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I'm a member, have been for a few months now and its been great for me. Personally I've found it better than counselling as it just seemed to hit deeper
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Monthly or as a monthly with the year commitment? I am struggling to decide which and wondered if you had tried the Get You Can Be Rich - 30 Days To Your Most Abundant Year (Value £97) bonus?
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Cucumber and eggs

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I just wanted to say that I think you're doing amazingly well, under very testing circumstances.
I have a lot of admiration and respect for you, it's not the same but I was born with a heart defect and I've had open heart surgery, and if that's what it comes down to with you, then don't worry, they have a way of making even complicated procedures look easy these days, and I was in and out of hospital fairly quickly and it didn't take long to recover.
I was also told that a positive mental attitude helps in recovery by the doctors and that stuck with me, the body responds to our willingness to get better.
If doctors and surgery are the answer then so be it, if affirmations or a positive attitude help (and I am sure they do) then go for it.
I do understand your pain regarding wanting to be a fitter and more active mum, before I had surgery my son was only a toddler, and I had a scary incident where he got out of his buggy and ran off and I had angina at the time, and had to run after him...well it was the scariest moment of my life, because I had very bad heart palpitations and I darn well nearly collapsed's one of those moments...where my life nearly flashed in front of me ..and by the grace of God I just about managed (I still don't know how) to grab my son and strap him in his buggy again...he could have got lost or worse killed...I knew I had surgery scheduled so I hung on in there....but I was in no way fit to look after my kids, so I remember that feeling of frustration and unfairness and also my husband working and not having help from people and actually it was quite scary at times.
So I feel for you, that's hard and I really hope that you do can get some help and thing at a time, everything impacts everything else, but all it takes is one issue to start to be resolved and then it has a knock on effect.
I'm a bit of a lapsed Christian and at times I've been known to pray, use religious oracle cards, meditate, practice breathing exercises, write down positive affirmations (usually sleep with them under my pillow) in fact anything and everything.
The message being that your life is important and you have a right to love and healing and assistance.
You have been incredibly brave that counts, in your words shines out the desire to be healed and to get on with life, and not to fall into a victim mentality, even though no one would blame you in the slightest if you'd reached the point of being fed up with it all.
Know that you're doing the best you can, and that things often come in clusters I understand that.
Every single time I've had toddlers...for example something traumatic (health wise) has happened.
As I wrote about my heart surgery, also another time when my boys were little (I have four children) my husband got cancer...(which he is now in remission for) and then with my daughter she reached two and got very ill and nearly died ...(thank god she recovered) so what I'm saying is I understand the vulnerability of being a loving mother....(and in my family is very deeply buried past trauma) so it felt like every time when my kids were little, we were severely tested, I've been through hell trying to resolve that ... literally...
I have nearly died, so too my husband, and my daughter...and my son's ended up being autistic.
We also have lots of issues that I think were passed down to us (narcissistic/alcoholic abusive parents) and it all got dumped on us.
So I understand how hard it is...when everything seems to be on your back...and it's crisis after crisis...but slowly but surely we got through there is hope...hold onto that one.
@oddsock17 made some brilliant suggestions that helped me, particularly Dr Bradley Nelson and the emotion code and also Evette Rose and the metaphysical anatomy....also I get good feelings from any of Louise Hay's work.
I've incorporated them into my life, and I wouldn't say I'm fully healed but I feel like I'm getting there and yes I still have long term health issues and yes I still have to take medication, but my heart palpitations and irregularities have calmed down considerably, and I'm a lot calmer and more self aware (I'm starting to observe myself now and my health, and take action whenever problems arise, before I always waited until it was an emergency, putting myself last), that is not a way to live?
That's changed and so has my attitude, I'm starting to heal myself... because when I needed it I accepted the help of the medical establishment and I'm grateful, but now it's up to me.
I'm sure you'll be able to do it too, one step at a time, you've come so far already, and you've proved in your life you are a capable and imaginative person, so that will help you.
You have already imagined a future for yourself and manifested it, in lots of different area's, so have faith that this is possible, you can do this, what you need will come to you.
Take care 💖 and love and all the best.

