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small town girl

Well-known member
I’d go without to ensure my children came home but each to their own then 🤷‍♀️
But it’s ok kieran and Michelle don’t need to go without their shopping trips, marks and Spencer food shops etc because there’s people out there that hate kp so much they are willing to donate to fund his court costs so he doesn’t need to.
If it was KP doing this there would be uproar!
Whether it’s a lavish gift or not it’s extremely poor taste to put it all over Instagram When there’s a public fundraiser. But that’s Kieran and Michelle all over oversharing for the gram
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I think it’s best to leave it, there has never been other accusations I’m aware of so there must be a lot more to it to conclude that a woman throwing a pudding on a bed once is less safe to be around than a drug addict criminal who lost access to her children under a child protection plan in September 2021
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It's a lengthy process for court not to mention any backlog it can take months it's not a simple yjing as walk in and gain access/custody.
So how did KP get custody so quickly…
Apparently she didn't. She had them for a routine visit and then just refused to hand them back.
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small town girl

Well-known member
This 👏👏 I am sorry but last year they spend £800 for opera singer tickets! M always gets expensive handbags, clothes. The gifted stuff is ok but rest of their money should go on lawyer to try get kids back.
I stick by what I’ve thought all along. Michelle seems materialistic to me and Kieran is a massive wet wipe getting walked all over by woman.
She definitely loves the £££ that only fans must bring because why on earth would anyone else be happy with their OH shoving stuff up his arse on the internet 🤣🫣
i Can’t see her getting gifted many handbags etc as her Instagram is private and she isn’t blue ticked.
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I got blocked by Kieran a few weeks ago on Insta. It was on that sex toy post that mentioned Michelle in the caption. I said that Michelle seemed a lovely woman so why bring her into your seedy sex work and asked wouldn't it be better to make a separate account for the sexy stuff. One of his fans replied snarkily "Well she must have known about it and approves so 🤷‍♀️" to which I replied
"Well if you look through the likes you'll see she didn't actually like it so 🤷‍♀️"

A few people liked my comment and then he blocked me haha 😂 Why show pics of your kids doing wholsesome stuff and then an hour later doing ads for vibrators. Surely he'd get more sex work engagement on a work-only page. What gay bloke wanting to comment on Kieran's physique is going to feel comfortable leaving saucy remarks when the last post was kids strawberry picking or something?

Apart from all that I'm fairly indifferent towards Kieran, he does seem to be a good dad and is a constant in their life. Shit boyfriend though,always shagging around so it seems.
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Sooooooo apparently MP has caused a lot of trouble for KH with his work this last week and apparently he has lost a lot of clients over it. She didn’t like it when he put the same handful of clients on his fitness IG several times and has made him delete any posts with them in and made him unfollow them. But then she messaged all these women very aggressively, calling them every name under the sun and threatening she’d ruin their lives and businesses if they didn’t stop training with him. They were all v shocked to get such aggressive messages. Some of them knew MP& some didn’t. KH had to call round them all and apologise and tell them he would have to stop training them all for now because she was on one. he was very embarrassed apparently. Lots of posts have been removed on his fitness insta. All a bit’s all the talk in Coolham where he trains!!
Sooooooo apparently MP has caused a lot of trouble for KH with his work this last week and apparently he has lost a lot of clients over it. She didn’t like it when he put the same handful of clients on his fitness IG several times and has made him delete any posts with them in and made him unfollow them. But then she messaged all these women very aggressively, calling them every name under the sun and threatening she’d ruin their lives and businesses if they didn’t stop training with him. They were all v shocked to get such aggressive messages. Some of them knew MP& some didn’t. KH had to call round them all and apologise and tell them he would have to stop training them all for now because she was on one. he was very embarrassed apparently. Lots of posts have been removed on his fitness insta. All a bit’s all the talk in Coolham where he trains!!
I heard about this. I’ve heard that she shut down one of his groups near where he lived. Apparently her plan is to keep him living small and not engaging with any females AT ALL. Didn’t she kick someone out of a church? Someone who came to his nanny’s wake? I heard that she had send really abusive messages to all of his clients and they were really upset. What’s her problem? I hear stuff from the flight crew and tbh I’m not surprised. She is a nasty piece of work for sure!!
Poor K, I guess he is trapped!! She ain’t the nice person you see in the pics, my god she was a nasty bitch when she wanted to be!!
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the slosher KP

VIP Member
I thought you already knew it all about MP from your cousin.
For someone who said they aren’t on Tattle to write horrible comments you don’t seem to have that problem when It comes to being horrible about The majority of your comments have been negative about MP. If KH has cheated on Michelle I would say it’s more likely you’re someone from KH’s camp, as you seem to know an awful lot from supposed 2nd hand gossip from your cousin about the ins and outs of KH and MP’s life.

Sorry I beg to differ about no horrible comments from Susie about MP. You’d be okay would you if someone wrote similar about you being materialistic, not paying your rent and getting into loads of debt. Just about everyone of Susie’s posts is negative towards MP and KH is supposedly hard done by.
I don’t need to give anyone the benefit of the doubt when I think it’s cruel bull 💩 especially about a woman who has been more of a mother to KP’s children than she has and for that MP has my respect.
She is sharing what she has been told (via hearsay) - not her personal opinion of MP.
I think it’s always best to scroll past if you don’t like things as it would be a shame for people to not want to spill their tea if they are being shot down.
Celebrity gossip is exactly what this site is for.
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It makes more sense that the allegations are not against KH hence he still has the baby with him (which we all already pointed out and now info is being given its MP…)

I am finding it hard to imagine KH would choose to stay with MP over losing access to the younger 2. You could speculate that the kids are with Wendy (and more supervised visits with KP) whilst KH and MP do the work to show they have improved their parenting. Perhaps even KH has gone to his mums but is keeping up appearances on SM for all his brand deals. Either way no one will really know as no one is allowed to talk about any proceedings in relation to children it’s is meant to be confidential

I’ve lost my shit at my kids before and throwing pudding on a bed as an isolated incident doesn’t seem enough to remove kids from their home as a threshold but there may be more context here no one knows about ie a pattern of behaviours.

