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Well there we have it in Kieran's own words.

His kids went to their mothers for the weekend on a Friday and she didn't bring them back on the Monday and now he hasn't seen them for 6 months.

He says there have been many false allegations and she tried to set up photos in the press ( last week) of him seeing Bunny at a contact centre
to humiliate him.

I'm not sure how to do video but it's there on his stories.

View attachment 2248159
I just watched that. Not his biggest fan but felt abit teary. Very sad.
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I always think the most genuine couples don’t need to do lavish public displays on social media. The genuine ‘celeb’ couples that are happiest keep their relationships off of the gram. Why do you need to tell thousands/millions of strangers that you love your partner, when you can just say it to their face? As for the balloon display for a 5th anniversary. Again that’s not for her, that’s totally for social media. If it’s been gifted it should be marked as such and if it’s not, surely in his current predicament there’s more important things his money should be being spent on 🤷🏻‍♀️
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As far as we know, Kieran has no criminal history. Unlike his ex-wife.

This latest arrest under suspicion of … well, it stinks to high heaven.
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Why do so many people fall in KP's hole🤣
Ahh, I'm more of a lurker these days! It was fine when we could just laugh at her mess but it's become dark and sad.
I've got my hands full here keeping me busy.
Plus occasionally stalking the sister in law and her bullshit...she's so like Katie Price I could 😭
Oh god not a KP in the family! It has all got dark and sad, and I find the thread a bit singular. Opposing views of any kind are not welcome and it's not the sort of chat I'm looking for. It is possible to hate KP and all she stands for, and still find KH and MP a bit iffy! KP haters are very protective of KH but I think he might just be the best of a bad bunch x
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small town girl

Well-known member
Well go over and say it then and see what happens and give your arguments. Someone on the thread did comment that their niece had got the same kind of braids done on hols and that they didn't think it was a big deal, and I don't recall people on the KP thread rounding on them. I don't like the braids myself and think it's KP trying to mould Bunny into her, but each to their own.
I’ve said stuff on there previously. Before Michelle abuse ‘allegations‘ that it didn’t sit right with me that Michelle posts photos of bunny so much or cards written by bunny on Instagram And it’s childish behaviour which doesn’t help this whole situation.
I was told Michelle’s Instagram 11k is private and she can post what she Wants as you have to be accepted to view it. Let’s face it anyone can get accepted with 11k followers. I’m a flying monkey, sophie price, Amy price, Paul price, Katie herself.
Have done on this thread too.

I only follow a few threads on here that are humorous - Katie price thread is not funny it’s quite disturbing the level of toxic poison on there. It makes Jake quickendens thread look friendly. So thanks, but no thanks I’ll stay away from that one.
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To be honest I will just not respond to those who feel the need to justify his actions . the hate for Katie i get but to defend him and his fiancé for serious accusations is insane . Everything these pair do they get defended for all because “ Katie is worst “

it’s the poor kids I feel sorry for in this mess none of them are decent !! Michelle and her sly digs and posts towards Katie aswell the kids are better off without any of them .

and I stand by what I say if they shop in m and s show them drinking champagne every week and Michelle posting her shopping trips and Selfridges bags then they can pay the court cost themselves!! No excuses either for her launching a pudding or bowl at the kids none at all and clearly some truth to this because they ain’t got the kids back and they have given somebody as unstable as KP the kids !! 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I’m entitled to an opinion and I find some of the comments on here really quite vile considering what is happening with those children. You also claim to be concerned about them.

Kieran, it would appear has been pretty much the primary care giver to those children since they were born. Even when they split up and had a 50:50 arrangement, he had them during the week and she had them at weekends only. He’s the one who’s always done the school runs, packed the school bags etc. For a long time had complete charge of them and she only had 2 hours a week access after one of her drink or drug debacles. It seems 50:50 access was restored but she simply took the children and is now preventing access despite the agreed access arrangements.

The confusion these poor kids must be facing being prevented from seeing the one stable parenting influence they have had all their life and being turned against him must be heartbreaking for them. And for him.

And so when I see a comment calling him pathetic and disagreeing with his behaviour after the THIRD time he has been arrested and NOT CHARGED yes I’m going to have an opinion. Sorry, not sorry!
He also did more than he had to with Junior and Princess too. Made their breakfast, looked after their house, I think he even did school runs. I recall he also seemed to get on well with Harvey and was considerate of his special needs.
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small town girl

Well-known member
These threads are created to discuss celebrities and influencers, yes? I don't think it's a requirement that every post has to be hate filled, it's interesting to see everybody's point of view.
Imagine me going on the KP thread saying. I think bunny’s hair looks cute and like lots of other young girls who go on holiday and get braids.
i would be called a flying monkey and set upon by the wolves.
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This exactly, they're not being smart. Even if it's all gifted or fake, it matters what they show, while people are fundraising for him.

