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work in children’s services…. It’s a tricky one with custody!!! And social care…. Social care can remove children and place them under child protection but threshold is high!!!

we have young people go home where we don’t think fit but police won’t remove kids if deemed safe then have to go back to court especially if parents still have PR and not the local authority.

contact and custody is seen as a civil matter and can be a weird matter overlap with private and public law needing a child arrangement order(private family law no SW needed) in some cases the court will ask for a section 7 report when things are iffy which I imagine would havehappenedin this case which a local authority social worker would have written (cross over into public law) and the CAO sorted, however as Katie will still have PR if she withheld the children advice would be for Kieran to go family court for enforcement order… I would also be advising for a barrister!

so what could have happened sink boy hits Katie children see and child protection plan intitiated. Threshold is met an assessment is done to say children live with Kieran - this reduces risk case closed. Both parent have PR, children not in care as KH seen as safe adult and reducing risk.

Katie takes the children and refuses to give them back, unless children at this time are risk of significant harm (obvious they could be) but need actual proof and risk of harm is death/ injury / emotional harm hard to prove! The social work advice may be that she has parental responsibilities so Kieran would need to go to court to enforce or change the order. We get a lot of referrals for this when people withhold contact and think local authority social worker will just step in and sort it.

obviously children May be open to social care but can only enforce where the child lives if they share PR with parents or have full PR as a local authority. They really are limited and unless the pudding had a brick in it I doubt the children would be removed forever, courts often advice contact with parents who have been abusive all the time against recommendations of social workers - they hold the powers!

I imagine the court may place the children back, it could be taking time for section 7 report to be completed as well as parenting assessments both sides . . . Also you have all seen how she can drag out a court case!
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The thing that seems very very clear in all of this shit show is that there Absolutely is some kind of video evidence of whatever went on with the pudding and I hate the fact that people completely belittle this and play it down...."oh it happened but it wasn't that bad" etc etc....these are 2 vulnerable children who have been under children's services for a long time.....michelle has no right whatsoever to throw anything...playing it down by saying well the kids will have been awful to her because KP poisoned them against u know what....TOUGH, suck it up it is part of being a step parent....especially a one with such a high profile nut case as the ex!! Under no circumstances was it ok.....and that's allegedly why they where removed......playing right into the hands of KP and scarring the children further.....childrens services would have no need to take Michelle's other 2 as the abuse was not aimed at them and they may have in fact removed them to give them all some breathing space.....if there was a hint of a video of CARL FUCKING WOODS throwing anything near them kids there would be serious uproar ( and rightly so) so why is this different?? That's right?? It isn't!!! My experience of childrens services is....if they deemed KP completely unfit to parent them children and a risk to their emotional or physical wellbeing then Kieran would not have to be seeking his own legal advice to try and get them back into his care.....childrens services have the power to take the case before a judge themselves to protect the children from risk of further harm and ask for them to be removed from KP and given back to Kieran ?? These are just my thoughts on this open forum where all we can do is surmise and wonder what is going on.....
The only evidence we have of pudding gate is the two posters that came on her to report it, several months after appearing on here with some bizarre stories of Kieran’s multiple infidelities. They have both disappeared again.

The question of what is happening with regard to custody is just odd. I think it’s clear that Kieran had full custody of them last year until as late as last summer, with KP only having limited visiting. She spoke about it on her mental health program saying she was stuck on a rut. She also ranted about it one time on Instagram saying social services had deemed it appropriate that Kieran have them full time, I think this was at the same time she accused him of inappropriate contact with under age girls, likened him to Jimmy Saville and had him arrested though no charges were made.

I think subsequent to that, he had her arrested for breaching the restraining order for which she was charged and found guilty. You can imagine her rage mounting at this stage.

However when that mental health program (which referred to her being frustrated with the custody arrangements), was broadcast, it did say at the end that custody had been restored to 50:50.

When she recently had him arrested he then posted to say the children were in her sole care now, his manager released a statement saying she was mistaken and the 50:50 custody arrangement had not changed.

It seems to me that she has just held onto them since she got them back last time and is refusing to let him see them even though he has the legal right to. Hence him having to pursue a legal route to see them.

Regardless of what has actually happened, growing up in an environment with a convicted criminal who is constantly trying to get your Dad arrested, and a Dad on edge because he’s living in fear of what his narcissist ex is going to do next will have a lifelong impact on these poor children.
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Maybe it’s just me but if my partner bought me a £4k present when he was on GFM, I would be saying ‘WTF put that money towards the legal fees’. It wouldn’t sit right with me on principle 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
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Well there we have it in Kieran's own words.

