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You literally just need to look at her Instagram to see her priority’s. Before Tom passed, the only social events was with Tom (and even those was very rare!) it’s mostly pictures of lots of family time, and pictures of the children.
Since Tom has no passed, it’s like she’s a Z-lister at all these events and posing with other Z listers.
Those poor children!!!!
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I didn’t know who Tom and Kelsey were until I watched the SU2C doc. I thought she came across very strangely on that.

For some unknown reason I’ve ended up looking her up today, and get the distinct impression from what I’ve seen and listened to that she’s all about ‘raising profile’ not ‘raising awareness’.

She comes across as very impatient (to and about Tom), unkind and extremely self centred in interviews. She disguises impatience with Tom’s attention and Tom’s need for attention with this ‘beee PoSiTiVeee!’ mantra which allows her to dismiss it all.

Tom seemed like quite a passive individual- the type of person who does well in a relationship where they’re told what to do etc., but Kelsey walks all over him. She comes across as quite shrewd.

I thought it was heartbreaking that someone facing their mortality in their early 30s got probably next to zero compassion from their partner and no space to discuss those fears.

Lastly it didn’t surprise me in the slightest to learn she went to stage school and was a struggling actress when she met Tom.
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She is disgustingly in love with herself. She definitely didn’t love Tom like she loves herself.
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Thread two for her when we reach 50 pages should definitely be called Kelsey Hardwick because her behaviour isn't becoming of a Parker. She will have got shut of him because she cannot be a grieving widow to milk cash from the media opportunities if she's seen to have already moved on.
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The snippet of her podcast with Fearne Cotton. Wow I don't think I have any words. She's so forceful about her right to move on.
'We are so black and white in this country, people think I should be walking around in black with a black veil over my face' just wow. No one thinks that but using his illness/death to make a name yourself playing the grieving widow whilst having a new man is in a bit 😬
Also the constant I have to be happy etc because I have 2 kids, I understand to a point, however, red carpets, PR events aren't for your kids, they are for you. I just hope you are spending more time giving them security snd stability than your social media portrays
You dont need another man to make you happy. She shouldnt be reliant on that to find her happiness
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She’s clearly deleting all the bad comments on her posts of her cover girl shit, cause I was scrolling through them and among ALL the positive comments there was one that said ‘I can’t believe all these negative comments!’ When I didn’t see a single one and I scrolled through all of them, I can’t even begin to explain my anger at this whole situation, the ‘love of her life’ and ‘soul mate’ has only been gone 8 months and she’s fucking ‘moved on’ I don’t care what anyone says, Tom would be heartbroken to know she’s could move on from losing him so quickly, it’s not even like they divorced and separated and she moved on quick, he literally died of a devastating illness and suffered while she forced him to try and live his normal life, that man needed love, comfort, to be able to cry if he wanted but no his hard faced wife made his last few months about her needing to be ‘positive’, I think it’s disgusting she’s saying she already lost Tom 18 months ago, no Kelsey you didn’t, you lost Tom 8 MONTHS AGO, funny because she wasn’t saying she lost him 18 months ago a few weeks back when she was ‘sobbing’ on her Instagram story about missing him saying she doesn’t know how she will ever be without him, now suddenly the news she’s got another shag of the week is out she felt like she lost him way before he died? Alright Kelsey love, whatever helps you sleep at night (in your new mattress that has nothing to do with your husband that passed)
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I personally wouldn’t be surprised if she was looking around when Tom was around. When she found out it was terminal or when he was deteriorating. I always had weird vibes from her even in the TW days before the break up she comes across as this squeaky clean, party girl similar too Tom but I do think it was more an act to seem like these couple goals
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Gloria Rostron

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I can understand getting rid of the bed but why the need to disclose that information publicly? To his family, it could look as though he is being erased.
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If I was one of toms family I’d be straight on the phone to a national newspaper selling my story on how she’s only in it for the fame and fortune and how they were left out at the funeral. I wouldn’t be able to keep quiet
They wouldn’t. They would never disrespect their son. That’s the difference between Kelsey and Tom’s family.
Also, they’re in the really difficult position of having to keep Kelsey on side so that they can have a relationship with their grandchildren.

Exactly this. Also, I’m pretty sure she’s not the one taking them there!!!

Oh please someone (who’s not using their real name on Insta) direct Kelsey here!! 🙏🏼
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Chatty Member
I just think she comes across as even
more self-centred, other people are grieving too but feels it’s just about her.
Also, poor Tom texting Dave Bolton late at night every night saying how scared he was, such a shame he wasn’t also able to share these feelings with Kelsey due to her toxic Positive Parkers crap. Also, so many things don’t add up, I think dhe’s from the Markle school of fabrication. She said it was just the two of them in that room at the end of his life, but staff were there too. She also demanded to know as his breathing got worse “are you dying? Is this you dying?!” Don’t get me wrong, it must be awful for everyone, but I can’t be bothered with all the lies that come from her mouth.
I haven’t watched it yet but from what you say, how traumatising must that be for some of the last words you hear to be “are you dying?” When my dad was dying I was saying to him how much I loved him and that he was safe and that everything was ok whilst stroking his hand, I hope she at least did that for him
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She is unbearable in that interview. Constantly talking over him and making things about her!
The amount of times when Phil was asking a question directly about him she buys in and says “we are ….. Also the big smiles at the start and throughout the interview, I would be absolutely devastated if it was my husband, I couldn’t even force myself to act positive and happy.
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I don't necessarily agree with moving on so quickly, but I understand that until you're in that situation you can't say what you'd do. What makes it disgusting to me is that she's very much still making money and seeking publicity from discussing Tom, his illness and his death. Choose one - you either want to move on or you want to be a professional widow.

I always found her cold and fame-hungry, but when Tom got ill I really didn't think she'd be this low.
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Raising awareness is one thing, but the only thing Kelsey appears to be trying to raise is her profile. She looks far too happy and smiley too soon. It must be so hard for Tom's family to see. It's all in such bad taste.

I lost a parent before my teens. Granted, I was older, but I'd be heartbroken to see my other parent appearing happy as Larry and getting themselves about absolutely everywhere.
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Has anyone noticed she has never once really said she misses him? Never once has she said I’m sorry for my children? It is all me me me. I cannot bare her, she is horrific

“ walking into that room and getting diagnosed with GBM” “ terminator of cancers” she is an absolute disgrace I had to turn off the podcast before I threw my phone out my phone. I honestly hope somebody annihilates her with some home truths

How can I cope with this in my life? CAN SHE HEAR HERSELF
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Notice the front cover of the book has been changed to have her and the children on it, when originally it was just Tom, and an extra new section written in by Kelsey?? It’s not her fucking book it’s Toms, it seems like she’s just taking everything away from him, it really can never not be about her can it, she even made his book about her in the re release 🙄
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Dont swipe up!

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I read more on another site last night, it is an extract from her new book. She must have felt incredibly lonely and wanted some normality back in her life instead of constant questions of sympathy. I have no idea what I’d do in that situation, she is still young so deserves to be happy and find happiness but i just think 5 months is too soon. Watching her doc aswell it seemed she just wanted to get rid of everything, like the bed, the platinum album things that went in the loft, his computer and records of songs. She seemed VERY READY to get rid and i have never seen anyone so ready to ‘move on’ when they’ve lost their spouse in real life 😕
‘Sean was the first one to not treat me like a widow’
Yea coz he wanted to bang you or use you for fame the same way you used Tom
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