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The whole relationship is odd. Most people move in together as they are their way to getting married, or are already engaged. She is saying, well they NOW need to see if they can live with each other to determine if they will marry.
All makes NO sense to me. I didn't live with my husband before getting married. He did live with a roommate at one time and then alone other times so he was basically on his own but I didn't know how we would be living together until we got married.
What are her doubts? I would LOVE to know as she never really got into that part.
I truly think there is something going on with HER family and that is why the marriage part has been pushed to the side and the big ole' wedding that they practiced at his parents house is now something they don't want anymore.
She did change her tune on marriage after the Thanksgiving Day incident and deleted vlog, which was the last time we saw Casey's family.

Prior to that, Casey was constantly hinting and pushing marriage. She kept talking about their honeymoon and when they went to the mall and she made sad puppy dog faces in front of an engagement ring display.


So I'd say you're probably right that it involves her family. She might also be more hesitant after experiencing living with him too.
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How short are we talking here if you had to guess? Does 5'4" seem right or even shorter?

Did you hear the WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO from the little homunculus?
Hard to tell how tall. We can confirm everyone in the group (male and female) appeared taller than the little squirt.
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What in the world is wrong with him? 🤣 I was thinking the same thing. Like my guy, you’re holding a fork. He was manic AF in this video. How many times did he say he’s a local in this video? He acts like it’s some kind of flex. This is how the locals do it… is it tho? 🤡 I don’t think the locals are wandering around the park everyday. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel like people have jobs and go to work everyday and when they’re off, there’s more to Orlando than disneyworld 🤷🏻‍♀️ you’d think if he was trying to make a “locals” video, he would showcase that.
I've mentioned my parents' friends who are retired and long time Disney fans, and we just had the pleasure of spending a few days with them as they visited my folks. And they had just returned from a short week trip to Orlando. They own a 'winter condominium' (as they call it) in Vieux Carre they bought in the 90s. They love Disney and visit the parks, of course, while they're there, but they wouldn't call themselves 'locals' and neither should Pallo. Locals don't crawl around the parks with a camera in hand, riding kiddie rides, stuffing their faces and grifting for gifts. He's an aberration, not a 'local.'
Our friends are in the late 60s and still do a hell of a lot more than Pallo. They enjoy the parks, they enjoy dinner at Club33 lounges at the various parks, ride the more 'gentle' rides that are left, take in many of the shows, enjoy the sights and sounds and shops at the park and the people.....they love just people watching as they go about the parks. They live in Anaheim CA, but when they are in Florida they do so much more than 'Disney' and 'Universal' park crawling ___ trips to the beach / love to go down to Key West for a few days / they love to go deep sea fishing / some gaming in Tampa at the Hard Rock and so many other things that are readily available to Pallo, and things he never does, or makes any effort to do. He isn't capable of even mining the vlog gold that's all around him. He's content with Disney, and eating, and clowing like a fool, and little cruises. And that's sad.

Disney is, in the end, just about all he has. It's close and he feels safe there, somehow protected, but it's also crippling. He isn't smart or brave enough to do much else, and he fails each time he tries because he's so unimaginative and ignorant. And that's the reason a vlogger like Molly has far surpassed him in her Patreon contributors, sponsors, marketing opportunities .... and in only a year has more subscribers than he's gotten in, what, 5 years? And she didn't need her family to buy them for her.
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Hey Kyle, please don't reproduce. Goal is to advance society, not dumb it down. Thank you.
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How can Casey not be turned off that her "man" doesn't know how to do anything around the house? I thought women usually like a man who takes initiative and gets stuff done. Instead he needs to call mommy & daddy for everything, and wait for daddy to come tomorrow to buy & assemble racks for his garage, replace lighting, put up towel racks, etc.

