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Chatty Member
Did anyone see keza’s luve yesterday? Was funny as folk were saying she looks like a unatural mother thex
Did anyone see her live yesterday? Was amuzing as folks were outting her for her shit mother skills. But she got that shitty attitude as usual. She thinks she liked but its same few people who chat in the chat.
Also she let hannah get her nails n lashes done and make up but school have told her she got tow get them removed😂😂😂
Why let your daughter go to school like that knowing full well she’ll be told to take it off .
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I bet she sits there thinking ‘people are so jealous of me’ look at me wasting hundreds on crap a day 😂 babes if we wanted to we could all go waste money daily on shiteee but cos we have brain cells which unfortunately you can’t even buy we are smart and save our money cos you never know how life will pan out and one day you could be left with nothing, apart from the savings that normal people save just incase! But well you’re too thick and think ya look cool for TikTok 😂😂 it’s embarrassing really embarrassing and the people that interact with you ain’t ya mates they are just there for the car crash that’s gonna happen when ya life goes tits up! 😂
Bless her getting excited for wedding dress shopping with Danny’s wrinkly old prune of a mum, cos she’s got nobody else oh and maybe a TikTok friend she bagged. Even her own mum don’t wanna be part of it, that’s tragic 😂 your own mum not being at ya wedding 😂😂😂
So true! Going wedding shopping with that tragic mutton dressed as lamb women 🤢 kezza will come out with something slaggy trust me. Something that will make her look like she has massive tits coz let's face it she is so vain and that's all she cares about. I pray she sorts that mop on her head out. Not sure what colour it's meant to be at the moment? I can see ginger, yellow, brown & grey. Pure mess again with loads of breakage stunning for her wedding day in just 6 months 😂
As for her friends she doesn't have any. It will be Jess, Fanny's mum, his sister in law and his daughter & oh yeah Hannah!

Just seen a video of her talking about Hannah saying how we jealous of her 😂😂😂 yeah well help kezza! She uses filters like you, your face is different on one side just like hannah- something wrong with the mouths. Hence why when fanny has her on video she covers her mouth like last night 😂 as for Hannah she has a chubby face probably eating pure shite and dodgy teeth.
Grow up Kerrie, nothing everything is about being jel of someone. Just shows how dumb you are really are dipshit
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She has had her swollen tummy from having a baby just a few weeks ago pierced again!!!
Wow wow wow!!!!!
Why can this idiot just never wait!!
Dont forget the sunbeds she had .. any decent sunbed shop ur not aloud on sunbed if c-secrion for at least 6 weeks .. lets hope it gets infected stc but look at this i mean wtf


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I find it strange that closet boi never ever brings his kids to stay for weekends at kezzas house, they can’t use the excuse that it’s hours away to travel back and forth because kezza makes closet boi travel to the other end of the country to make sure her kids are dumped on anyone that will have them, and how embarrassing for fanni boi, his gf posting that’s she’s lonely🤣 what a pair of clowns🤣
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Hahaha this proper tickled me! When she says that you know damn well she means she was talking to fanny boi.

Anyway kezza, are you feeling okay Hun? Like seriously? Because the shit that comes out of your gob is unbelievable.
So she says she looks around her house and everything that is in it she and fanny have worked hard for and not been given anything.
What?? That bed you sleep in every night you basically got your followers to buy & that walldrobe as you said fanny couldn't move in until you had it!
That next to me crib again someone else bought for you just like the cot in the boys room.
The mirror that's in Hannah's room someone gifted it to you.
The sofa downstairs your mum bought you for Xmas and you bought the other one....need I go on....?
Full of shit babes you really are. And saying you look after your stuff better now, what? You throw things out all the time and buy new because you can't be arse to clean it or because you don't like the size of it ( fridge freezer) you are a joke!
Your gullible followers bought most of that shit in your rented house, and then the dirty old men on your of! Way to be proud 👍
Shout it louder for the gullable c u next tuesdays that beleave her! Happy friday tattlers!
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Ok so the rant today.. why doesn’t she see her dad now she’s older then? she blames her mum for not letting him see her when she was little which I don’t know why none of my business but you arnt little anymore and she ain’t stopping you have a relationship with him your mum can’t stop you. The relationship with your mum either sort it between you or cut it off maybe she’s just trying to look out for you marrying Danny. Just enjoy Christmas with your kids and make it special for them.
Exactly, but no everything has to be about her, always an issue. She does it all to get attention. Her dad doesn't want to know her because of how she is! She's a disgrace.
She moans about her mum but then the next min she's asked her to watch the children because she's going out with fanny or she's going to the hospital for no reason! If I was her mother I'd be disgusted by her, she's the typical person you wouldn't want your daughter to turn out like.

