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Thanks for the new thread Mrs B.

I'd still like to know, from the last thread, where is the proof (as some posters have suggested) that it is only Tattlers & folk who 'hate' KP contributing to K's GFM?

People might just care about the children and want to help the family, it's up to them what they spend their money on, but some allegations that people are only contributing because they 'hate' KP is wrong. Anyone can donate for whatever damn reason they like.
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Chatty Member
So Kieran or his rep must have arranged for his photos taken as he was released?? And people think this is ok?? I will tell you what it's pathetic!! There are innocent children at serious risk of being placed into the care of the local authorities and these 2 think staging pics and posting quotes is winning!! I'm horrified and there's no justification for it.....if he can arrange for pics after his arrest perhaps he could speak out or thank people personally for donating to his fund!!
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Hate skanky but something has gone in the Hayler household. Jett was always closer to his dad than Skank. J&B were having supervised visitation with skank and Kieran had primary residence. Parental alienation is done over a long time by the primary parent its not been that long since he's been with skank. Bunny is closer to skank than Jett yet is having visits. Jett is known as being sensitive I think something did happen with Michelle but Kieran strikes me as having no back bone and would put up with a partner being not very nice to his kids.
I feel terribly sorry for the kids at least Junior and princess have stability with Peter and Emily who have never given skank the time of day.
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Who knows what the truth is.

I'm sure the majority of us just want those kids in a safe & loving home & being well cared for.
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Someone posted this on KP thread. WHY is Michelle doing this, there is a restraining order in place to bar KP from contacting her and yet she is posting about KP. I understand she and KH will be ecstatic that the stalking charge has been dropped, but this really seems immature. Lost some respect for her with this and the CW interactions, very childish and not putting J&B first, more concerned with point scoring on this matter.


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I don't think it's the time or the place to gloat about who was right and who was wrong here Helena!! People on a gossip site are allowed to question things and yes sometimes people get things wrong!! I don't think anyone here believed what KP was saying in the slightest!!
But there are 2 sides to every story and we didn't get Kierans side we just had pure speculation and snippets of what people "thought" was happening, yes these turned out to be right but its nothing to celebrate!! ...not that he should have to speak out but he has came out fighting and I haven't been his biggest fan....although I could see how good of a loving dad he is, that video has actually broke my heart for yes I hold my hands up and say perhaps I was a bit sceptical.....but I would trust his words over hers anyway of the week! We need to remember at the very heart of this are 2 very vulnerable children who are slowly having their childhood ruined!! How childrens services continue to allow those kids to live with that mentally unstable fuck up is an outrage and I really hope now he has spoken out, kieren gets all the help he deserves!!
You can call it gloating if you like but I don't see it that way. I think it was quite an obvious choice for people to make. Believe a pathological liar who has exercised coercive control on virtually every man she's been with.....or Kieran. The facts were there, He had custody, then they didn't come back from a weekend and he was arrested for stalking. How likely is it that Kieran became a stalker of his own kids? KP put out statements painting both Kieran and Michelle as abusers, so serious they were 'removed' she claimed! That's when people chose to believe a pathological liar.
The reason it is emotional and gets people riled up is that she is ruining lives....He has confirmed the truth that some people couldn't see.
In my eyes it's exposed domestic abuse, so yes I am pleased!
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@Jwren I do understand where you coming from and I think your points regarding price are valid. However I do think MP should just grow up too. She's just goading the bear that is Price. Those children need adults, not adults being silly and playing silly games. It's not about MP taking it all, it's just about being the grown up one about it all. MP can have her revenge without goading her, but its more likely to come if she just stops goading Price. But I take your point, we just agree to disagree.
We also don’t know MP’s state of vulnerability with all she’s been subjected to over the years by KP, so personally I’m not going to judge her on her IG posts. Unlike some on here I’m not a saint and I would possibly do far worse if I were in her position. I think she’s had a lot thrown at her for years and while all this has been going on she’s been pregnant, her mother has been unwell, she has to work, has a home to look after and most importantly has two young boys to care for and I think it’s unfair that she‘s being slated. As far as I’m aware she’s hasn’t broken the law, ruined others livelihoods by not paying her bills, risked others lives by driving recklessly, or put her children at risk by not having them in appropriate car seats, or seatbelt, she’s been a good mum to her children, unlike KP.
She’s also stood in as a carer/mother figure for KP’s children when KP chose CW over J&B. MP clearly thinks a lot of J&B and yes she could have walked away but she hasn’t and for that she’s has my admiration.
I agree we will just have to agree to disagree.
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I think they’re treatment

I’ve just pretty much said that on the KP thread . Waiting for the pile on now. X
One of the posters on there that has pretty much told Mrs B to shut up and never have an opposing opinion is just putting laughing reactions at anyone that disagrees with the main view, which is that:
  • Michelle has HER OWN MONEY
  • All of her stuff was bought years ago, probably by British Airways, all of her shopping trips you see on Insta are gifted or old
  • They either have to live the life of luxury, or eat PLAIN PASTA every night, preferably while wearing a sandwich board. There is no in between
  • If you question KH and MP it means you love Katie Price
  • No donation to the GFM, no opinion
I don't think anyone is going to change their minds! Time will tell I think...
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Another spa overnighter on MP's instagram.

