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We all know what KP is capable off and her lies… don’t forget she cried rape about twenty times 🙄

This is one horrible mess and I feel for them 2 kids, I still don’t think she has sole custody, someone else has them and that skank probably gets her 2/3 days a week with them.

SS dont just automatically return them to the other parent that had limited access because another parent is being investigated.
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It's all just pie in the sky atm.

OK I'm gonna go and sit in a quite space and think about what I just typed.
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Nobody has said she is worst than Katie 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

are people NOT allowed to call Michelle on here because Katie’s worst is that what your saying ?

If they have launched food at the kids then why shouldn’t people be allowed to talk about it without being told Katie is worst . Scumbags for doing that to innocent children it’s not how you treat a child at all .
IF Michelle has thrown food/a plate at the kids in anger then shame on her, she shouldn't have done it. I don't think we know that definitively though. The info is a bit fuzzy. Some posters and KP saying a video but that hasn't been officially confirmed (I think). I agree its possible SS have more evidence (more on this in a min)

I didn't have a strong opinion on Michelle before all this and still don't, based on the fuzzy info about this latest 'allegation'. Re KH, I think KH OF activity (like pleasuring himself and sticking things up his bum) and using the kids to plug freebies and do ads isn't great, although its nowhere near as bad as KP, I don't think it's great parental behaviour. I get stick on the KP and KH threads any time I say this, I accept people have different opinions but I think it is fair to both condemn KP and still mildly criticise some of the other players for certain actions. I will say he never struck me as abusive/mean to the kids and I didn't believe the allegation KP made about him and the underage girl earlier this year.

I don't trust the allegations because KP, a known narcissist and liar, is involved, and has plenty to gain from smearing K&M. However IF IF IF social services hold more evidence that we don't know about (its possible) and if it shows M&K have been in anyway abusive to them kids then I'll condemn them. Until then I need to see more evidence before rushing to do so, because all I have to go on is statements from KP (a dangerous unhinged individual) and a very sparse police statement and the IG pics suggesting B&J are not staying with K&M right now (looks like SS removed)
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You know that he gets meals gifted. He has over 100k followers and is promoting the places, so it's disingenuous of you to say he's treating himself. He didn't set up the fund so how would it be like you asking for money to fix your car? Someone taking your kids from you is something people have a bit more sympathy with than a broken car. Especially when the person doing it has abused and slandered most partners she's had.
Many parents just simply don't have 20k - 30k to spend on court fees and they suffer for it. Maybe Kieran needs some sort of budget sent to him so he can cut down on meals and suddenly have 20k? I can't see that working.

People want to do Kieran a favour because his ex wife seems to find a magic pot of cash any time she's up in court to defend all her abuse and stealing. Maybe people are happy to reddress that imbalance a bit.
You do realise it’s not 20k upfront ? My husband has a normal job and he has been fighting for his child and it isn’t a simple court hearing thing it takes years .. it is doable if you pay for your solicitor as and when you need them which isn’t much . So he can easily afford court fees many other men do in basic jobs . We went without completely whilst my husband fights for his child the kids had less Christmas presents etc . I’ve gone without nails and hair done monthly . My husband has gone without new clothes etc
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New to this thread and others may have posted but I went to a 'Ladies Night' about a year before he got with KP and he was one of the stripper. His opening act was him dressed up as Scooby Do 🙈🤣🤣🤣
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It’s so depressing tbh
I am a step mum and I don’t much like the mother (in very private secret never to be told or even remotely revealed to the kids). My kids also have a stepmum and she’s lovely I like her a lot.

I cannot imagine behaving like this as a parent or a step parent. Firstly if KH is putting it about, he has just had a baby with her! How cruel is that. Added to B&J being already estranged from 3 of their other half siblings and their own mother you would think these 2 would be trying to keep it together and putting their kids first. Sadly I now think this seems to be a RS of the social services stability kind, to show them they have a stable family and KH will just never be happy 🙄
It’s all very sad if it has indeed fallen apart. But let’s see, they could just be trying for attention.
Either way, let’s hope he has in fact not cheated….but let’s also remember that relationships break down for many many reasons and we don’t yet know anything about what’s gone down here 🤞🏻
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Bull***t Buster

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Kieran Hayler has fiancée Michelle Penticost's name inked on his leg # via

