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small town girl

Well-known member
To be honest if Katie launched it at the kids everybody would be in uproar. Nobody knows the ins and outs but I do believe something has happened .
Exactly this. Because people hate Kp so much they are willing to forgive this or worsebrush it under the carpet illuding that the kids made Michelle do it. They are young vulnerable kids who have been through a lot of shit are always in the media. No wonder they act a way sometimes.
People saying say well Kp Is a bad mum she does coke she does this. Yes she is a shitcunt of a mum and nobody is saying she is Mary poppings but it still doesn’t make throwing a pie at a vulnerable child ok!
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started following each other again
last minute well wishes for v from kh
something definitely off
Why post any birthday messages on insta to any child? I don’t get it. I understand it even less when the same insta profile is used to promote OF
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A small number of people from tattle who are so obsessed with hating Katie price so much they will set up a go fund me for his ex without knowing the facts as to why the kids do not live with him, have access and child abuse has been accused. Makes sense to me

Pennyhill, which I’ve been to and super pricey. didn’t say gifted on the post either. So he’s either paying or breaking Instagram rules. But I guess that is also ok as he’s Katie prices Ex so he can do whatever he wants.
This was in the last 2 weeks.
Theres been many more….
The thing I don't understand about this thread is....if people went over to the KP thread and defended her the way people jump on here to defend kieron they would be "flying monkeys" and would be Absolutely vilified but on this thread which was set up to critique and have an opinion about kieron....people come over and defend every single thing he does!! I don't get it and it is becoming fucking uncomfortable!! In Michelle's post about the M&S meal she clearly states she has been out all day shopping!! Using the bags emoji?? In my eyes that's rubbing those that are donating to Kierans fund up the wrong way!! On this thread, that is about them we should be able to say this without people jumping on it and justifying why they're allowed to do it but if KP did any such thing the place would be in an uproar!!! No one on here has defended anything the skank does or has done with regards to the kids but fuck is a gossip forum and in my eyes Kieran accepting these funds leaves him wide open, and rightly so to criticism!!! 🤬
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Rockin' Robin

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I have just one question.
Why does anyone think it is more preferable for the children to be with Price and her so called partner, rather than with other more suitable candidates i.e relatives? You have only to read of the recent history of both Price and Woods, to know that they are totally unsutable.
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Hasn’t surfaced because it’s child abuse .. can’t show dat. CCTVwise… a no go. He wanted to catch her for when she went against him. Don’t be fooled by insta-M not allowed access so wasn’t there.. posting to look present. I’ll try and get a grab… seen it but couldn’t say much about it part from her throwing and swearin.
Plus heard from my matey at his local Bootcamp and around… wow!! There’s some ugly fitness bird from another Bootcamp who he is sexing … patently he is knobbing everyone locally!! Thought I was worried bout STD’s!! Don’t fancy him no more 🫢
Hi Kate!
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She literally said he was arrested in her IG post

Probably off her face or having a psychotic episode.
lets hope the police arrest her for wasting police time and he presses charges against her for harrasstment and breaching the restraining order,because IF there is a video and SHE has anything to do with it (including giving the kids a phone or encouraging them to torment michelle to reaction etc.,) skanky will be in big trouble . skanky is obsessed with kieron it seems. those poor kids will go into care, before she gets them back fulltime because she is unstable and mental
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small town girl

Well-known member
i never called you a flying monkey,i asked you if you were one , so thats a twisted statement there. kieron is doing a live statement tonight. a supposed video from their home that katie but no one else got, ummmm thats convinient isnt it. ss have to investigate when a complaint is made,if there is any wrong doing by MP or KH, then it should rightfully be investigated, and the right outcome followed, as you are innocent untill guilty. skanky by publisihing all this shit would have damaged any investigation by going public, but has left her self open to being sued,and charges of harrassment, perverting the course of justice etc., as well as bringing on her, the fury of the british public because SHE has embarrassed her children et.c by this action and put them in harms way by getting back with SB. she has 50/50 custody and that will not be for long either now. she is too mentally unstable to care for those children , her mother is ill, so will not get them and sophies little one is unwell (and has her mother ill and the recent harry does coke recording will go against them too)and skanky has put them in harms way AGAIN by taking back carl, who the police have been called to twice, with HER saying she fears for their,and her safety. i dont think shes gone on holiday,lots going on behind the scenes and time will tell. my concerns are not for the adults in this but for those poor children.
Ok in answer to your ridiculous question. No I am not a flying monkey.
You may not have called me one but others have. Just because I don’t agree that Michelle is step mum or the year. I find it pathetic people feel the need to call others names just because someone shares a different opinion.
Lets clear this up. I hate KP I think she is a disgusting woman With not a single redeeming quality about her. But I also don’t care for Michelle or Kieran.
I like Peter and Emily. I dont mind Alex. Danes a twat and don’t get me started on Dwight. Leandro seemed quite nice. Kris is a wannabe gangster and coal is by miles the worst of them all.That’s my opinions and it’s allowed - as are yours.

