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Look there are ways of looking at this.

Since J&B were born Katie has had at least 3-4 different partners, all of which volatile, KH has had one LTR which apparently is rocky but no one really knows. During this time KP has also been to rehab multiple times and got into all kinds of trouble with the law.

KP is in the position to be fun mom. She is reckless with money, buys them ponies and quad bikes, clothes, nails, make up, no rules, no bedtimes, any pet they want they can have, as much food and sweets as they like and even no pesky seatbelt in cars. They can go make TikTok’s and get filmed showing off, go on last min hols missing school and play in all her make up and free crap she gets gifted.

KH has far less money, a baby, a more mundane life and is about school, homework, rules, behaviour and also he’s had to help them navigate periods where their mother has been entirely absent from their lives (of her own doing). KH and MP have done all the heavy lifting, all the dentist appts, vaccinations, homework, tantrums, birthday parties, making costumes - the whole lot of admin that comes with parenting.

KP has chosen to miss all their birthdays and first days of school. She isn’t even allowed to go to school so she can’t go to parents evenings or plays. She’s also put them at risk but they are too little to know or understand. She’s been on drugs with them in the house, left them with people they don’t really know (she left them with KB to go out to shag Charles).

It is not shocking that B&J idolise their ‘fun mom’ and for little kids it’s exciting finally being with her. She has probably easily been able to turn them that Mp is bossy and daddy is boring and ‘took them away from mummy’ and life will be more exciting. She can erase all her own bad choices by blaming KH and Mp for them all. This is what she does. She is a sociopath

The boring side of parenting is very hard. I’m a single mother and I’ve had to do 90% of everything. Sometimes it’s hard on you mentally. I have some empathy for a woman who has been raising these non bio kids in the public eye, against a lot of shit thrown at her. She may have snapped and made a bad choice that she’s paying for now, KH must be so devastated.

It will all end badly. KP is too selfish and cruel to be a decent mother.
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A house with a swimming pool in Sussex must be worth a pretty penny. Maybe they should ask Michelle's mother if she would consider selling up, moving to an apartment and giving the remaining sale proceeds to them. Michelle would then have her inheritance in hand now at a time when she most needs it, could go and put a deposit on a house for her own kids. I don't know if there are brothers and sisters who would also be entitled to a share of the sale proceeds.
Why should any parent be expected to give up their home for their children when they’re still living, or even downsizing for that matter. Our parents don’t owe us anything. Personally I can’t think of anything worse than asking a mother you love to give up her home for you and it’s rather odd you’re now discussing her possible inheritance, even more so as MP’s mother has suffered brain tumours, sorry but I think it’s heartless.
Edit. MP’s mother may well need her home/money to make sure she‘s well cared for, not having to put on her children in her ageing years and being able to be as independent as possible.
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I will say this for Michelle, the children (both her own son Valentino, and Jett and Bunny) look genuinely happy and relaxed with her in the photos. I know celebrities are selective in what they post on SM but I genuinely believe that the kids like her, so she must be doing something right in private. Certainly I don't see any signs that she's mean or cruel as a (step)mother. The kids look well cared for (I realise that's Kieran's doing too)

I noticed Valentino, Michelle's son, seems relaxed around Kieran too
Definitely MrsB, and IF Michelle is a Psycho I'm sure she would have battered Kipper by now because I would have
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I’m the boyfriend of an ex BA hostie and she has a bad rep.

yes. She has a bad rep for being a psycho
That sounds like something KP would say. You say you’re the BF of an ex BA hostie, why would you be so bothered about MP to join Tattle to slag her off?
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Chatty Member
I follow another totally ridiculous celebrity thread (Alice Evans and Ioan Gruffold) and I personally think this would just be the biggest nightmare on earth to be in love with someone with both children and a toxic ex. I could cope with either or, so someone with no children + toxic ex, or children + sane/normal ex.... but combined... HELL NO.

You are in it for the long run and your life will be made a living hell - you have to ask why the person would sign up for that and I wouldn't think they would always be as innocent as it could seem etc.
Long long long time lurker, finally registered!
I myself am in a situation similar to Mp, I have an older son from previous, my husband has 2 children and we have 1 together. His ex wife is SO toxic, drinks takes drugs, doesn't turn up for the children and spends a lot of her time hating me and slagging me off on social media whilst I look after her children alllll of the time, we only have 3 hours a week off and she never has overnights etc, it is SO HARD! I feel for mp, it is so stressful and mentally draining and if KH has cheated she absolutely does not deserve that.
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First post on this thread but just wanted to say that if Michelle took her oldest one away without the little one then fair play to her. There is a huge age gap and Valentino will at that age be fully aware of all that is going on. He seems to look very happy with the family unit of mum, Kieron, j, b and Apollo. His dad isn’t on the scene and now the family unit he has got to know trust and love is all in the air.

Michelle taking him out of that shows that she is very aware of how he is feeling and is putting his needs first. Apollo is a year old and home with his dad.