You were right about the tattoo! Good insider info!
Its all just too cringey and desperate for me! The gushing IG posts and now the tattoo! It's almost like he is trying to convince himself that this is what he wants. A tattoo does NOT prove your commitment or love for someone, your actions and the way you treat them does. Hmm we will see! Time will tell but I can see a cover up coming in the future!
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Sooooooo apparently MP has caused a lot of trouble for KH with his work this last week and apparently he has lost a lot of clients over it. She didn’t like it when he put the same handful of clients on his fitness IG several times and has made him delete any posts with them in and made him unfollow them. But then she messaged all these women very aggressively, calling them every name under the sun and threatening she’d ruin their lives and businesses if they didn’t stop training with him. They were all v shocked to get such aggressive messages. Some of them knew MP& some didn’t. KH had to call round them all and apologise and tell them he would have to stop training them all for now because she was on one. he was very embarrassed apparently. Lots of posts have been removed on his fitness insta. All a bit’s all the talk in Coolham where he trains!!
That's absolutely awful behaviour and is abusive and controlling. Run, Kieran.
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Chatty Member
Have you seen that Kieran has said he can't afford court costs? Well known sources have said where every single penny is going. Towards the court to fight for those children. However, you're entitled to your opinion.
If he can easily afford the court costs, then why the hell is he accepting money from complete strangers to pay the costs for him? Any decent, honest person in that circumstance would politely decline the offer of a GFM, confirm that they were doing all that they could and had the finances required, and ask people to donate to a charity or something if they still felt like they wanted to help. Taking other peoples money to supposedly fight for your own children, while posting photo evidence that there is plenty of spare money to splash out on nice meals and expensive gifts is in extremely poor taste IMO. I’m sure that many that have donated don’t have money to burn, they’re trying to do a nice thing because they think he needs the help.

I still think they’re all trashy and lowlife in different ways, I don’t understand why people think that if they (quite rightly) hate KP, then it means that the people that she’s fallen out with must all be saints and above criticism.
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Bull***t Buster

VIP Member
Thank you that’s kind.
….Everyone can see on IG that KP has the children and that KH and MP haven’t had them for ages. Having previously not seen the video only been told about it I actually saw it for myself on Wednesday and whilst previously I felt it maybe not right to talk about it, having seen it now I don’t really feel like protecting them any more. It’s a cctv camera in Jett and bunny’s room showing them running in all scared and jumping into their beds and pretending to be lying down and then Michelle slams the door open and chucks a plate at bunny in her bed saying ‘There’s your fucking pudding’ and storms out. It’s pretty vile. I actually couldnt believe my eyes. Made my skin crawl. You hear Jett say ‘I hate this house’ and bunny is crying cos there’s pudding all in her bed and she is eating it saying it’s the only way to get the pie off her bed. This is what was apparently sent to social services that meant the children were removed from KHs house. The video is from June, its got the date on it. In the summer KH sent it to various women he was in these secret relationships with to get sympathy of how bad everything was at home and it has gone round Coolham since then with everyone circulating it and talking about it. He’s lost most of his clients over it all. Those poor little ones 😢
Those poor children. So they basically don’t feel safe anywhere. Not with KH & MP and not with Skank. This is truly heartbreaking to read.
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Chatty Member
He would eard good money plastering.
Yes whatever happened to having a trade and actually working hard!! I’d be mortified to be with someone who makes a living promoting sex toys on his personal Instagram which also has photos of his children on. As well as all the rest of his behaviour. I don’t doubt he’s a good dad and is certainly giving the children a better upbringing than KP could but he still sets a shitty example of what a grown adult should be.
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Chatty Member
To me it beggars belief you even think it should be a consideration it‘s MP’s mother’s HOME, she also has other children and grandchildren to consider. By law in the UK you cannot give/gift your children more than £3,000 a year without paying Tax on it, so I’m not sure how your friend did that without paying a huge tax bill.
MP and HK are both adults and need to make their own way in life, If anything KP should be providing properly for her children not expecting others to, including MP’s mother.
For once, I agree with you 🤣

i can see my children having children in 10+ years time, but they will need to work hard and provide homes for their children themselves. That’s real life. I’ve given my kids every opportunity with a private education and they’re both bright. What they choose to do after A-Levels is down to them, but I won’t be selling my house to enable them to buy one!

Also I’d like to keep my house with multiple bedrooms so that they can come and stay! I personally wouldn’t fancy selling up and living in an apartment until I’m on my last legs! I have a life too!

