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Poor Laura, having some ME time today 😂 … erm you only had a treatment yesterday! No doubt she’ll be slagging granny off for letting Bonine sleep later on 🙄
She has more me time than a single, childfree woman with no pets who is retired, has a spa bathroom and a friend who works for a beauty brand and gives her free stuff and a relative who own a beauty salon and gives her free treatments.
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She comes across as really cold hearted leaving her poor baby constipated for 4 DAYS!! But no wonder Bonnie is always being sick when she’s thrown about and twirled in the air like a sack of spuds.
She is an epic example of having a baby because it’s a “trend” on instagram.
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Chatty Member
She really needs to get off social media or at least so frequently. Her stories with the baby are uncomfortable viewing. She’s putting out this stuff for content when in reality it’s unhinged. She put the baby in a washing basket and let her jerk and flail around inside it (not even a pillow support at least). It’s easy to wish the years away, however I think Laura would love the baby to be three years old already.
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What a silly cow! Poor Bonnie. She’s probably in so much pain. It’ll be the weaning that’s done it and like @Chocolatelover123 says it can actually make sleep a lot worse. She seems to want to rush Bonnie, like forcing her to roll over. It’s cruel.

That reel is embarrassing. She’s like a teen girl who’s babysitting and instead of looking after the baby is making stupid pathetic videos on social media. Laura, you’re not a 15 year old girl. Poor Bonnie, what a life!
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Laura comes across as very lonely and unhappy and wee Bonnie is just an inconvenience. She needs to get herself a job, a real one, get childcare sorted for the baby and stop craving her old life, it no longer exists.
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Chatty Member
Buddy could lunge and bite Bonnie and Laura wouldn’t be able to react quick enough. She’s honestly an utter idiot. She doesn’t seem to have a clue about baby safety or how to ensure Buddy’s wellbeing. Dogs are unpredictable and I bet she spoilt Buddy rotten and didn’t really train him and now she’s got Bonnie, her new play thing.
You can see exactly where this is heading, she has not trained Buddy and cast him aside once Bonnie arrived. He’s now displaying jealousy and territorial traits and it’s only a matter of time before he bites Bonnie. Which will give Laura the perfect opportunity to get rid of him.
Plenty of people have dogs and children, she’s just utterly useless and lazy.
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I know this has been said countless times but it actually stresses me out watching Bonnie and buddy together 🤯🤯 this is not going to end well
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She needs to go to local baby groups and meet mum friends. That's what helped me SO much to not feel lonely and bored. A bunch of folk in the same boat to meet up with for coffee and a walk kept me sane.
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Did she actually say she feels bad going on her phone when she’s with Bonnie?! She’s having a laugh, she’s never off the bloody thing!!😂
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You can just see Bonnie going to grab Buddy’s toy and him resource guarding. It’s scary how thick she is.
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If Bonnie wasn’t posted on social media Gary wouldn’t have a clue what she even looks like
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Ran to look 🤣 if he were chocolate he’d eat himself, he’s even unpinned laura and bonnie from his profile. They’re both thirsty as fuck. Hold yourselves back now ladies!


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I’ve mentioned this on another thread today but I’ll mention it here as well, I have noticed recently a lot more people asking how to make their babies sleep more and be more independent and discussing it online. I saw an article the other day about a woman who gave her 4 month old baby coffee so she would stay awake all day and would then sleep at night to get her into a ‘normal’ routine, the baby ended up in hospital because of it. Maybe everyone should get one of those fake babies for 6 months at the age of 15 so they have more realistic expectations of babies!
Fuck me, it really worries me that there are people that stupid in the world.
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Oh dear. Gary can’t keep it in his pants. Laura must’ve been desperate for a baby so much so that sweaty ick Gary was chosen to be the father. Oh dear.
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Imagine saying to your 5 month old baby “stop arching your back”! She’s a frickin baby, she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s only arching her back because Laura has got her in that ridiculous seat. The night time waking baffles me. Just let her sleep and if she rattles try and settle her, and if that doesn’t work feed her. It’s really not rocket science.
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Mentioning calories to a baby!! I know the wee one won’t u stand what she is saying but it sets such a horrible tone for the future. Even if she is only joking it’s horrible. Her day pretty much consists of force feeding Bonnie then throwing her around in the air! I have such fond memories of my time with my little boy at that age. I can’t imagine that is the case for her. She seems so on edge and stress about everything. She needs to RELAX!
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