His kids went to their mothers for the weekend on a Friday and she didn't bring them back on the Monday and now he hasn't seen them for 6 months.

He says there have been many false allegations and she tried to set up photos in the press ( last week) of him seeing Bunny at a contact centre
to humiliate him.

I'm not sure how to do video but it's there on his stories.

Screen Shot 2023-06-18 at 08.55.07.png
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What I don't understand is this whole Fathers For Justice carry on! Firstly KH was in cahoots with them....then in my opinion they went far too over the top when they outed those poor children as victims of truly terrible, horrific things.....KH stopped mentioning them and apparently isn't happy they are still using the kids.....why the fuck has he not spoken out against it then!! Obviously from their last post PA must have been in touch as they are now just naming J&B so what is KH doing about it!! They're literally using pics of his daughter to insinuate all kinds! I would be going fucking ballistic!! Is he that much of a wet wipe that he would rather be flaunting himself around In a Spa with his new hair (that he had to use KP for) rather than speak out against someone using his kids as fair game!! Who the fuck is actually protecting those babbas these days?? I'm so fucking sick of pussy footing around this now!! Why doesn't he use some of his charity money to have a legal letter written to F4J or use his Instagram page like he had to for his fucking "free" hair....which will cost him nothing to say publicly that he does not agree and for them to stop using and naming HIS children!! Sorry for the rant but fuck me it's like watching a horror film.....
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This is a KH thread and not a rave one either! I abhorr KFP and have been a Krustie for a year or two. I don't feel the need to compare. KFP is a weapon that doesn't mean MP or KH are saints. Defo something went on last August. KFP is off her head for sure but I don't think things are all happy families in the hayler penti household either. I can see KFP is a shit show but that doesn't mean we can't speak out about concerns for j&b and them.having a safe SANE and loving place to live. I hope the kids get a brighter future full of love and support.
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Here's the latest on the GFM site. Seems like the target is still moving! Also even if progress has been made and if KH has contributed himself too, that doesn't mean that the public funds made the difference - they could just be covering money that KH and MP would have spent if they had sacrified discretionary items.
Let's see if the comment KH about saving for a 'bigger house' turns out to be true.

"Hi everyone, just wanted to give an update. Just to say that things are going well. Its possible the finish line may be in sight and should know more soon. Your support has made it possible and thank you. There has been progress which is amazing. And it's all thanks to you wonderful people that it's been possible.

The actual costs have been, and continue to be, more than double the amount raised. Kieran has paid thousands on top of the GFM and every day works as hard as he can to raise the money needed.

He is grateful from the bottom of his heart. This is not something he would have ever even thought of asking for, and your kindness lifts him and comforts him, through the many dark days.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are amazing. Xx"
I still don’t understand why, to my knowledge, he has never come out publicly himself and thanked the people who have donated to it? He can come on social media to thank companies for hair transplants, birthday displays & cakes, etc… but nothing to the people that are giving him their hard earned cash 🤦🏻‍♀️
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possibly but the legal part of that is only when In social housing I believe.

I’m rooting for KH to get the children back. They were always clean, appropriately dressed, doing child appropriate activities ect. I just think that KH and MP’s social media content does them no favours when an active Gfm of 15k is in process, I think KH is reluctant to have the fund reach the wider public because of this.

if KH really does need the fund and it is being spend appropriately and not on 4k bracelet and spa breaks then he does imo opinion need to address it. There’s no way that bracelet was fake and if the multiple spa stays, restaurant visits are gifted he needs to state that as he’s breaking ASA rules by not doing so. Tagging the venue doesn’t mean it’s gifted.
Totally agree with this. I think most people want to see him get the kids back but I question both his and her behaviour on social media. They both actively crave the z list and the constant showing off of material things doesn’t sit right because of the GFM. Anywhere they go, whether it be a restaurant, hotel, spa, theme park etc…. they tag every single story and it’s just desperate. I’m pretty convinced these places aren’t all gifted. It’s not like they’re particularly well known and will give these places extra business. I think it’s more likely they tag the hell out of them, hoping for freebies whilst they are there or an offer of a discounted meal/trip/stay in the future.
Also he needs to stop using the person who has caused him all this turmoil for freebies because again it does him no favours. He supposedly despises her (who can blame him) but happy to use her name for a free/discounted hair transplant and I’m pretty sure if he gets offered other treatments in the future, in return for using her name, he’d do it again 🤦🏻‍♀️
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small town girl

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Good news Kieran’s stalking allegations have been dropped.
Now he just needs to keep his missis on a leash.
Michelle commenting and liking all of CW’s insta posts are childish and it’s worrying. She clearly doesn’t realise this behaviour in the past has very much led to the reason why KP has them kids right now (for whatever reason that is)! Hasn't she got a restraining order? Aren't the children reportedly scared of CW? For those reasons alone why on earth would she like and comment on his post other than to be petty and Score points. Grow the fuck up.
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I call it flaunting. U krusty haters think kh is an angel. He's an ass, just not as big an ass as kipper.
Krusties don’t think he’s an Angel. They think he is a better parent than kipper and doesn’t deserve the harassment she inflicts on him.