It’s possible Katie and Carl are faking a breakup yet again to get more access to the younger ones. Someone who used to work for KP says the younger ones also hate being at her house
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Apparently MP has moved back to KHs house and they are all off to Cornwall tomorrow so expect normal happy family social media activity to resume then…although they awkwardly need to start refollowing each other first 😂
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It's like the perfect combo. Slag off MP as a psycho who shouldn't be looking after children, destroy KH pt business by showing he's unprofessional to clients while defending the poor cokehead who's chosen an abuser over her children. Smells as fishy as her.
Absolutely. And the timing is beyond perfection 🤣
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Chatty Member
Some inside tea ☕ on old KH-

He’s been caught cheating on Michelle. it’s a girl from his local gym & he’s trying desperately to keep it from KP…..reason I know is my friend down that way works at said gym…..

As much as we slate KP, we have to remember what a sleeze he was/still is
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Just because Michelle has posted these quotes it doesn’t mean she is innocent.
lets break it down. MP hasn’t been seen with the kids for a while now and that in itself speaks volumes. SS would not stop contact with Michelle on the basis of spiteful accusations from a disgruntled ex alone.
Until such time as MP & KH are charged, tried and found guilty of some offence then they are indeed innocent.
If you want to revert to pitchforks and tar & feathering based on hearsay and personal bias then carry on.
To quote what SS would or wouldn't do without inside knowledge is an opinion only, let's wait, see what unfolds here and see exactly who is lying.
IMHO none of them come out smelling of roses, but one individual IS a proven criminal and serial liar which cannot be dissproven.
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Thread for Mr Kieran Hayler, ex husband of Katie Price, fitness guru and Onlyfans star.

Carry on from the Katie Price thread folks.

We were speculating that all not well with Kieran and his Mrs
No shit Shirley!!! She has been getting her end away for months! Word has it that she is very violent and is abusive to him. She is a gold digga -someone needs to get to the bottom of it
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small town girl

Well-known member
Kieran is a fully grown able bodied man he does not need people crowd funding for him lol. Any updates? Is quagmire still posting subliminal posts?
She put a few up one to thank everyone for the messages of support she’s been getting. 🙄

I was thinking back to when she said Emily was a so called dr and was interfering with her relationship with princess. Emily said nothing. No posts with stupid quotes. No posts saying thanks for the supportive messages. She was grown up and completely ignored it.
I think Michelle loves the drama of it mall or else she would just keep quiet too!
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Bull***t Buster

VIP Member
I’m just trying to catch up. I’ve been offline for a few days. Jesus Christ! Things must be bad if they have given custody of J & B back to a bankrupt druggie!!!!!! Those poor children honestly have no hope! My heart breaks for them. 😢
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I was never a big fan of his, more indifferent than anything. But the more I see of him and Apollo on his Instagram stories, the more I like him. Obviously social media can be a smokescreen, but he comes across so calm and patient - and so hands on with his little boy. I'm not saying Jett and Bunny shouldn't have a relationship with their mum (and I don't detest her like a lot of posters do) but I feel so sorry for them missing out on being around him.
I think he's great with that little boy and exudes genuine warmth. Same with J&B. The two things I wasn't that keen on, and I mentioned it here before, was the kids being used to advertise freebies on IG (e.g. parties and kids toys) and the Only Fans in terms of the effect it might have on the kiddies. I don't think he meant harm by either though. Overall he seems like a good dad and a caring parent. I'd trust him around my children if I had them.

I can't stand KP, she's a nightmare and I'm concerned for J&B around her
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If I was MP I'd fly off for a break too! It must be bloody tough living day to day with constantly being badmouthed in the press, being scrutinised, bringing up children with absolutely no appreciation at all and then just to top it off the man she loves getting his knob out for strangers on a regular basis. I am a stepmum with a psycho ex wife on our case and let me say, it's bloody hard going. She's obviously very insecure if she's messaging his female clients.
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To be honest if Katie launched it at the kids everybody would be in uproar. Nobody knows the ins and outs but I do believe something has happened .
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I don’t want to sounds like I do
I totally agree! K and M both walked all over Kieran and he jumps to what ever they say. M always tag Kieran with new handbags, days out, meals.. ( which he pays or get gifted not her) and yes the OF he does it, not her. Why? She could do it!
I don’t want to sounds like I don’t like Kieran &M but if my ex like KP had my kids . I would spend every penny to try to get them back. I wouldn’t care about Valentine’s meal, presents etc . I wouldn’t sleep because I would constantly worry about the kid’s safety.. run over
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So susie was right, I was inclined to believe her as she also posted about him having to take his kids to work in the summer even though mp was home. He would do his fitness classes and the kids would be playing in the park.

Either mp wouldn't look after them or he didnt want to leave them with her!! Granted she had just had a baby!!!

I would say this is bloody entertaining but it isn't when two young kids little lives are being played with.
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