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Chatty Member
I wonder, just wondering, no proof just for the record 😬.....

Did Jett ACCIDENTALLY see his dad doing things for his OF content?? That would traumatize anyone.

Edited to highlight the word accidentally. Never done on purpose, an innocent mistake that could have cost him dear
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Oh now they'll be fake though or a perk from working for BA hahhahah!! The champagne will be them celebrating a big win behind closed doors 🤨🫢🤭🙄🤪

How dare you! No one is forcing you to donate 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ . It’s her money she can spend it how she likes while her partner begs on TT for penny gifts!
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Lee dee

Michelle seems the type to like to be in competition with other women. Likes to feel like she's got one over on them. Not a girls girl.
Yeh its like the kids like me more than you na na na na , i mean an not saying she's not a better parent but they aint her kids to post about
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I am no Katie Price fan but I do think somethings off with Kieran, I have a strange feeling that there's some truth in this one.
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Well there we have it in Kieran's own words.

His kids went to their mothers for the weekend on a Friday and she didn't bring them back on the Monday and now he hasn't seen them for 6 months.

He says there have been many false allegations and she tried to set up photos in the press ( last week) of him seeing Bunny at a contact centre
to humiliate him.

I'm not sure how to do video but it's there on his stories.

View attachment 2248159
Brutally sad. Hope the press reports it
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Bull***t Buster

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I call it flaunting. U krusty haters think kh is an angel. He's an ass, just not as big an ass as kipper.
I don’t know of a single Krusty who believes KH to be an angel. I personally think he is a complete jellyfish, no brain or backbone however there is absolutely no comparison between him and the Skank, they are worlds apart as both people and parents. He absolutely does not deserve anything that has happened to him over the past 6 months. Meanwhile the Skank gets away with everything including breaking the law multiple times, numerous animals dying in her care, revenge porn, bullying, harassment, drink and drug driving, honestly I could go on and on! These are the reasons we hate her and they are very valid reasons. KH has done none of those things!
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Perhaps Kieran was driven to cheat on Price, because of the way she treated him. Who knows, none of us were privy to their pathetic shenanigans.
You can’t be driven to cheat. You can and should leave your partner if you can’t be faithful to them and want to shag other people. Their relationship was always really weird. KH just spent most of it feeling guilty and trying to make her happy again whilst she was just angry with him and couldn’t move past it

I get people hate her but you can’t just gloss over a man’s bad behaviour because you don’t like the woman
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Such a shame what Kieran is going through... but does anyone else think he looks like a young Fred West?
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It's a nightmare when trying to deal with a narc in any circumstances, & KP is the worst kind with so many sociopathic traits. Ideally the only way is to cut all contact, which obviously isn't possible if kids are involved. You shouldn't have to 2nd guess your actions & behaviour in case it might set them off, but the kids are ultimately the ones who'll suffer. As currently being played out at the moment unfortunately.

KP is so volatile, unpredictable & is literally capable of anything to see herself as having control & winning, in her warped version of the world anyway.

Anyone who has to have any interaction with her has my utmost sympathy.
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Chatty Member
I also posted this:

My last word on it is, I think it was selfish and could have done a staycation to include Kieran and make the kids just as happy. A holiday in UK would have done them but with her it always has to be Maldives, Mauritius etc - not a thought for KH and actually I think these hol destinations are more for her than the kids. I also don't believe she's getting as many freebies as people think, otherwise everyone would be working for BA.
I don't have any concerns about her with J&B to clarify and I think she's probably a good mother, I just get red flags off some of her social media activity. Having a pop at Valentino's teammates for losing a match was horrible. She seems very materialistic IMO. But obvs nowhere near as bad as KP, not in same realm. I just hope Kieran isn't being taken for a ride as he seems like type to avoid conflict
I agree. I think it is in bad taste to be flaunting all of these monthly foreign holidays and spa treatments and massages, expensive bags etc when there are people out here donating to a gfm. It's not like she's just popping over to Spain or Portugal it's always Maldives/Mauritius and she surely can't get THAT many free flights plus all of the extras she has there can't all be free can they?
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Chatty Member
I’ve said it before - KP’s true colours have been on show for years and everyone knows what she’s really all about ….there is only one reason that anybody gets into a relationship with her and it’s not for true love. He craves a celeb lifestyle and to be famous, just like the rest.
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Not sure I'd agree.... I don't really like the OF stuff as I'd be concerned about the impact on his kids, nor some of the grifting - but leaving thar aside he seems to genuinely care for the kids and wants them back and they looked happy with him. Re the cheating, dunno if he's ever cheated on MP. I do think KP has treated him like absolute shit and I feel sorry for him about the kids situation. He doesn't seem like a nasty guy IMO