To be fair, having been locked up for 24 hours for the third time because his crazy ex has made yet another malicious allegation against him, is it really “flaunting his lifestyle” to be having a glass of fizz on a bank holiday weekend?
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Someone on the KP thread put that. A poster called DC16. They are highly thought of on there and state they have inside information.
I copy and pasted what they wrote.
The story was old as bunny was in Thailand when Kieran put that on Instagram.
@TheDuchessx @IfTheCapFits
DC16 is in touch with Kieran, if she says he's seen Bunny a couple of times since they've been back with KP, then that will be fact 👍 She and Cloud Chaser T are also involved with the bankruptcy. Anything either of those posters report is a) genuine and b) been checked that the info is ok to post first.
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People don't have to donate. That has always been said.
Kieran didn't ask for the GFM.
No one is scamming anyone.
No police are involved as there is no fraud.
Maybe she has had those shoes for years.
Maybe she got a deal on the hotel.
Maybe Kieran isn't mentioning the GFM as he doesn't want to inflame the situation with the bitter, twisted, ex
As a couple she does not legally have to fund Kieran's court fees, everyone is different. How do you know she hasn't contributed towards huge legal fees? She's already had to deal with the restraining order and it getting broken.
Maybe she can spend HER money on what the hell she likes.
KP just plays dirty and employs bent social workers and makes false allegations to the police to delay things. :mad:
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Bull***t Buster

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I’m a lurker on here rather than a poster but the gfm makes me very uncomfortable. I completely agree that it should have been acknowledged a long time ago. I cannot imagine complete strangers helping to fund my court costs and not thanking them or showing any kind of appreciation! I just hope that perhaps he cannot mention it for legal reasons and that once he has things sorted with the kids he will publicly thank everyone! I am not a huge KH fan, I can’t bear the OF’s stuff and the constant grifting but I do believe him to be a very good dad. The children were always clean, appropriately dressed, happy and looked very healthy when with him and they were always doing lots of lovely child friendly activities. I feel desperately sorry for the children to be honest 😢
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Look ladies, I've been on tattle for 4 years now and know that the GFM is legit and above board. This person Sam has done a very kind thing and opened the gfm for keiran as the costs go above and beyond in these cases.
To be able to open a gfm you have to show evidence that it is being sent to the intended recipient and they have to show they have recieved it. Every penny of the money will go towards his legal costs. X
No disrespect MrsEms, you're fab, but according to GoFundMe themselves, they rely on the community to keep the campaigns legit.

I'm not saying if it is or isn't, I don't know enough about it, but I do think it's pretty inappropriate to be asking for a £20K contribution towards legal fees while bragging about what looks like a very decadent lifestyle on Instagram. If I was Sam I would be capping it now, as for all intents and purposes it looks like they can afford to cover this themselves.
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What I don’t understand about KH is he has a genuine skill plastering- why do OF when you have a genuine skill you could make YouTube tutorials on. He would surely make a hell of a lot more money becoming some sort of DIY influencer and with his contacts he could easily get himself slots on daytime tv
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I am a step mum
I wouldn’t dream of posting half the stuff MP does. They aren’t my kids. I love them dearly but they are not my children. The youngest asks to call me mum and although it’s sweet I am not keen, she has a mum and their dad is their parent when with us. This one post about Apollo missing bunny is pretty tame though I don’t think it’s anything bad to post (are there more?)
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Watched 10 mins of his live tonight. Someone asked about the gfm and was quickly questioned by a mod. He didn’t acknowledge it but answered other messages about KP unless rude and in which case the comments got deleted.

someone asked if they had set a date for wedding he replied with not yet as they are getting a bigger house.

I just can’t get round why he won’t even acknowledge the gfm. He could easily saythat he was aware it was set up but not by him and he is grateful for all the people that have helped ect. at this point I’m even questioning the legitimacy of the fund raiser for him. IMO he needs to address it.I just don’t understand the avoidance unless they don’t want it getting out to the wider public due to their spending habits … eg buying a new house. Happy to keep it on tattle though where the money keeps rolling in. I really hope it is being put towards what it was set up for.
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