I've always thought it a bit strange that Kieran's never acknowledged the gfm, isn't that what people would normally do?! Please correct me if I'm wrong, he may have and I missed it, don't follow it that closely. I'm not accusing anyone of anything but I do find it super strange there's a bit of a donation olympics at times on the thread but the only link to him I've ever seen is from comments thanking people via a third party via the thread. I just find it odd. Maybe I'm overly cautious but it's the internet, anyone can claim anything. Especially bad optics when you and your partner are showing off online IMO.
I just think it's a bit sad it's so black & white nobody can voice this on the thread their gfm gets shared, because if this was Katie Price doing it, it sure would be criticised.
I've always found it odd that he's never acknowledged the money that's been donated to him, and thanked people for their contributions. Any time I ever questioned that I was met with 'Did you contribute? If not you are not allowed to have an opinion'! But I find the whole thing highly weird - a couple that seem to have much more than most having a charity page set up in their name, they never talk about it and continue to live a flashy life for the gram. Or 'It's not for Michelle, it's for Keiran' but they are engaged and share a child, how can one have so much and other be a charity case?

Of course people can donate what they want, but it seems drastic just to get one over on KP! From what I can tell those kids are no closer to being back with KH that they were at the start anyway.
He's never acknowledged the GFM directly, as you say just through a 3rd party. It's possible that he feels a bit embarrassed/uncomfortable by it because he didn't ask for it but is simultaneously grateful
If he's too embarrassed or uncomfortable to acknowledge the money that's been raised for him then he probably shouldn't accept it - too embarrassed to talk about it but takes the money anyway is not a great look IMO
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Chatty Member
I feel a bit uncomfortable that CW now posing for a happy family photo with V and A?! After all he witnessed in the KP household and did nowt? After he mocked H and helped spread false rumors that KH a n? Even if he has helped them recently with info (as we suspect) it is too bloody late, he could have helped the Haylers and J&B 2 years ago! He might only be doing it anyway to get back at his ex not cos he cares about kids!
It’s just more petty antics on social media to wind up KP. I agree that CW is a lowlife and I wouldn’t let him anywhere near my kids, even if he is in a position to help KH with his custody hearing, which I assume is what this is about. Every single adult in that photo is a 🤡
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Fuckkks sake!! I have never seen this happen on any other thread!! It's actually exhausting and very very tedious.....the KP thread used to be one of my fave threads!! I thought people never took it too seriously and was such a laugh....all posters were made welcome....then I were only welcome if you shared the same views 100%!! Dare question anything and it can become a pile on....with quite an aggressive tone!! I've also never seen as many people tell people to piss off back to the person they are questioning's thread....then come over to defend them !! KH and the GFM are both discussed all the time but dare say something slightly negative and the pitch forks are out!! No one knows him personally!! I've said it 100000 times this Is a gossip forum.....we are not all besties in real life!! Why so serious!! Honestly I'm so pissed off with it now!! Even if the shoes were old....why brag about them?? Why brag that you're in an expensive spa.....enjoy it but keep it private?? Why the fuck is it OK that CW is wishing KH a happy birthday?? That fucker has stood by and watched what KP has done to the kids for years!! He played an enormous part of it....don't forget he posted the shit hitting the fan when she made all them Jimmy Savile accusations !! Now they're besties and he's helping them!! Ohhh please!! Any normal man would Have fuck all to do with him!! But him and MP liking his posts etc is pathetic!! Jeeeeeeezzzzz 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Michelle's on insta and shes being a tit
Kierans upstairs seeing how many didlos his bum can fit.
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Chatty Member
Perfectly said.
Michelle posting those things on her Instagram was done with every intention of winding up KP. Can I see why she would want to do that? Absolutely.
But it’s the children who ultimately suffer and that’s not cool.
Michelle done an interview saying she was scared of KP, then posts things to wind her up. I feel her actions are manipulative and I wish Kieran had told her to stop with the pettiness, instead he shared most of her posts.
I used to really like Kieran…
I totally agree. Did they not realise that every time she posted something that Bunny had written to Michelle, that the poor child would be subjected to questioning and manipulation whenever KP saw her next? The lack of common sense and compassion to the children is astonishing.

I’ve never seen Kieran post anything that comes across as having a dig at KP - he just posted happy pictures of him and the children.