I have two daughters aged 10 and 15 and finding things that suit them bith can be hard. Me taking the older one to see Harry styles without the little one doesn’t make me a bad parent. Likewise, letting the big one spend the weekend with her dad (divorced abd with his new wife who all get on) while I take the little one to see Matilda hadn’t turned her to therapy or crack.

Whatever our opinions are on any party involved, the children are the priority. Giving Valentino a little one on one time when he obviously needs it should be applauded, not judged.

Rant over
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I will say this for Michelle, the children (both her own son Valentino, and Jett and Bunny) look genuinely happy and relaxed with her in the photos. I know celebrities are selective in what they post on SM but I genuinely believe that the kids like her, so she must be doing something right in private. Certainly I don't see any signs that she's mean or cruel as a (step)mother. The kids look well cared for (I realise that's Kieran's doing too)

I noticed Valentino, Michelle's son, seems relaxed around Kieran too
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Kieran and Peter have been cunts aswell they both used katie for fame and money neither are perfect . Whatever has happened must be bad and as much as Katie is an attention seeker she could well have custody of the kids now . He's a creep
Come on for Christ sake, 'an attention seeker'?
A serial liar, career criminal, bankrupt, drink/ drug driving addict with numerous convictions with a proven record of revenge porn and rape + dv accusations.
I think for her to be felt a better choice for parenthood would mean that K&M must be Rose and Fred West equivalents.
As for the men in her life using her for game and money, what money?
I'm sick and tired to death of the narrative that Pricey is the victim, it takes two to tango and whilst I'll say that the ex's deserve all the grief for ever being stupid enough to partner or marry it, nothing can justify her desire to destroy people's lives including her own children to purely extend her infamy and dying career.
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She had plenty money when Pete first got with her and also fame . Peter was a nobody at that point . Her choice in men has never been great Kieran cheated on her aswell .
don’t come at me for my opinion that everybody is entitled to . Every time somebody speaks on this thread or Katie’s they get attacked . Yes she has done things that most wouldn’t and she is a idiot BUT that doesn’t make throwing something at a innocent child ok .

also my comment is about Kieran again if you have an issue with Katie fine but your whole paragraph is about Katie and what Katie has done not once did I say she is perfect 🤯
You can have all the opinions you want and are rightly free to express them but this idea that she is the victim and that men use her for fame and money is somewhat distorted.
It was she who chased Pete when her advances were refused by one of the hosts of IAC, her 'career' was then already in freefall.
Her so called choice in men is deliberate, chosen because of their willingness I guess to go along with the lies and bullshit that is her entire existence.
As for she had plenty of money, well speechless!
Where has it all gone?
Because she doesn't pay her creditors, the taxman or mortgage yet has numerous holidays and surgery each year.
Could it all have gone up her nose perchance?
Let's not even pretend that she wants the children in her life full time, this whole scenario is about keeping the MM and doing as much damage as possible to keep her grubby name in the media.
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She's such a bullshitter. If police were involved because of what was in the (non existant) video, she wouldn't be near any of the kids.
I just can’t see why they would allow her to have them back, under sole custody, after all the non compliance by her of at least the last year. The drugs, the DV allegations, her relationship with Carl, how often she leaves the country, the reports of not strapping them in the cars correctly, her mental health, banned from driving, the bankruptcy and the possibility that the MM could be repossessed. Now she has taken them out of school, without permission, yeah that sounds like a spot on decision by the authorities 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Ive got no clue why there is cctv in the room. The women he sent it to were horrified but pulled in by the ‘poor Kieran, his life is so bad, I want to help him’. This directly feeds into everything he was telling all his clients which is what I originally posted about ….it was always ‘poor kieran he has so much drama, bad relationship, shitshow ex, poor kieran’ In the end I believe at least three people who had the video sent it to social services though which is what started this all off a few weeks ago. Clients found out and left. Other clients found out about all the women and left cos they didn’t feel comfortable with training with him.
For what it’s worth , for the second time , I believe you .
it’s one of the only things I don’t like about Tattle , when everyone “ piles on” a poster without hearing them out.
And even more ridiculous when they automatically assume you are KP , SP PPF etc.
Some posters would have us believe that half of Tattle is Camp Skank !
If ppl aren’t liking what you post they should simply put you on ignore.
It’s a gossip site . I’m an intelligent woman & i make my own mind up .
Please don’t let the naysayers scare you off .