I agree with everything you said except SS won’t just storm in and take children unless it’s something serious and unless they have proof. A scorned ex‘s word isn’t enough. I have had experience of my children being on a CIN plan as my ex beat the shit out of me in front of my children and ended up in prison serving 2 years.
KP is all the things you have said and I think its abhorrent that she has posted it over SM, even tho MP has thrown a pudding at bunny which is not ok. She doesn’t have her childrens best interests at heart, she hasn’t put their emotional wellbeing first. It’s all about making her ex and his partner look bad. It’s disgusting and I agree the children are not safe with her.
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Dawn Dayn

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I've tried to be openminded about this, I know I absolutely would not be happy about it but then maybe some partners don't mind? I can't wrap my head around it.

Re the impact on someone's partner and kids, I think it would be a bit different if the person wasn't in the public eye, they could maybe get away with doing that work (shoving bits up their bum and pleasuring themselves in front of others) without people (friends and family) knowing. With KH and MPs kids I don't think they'll get through their teenage years without finding out, and I wonder would they be embarrassed (again I'm trying to be openminded and imagine that some people don't find this weird and embarrassing).

Playing devil's advocate, if your husband was an actor and did a nude role in a film with his bits out, would you be ok with that? Or is it more the "actively doing stuff with his bits" on OF type work you wouldn't be ok with?
He was a stripper and a plasterer before he met pricey, so he's not shy. You'd need to be able to fake being horny in the messages and videos they do, I bet it blurs boundaries with real life. The sex addict story always sounded like rubbish, it seemed at the time that both of them had sex with whoever they wanted to, hard to see how you'd go from that to a normal faithful relationship.
As for me, if anyone can have it, I don't want it. 👍
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I'm pleasantly surprised how softly and well-spoken he is in that instagram vid. What on earth he ever saw in old KP I don't know, she was as rough as a badger's arse even back then.
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As always I believe you!
i’ve never liked Michelle - but yes I despise the slosher kp more
i hope you get what I mean by this. I had another account a while back And was vip.
We have always been in agreement that things were not all as it seemed with KP&MP.
Kieran is absolutely disgusting and I’ve lost the tiny bit of respect I had for him for not doing the right thing regarding this!

Anyone that ever dares to doubt that Michelle is anything but the saintly step mother is shot down and accused of being in camp price
I’m SFP today 🫣

that wouldn’t always be the case. In my line of work one children in a family can be on children in need plan but not others (usually if different a
they have a different parent)
So in a home where four children are reportedly witnessing aggression only two are removed and two are left vulnerable and exposed to further aggression. Makes no sense to me why two children would have to take their chances. One of them a baby that cannot verbalise whats happening to them.