Isn't it the minimum requirement for a father to care for his kids? Not saying he's a bad Dad but a pretty shit human being who has no respect for being faithful in a relationship. KP is beyond disgusting but that doesn't mean he's any better.
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Just my opinion , But anyone who has been a Krusty for any length of time knows what an evil mad vindictive bitch Skanky is, and if you’ve forgotten read the wiki, I just do not get this attitude
that some people have that you must walk on eggshells around her?? Mustn’t upset her, don’t like a post or put pictures of the kids up being happy , it might upset her? Oooh mustn’t piss her off , while she can do what she fucking likes without any comeback , make vile accusations and all sorts ,
Michelle has been a mother to those two kids,think about it if it was your kids abroad with an irresponsible moron if it was me I’d be more than petty and vindictive
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I know people call Katie rightly so she has done questionable things but katie and jet said he doesn’t even his dad because the police was involved and social now social would allow contact if it was safe so the fact social say no must be serious .
mmmmm interesting , espcially now the social worker in the case has been SACKED, for crossing the line and concluding with Katie Price in stopping Kieron see his kids. F4J have now had accusations thrown at them by skanky (which they are now sueing her for) and a "MASSIVE" court case looming, KIeron has been cleared by police of ALL acusations made against him by SKANKY. so looking forward to the next couple of months and hopefully she will get her karma and so will the social worker Lynne. as you were tattlers ;)
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Chatty Member

With all respect why are you policing every comment I do u know whether I've donated?? As stated 100000 times this is not a Kieran rave thread??
I’m entitled to an opinion and I find some of the comments on here really quite vile considering what is happening with those children. You also claim to be concerned about them.

Kieran, it would appear has been pretty much the primary care giver to those children since they were born. Even when they split up and had a 50:50 arrangement, he had them during the week and she had them at weekends only. He’s the one who’s always done the school runs, packed the school bags etc. For a long time had complete charge of them and she only had 2 hours a week access after one of her drink or drug debacles. It seems 50:50 access was restored but she simply took the children and is now preventing access despite the agreed access arrangements.

The confusion these poor kids must be facing being prevented from seeing the one stable parenting influence they have had all their life and being turned against him must be heartbreaking for them. And for him.

And so when I see a comment calling him pathetic and disagreeing with his behaviour after the THIRD time he has been arrested and NOT CHARGED yes I’m going to have an opinion. Sorry, not sorry!
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It's only my opinion but the fact these allegations (and yes they are serious and worrying), remain allegations and he hasn't actually been charged with anything, to me suggests they might false.

I certainly wouldn't describe myself as a Kieran fan and as far as I'm aware Michelle isn't well known.

My bias comes from being in a situation where I've had false allegations made about me by my ex husband. Maybe you have to have lived it to be able to understand how serious allegations can be made yet not be true 🤷‍♀️.

That doesn't mean I'm giving them a free pass or making excuses for them. It just means I'm keeping an open mind.
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No one knows half the stuff that’s happening with Kp either. To be devils advocate she could have seen the light and be a reformed character! Doesn’t stop people speculating. This is a gossip site I am not sure what you expect from it - fact only?
Tbh it is getting silly. The mods can decide and if you don’t like what’s posted you can report it.

I asked if he was an influencer, people think he is. He lives his life half publicly he has a PR rep and has sold stories with tabloids and his sons name and birthday to OK magazine. He’s been on TV with KP even after they split and he has used his kids in ads. Therefore I think he is fair game to be discussed he is not a private individual he is a public figure. MP has been with him in some of these articles and has 11k followers although she doesn’t have a public profile, she is right in the middle of benefiting from being an influencer without actually looking like she is one.

Part of what riles KP so much is that KH did not go back to being a non celeb he kept up the pretence and she feels he is earning from her name by association. She has less leeway to accuse PA of this as he never mentions her and pretends she doesn’t exist. So you can ask well KH is entitled to do what he wants, yes? But is really a good idea for your mental health, your fiancé and kids to keep doing this, knowing it infuriates the person who makes all your lives a misery? In KH situation, he thinks yes, it’s worth it. I do not agree
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Nothing says "I love You and have had a wonderful 5yrs with you"more than a freebie you have to advertise to the general public and everybody knows your cheap and didnt even pay for it

wow not much thought put into it and you didnt even have to put any effort into it either:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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In fairness to KH I haven't seen evidence that he cheated since being with MP. Also he never mentions KP on IG (apart from the hair transplant video, but he was probably handed a script).

He did cheat with KP but so did she. He seems to have matured since then and comes across as a decent guy IMO.
He maybe a decent guy now but he still shouldn’t be using his association with her to get free/discounted treatment. He is a grown adult so if he was given a ‘script’, surely he could have said he wasn’t comfortable bringing his ex wife’s name into his HT video? and if the only reason she has been mentioned is because it was part of the agreement with the hair clinic, he’s a total sell out. I mean he also said he’d been on a few reality shows. Again the only reality shows he’s been on were with his ex wife. Honestly I’m not a KH hater but doing things like this don’t do him any favours as you can tell by the comments on that post.
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