn’t it wonderful”. Just that. Don’t add anything to it all I want you to affirm over and over throughout the day is “isn’t wonderful”. If you have time take 5-10 minutes a day to visualize your desire. But visualizing is NOT necessary.

Step 5- Use SATS. State Akin to Sleep. It works wonders. When you are going to bed and feel yourself getting into that drowsy sleepy state, I want you to use 1-2 affirmations. No more than 2. Repeat these affirmations for your desire over and over while you’re falling asleep. Repeat them until you eventually fall asleep.

Step 6-Mental diet is everything. YOU WILL GET THE SHIT YOU DESIRE BECAUSE YOU ARE DESERVING OF IT. Letting go is bullshit. High vibration is bullshit. 369 is bullshit. All you need is affirming. You can affirm when you are fucking crying and you will still get your desire. Of course it’s still important to stay as positive as you can and if you feel any doubts coming on then you simply switch your thoughts. Just turn it around and tell yourself you deserve your desires.

Step 7- Come back to this thread in a week and I want you to tell me everything you have manifested whether it be big or small.
I will give this a go for something I have in mind.

Do dream/vision boards not play any part in law of assumption?
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Does anyone have any tips for letting go? I'm single and really desire a healthy, happy relationship and more children. However I feel like it occupies my mind a good portion of the day which is gonna drive it away even further 😫
You're right on that - the universe responds to patience.

Fill your mind with other things - take up a hobby; read something engaging.
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Watch Tony Robbins.... I couldn't cope with him at all 🤣🤣

I like Noors energy. I caught the last half hour of C&C today as always like to see what others ask/get tips etc. It's a good bonus. I think the breathwork session that's upcoming is with her Brother (it's good but intense!) Have to breath heavily for about 20 minutes and I do struggle with that part. The shaking dancing bit is fine lol 😆
Tony’s hands are so small, but my mate said that he has something wrong with him that’s why they are small. I felt a little bit guilty afterwards 😂

Sounds like Wim Hoff method?

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I like some of her stuff, not everything. Ralph Smart from infinite waters also irrationally annoys me. I tried with Noor Hibbet but didn't like her voice.
I struggle with her voice and energy too. Also her swearing. as y’all know I happily swear, but not so free fired as she does. I really wanted to like Noor because of the recommendations on her.
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Does anyone follow philgoodlife on insta? I feel like his posts the last couple of weeks have had a bad energy to them but i can't explain it
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