I don’t blame K&M for doing the social media stuff - he’s been made infamous by being married to KP and I don’t blame him for capitalising on it. I also suspect he gets zero maintenance from KP.
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After that shitshow at KP's house on tiktok tonight (Bunny talking about wanting to be on Onlyfans, neither happy at school, both looking sad and unkempt), I hope even more that the kids are returned soon to the sole care of KH. He must be heartbroken seeing that.
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Shooshheeeee seems those so close are t that trustworthy!!!!! A Good Samaritan friend/local/works in property is involved. Got posted THEE video … shows everything. Bloody new it!! New they was fake as custard… obvs something not right. Prob can’t post it but some lady sent to Lady P. Katie gone mad. Word has it those kids are back with their momma … seems not all is well in that household. Bet Katie loving this… but babes comes first.
Their mums been on the lash past 2nights so I doubt kids are in her care
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Well-known member
Exactly this. Because people hate Kp so much they are willing to forgive this or worsebrush it under the carpet illuding that the kids made Michelle do it. They are young vulnerable kids who have been through a lot of shit are always in the media. No wonder they act a way sometimes.
People saying say well Kp Is a bad mum she does coke she does this. Yes she is a shitcunt of a mum and nobody is saying she is Mary poppings but it still doesn’t make throwing a pie at a vulnerable child ok!
every word of this, why are people so blinded by their hate for Kate… when there is actual video evidence of the step mum launching plates at innocent children. I’m sorry but even if they were bouncing off her chin calling her a mug they don’t deserve any type of abuse! ABUSE!! Not parenting, not telling off… no. Abuse! If Katie or Carl had done this there’d be fucking uproar
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Will Kieran respond on his IG to today's allegations? Michelle responded indirectly, sort of, with the posts of them at the panto saying no one was going to ruin her family.
She ruined it herself the day she decided to throw a bowl of pudding at a child in their home, in their bed.
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Thanks for the info. So they split up for a week or thereabouts, and she moved out, due to cheating?

This doesn't bode well for their future relationship - assuming it is cheating, he's reverted to his old tricks despite apparently being a changed man, and the baby only a year old. If it was me, I'd be gone....but obviously it's Michelle's decision and there could well be more to it

I hope she hasn't taken him back purely to preserve the family unit i.e. "present a united front to stop the kids returning to Katie Price's custody". I can see how a partner could be persuasive about that

The kids will have been distressed over this too, maybe its time to keep them off social media for a while
As I understand it she falsely accused him of something and then had to tiptoe back when it became clear she was wrong. Apparently they have these big blow ups all the time but it obviously went a step further this time than normal. I guess they’ll just quietly start following each other again on SM and pretend like nothings happened?? We will have to wait and see!
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Chatty Member
Flying monkies are people who come onto a thread, say some inflammatory stuff about someone such as 'Ive seen a video of Person A abusing children' and then fuck off again, never to return. Just because people defend Kieran doesn't make them flying monkeys. People can have whatever opinions they like but If you say something like 'Kieran eats at expensive restaurants all the time' and he's only eaten out once in 6 months, then you'll get critique back from people who don't agree.

On the subject of videos claiming to show people abusing kids. This is what KP said about it back in December, that she would release it if people dared to challenge her. That's why people give Kieran the benefit of the doubt and sympathise with him. Him accepting a couple of grand of charity is no-where in the same league as someone threatening to show the public videos you say your kids are being abused in. If he uses the money to fight this vile person legally then good for him. KP would never need a go fund me for legal fees as she seems to have an endless pot of money which funds her court cases whilst being bankrupt. Another reason people willingly want to give Kieran help.

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But this is a thread about Kieran for gods sake why are you not getting what I am trying to say!!! You've posted a screenshot of what KP posted.....that's for her thread!! Everything you have posted about whats going on with the kids is pure speculation......I know you have some trusted posters on the KP THREAD but not one of us truly know what's going on.......even people who are not "flying monkeys" over there are only allowed to hate someone has said this is not a rave thread so I don't know why you keep coming over putting people right or comparing opinions on Kieran to what KP does.....WE have all said she is a fucking evil bitch but it doesn't mean everyone has to agree with the way Kieran conducts himself!!
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If and it’s a huge if SS had actually given old Cokey sole custody they need investigated themselves. Given a past experience with them I can’t say I rate their work.

If all this is seriously over a bit of pudding tossing they all need to give themselves a fucking wake up wobble. It’s absurd.

I know nothing of Michelle and, Lord knows, we’re all only human but maybe she isn’t the saint we’ve been led to believe.

However, in saying that, Kipper having the kids full time, and back with her coke head lover, is a recipe of disaster. She’s a terrible parent and I’m not inclined to give her any benefit of doubt but clearly something bigger is going on.
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yes but Kipper said it happened so quickly she had to rush back from holiday. I don't believe that for a second. It would have to be an emergency protection order with police involved to enforce it and that would be a very serious case. Then police and SS would also be looking at the other kids if it was that serious. I think it much more likely there was either a SS investigation ( instigated by KP making a complaint) and K&M have agreed they stay at KPs for a time/ or KP has kept the kids without any authority and has manipulated their shared parenting agreement.
You could be right, I have no idea. None of us believe much of what KP spouts anyway so who knows the ins and outs of what happened for J and B to suddenly be in her care. I just remembered someone upthread asking why all of the children weren't taken away by SS, so I put that it can and does happen. Obviously my examples aren't like for like and could be entirely different circumstances - based on what we have been told at least. We could speculate all day about it but I think we can all agree being with KP full time is not in the best interests of those poor children.
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