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Ok so let’s break it down

This video happened in June and now it’s November
Katie’s mum had a lung transplant and Katie came back from a holiday early suddenly recently
KP appears to have the kids but also going out on booze benders
She fakes a breakup with CW after shagging another man
MP and KH are allowed to keep all their other kids 🤔
KH is arrested for stalking
He’s released no charge
Katie takes to SM to say it was for texting a minor and kids removed as MP threw a pie
Katie is bankrupt and maybe losing their home
SS have left the other 2 kids with MP and KH (this is odd)
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MP also said 'Disappointed, but not surprised' has been my biggest mood this year.
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He loves a plug! But the whole thing is v sad. Just shows how much people can hide behind a cheesy Insta feed but then that’s all everyone does on Insta so you can’t blame them for that. No one shows the bad bits do they!
I think KH is trying to keep the family together to stick his fingers up at KP (no one blames him for that) but i wonder at what cost to him and his littlies

Ha ha no butt plugs this time 🤣
I don’t blame him for doing all the adverts. He’s a fitness trainer so not making much money and I doubt very much he gets any child support from KP. He’s been dragged into the press because of his association with KP - I don’t blame him for monetising it.

Sounds like he’s gone from one abusive relationship to another. Poor guy.
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I’m just trying to catch up. I’ve been offline for a few days. Jesus Christ! Things must be bad if they have given custody of J & B back to a bankrupt druggie!!!!!! Those poor children honestly have no hope! My heart breaks for them. 😢
Exactly!! A bankrupt druggie that has fled with 2 kids that have been removed from her for the last 4 yrs!! She's fled with her DV abuser partner who the kids are terrified off after keeping them off school for 3 weeks whilst she was on a drugged up public bender in London 👍👍👍 no way she has been given full custody of those kids now
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Can’t stand the KP thread , I got abuse last time I went on it over how it’s ok for Carl to hit Katie as she must have deserved it

I stand by what I say nobody deserves to be hit by a man NOBODY . Also these children don’t deserve things thrown at them that’s abuse poor kids 😞
A lot of us have had this issue but that’s a small number of posters not the majority. I ignore those with such outdated views. Its never ok.

I am also a step parent and it is sometimes very difficult when kids elaborate on stories or incidents to get attention, it’s well known that little children often find it hard to manage their emotions and even more so with split up parents. I have heard my step children say all kinds of things that I know to have small grain of truth but elaborated for effect and when there is parental conflict it’s easy to ask leading questions and get a dramatic answer, it’s also easy to influence the child into a story that you want to hear and not an actual recollection of what happened. Can any of your children ever remember what they did at school?

My partners youngest child can swing between ‘you don’t love me and I am calling the police on you’ for saying no to having more sweets to ‘I love you never leave me’ in 5 mins flat. I also once stood on his child’s foot by accident, and he got really angry accusing me of doing it on purpose and smacked me one and got told off by his dad. I always worry about how things I do/say will get back to their mum and worry about things being out of context. It’s not my child so it’s stressful

I was also a single mother and my kids when small would tell me all kinds of stories about their dad and when I would ask him he would give me a rational explanation. The pudding situation could have been Michelle lobbing it down and it spilling but she didn’t mean it, it could be she threw it at a child but we don’t know as we only have 2 strangers off the internet and KP’s history of being a game playing liar
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I would absolutely also like to point out that I’m not a Katie Stan. I think she’s a very poor mother. If she spent more time thinking about her kids and not her pussoir then maybe her kids wouldn’t have been in a situation where they were subjected to abuse, and it’s easy to blame her that way. BUT Michelle did this. Katie can’t be to blame for someone else’ actions. Michelle threw something at a child, that isn’t her own… please just put yourself in her Katie’s shoes. Even just for a second, this woman portrays herself to be the best step mum walking with your children, pretends, and flaunts and jibes at you. Only to then be caught being abusive.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m messy….. but I too would take to social media and call her right out for it. And you know what why shouldn’t she, because when it comes to children like Star Hobson, Arthur Hughes and Logan Mwangi… if someone had maybe spoke up or shouted from the roof tops and held people accountable for their actions before they escalated then maybe….. just maybe they’d still be here. And to those of you trying to be little “a throw pudding” remember that domestic violence normally starts with “just a slap”
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It’s so depressing tbh
I am a step mum and I don’t much like the mother (in very private secret never to be told or even remotely revealed to the kids). My kids also have a stepmum and she’s lovely I like her a lot.