Cue all the people on the KP thread saying how happy they are to be donating from their pension to the GFM so the poor wee lambs can use the money they're saving, by having strangers pay their legal fees, to have yet another 'well deserved' rest.
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Some neck accepting go fund me funds, then flaunting their lifestyle.
A toast at home (we have no idea how much the alcohol cost or even if it was gifted or had been in the cupboard for months) is hardly flaunting. We're not talking a 1000 pound bottle of wine here in a Michelin starred restaurant.
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Chatty Member
No one knows half the stuff that’s happening with Kp either. To be devils advocate she could have seen the light and be a reformed character! Doesn’t stop people speculating. This is a gossip site I am not sure what you expect from it - fact only?
Tbh it is getting silly. The mods can decide and if you don’t like what’s posted you can report it.

I asked if he was an influencer, people think he is. He lives his life half publicly he has a PR rep and has sold stories with tabloids and his sons name and birthday to OK magazine. He’s been on TV with KP even after they split and he has used his kids in ads. Therefore I think he is fair game to be discussed he is not a private individual he is a public figure. MP has been with him in some of these articles and has 11k followers although she doesn’t have a public profile, she is right in the middle of benefiting from being an influencer without actually looking like she is one.

Part of what riles KP so much is that KH did not go back to being a non celeb he kept up the pretence and she feels he is earning from her name by association. She has less leeway to accuse PA of this as he never mentions her and pretends she doesn’t exist. So you can ask well KH is entitled to do what he wants, yes? But is really a good idea for your mental health, your fiancé and kids to keep doing this, knowing it infuriates the person who makes all your lives a misery? In KH situation, he thinks yes, it’s worth it. I do not agree
I totally agree with you! When they spilt up , he could go back to his old job , left the spotlight and have a normal quite life without using his children for freebies.. but he just the spotlight lifestyle and yes the magazine / companies are only interested in him because he is KP ex! I don’t care if people will have a go on me here but he could give his children nice, normal life away from all this drama
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No one here said it's ok to launch a plate at a child. If Kieran or Michelle laid a hand on those kids I'd condemn them. The mysterious video of the incident alleged by Katie never emerged, we know she has a serious axe to grind.
Agree and its a sad case because unfortunately even if something was "true" it's automatically doubted the minute it comes from Katie's mouth because of her past claims and behaviour.
But with that in mind, you have to ask your self if this is the one time she is being honest to a degree and children are at risk then she needs to be heard.

I haven't followed the Katie/Peter/Carl/Kieran saga for such a long time but I do remember vaugley that him and Peter were a united front when she was pretending to marry Carl Woods.
Now suddenly she's got the kids back and he's been denied access and now this, doesn't make much sense at all.

I know this might be offensive to some , I have no bad feelings towards sex workers but I do find his whole only fans thing a bit stomach churning.
I honestly think something will come out soon and he will be outed as a proper groomy pervert.

If I am wrong I'll eat my proverbial hat.
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Bull***t Buster

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It's awful. J&B look so pale, sad and tired. Not even a proper meal cooked in KP house, living on takeaways and processed garbage.
It absolutely beggars belief that a known convicted criminal, druggie drunk driver, surgery addict and animal abuser has custody of those kids. I know people who have lost their children for a lot less! What the actual fuck has happened for SS to think this is a safe and secure environment for those little ones? Please someone make it make sense! 😭 Those kids are massively being let down by the system. They will be damaged for life now! Poor Jet hasn’t attended school in over a year!
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You don’t get with KP unless you want to be famous…even if the peak of their “fame” is reality tv, they all would prefer that to a mundane normal life, even if it means having less financial stability. I think their priorities are all wrong, but I’m not personally surprised he’s choosing OF and social media ads over a honest days graft.
I dunno. I think all of them fall for the “I need to be rescued by a handsome Prince” routine and think they can be the one to save her. None of her exes have been blessed with brains, have they? Pete’s done OK because he’s got Claire from Can with her hand up his back and a wife with brains.
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@Helena-botham-farter - you have shared KHs video in the right place and made some very balanced and valid points. 🙌

As this is a KH thread, then I'm unsure why you wouldn’t be expected to post them on here, and you seem to be shunned back to the KP thread. 😳