I’m a parent and a step parent, and there’s an annoying ex wife in the background, nothing thankfully as crazy as KP though. Often my stepchildren give me gifts and send me cards and recently my stepdaughter thanked me for helping her get a new job - helping her with the application preparing for the interview and a subsequent presentation. She said at one point “thanks - Mum wouldn’t have the patience to help me on this”. I wouldn’t dream of a) repeating that or b) posting about it on social media. What outcome are people looking for when they set out to goad their partner’s ex partner? It just creates animosity and jealousy.

KP has repeatedly tried to goad Peter and Emily on social media. Her jealousy was exposed when Emily wrote a book and did a round of interviews and KP slated her. The Andre’s did what they always do - act as if it never happened because the worse thing you can do with a narcissist is give it oxygen/attention. Ignore them and eventually they move on and find another target.
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Maybe MP has contributed some cash already. I dunno.
I can see both arguments re her lifestyle and the GFM - on one hand you could view the GFM as being for KH and say she earns her own money and needs to put her bio kids first. On the other hand you could view it as being for the family unit to get J&B back in their dads home with their stepmum as they are engaged and planning a life together and MP clearly regarded as stepmum judging by mothers day cards.
I don't have a problem with Kieran and Michelle. I just wish she would stop bragging about material and expensive things. Ok, maybe some of it is old stuff but I just feel with the GFM it's in bad taste regardless, because people don't know whether it's old shoes etc. I don't understand why she doesn't have a private insta for showing off her lifestyle to her nearest and dearest (I know her insta is private but she accepts anyone so hardly private) I don't understand the need to post it until the kids are back safe with them.I just think it's the polite thing to do. People say they are allowed to have a good time and to buy things and yeh of course they do! But I don't think it comes across well at all. Would it kill her to not post it?
I'm not taking away the fact I think she's a great mum and step mum. She obv works hard and loves her family, she's a safe adult. But I just feel it smacks of being a bit hard faced when so many people have been so generous.
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I can’t believe that not one of the gutter press has latched onto and is running this story. When I see some of the absolute bullshit that the Scum and the Fail print on a daily basis but don’t seem to deem this newsworthy enough 🤯. KP yet again obviously has struck some sort of deal with the press I’d imagine.
It has been picked up now, it quotes nearly everything Kieran said except the part about KP setting pap shots up outside the police station when he was arrested and outside the contact centre.
Probably because The Sun happily bought those pictures and published them!
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I love how if Kieran does something wrong it MUST be a misunderstanding and somehow the oh so intelligent dastardly Katie Price MUST be behind it.
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Brah Day Izit?

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I don’t know if I find it amusing or just bizarre, that people have such a hatred of KP that they’ve donated money to a GFM without knowing exactly what has gone on, and why KH and MP no longer have the kids. There’s obviously far more going on behind the scenes than anyone on here is privy to, yet they’re giving money to bring the kids back into a potentially abusive home. I still don’t understand why he even needs a GFM to help when he does OF and PT, and they seem to have a steady income with more than the average Joe could afford from what they post.
The children have obviously been staying with KP this long for some good reason but you can’t even discuss this without being shot down. I don’t get it there’s a thread for KP, but still some come on here too defending MP and KH no matter what seems to happen. Imagine if it turns out there’s a very good reason why J&B haven’t been back in that house since November, I just don’t understand why the hate for KP translates into KH and MP doing no wrong. Has it actually been proven that KH latest arrest was done to KP or is it just being run with as fact when unknown? The police don’t just keep arresting KH on KP’s word, how would she even know there was an air gun in his house
I would be grateful if you could quantify the accusations which I have highlighted in bold as I am struggling to understand your thinking given the irrefutable evidence against KP

It might be prudent to remind you that KH and MP have no charges against them but KP has several. I would say the element of suspicion lies more at KP's door than KH and MP. However, if you have concrete evidence, I would be more than happy to listen and respond accordingly.
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Is the bigger house because J and B used to share a room but at an age now where they cannot legally.
possibly but the legal part of that is only when In social housing I believe.

I’m rooting for KH to get the children back. They were always clean, appropriately dressed, doing child appropriate activities ect. I just think that KH and MP’s social media content does them no favours when an active Gfm of 15k is in process, I think KH is reluctant to have the fund reach the wider public because of this.

if KH really does need the fund and it is being spend appropriately and not on 4k bracelet and spa breaks then he does imo opinion need to address it. There’s no way that bracelet was fake and if the multiple spa stays, restaurant visits are gifted he needs to state that as he’s breaking ASA rules by not doing so. Tagging the venue doesn’t mean it’s gifted.
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