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Chatty Member
You can see that both Phil & Holly are getting frustrated with her - especially at 4.35!
Thought this! Phil is not a favourite of mine but you can tell he is struggling to keep cool

The poor soul is 33 years old and dead, left behind what was going to be a fantastic life and two young children yet she is under a criminal after six months.
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Newbie on this thread, just popped in as I’m weirded out by her latest Insta post that popped up on my feed saying goodbye 2022. It’s pics of her etc, but nothing of Tom? Didn’t he live til March or have I missed something? That post is like he didn’t exist
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Maybe a little more respect should’ve been given to Tom. Slip away quietly now and stop with the publicity using his memory
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New poster on here as I have only just found thread. I thought I was the only one who thought this woman was a fame hungry cow who did not seem to be grieving at all..... apparently not!
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Here for gossip

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You dont need another man to make you happy. She shouldnt be reliant on that to find her happiness
I honestly will never understand why people think having a man is what u need for happy life 🤷 I have been a single mother for 6 years and very happy with my own company, wanting a man and needing a man are completely different things
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People don’t want to speak to her in the street probably because of the way she’s acting.
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As welll as having an insta account for her kids since they were born, she also signed them up to a talent and modelling agency. This woman is on the make, and everyone has a price tag as far as she’s comcerned. She’d sell her granny (the one who walked directly behind Tom’s coffin) to the highest bidder I’m sure!!

Actually, I’ve just reminded myself of how Kelsey and her family…and the other Kelsey, walked directly behind the coffin, and made themselves centre stage at Tom’s funeral.
As a mother, I found it so sad that not only the fact that Kelsey had insisted on having Tom to herself for his final two hours in the hospice, but was also the only one to be able to put a rose on Tom’s coffin before he was driven away. And now look who’s moved on already!!!
Poor Tom’s parents will never get over the loss of their child - their own flesh and blood. Being treated that way in his final weeks and now this with her new man must be a real sucker punch to them.
I did find it odd seeing the funeral photos how it was her and her family who seemed at the forefront of it all. I hope toms family felt included on the day☹
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I’ve got a good idea for a drinking game - take a shot everytime Kelsey says “I” “I’m” “Me” or “My” … and take a bonus shot when she says the word “strong.”
Actually don’t do that, you might die 😳
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If you don’t mind me asking, how did you feel 6months after your husband had passed?
I can’t remember honestly I think I have blocked a lot out. I do think esp when you have kids there is an big element of “you’ve just got to get on with it” I haven’t grieved properly because for me I made a promise to my kids that I would do everything to make sure they were ok into adulthood. So we got up and we got on -but yeah there were extremely tough times, kids saying they didn’t want to be here anymore and me crying my eyes out because my kids lives weren’t meant to be like this.

Because they have a terminal illnesss and there are not really any treatments that for me made it easier to accept his passing because there just wasn’t anything that could be done for him. If he’d had a cancer that was treatable where others had survived and he hadn’t I would have found that a lot more difficult to accept. I just reason it as this was always going to happen to him, it was his fate.

To an extent I suppose I understand why she may focus just on herself because you do defo mourn for not only the person you have lost but the life that you yourself have lost. I even cry about my career because I’m now limited in the jobs I can do. Superficial but it’s not wrong because it’s something unexpected that happened to us and we are now living a life that we can’t escape.

I wouldn’t have gotten into a relationship though after such a short time. I doubt I ever will as I still consider myself married, I know the children will also never accept my being with anyone else and that’s ok because to them it’s mum and dad forever despite a death. (That’s not to say I’m going to live like a nun 🙈 but I’m a lot further down the line that her).

A lot of aspects of her behaviour are not wrong, but they are exaggerated. I don’t think it’s right that after less than a year she’s framed herself as this bereavement expert. Yes she’s more expert than a lot but she knows shit all within that small amount of time. Her self promotion and positivity shit is all wrong though.
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I can’t bear this bloody woman!
She is devoid of any warmth or emotion - what is that….narcissism, emotional detachment? It may have been made worse by Tom’s illness and death, but looking through their you tube, she seems quite emotionless and hard in those too.

I hate the fact that she’s using Tom for her own agenda. She’s ridden on his coat tails since she was 19 as she doesn’t have enough talent of her own. Yes, she went to Italia Conti until she was nineteen, but then she just became a professional groupie.
She opened her drama school with Tom’s money where she seems to dip in and out when it suits…a bit like motherhood really.

I hate the fact that those poor kids have no stability and are looked after by different family members and friends. When
they wake up in the middle of the night upset or can’t sleep…where is she?!!

She attends all these charity events where we all know that if the cost of all those frocks, the food and drink where to be put into a pot, there might be some actual money raised. Why not be honest and say that it’s for her own publicity and agenda? She’s riding on Tom’s memory…and any Love Islanders for her own gain, just like she’s always done.

