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Michelle's Insta stories are literally chock full of designer bags, expensive food and drink, hotel stays etc. That is not a family that needs charity! He should ask for every penny raised from that GFM to go to a worthy cause. There, I said it.
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I honestly wish she would just stop, this could really jeopardise things and make it worse for the kids. I am sure she is probably just excited but whose benefit is the Insta post for? Does bunny follow her on IG she is like 7? I don’t know why she’s writing it TO BUNNY in this way? No mention of Jett either which seems odd to me, surely you miss them both
I just hope this doesn’t jeopardise Kieran’s chances of seeing Bunny today. Because we all know if KP has seen those posts she will be raging and do her utmost to stop it.
I honestly don’t know what she is hoping to achieve by basically saying that Bunny has phoned her and said that she’s missing her.
Given the ongoing saga, why would that be a good idea under any circumstances.

What Kieran needs more than a GoFundMe is a ban on.Michelle on Insta.
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Fools and their money...

I wouldn't give a penny to something that the recipient hasn't publicly acknowledged.
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Anyone with decent PR would be telling him and his wife to stay the hell of social media and put the kids first.

At the very least for KH’s sake. She should be limiting her social media posts to friends and family only. You can do that on insta quite easily. Instead she posts bragging stories showing high value brands, posh dinners ect. I know people on the KP thread say it could gifted but they rarely state that and most grown adults don’t post fake brands. That’s teenager behaviour. If I were him i would be asking her to tone it down a bit seen as there is GFM that strangers have raised thousand for him.
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There is a weird dynamic and it comes across on this thread of opinions either like KH is a wet weak man controlled by equally evil MP and KP (who clearly hate each other) or MP and KH are both innocent victims of KP.

I’ve speculated on whether he makes good decisions, cos he just doesn’t sometimes and even he has spoken about that.

KH managed to keep relatively civil with KP in terms of the kids until he met MP and they say there are 3 sides to every story and somewhere there is the truth. Kp was also less unhinged back then. Emily and Pete have played this entirely differently and never given her an inch of time or attention so I think this is what seems off about it, MP and KH didn’t have the money or good advice to do the same and act like KP doesn’t even exist

I’m keeping an open mind, MP has all the right signals most of the time - clearly loves the kids, helped bring them up but she also has made digs at KP and has left herself open to criticism about her social media posts I think over stepping a boundary - good example is Emily, she doesn’t post things in the same way although she clearly loves J&P she just plays it better publicly.

They need to learn some impulse control
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I - like 99.9% of people had never heard of him until he got with KP, but he proved himself to be a nasty vindictive piece of work on multiple occasions while he was with her and that’s good enough for me. He’s a bully and a user. If I could be bothered I’d go back to the old KP threads and pull up hundreds of examples of people ripping into him based on his looks and his character and behaviour towards KP, KH, the kids and other randoms, as well as mocking his desperate attempts to be recognised and famous. This rewriting of his character now because he might be sticking the boot into KP is so hypocritical, but not a surprise. Anyone with KP is fair game for hatred but the second they break up with her they become sainted victims of her and everything people said about them before is suddenly supposed to be off limits.
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This thread makes you realise how fucked up things have got for these children. Whether we all agree or disagree on things, I think one thing is certain.....we all just want to see those little kiddies safe, loved and in a good environment
It's a shame Kieran ever met Katie because for all his faults, he obviously loves his children.
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I think there is always a danger that because KP is so terrible and problematic that KH can automatically look like the better parent when really, they are both flawed. I don’t doubt he loves the kids, I don’t doubt she does but they are both absolutely completely unable to put their own lives and interests to one side for the sake of these kids. I feel sorry for Jett and Bunny and am becoming increasingly uncomfortable that Jett is becoming the forgotten child.
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The life of KP is depressing alright. The abuse of the kids and pets upsets me. I dunno how KH copes
I know your being serious but I read this and all I could think was he probably starts shoving things up his bum when he feels like it's too much.
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This is what I just can't get my head round. Missing your kids etc. Bunny and the insta drama.... Then he sticks a picture on advertising his onlyfans. Apparently he's been 'training hard'...... Don't even want to think what he's been training 🤢 He needs to give his head a wobble, get a proper job and start showing those poor children a stable family unit. No freebies, no insta.... Because she's learnt it from him as much as Kip ☹
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He maybe a decent guy now but he still shouldn’t be using his association with her to get free/discounted treatment. He is a grown adult so if he was given a ‘script’, surely he could have said he wasn’t comfortable bringing his ex wife’s name into his HT video? and if the only reason she has been mentioned is because it was part of the agreement with the hair clinic, he’s a total sell out. I mean he also said he’d been on a few reality shows. Again the only reality shows he’s been on were with his ex wife. Honestly I’m not a KH hater but doing things like this don’t do him any favours as you can tell by the comments on that post.
This is the woman that has stolen his 2 kids....totally brainwashed one against him....his fiancee has a restraining order against her, many kind hearted tattlers have contributed to his legal costs to try n get the kids back and he gets given a script in which he has to mention being married to her so he can get new hair and he fuckin accepts it!! On what planet is this OK?? If he had a shred of dignity he would have bought himself a toupee rather than give her any ammunition to say he is using her name to gain things!! It's also in my opinion disrespectful to MP!! It's not as if it was a kidney transplant and he desperately needed it to save his life!! I'm embarrassed for him and even more embarrassed for the people that are ok with it cos he was "reading a script"
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There does seem to be a vibe here that if you say anything negative about KH you are endorsing KP. Not the case! It is possible to not think much of either of them, and feel desperately sad for the 2 children caught in the middle of this shit show.
I genuinely believe in some peoples eyes both KH & MP could commit terrible crimes and they would blame KP!! I get he comes across as a nice bloke but none of us on this gossip forum know him personally but the level of adoration for him is strange!! It's like the hate for KP overrides everything!! The hair transplant thing absolutely blew my mind how it was so readily accepted him using KP name to get a new Barnet!!!
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I’m a lurker on here rather than a poster but the gfm makes me very uncomfortable. I completely agree that it should have been acknowledged a long time ago. I cannot imagine complete strangers helping to fund my court costs and not thanking them or showing any kind of appreciation! I just hope that perhaps he cannot mention it for legal reasons and that once he has things sorted with the kids he will publicly thank everyone! I am not a huge KH fan, I can’t bear the OF’s stuff and the constant grifting but I do believe him to be a very good dad. The children were always clean, appropriately dressed, happy and looked very healthy when with him and they were always doing lots of lovely child friendly activities. I feel desperately sorry for the children to be honest 😢
Agree with everything you’ve said. At this point, when the gfm is at what? 10k or there abouts? He really does need to acknowledge when questioned about his understanding of the fundraiser. He absolutely saw the question on the live last night as a mod jumped on the poster straight away and a 3 - 4 comment conversation started about it. He thanked the mod for dealing with the questions but never answered it himself. To me that’s shady Af. No legal expert but I can’t see how there would be any legal in place stopping him from disclosing how he is affording the court proceedings. He either needs to thank those that set it up and contribute or say that he isn’t receiving the money from it if that is the case. Because at the end of the day, the money is being raised on good faith and people are just told that he is thankful and taking that as gospel. The whole thing stinks imo.
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This thread makes you realise how fucked up things have got for these children. Whether we all agree or disagree on things, I think one thing is certain.....we all just want to see those little kiddies safe, loved and in a good environment
It's a shame Kieran ever met Katie because for all his faults, he obviously loves his children.
very well put and 100% agree forget the adults for the moment them kids are suffering and i think we may agree on that what alot they have been through in their short lives