I cannot imagine behaving like this as a parent or a step parent. Firstly if KH is putting it about, he has just had a baby with her! How cruel is that. Added to B&J being already estranged from 3 of their other half siblings and their own mother you would think these 2 would be trying to keep it together and putting their kids first. Sadly I now think this seems to be a RS of the social services stability kind, to show them they have a stable family and KH will just never be happy 🙄
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It’s true ladies and G’s… police there today. Daryl went country roads way and saw them tonight. Not sure what went down but odd to have a PC outside ya house!
This will all come out soon enough. Dark people get caught out always.
Those dick-wicks on here all saying it’s bull.. check ya facts. Good work trying to quash the truth. These guys are fake as a wallet from Beijing!!
Check what facts? There are no facts apart from what you've just said.

I went past Kieran's house too and I saw Mr blobby outside his house and a UFO landed on his driveway. Facts!
You are probably right about dark people being caught out though, I'm sure that will happen eventually with how many times KP has accused
people of disgusting things.
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small town girl

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I don’t want to sounds like I do
I don’t want to sounds like I don’t like Kieran &M but if my ex like KP had my kids . I would spend every penny to try to get them back. I wouldn’t care about Valentine’s meal, presents etc . I wouldn’t sleep because I would constantly worry about the kid’s safety.. run over
i don’t particularly like them. i don’t like the way when they had the kids they over exposed them to grift free things. I dont like that behaviour from anyone and just because people hate kp so much it shouldn’t mean his behaviour is allowed whereas when she does the same thing tattlers are in uproar.
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If she did anything like that, I don't think she could use the footage anyway. There have been custody cases where a parent put secret cameras into kids clothes and the judge ends up giving custody to the other (sane) parent!
But she doesn't want custody, custody means bedtimes, cooking meals, schoolwork, routine, putting the kids first, being accountable to outside agencies. She wants to "win", so to destroy KH reputation, destroy his relationship with MP or any other subsequent women and still have him care for the kids while she pisses about being a "celeb". She wants to destroy him without any thought of what that means for shared children. Same as DW, same as PA, how she treated AR with revenge porn, her tweeting about her affair with that footballer on his wedding day, now KH, she is hate filled.
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Guys just ignore this Jonny idiot. Like his/her hero skanky, they're looking for attention. Just let them yak away to themselves. Him/her and susie can amuse themselves with this magical video that can't be sent outside of the village 🙄
We can poke holes in the theories all day but you can't argue with stupidity. They'll drag you to their level and beat you with experience!
Please ignore them 🙏🏻
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Chatty Member
That sounds like something KP would say. You say you’re the BF of an ex BA hostie, why would you be so bothered about MP to join Tattle to slag her off?
KP can’t put a sentence together or spell psycho though…

Where does it say on this site you can only say something that agrees with a poster? It’s called having an opinion, just as many have been slagging MP off others have the right to disagree and defend her.
As for ‘celebrity gossip’ Michelle isn’t a celebrity she’s a mother of two little boys, who has been through hell and back being with KH, along with being publicly humiliated by KP. Now I will leave you to bitch away at your hearts content, no doubt MP will see this and no way do I want be associated with slagging off a woman that’s been there for the Jett and Bunny when their own mother hasn’t bothered with them. Michelle deserves better than this as far as I’m concerned.

Absolutely you’re entitled to say what you like but also respect people are allowed to have a differing opinion, otherwise likewise what’s the point?

