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Me personally , I'm not a dog lover but my heart breaks for Buddy!! Horrible way to speak about your animal who you once worshiped and have now flung to the side. Horrible human being in my opinion ......


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“Have you been crying?” Perhaps go in and get her rather than grabbing your phone and titting about. At that age my wee one was always by my side. Whatever room I was in he was there too. As soon as I heard him awake I would go in and get him. I’d also start his day nice and calmly. Big light and screeching is not it!!!
I’ve noticed this she doesn’t interact with her gently it’s very full on all the time. It’s too forced & looks over the top!
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Why does she gets so dressed up to be on the radio? She looks ridiculous so tarted up. Especially for such an early start. When you see REAL radio djs like Sara Cox, Zoe Ball etc they are all super casual, no make up, hair up. She must get up at 3am to do the full face of make up, choose a ropey outfit and do her hair!!
I think you’ve answered your own question with the sentence “real radio dj’s”. They have nothing to prove as they aren’t pretend celebs.
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What baffles me is she had the cheek to plead poverty when thinking about sending Bonnie to nursery/getting a nanny but thinks nothing of spending £600+ on facial treatments in one day. Mind blowing!! 🤯
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Chatty Member
Posting videos of her crying in pain constipated and now posting videos of her explosions, give the girl some privacy and dignity!
When she's older she's going to shame her for wetting the bed in front of people to get a laugh out if her pals etc at Bonnie's expense.
She's a cruel evil bitch! Horrible how she planks her infront of the TV all day and sounds like she leaves her there till she passes out for a nap in what ever contrapment she's got her in.

Also, is that a pattern on the carpet or shit / dog sick stains?


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Imagine asking your mum to take those photos of you. And her agreeing! Or does she have a ring light set up which is just as bad!
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Why does she keep traipsing that baby over to Dubai and then complains Bonnie is out of her routine. Of course she’s out of her routine! Note to Laura - travelling gets harder and harder until they reach the age of at least 4. Stick to Europe!
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I think Laura needed the family set up and clearly didn’t even consider being a single mum.

Being a single mum is tough and lonely and she doesn’t seem to have any friends in a similar situation to spend time with. Single parenting is not for the faint hearted and you have to be made of strong stuff. All my female friends and family with kids, single or not, understood the reality that at any given moment they may end up being a single parent.

I think she saw having a baby as equaling a family unit with cute days out, date nights, time to go to the salon and on girls holidays and nights out with her single friends.

As for the hair today, lets not go there. Mutton and lamb springs to mind along with the pretty woman swimsuit.
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Chatty Member
She’s now complaining they were going to have wine until Bonnie woke up. She really needs to sort some joint custody thing with Gary, or get enough maintenance out of him that she can get an overnight babysitter once a week, get hammered and the rest of the time look after her. The sleeping arrangements terrify me, just don’t have her on pillows!
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Laura just went to the baftas right? She could’ve arranged to meet his eldest with Bonnie then, she is 18/19…and why they need to have a conversation about arrangements in the comments is beyond me 🫠🙄
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It doesn’t seem like she thought about the reality of having a baby. It was madness to have a baby with Gary as she barely knew him. And now she’s on her own with Bonnie, no job and seems quite lonely. Can’t summon up any sympathy when she’s flown with Bonnie by choice and she’s gone in business/first class.
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I can’t wait to see Laura attempting to pop over to Dubai once Bonnie starts crawling/walking 🤣
I can’t wait to see her try and go for hair and nail appointments once Bonnie starts crawling/walking! She’ll soon realise that even going to the supermarket is a challenge, never mind going to Dubai.
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Well-known member
She does need a nanny or a nursery or something. Even just for one or two half days a week. She’s 100% on her own with the baby and her closest family live a couple of hours away. Any good health visitor would tell you that it’s important to get regular breaks and me time.

Wonder what she’s doing and why the secrecy and the “all will be revealed” though. Having a babysitter doesn’t make her a bad mum so I don’t know why she doesn’t just say she needs a few hours a week where she can do whatever she wants.
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I’m absolutely not saying people shouldn’t be able to complain about a bad day:situation/whatever, like definitely complain and get it out and vent. BUT, it’s all she does! There comes a time when you either need to change your situation or find the positives in it.

I have no doubt being a working single mum is hard but Laura has a nice flat, family, a good well paid job, a lovely dog, a cute healthy baby, her health, money, opportunities etc and still all she does is complain day in day out.
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