Sorry about the extra long post! If you don't feel like reading it, fair enough, I just felt your situation, and I just want to offer my support and encouragement, in having gone through something maybe a little bit similar. 🤷‍♀️. Good luck with everything and take care you are worth it.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. Really appreciate it x
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some thoughts to ponder and explore which popped up for me……..
What is the life you desire? What steps do you need to take to step into alignment with it?
energy goes where thought flow. ✨
what is it you are missing? Or what is it you want to let go?

so sorry you feel blue.
Honestly, I desire a loving relationship, financial freedom so I'm not stuck in a job I no longer enjoy, a loving relationship, more children, a gorgeous home.

I'm working on myself a lot but other than that & job hunting I've no idea
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Chatty Member
I'm also looking to manifest a partner. There's a lady called persia lawson & her specific area of expertise is manifesting your soul mate. She has a podcast and a couple of books out & every now and again she goes live courses on fb.

One thing that I'm trying to do, is heal myself. Give myself that love, be my own soul mate. As like attracts like, love attracts love. You attract who you are.

There are techniques you can try too such as scripting.
On a separate note, I've been doing sleep hypnosis for manifesting and I've noticed over the weekend the little things I've been manifesting have come to fruition 😊 like I manifested the exact number of lbs I wanted to lose this week and it happened, I manifested not wanting to drive somewhere and my friend randomly offered me a lift even though it's out of her way etc.
Thank you so much for these tips! I definitely feel like the key here is letting go of these anxieties and believing the universe will give me who I need, now I just need to work on that belief. Do you have any tips for scripting?
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Cucumber and eggs

VIP Member
There's already a daily gratitude thread 😊

Thank you, didnt realise

Can anyone help with writing intentions for manifesting? I know what I want, but dont know how to put it on paper if that makes sense
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Ah okay lol, sorry. I think she needs to maybe do some meditation on alignment. It can be difficult to believe in something you can't see/feel/hear but it definitely won't work if that's her opinion. It's hard enough when you do believe and you're constantly putting it into action and things don't change right away. The Secret is a good place to start
Thank you, I'll suggest it to her. All of my LoA/manifesting work has been around money and finding love so not very helpful for her
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Is your sister maybe conflicted or sceptical?
Looking for Answers but maybe not confident enough to fully believe?

I had a look online, and I found these articles, which I found quite interesting, I don't know if it will help or not, but it does seem as if she could (with time) open up to the possibility of starting to create her own happiness.


Yes I agree @oddsock17 that's a good suggestion and something that I tried myself with some success (inspired by reading one of your previous posts.
Thank you, I shall send them on
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White feathers have always been a symbol of a passed loved one being near.
I have feather pillows, duvet cushions so yes I see white feathers a lot. one day a white feather floated in front of me in my bedroom and I laughed and said I'm surrounded by white feathers you will have to do better than that. walked into the bathroom and right in front of me, a brown feather floated down.

Maybe grey has a meaning for you. all feathers have a meaning.

Trouble is even when we are given a sign we doubt it and ask for a sign-ier sign 🤣
Thank you ❤ Maybe I’ll ask for something else! Or perhaps look up grey feathers.
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Be kond

Chatty Member
Any advice on manifesting a certain job? I have been trying but would just like some more pointers
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Chatty Member
It hurts your hand but it's a well utilised method lol also visualising the end goal in terms of how you'll feel/where you'll be as you cannot manifest a specific person. If its a new job or more money visualise how you'll feel when you get those and the universe can do the rest even if it's not what you expect.
This is really interesting! So are you saying that more so than visualizing details of what we want, its better to feel the emotions we hope to feel when we get the thing we want? So for example, imaging my self with more financial independence after getting a job vs imagining the job itself?
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I manifested a few things in the past until I hit a complete wall last year. All of the sudden, everything I wanted to manifest went the opposite direction. I've been trying to manifest:
  • The exact same corporate title for three years and it hasn't come through yet - I only get rejections.
  • A boyfriend / partner - LOL I can forget about that. It's been roughly 5 years since I've been trying and I've never been as single as I have in the last 5 years.
  • My driving license
These are the three things I've been trying to manifest for years and it's been status quo for years.
Why do you think you're not having success? Could be some blocks needing clearing?
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