nobody knows what is really going on and we have no choice but to wait and see lets hope sooner rather than later and lets hope in time they can live their lives out of the spotlight and gossip columns without every part of their lives being put under the microscope just because of the adults
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Let's be clear I hate skanky but I feel sorry for their kids J+B more so than junior and Princess. Skanky gets her tits out for a living and their dad wanks for a living on OF. It's dysfunctional all around. Emily would never post a picture and say princess misses me. She pretends krustie doesn't exist class act she is, it must drive skank mad.
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He's beaming in the photos of him leaving the cop shop and back at his house. He knows it's bollocks.
Perhaps he now has enough evidence and the police are helping him to file harassment charges finally. If he can get a restraining order that will definitely help.
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Oh I wasn't suggesting you were pro KP at all, sorry if any misunderstanding. I don't think anyone here likes her. She's horrible. I think every one of us wants KH to get kids back.
Oh that wasn't aimed at you Mrs B.....sometimes people come over here to defend anything said about K&M and remind us how awful KP is!! I love that thread but don't comment now as it gets a little bit mental at times!! You were brave to stick around the other day after the grief you got over mentioning the bracelet!! Funny how that was readily accepted as a fake!! And wouldn't possibly genuine!! But I cannot see MP Flexing fake goods on Instagram 🙄
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I know what you’re saying about the HT but even if they offered it to him, he still only got it because of her and that’s why he had to use her name. If he wants people to sympathise with his plight, he shouldn’t be prepared to use her still to get freebies. He’s playing right into her hands imo.
This exactly, they're not being smart. Even if it's all gifted or fake, it matters what they show, while people are fundraising for him.

I've always thought it a bit strange that Kieran's never acknowledged the gfm, isn't that what people would normally do?! Please correct me if I'm wrong, he may have and I missed it, don't follow it that closely. I'm not accusing anyone of anything but I do find it super strange there's a bit of a donation olympics at times on the thread but the only link to him I've ever seen is from comments thanking people via a third party via the thread. I just find it odd. Maybe I'm overly cautious but it's the internet, anyone can claim anything. Especially bad optics when you and your partner are showing off online IMO.
I just think it's a bit sad it's so black & white nobody can voice this on the thread their gfm gets shared, because if this was Katie Price doing it, it sure would be criticised.
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It's deliberately goading her because she has a restraining order against the mother and she posts saying Bunny misses her. It's not done for the child's benefit she's too young to be on insta so wouldn't see it there's no reason for it unless there's a motive behind it ..
The restraining order is against KP, Michelle has absolutely no legal restrictions on what she can post or say.

To say Michelle must behave a certain way because KP is abusive, means an abuser is still being allowed to abuse
the victim.
Again, no one said 'throwing a pudding at a stepchild is ok'. There's no evidence we know of that this happened. The evidence we do have is that KP has a poor record as a person/citizen, is a known liar, has made numerous allegations against Kieran (with inconsistencies in her stories throughout) and has a strong motive to ruin his and his partner's lives.
Things looking up for K&M and looking down for KP it seems, based on some of the hints in the KP thread.
Yes I agree totally, KP is a known liar and criminal. She also has a long history of abuse of partners ( threatening videos on Alex reid etc) paranoid lying about partners ( Andre affair libel) and even parental alienation with Dwight Yorke, she has engaged in all the hallmarks of coercive control with partners such as smearing and denigrating their characters. So when she accuses another partner of something awful which could destroy their life why would anyone believe it?
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