She says it ‘takes a village to look after her kids,” that’s true in her case, but it would help if at times she actually lived in that village from time to time!
I don’t have the energy to mention her killer boyfriend or if there have been others, but I hope some people start to sit up and take notice of the behaviour of this seemingly part time grieving widow and mother.
Those poor children are traumatised and she is NOT helping them!
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I’m slightly younger than Tom and I’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, although I haven’t been given a terminal diagnosis I still don’t know where I stand/what the future holds for me. You know it happens, you can imagine what it feels like but nothing actually prepares you for the gut punching reality of it. I have 3 little kids and honestly at the minute I can barely look at them without wanting to burst into tears. The thought of Tom not being allowed to cry or being shot down when he’s asking for some companionship from his WIFE is absolutely devastating. My husband has been amazing and I honestly don’t know how I would get through each day at the minute without him. Tom deserved much, much better. This social media/influencer/z-list celeb culture has got a lot to answer for. Rest in peace Tom ❤.
I am so sorry. Sending light and love, what a brave mummy your children have. You’ll be in my thoughts xx

I have to be fair to her and say I completely get why she says some things in that interview:
1) people cross the road to avoid speaking to her - this defo happens to us widowers .
2) getting rid of the bed. I don’t think she’s being cold here but that bed in that house- she would only remember him being in it as sick. And despite what they posted I imagine he was a lot sicker for a lot more of the time than ever depicted on socials. Appreciate it has a different context now we know she’s met someone else.
3) loosing him before he died - yes I get that too . Ive written about this before you defo so loose the man you married. The moment my husband was diagnosed his personality changed. Remember we only saw the positive bits on insta.

anyone that’s read my comments before knows I’m defo not a fan and can’t stand her behaviour how she’s milking being the grieving widow. However as someone whose been through exactly the same it wouldn’t be fair of me not to highlight the things that I understand why she says it.
I agree to an extent, I definitely think he was a lot more ill than portrayed, I remember watching a clip of him with a young girl ( who I believe has now passed too sadly) who also had GMB4 and he was saying how he had been really violently sick in his bed etc. Naturally, we didn’t see that- as we shouldn’t, it’s private.
However, they sat on the sofa of TM and said they wanted to try for another baby after his diagnosis. I don’t buy that she lost him during his illness, they didn’t even talk about him dying. None of it adds up and for her to be romanticising being a widow and moving on with a criminal is quite frankly offensive to not only Tom but his family and if it weren’t for the kids I believe she’d be ostracised greatly by them. She’s a textbook narcissist.
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Chatty Member
I just watched that interview from This Morning. What an odd woman she is. Doesn’t seem upset or anything. And all this positive vibes only rubbish - it’s ok to not feel positive about having a brain tumour. She was (and still is) enjoying the attention!!

I feel so bad for Tom and his family. Tom obviously loved her and I feel bad for hating her so much but she is clearly not a nice person.
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Those two beautiful, innocent children are going to grow up into two very messed up people. I can just see it now :(

They have no stability. Cameras thrust into their faces. Their pictures plastered all over instagram with no consent. Their fathers memory being shunted out of their home. First a new mattress and bed. What’s next, new couch, new bathroom, new kitchen, new house?

Tom’s memory is only kept alive when it suits Kelsey’s narrative. Which is money! If it doesn’t include an interview, magazine deal or sponsored instagram post she doesn’t want to know. She’s more concerned about her own publicity and new man than the welfare of her confused and grieving children.

I just hope that Tom’s family have a lot of contact with the children and are able to keep them on the right path with love and guidance. Which I’m sure they will do.
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She’s really not hot. Can’t believe she pulled someone in a boy band in the first place. She’s about a 3/10 in terms of attractiveness - she has a real hard face
I think it’s the eyes, they’re cold/dead. The bags underneath really don’t help, although it’s not her fault. I usually wouldn’t be this critical but she really does have a ridiculously high opinion of herself.

I’ve just realised who she reminds me of….Bet Lynch!!


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VIP Member
I’m slightly younger than Tom and I’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, although I haven’t been given a terminal diagnosis I still don’t know where I stand/what the future holds for me. You know it happens, you can imagine what it feels like but nothing actually prepares you for the gut punching reality of it. I have 3 little kids and honestly at the minute I can barely look at them without wanting to burst into tears. The thought of Tom not being allowed to cry or being shot down when he’s asking for some companionship from his WIFE is absolutely devastating. My husband has been amazing and I honestly don’t know how I would get through each day at the minute without him. Tom deserved much, much better. This social media/influencer/z-list celeb culture has got a lot to answer for. Rest in peace Tom ❤.
With all my heart I am so sorry you are having to go through this I can’t even imagine how you must feel after receiving your diagnoses and how scary it must be for you. You are an incredibly strong person cause to be told something like that especially when you’re so young and then still have to get on with your day to day life looking after your children takes a lot of mental strength. My prayers are with you that you beat this and everything works out well for you. Don’t ever feel like you can’t cry or have days you feel sad. I am so happy for you that you have a husband who is so caring and has been amazing to you during a really hard time in your life and I hope all the people in your life who are there for you during all this are nothing like Kelsey with her lack of empathy , selfishness and toxic positivity mindset.
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The way she said she lost him in that 18 months is just so that she can say “Me an’ Sean are together….I’ve been single for two years….” in that ridiculous Gemma Collins voice. Well, they were talking about baby number 3 in Oct 21…which is it Kelsey? This woman spouts so many lies that shr can’t even remember what she’s said!!
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