You say it will be good if KH & MP choose to deal with their situation privately. I assume what you’re cousin was told by KH was in confidence, yet you’ve come on here to make it public.
So how does that work with what goes on in their lives should be kept private?
To be fair, MH has gone public by posting a whole load of cryptic posts with over 7,000 followers. And let’s be honest, 7,000 people aren’t following her because they’re interested in her - they’re interested in the KP circus. Which she knows.
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It’s true ladies and G’s… police there today. Daryl went country roads way and saw them tonight. Not sure what went down but odd to have a PC outside ya house!
This will all come out soon enough. Dark people get caught out always.
Those dick-wicks on here all saying it’s bull.. check ya facts. Good work trying to quash the truth. These guys are fake as a wallet from Beijing!!
If it's true why has this mysterious vid not surfaced wider, only a convenient few village residents have supposedly 'seen it'?
Why would there be cctv in a child's room?
Why would someone send a video to potential partners to illustrate how bad their current partner is, not exactly a turn on?
Why has KH posted yesterday at footie with the kids if he has no access?
Why would the social only have intervened now if a vid circulated since summer?
And who the hell is Daryl?

Too many holes in this to be credible. Plus a proven reliable poster on the KP thread, @DC16 , has debunked it.

I challenge you to post a screengrab from this mysterious video that you saw, to prove it happened.
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Hasn’t surfaced because it’s child abuse .. can’t show dat. CCTVwise… a no go. He wanted to catch her for when she went against him. Don’t be fooled by insta-M not allowed access so wasn’t there.. posting to look present. I’ll try and get a grab… seen it but couldn’t say much about it part from her throwing and swearin.
Plus heard from my matey at his local Bootcamp and around… wow!! There’s some ugly fitness bird from another Bootcamp who he is sexing … patently he is knobbing everyone locally!! Thought I was worried bout STD’s!! Don’t fancy him no more 🫢
i thought you said previously you were a bloke, ? dont believe anything you say troll,why dont you look into why Harvey is like, he is,loads of photos and witnessess about talking about skanky, taking drugs and getting pissed in clubs while pregnant with Harvey too.if kieron was guilty of any of the things you are saying,then he should, and will be dealt with by the proper authorities, but A, he would not still be living with his kids(or michelles) if true and B, even if he split up with michelle,he would Never go back to old skanky and C, look at his kids faces in ANY photos, they glow in michelle and kierons company,they hate being with skanky..... decided now,your either skanky,family or a troll getting off on peoples reactions,either way your a sad git.
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Hi all.some interesting news from his personal training clients. Apparently on his group session on Monday morning 3 women stormed the class handing back bags of gifts they said he’d given them and telling everyone he had been leading a double life with them - they’d all found out about each other and were furious. Apparently he was just saying ‘I’m sorry I’m sorry’ and was trying to usher them away.
this morning he is off to get some tattoo to dedicate to Michelle in an attempt to save the relationship. Watch this space!
Kieran Hayler has fiancée Michelle Penticost's name inked on his leg # via

You were right about the tattoo! Good insider info!
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I'm cackling at the idea that Michelle needs to keep things "private" while any one of us can Google Kieran's porn video and photos of his arsehole (to be clear by his arsehole I mean anus, not Katie Price)
Pretty sure I’ve seen his chocolate starfish more than I’ve seen my own from tattle threads and morbid curiosity 😒
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And surely it would also make sense for a grown man who keeps creating children to go out & get a fucking job .

God these low level grifters are pathetic.
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If my childrens step parents threw something at them it would be the last thing they ever did.
I’m uncomfortable with how this is being brushed aside now it seems to be confirmed.
My thoughts exactly! I'm zipping my lips for fear of starting an all out war or being accused of being the skank herself....but it is fucking wrong on every level and I would be furious!!! Regardless of whatever poison KFP is dripping in them kids ears (and we know it will be vile) it is up to MP to be the level headed decent step parent and keep her cool!! Chucking stuff at vulnerable kids is NEVER OK!!
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