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House of Tea

VIP Member
I want to avoid a situation, stop it happening. It relates to a work situation. That goes against the ethos of manifestation doesn’t it. I shouldnt be thinking what I don’t want, but what I do. But I am stuck, I am in a bit of panic trying to ward off what I don’t want to happen. I am rambling. How do I reframe this?
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So debt

So debt doesn't exist. All part of a very corrupt system. There are various people helping others to stop paying "debts" and reclaim any payments made going back years. Mostly for TV licence, council tax, gas/electric but also for loans, credit cards etc. When you discover the level of deceit behind this corrupt system you will be very angry. I took a while to process my anger over it all. But now it's all about knowledge and action
Sorry I don't understand, could you reply more please?
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I’m having a really hard time getting into a positive mindset.
I’m also self sabotaging really hard! So today I’ve had a look at manifestation babe’s page and decided I’m probably too old to be starting now 😂
However, I’m going take the baby step of buying a pretty book to start journaling in from today and I will not write anything negative in it!
Never too old…….

Anyone else feel stuck lately? Like stuck in your relationship, career etc... and just not knowing where to start?
Yup, but stepping up to clear the blocks
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Have been listening to Canny Crystals podcast who I found through Francesca Amber and he’s a nice guy with good energy, worth a listen.
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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
I honestly found 10p today!!

Being more generous is one area where I know I need to work on and I have been having this nudging that I can't explain that I should give more. Instead of trying to ignore it I've been following the feeling. I gave a £2.50 tip to the Tesco delivery driver yesterday and today I got a unexpected payment for x4 more then I gave away.
So you found ten pounds not ten pence as you said above.
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VIP Member
I'm interested in others' thoughts on this ...

In my LoA group last night, we had a new member come along who was of the belief that in order to receive something from the universe, you have to give up something in return.

This doesn't align with my beliefs - well, only so far as removing things that I decide aren't working for me ... I'll happily release those and do so. But I don't believe that you have to give up something you value, in order to receive something else.

What do you guys think?
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Chatty Member
idk if this will make sense, but is there such a thing as like, accidentally manifesting something bad? i worry about things like losing my job, my boyfriend quite often and i get frightened that by thinking about it so often, i'll accidentally manifest it 😂 sorry if this sounds stupid lol
It’s not stupid!! It’s more the law of assumption than the law of attraction. If you assume it’s going to happen, it’s going too! Xx
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Im not sure if anyone has already said this so apologies if they have does anyone listen to Francesca ambers podcast?
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Chatty Member
Also posted in the dating thread

I know I probably sound stupid but whilst I've no issue being single temporarily I can't make peace with the idea it [love, marriage, babies etc] may not ever be in my future. Can anyone else relate? I'm big on manifesting so part of that is letting go of the outcome and accepting the universe may have something better for you planned but I just can't accept this.
I feel the same. I have often wanted to try to manifest a partner but wasn't sure how to go about it! @Cucumber and eggs thank you for your post! I think I need to try the scripting exercise and then maybe just let go? I feel like a lot of people are like I found someone once I stopped worrying about being single and just "forgot" about trying to date/trying all the apps etc etc. Maybe what I need to do is just let go but of course not worrying about the future is the hardest part haha
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VIP Member
I was thinking about something before ...

At work, we have a series of whiteboards on which we write up the value of our billings and new work we're bringing in, on a month-by-month basis, along with a column to record our initials. The accountant is across all this of course, but the whiteboards themselves serve as a reminder that we're achieving great things. At the end of the month, the accountant writes a summary line at the bottom of who has done what, and the people who have brought in the highest value of new business and have billed the most get a personalised magnet (with their face on it), placed in the far column (we each have about 20 of these magnets, which the accountant holds onto; the billings 'winner' ones have a blue back and the new business 'winner' ones have a green back). These boards are front and centre to our line of vision in the office, so when we're on the phone we can't help but look at them. it probably sounds a bit naff, but it actually works really well (even if it's a bit intimidating in some ways).

For the past four months, I've 'won' magnets for each of two categories and I have to wonder if that's because it's working like a vision board does?

I have little hope of "winning" anything this month as I've been off sick plus we're all working remotely at the moment, so it'll be interesting to see what impact that has on everything.

At the moment, we get bonuses - minimal for billings (and only when the client pays), and generous for work being brought in - but the accountant is trying to get that changed (probably feels left out because she's the only person who doesn't qualify for the scheme). One of the things I'm trying to work on manifesting at the moment, is her recommendation never seeing the light of day. Of course everyone is upset about it, and there's no good reason for it to be implemented.
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Yes! Children are our biggest teachers and I believe one of the reasons we're given them is to help heal us which of course means we're the best parents to them. Having mine was my kick up the **** to finally address childhood trauma and try and heal. Heal yourself = heal your children.

You should definitely look into Heart Wall healing. It could be a huge factor if you have heart issues. And I'm sure you are probably holding tonnes of emotions in there.

Download the app, fine tune your muscle testing - choose whichever one resonates with you and away you go! I use muscle testing for every decision I make, foods I eat, if my kids are unwell to identify the root cause etc. It's fascinating. For example my dog has a lung condition and it ALWAYS takes me to his alveoli, trachea and bronchiole. I use it also to identify my body's ideal weight and clear and release the excess weight (which although looks physical it actually isn't which completely blew my mind 🤯) and do things like raise my metabolism etc.

There are lots of great Emotion Code & Body Code practitioners out there but if you need a lot of work, like I did, then if you can clear loads before maybe getting someone to tackle a specific issue then it will save a lot of money. I healed my Heart Wall which can take 10 sessions or more sometimes.

Thank you @oddsock17 that's a really helpful and useful post, and I really appreciate it. 👌
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Anyone tried Reiki/Quantum energy healing on here?

I have got serious anxiety that I can't shift. My weekly therapy sessions aren't helping so I have been thinking of it. Any experience?
Have you tried EFT, especially Brad Yates, on YouTube?
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