It's absolutely pathetic.
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Kyle's verbal diarrhea spewing incorrect facts...(actual transcript):

the right and it's upstairs and fun fact about this building it's actually three stories if I'm not mistaken it's to look like it's two but the reason why they had to make it so big is to actually
hide the American Adventure Show behind so it looks like two stories but it's actually three so when you go to Club 33 you're really going to the third floor not the second floor and it's right here tap on in I don't remember what door it is I think it's this one but this this building itself is technically three stories but it's made to look like it's two so everything is longed because back in the day they didn't have three-story buildings they only had two but the imagineers couldn't make a three-story building they needed to make a two you know

The truth:
The pavilion is a single large building designed in the Colonial style. The building uses forced perspective to make a five-story building appear to be two and a half stories
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Totally, & what's funny? In that Twitter post that came up a day or two ago here where one of his sock puppets was going on about Club 33, he bragged that Kyle was such a baller because Dudley would never be invited like Kyle was. Invited? Wow, weak flex, my guy. I mean, being invited is such an incredibly low bar. In reality, Mr $350K's so broke, he can't even pretend to dream that he'd even be an actual member there. He's got to brag about just being invited & hope that's enough to own the hatters
If Kyle was a $350k baller then he would be doing what our neighbors are doing. They are eating at 21 Royal in 3 weeks. C'mon Kyle, let's see the flex!
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Talk about some sad lives. This invite is NOTHING to write home about and I HIGHLY doubt ANYONE is jealous. Well maybe the stans who are not very smart and are shut ins.
It's still so bizarre to me how involved Alexa is with her brother's life. I looked at her TikTok a few months ago and almost all of her TikToks are with her brother. She always has to be around to moderate his livestreams. She's patrolled his X profile as Farida since 2022 and protects him like a mother hen. Sleeps with and shares beds with him :sick:

The fact that she thinks we're all raging mad and unable to sleep because her brother got an invite and a trinket from Disney shows how closed in her life is. I don't think anyone is jealous (other than his stans who live vicariously through him). We're either laughing or just shaking our heads.

32 years old and no life of her own. The whole dynamic with that family makes my skin crawl.
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5 years for c Asey to pop out mini pallos?!? Uh oh- this is not the quick wedding and children Sue and Jerry were thinking. An elopement?! She works for “Disney Fairytale Weddings”. This makes 0 sense other than her fam hating him. Already regretting the love SHACK purchase. Why even talk about it if your 5+ years away 😂😂
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Chatty Member
He's the first person, and I won't use the word 'sentient,' I've ever found who evidently cannot figure
out that you don't have to stick a fork into and pick up a huge chunk of meat and gnaw on it or shove
the entire piece into your gaping maw. The side of the fork is quite capable of cutting off a bite of
almost any cut of well prepared meat.
"...they didn't give me a fork."
I just figured out that he was trying to say they didn’t give him a KNIFE! 😂😅😂 I was baffled! 😂 The girl who lives with him needs to review the different utensils with him. Or maybe we’ll just add that task to Sour Susan’s Too-Do list when she arrives!
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So…Let’s Go Eat

Chatty Member
I know it’s early, but I’m gonna throw this out there for the next thread title.

“Kyle Pallo #76 Claims to make $350k still doing shower shows & eating at buffets!”
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Why did he spend so much time going over the food options when it’s not something anyone else would be allowed to eat? Oh wait, my bad! This is the Kyle show! We should be honored that we got to watch Kyle eat a special sweet sugar-laden protein-less carb-filled axe-clusive breakfast instead of eggs, bacon, grits, and a tamale. Well, I guess he ate pizza so he got his saturated fats for the day. Great job on having nothing informative Kylie! Keep your streak going!
Exactly. A simple comment, “Disney provided buffet breakfast which gave us the opportunity to network.” Then again, Kyle didn’t network. Right? Speaking with new people is scary without an emotional support human by his side. [Casey, JoJo, family members]
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Adams & Brush

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The moronic half wit wants to go to Japan to get inexpensive Waygooo. View attachment 2914766
The Clown has really had enough of this manic toddler going over the top over this damn piece of meat that he finds too salty. This Dwarf just won’t let up on this embarrassing fixation on this steak. It’s the bestest in the world guyses and I’m going to remind you every 5 seconds for an hour and a half. Dwarfy is honestly having some kind of mental event thru this whole dinner.

View attachment 2914790
It’s this kind of behavior that only reinforces to me the fact that Kyle’s struggling financially. When things are bad, he always seems to push how awesome & amazing everything around him is, to outrageous proportions. “How can I be doing bad when I’m treating my parents & eating the greatest steak known to man (skip the sides, please)???” You watch his shit enough & it’s easy to see it’s one of his major tells. I predict a Walk in the Woods video here within the next 2-3 weeks
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So odd that Mr. $350k will always be a bridesmaid and never a bride. Surely in his mind they are begging him to join.
Like I keep saying. Always whoring for invites but will never be in a position to do the inviting.

The internal chatter amongst Club members has to be deafening.
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