KP gets to share her lies, so why can’t we be happy when KH finally gets to share his actual truth and reality.
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We also don’t know MP’s state of vulnerability with all she’s been subjected to over the years by KP, so personally I’m not going to judge her on her IG posts. Unlike some on here I’m not a saint and I would possibly do far worse if I were in her position. I think she’s had a lot thrown at her for years and while all this has been going on she’s been pregnant, her mother has been unwell, she has to work, has a home to look after and most importantly has two young boys to care for and I think it’s unfair that she‘s being slated. As far as I’m aware she’s hasn’t broken the law, ruined others livelihoods by not paying her bills, risked others lives by driving recklessly, or put her children at risk by not having them in appropriate car seats, or seatbelt, she’s been a good mum to her children, unlike KP.
She’s also stood in as a carer/mother figure for KP’s children when KP chose CW over J&B. MP clearly thinks a lot of B&J and yes she could have walked away but she hasn’t and for that she’s has my admiration.
I agree we will just have to agree to disagree.
I think we’re all on the same page in that everyone wants to see J&B back with Kieran. I contributed to the GFM for that purpose. And I agree with you in that we have no idea what KP has subjected Kieran and Michelle to - probably worse than what’s in the public domain.
I guess mine - and many others’ - frustration is that she takes actions that could be seen to be jeopardising Kieran’s chance of getting them back. Personally I would have waited until Bunny was firmly in Kieran’s care until posting anything at all. We all know KP will go nuts at those posts. So why do it? It’s one of those bang your head against the wall moments.
I do hope Bunny’s back with him tonight.
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If I had to get an injunction out on my partners ex wife for her behaviour and then she tried to publically accuse me of child abuse.. make out my partner to be a peadophile and everything else shes tried to get him arrested for..

Im sorry but I’d be throwing fucking shade too on my Insta posts! I wouldn’t be able to stop myself.

MP’s behaviour has probably been brought on by all the shit she has had to put up with over the years and there’s probably lots more stuff that we don’t even know about.
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small town girl

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It does but in my opinion Michelle’s behaviour has contributed to the situation Kieran now finds himself in.

To be clear, I’m a Kieran fan, and I hope he gets his kids back and I’ve contributed generously to the GFM, but I do not feel Michelle’s public actions help him one bit.

I’ve said in the past that her posts showing off Bunny’s cards and messages were foolish given who they are dealing with. I was pounced on and told Michelle can post what she wants. This is true.

But when you’re dealing with someone such as KP then it’s foolish to do things which fuel her rage. That rage has now manifested itself in her preventing Kieran from having a relationship with his two children.

Now Michelle’s busy liking Peter Andre’s posts - why, if not to throw further fuel on to the fire?. Neither Peter nor his wife follow either Kieran or Michelle so one presumes they’re not close. Or if they are, they conduct any relationship privately so as not to stoke the same fire.

Michelle would be well advised not to do this sort of thing. She posted publicly that they had the children “100% of the time” etc and all the cards and presents from Bunny. It came across as deliberately goading KP. And it worked. It goaded her to ensure that Kieran and Michelle no longer have those children 100% and also looks like not 50%.

Am absolutely sure a whole lot more has gone on behind the scenes that we are unaware of and I am sure Michelle has been subjected to tonnes of abuse from KP but the sensible course of action would be to ignore it and rise above it.

Much like the Andres - they never comment or rise to the provocation and thus disempower her.
Perfectly said.
Michelle posting those things on her Instagram was done with every intention of winding up KP. Can I see why she would want to do that? Absolutely.
But it’s the children who ultimately suffer and that’s not cool.
Michelle done an interview saying she was scared of KP, then posts things to wind her up. I feel her actions are manipulative and I wish Kieran had told her to stop with the pettiness, instead he shared most of her posts.
I used to really like Kieran…
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Chatty Member
If that was me and my step kids had been dragged away and my other half was struggling so bad to pay his legal bills that he had to accept charity from a load of KP haters to pay them I would sell those shoes and anything else that could bring in an hours consultation with a solicitor!! It absolutely stinks now and more fool people for sending money!! It's always "one last push" one last push for what?? He is begging on TikTok every night he would maybe get more than a few pennies if he said the money was to pay to get his kids back!!
I totally agree with you, but this is why this is such an obvious scam. Whether or not MP earns her own money, they live and have kids together, so if the money is there to buy all this flash stuff, they are not skint. That’s not debatable, it’s just basic common sense. Look how people have to budget to make ends meet these days, it would not be possible to present this lifestyle without having the money to do it or by running up a load of debt on CC to fund it..either way, that wouldn’t qualify you for charity from others. But I’m not sure if KH has ever said he didn’t have the money to fight KP and was struggling, which is why I’m really starting to question whether they’re even getting this money.

If they are taking it and behaving this way on social media at the same time, they are thick as mince and so desperate it’s pathetic. I feel so sorry for their children.
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You cant say shit on this thread ... the hate for katie outlays everything . Kieran could shoot somebody and he would still have excuses made for him !! Like the ones who say it's fine the step min launched s plate at a child !!
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