The only way that it could make sense is if KH did something and his two with KP were removed to another home and MP took her two and told him to do one. That or its all bull.
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Have Michelle's kids been removed and safeguarded?
If she’s anything like my stepmum was then she will be lovely to her own kids and just vile to poor Jet and Bunny. People like MP shouldn’t be allowed near anyones kids if this is true. Breaks my heart for those poor kids. Me and my brother were removed by SS but my half siblings got to stay with her. She was golden to her own kids.
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it has been confirmed by DC on the KP thread that something was thrown by Michelle at bunny.
whether there is a video or not who cares? it happened.
because I refuse to say mp is an amazing step mum on the kp thread I am called a flying monkey 😂
you can only be on the KP thread if you hate KP and love everyone else.
it’s a strange world we live in when people pick and choose who can get away with abuse.
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I said they could consider it, I didn't mean to imply that they would force her out of her home. I know someone who sold her house, downsized and gave the proceeds to her children to enable them ro get on the property ladder - it was her decision though. I had no idea MP's mother was unwell and didn't mean to imply anything morbid. She might tell them NO WAY or she might consider it. It looks like Michelle and Kieran could do with the financial help, to provide a stable home for the kids. I still think he should consider going back to plastering or another trade, would be better in the long run for his wallet and dignity than OF. I don't think plugging products forever is sustainable; the fitness business, maybe. I'm looking at Michelle and thinking the relationship with KH won't last and she needs to be financially independent before the sh1t hits the fan again.
To me it beggars belief you even think it should be a consideration it‘s MP’s mother’s HOME, she also has other children and grandchildren to consider. By law in the UK you cannot give/gift your children more than £3,000 a year without paying Tax on it, so I’m not sure how your friend did that without paying a huge tax bill.
MP and HK are both adults and need to make their own way in life, If anything KP should be providing properly for her children not expecting others to, including MP’s mother.

Edit. I'm sure if the 💩 hits the fan again she will always be welcome in her mums home. MP as far as I’m aware works for BA as an air hostess which pays well (if my SIL is anything to go by) so MP should be okay.
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Whatever else is going on, I can't blame M&K for wanting a sibling for Apollo. Valentino is older and they may not have J&B full time again, who knows what will go on with any legal action etc. Like it's been mentioned, times not on her side if they do want another, it's up to them, whether folk agree with it or not. She's entitled to have her own kids if she wants, whatever the outcome of the J&B situation. If she'd done anything terrible, there would be NO kids at home, so let her get on with it.
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Chatty Member
Anyone else finding the 1st birthday party for Apollo a bit tacky with the OK magazine photoshoot and the advertising for some party company that organised it? Could have had a small family celebration without monetising it.
Yup! I have a one year old and honestly we barely celebrated his birthday because at that age they have absolutely no idea! He didn't understand opening presents or anything so we just went for a walk. K & m are currently staying in my home village, very close to my house....haven't bumped into them yet though!
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the slosher KP

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I think we should give new posters the benefit is the doubt. @susiesoo has never claimed to know everything she just knows very limited snippets that KH has mentioned during PT sessions. No horrible comments have been made about MP by susie?

We all joined tattle at some point. Maybe jonnyjnr just heard about the KH & MP break up and come here to spill some tea.
@jonnyjnr spill your tea - those of us that want to listen will ☕
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Oh I think I’d be in Camp Kieran!

He does seem like a genuinely kind and gentle guy who obviously adores his children and wants to give them the best.

I am, however, slightly freaked out by the OF stuff on Instagram - in a weird way if he just quietly got on with it then I’d understand as it probably makes him good money, but I find his own OF adverts in one insta story right next to a cute one of fishing with the kids a bit, well, icky!

I also find the constant tagging things they’ve been given a bit sad. There used to be a kind of lack of respect for someone that had to accept charity as if they couldn’t quite provide for their kids by themselves (remember the scene in The Railway Children where Mr Perks is angry at the children giving him biirthday presents?) and I’m not saying we should return to that or anything, just, oh I don’t know! It just seems odd to have to wait to be given things and then advertising it rather than just buying it yourself.

Still, as other posters have said, maybe he feels he has to provide them all with a little bit of the celebrity lifestyle and easy acquisition of “things” that they got used to when he was with KP. Sad, if that’s the case.
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Kieran posting something about his nan, how he misses her and it's his first Xmas without her. Also says the kids and Michelle were very close with her.

View attachment 1829307
That's sad he really seems to have been close to his nan and looks pained without her.

Plus the pics on IG of just four stockings (K, M, A, V). Katie Price has a lot to answer for, trying to ruin this family's happiness with false allegations. Already within a few mins a comment was posted by one of her fans on Kieran's post saying that the kids were lucky to be back with their mother, the comment's been deleted now. I hope this shit is cleared up in the new year and K&M are vindicated
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