EDIT ; There HAS been shitposters , shitstirrers , trolls & the like of course , a site such as Tattle is bound to attract them , but I don’t remotely get that vibe from you at all .
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Dawn Dayn

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Well he married pricey, had two kids with it, and he was a stripper, so he was never going to be a choir boy. I'm constantly amazed that people put cringe posts up about their private life, how is that ever going to help. Another Jeremy Kyle type shit show for those poor kids to live through.
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Chatty Member
I find odd all these lavish dinner dates, shopping, flannels bags when there is literally a go fund me…
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It’s true ladies and G’s… police there today. Daryl went country roads way and saw them tonight. Not sure what went down but odd to have a PC outside ya house!
This will all come out soon enough. Dark people get caught out always.
Those dick-wicks on here all saying it’s bull.. check ya facts. Good work trying to quash the truth. These guys are fake as a wallet from Beijing!!
your back are you?,wheres the video then,if you think we are just going to take any old crap off anyone, your sadly mistaken, show us the video or shut the fuck up, we dont believe you, i think your either related to skanky or her, herself. anyone can call the police on someone. why do her kids live with there fathers then,why cant she keep a man,why is she such a horrible, drug addicted, ugly person,willing to shag anyone and why do her animals keep dying needlessly.? what about the drugs,skanky has taken,her criminal driving and her treatment of previous husbands,including Alex reid.? skanky is sad,ugly and past it,cant keep a man or even her kids,bankrupt and morally corrupt and her repution (hahaha,what a joke) is in tatters like her career and theres no amount of plastic surgery that will ever even try and make her old arse look resonable,unless she completes the transiton to male that she clearly looks like shes undertaken.
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Sooooooo apparently MP has caused a lot of trouble for KH with his work this last week and apparently he has lost a lot of clients over it. She didn’t like it when he put the same handful of clients on his fitness IG several times and has made him delete any posts with them in and made him unfollow them. But then she messaged all these women very aggressively, calling them every name under the sun and threatening she’d ruin their lives and businesses if they didn’t stop training with him. They were all v shocked to get such aggressive messages. Some of them knew MP& some didn’t. KH had to call round them all and apologise and tell them he would have to stop training them all for now because she was on one. he was very embarrassed apparently. Lots of posts have been removed on his fitness insta. All a bit’s all the talk in Coolham where he trains!!
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So he was innocent all along, jeez. I wonder what made her think he had cheated. I wonder is she paranoid about him around other women, not a great way to live.
Well he is disclosing personal details of their relationship to a training client, if the poster here is being genuine. I can't think too many people would be happy at the idea that their partner is bad mouthing them to his employer. That crosses a line for me, it smacks of testing the waters for something inappropriate to happen, the old "my wife doesn't understand me, but you are so easy to talk to, I feel a connection" bull that so many unfaithful men try on. I would be suspicious too in honesty.

Also if I'm paying someone to train me, I want them to focus on my form, encouraging me, and not rabbiting on.
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I'm cackling at the idea that Michelle needs to keep things "private" while any one of us can Google Kieran's porn video and photos of his arsehole (to be clear by his arsehole I mean anus, not Katie Price)
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I was thinking the same.. new member with "inside info" full of hate towards MP - the woman raising skanky's children whilst the skank hurls abuse at her every chance she gets.
So right after skanky goes against what Social Services said about the kid being around Cole, she then releases that bollocks about her "mental elf" and now this anti Michelle stuff has started... very suspicious!

Your "mate" told you.. so you came running here to join the thread and dish all this dirt that you had been keeping to yourself all this time??
Funny how certain other posters have made their accounts private too so people can't see where they post and what about...
3 of them seem to have their own agenda,all badmouthing MP today of all days,yet seem to have sympathy for KP ( the distroyer of other peoples mental health,and who is unable to keep her children or a man). some thing very fishy here. im sure this info would have come out before if true
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Chilli pepper 19

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Bang on! They post stuff with zero evidence and then it's all "I feel sorry for the kids" as though the accusation is now 100% true (like Cole's black and white troof!)

🤣🤣🤣 me too. Fisher than usual!

Blackmail? Who does that? Er Skanky price does!
So Michelle launched unfair abuse on you once? Tell us about it then if this story is actually true...
100% true. Can you imagine how sad you had to be coming onto a site to troll the woman raising your children instead of actually being a proper mother and doing everything you can to get them back. Go back to your sink wanking, wife beating loser kipper
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Chatty Member
Thank you that’s kind.
….Everyone can see on IG that KP has the children and that KH and MP haven’t had them for ages. Having previously not seen the video only been told about it I actually saw it for myself on Wednesday and whilst previously I felt it maybe not right to talk about it, having seen it now I don’t really feel like protecting them any more. It’s a cctv camera in Jett and bunny’s room showing them running in all scared and jumping into their beds and pretending to be lying down and then Michelle slams the door open and chucks a plate at bunny in her bed saying ‘There’s your fucking pudding’ and storms out. It’s pretty vile. I actually couldnt believe my eyes. Made my skin crawl. You hear Jett say ‘I hate this house’ and bunny is crying cos there’s pudding all in her bed and she is eating it saying it’s the only way to get the pie off her bed. This is what was apparently sent to social services that meant the children were removed from KHs house. The video is from June, its got the date on it. In the summer KH sent it to various women he was in these secret relationships with to get sympathy of how bad everything was at home and it has gone round Coolham since then with everyone circulating it and talking about it. He’s lost most of his clients over it all. Those poor little ones 😢
I’m sorry but I think this is total and utter garbage.

Have Michelle's kids been removed and safeguarded?
I wouldn’t humour this individual any further
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