Errr seen fanny wears that Nike tracksuit 24/7 now. It's either that or the north face one. Can't stand him, make my skin crawl.
Also did you see the TT of fanny kissing her. She always looks so uncomfortable when he's cuddling or kissing her, rolling her eyes. She's so not in love with him, you can see it all over her stupid filtered face! 😂
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Anyone seen her wishlist lately? not only she wants strangers buying her baby stuff she wants people to pay for her contraception.. is the close fit size so the regular don't fall off Flannys flump? bless him. No privacy, no boundaries in the family I don't know how the kids cope..
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My baby is 3 weeks younger than Albie I cant believe they are giving him chocolate moose and white chocolate yoghurt ffs he will take a liken to sugary stuff and that's all he will want to eat 🙄 also I wish they would cut the poor boys nails his poor face is always cut to pieces. I use a baby nail file it's so easy to do and takes less time then her getting herself dolled up


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Fanny is truly such a miserable bastard isn't he.
Unless it's about him, he isn't happy! Kerrie doing her haul and he's moaning all the way through it. Kerrie has to keep stopping the video, clearly embarrassed!
Albie is sitting in his chair moaning but doesn't once move to get him! Lazy fat cunt- how does he have the nerve to be miserable, he does fuck all all day. Doesn't have to work or anything.
As for Kerrie calling it a medium wall 😂😂 dickhead!!
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Have you seen the latest? Back to Kerrie being a bitch.....didn't last long did it!
Just because we don't do of doesn't mean we don't have hauls and holidays dumb arse! What a thing to come out with.
My children, my hubby and myself want for nothing.
We have hauls, holidays, takeaways just like you darling, but instead of spending constantly on myself I like to take my children out in the summer holidays.
I always do a 'summer' book with photos etc of what we got up too.
Not just sitting in the same bloody park or banished to their rooms!
I like my children to be happy, laugh and experience new things- unlike you Kerrie. It's all me me me me with you, sod your children ahy!.
So you carry on selling your ugly body, having no self respect, sharing it with untold people & making your money that YOU are so obsessed with 🖕
You do you, and I'll do me.
At the end of the day I know my family have alot more memories, experiences and laughter than any of your children .
Ps maybe use some of your money to sort your daughter out. The behaviour isn't normal at all...but then what would you know you only care for yourself!!
Her daughter live’s friday & saturday were awfull craving attention what she was speaking about it not normal for a kid of her age at all. Folk were saying your mums a slag she foes OF and hannah reply was - so what! I get whatever i need! Wtf is that answer!
Then u got 12 pointless videos of kez.
Thr mug who brought her nxt to me crib need there head looking at.. as she could brought it her self but she rather waste her money on pointless hauls.
And the bbq yesterday at dannys parents was long long day for baby in carseat. Normal person would booked hotel for night to break journy but not selfish kez.
Hope she has to go bk in hospital to have her piles burn away- karma my dear ! Yes KARMA!
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I do think he's a lazy fat cunt though. I bet because the other 3 aren't his he feels like he shouldn't be doing dinners etc for them, I can imagine it now.
Like I keep saying, the novelty of Albie has worn off with fanny ages ago!
I think their relationship is under pressure big time at the moment.
As much as I can't stand Kerrie I do think she's better off without fanny boi. He's good for nothing, always moaning about dinners or something else, she buys him stuff and he's so ungreatful all the time. People have even commented on her post saying he's ungreatful.
Don't marry that prick Kerrie, he can't even support you & the big one he doesn't like YOUR children!
He makes my skin crawl, especially with that stupid smile, makes him look like a pedalo. 🤢
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Chatty Member
Meeeeee again…. So she wanted to ban alcohol at her wedding cos of her trauma, yet she’s going on a hen night and they are all drinking?! Nahhh I actually can’t she is fucking special that one! Oh and kezza ya look like a fucking tampon in most them outfits, 😂💀
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Now she wants a fake wedding cake ( suppose it will fit in with the wedding ‘FAKE’ 😂 cos she can’t justify spending money on a cake, yet she has no harm in spending hundreds on tatty hauls so she can show tik tok she’s made it life with her money she gets from selling her nasty gash online 😂😂😂 stop it! This woman is too much I can’t cope with her 😂😂😂
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Disgusted a young 14 year old is posting things like that, and kerrie can come on saying its only a tik tok ,bla bla kerrie sort your shit out, she's a fking child ,you should be ashamed of yourself
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He has turned that house so dark with his painting. It's so cluttered, like every bit of wall has to have something on it - mainly pictures of her vain self.
Shit all over the kitchen sides, shit everywhere in the living room & it isn't even the kids toys!!
You never see any toys around, but their shit everywhere. Why does fanny think it's okay to be wearing shoes in the house 24/7? His baby son will be crawling soon, selfish CUNT! Literally can't stand him, he's just useless and brings nothing to the world. As for his belly, don't knows who's is worse, his or kerries!! 🤢🤢🤢
Made me laugh how she says she tiny! I'm pretty sure she compares her to Jess! 😂😂
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