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She keeps going on about team Kelsey. Fucking hell she’s so far up her own arse she can see her tonsils. Even coming home to her kids was orchestrated. That little girl going up to her then someone saying get out the way to her so they could film her son being less than impressed seeing his attention seeking mother
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Does anyone remember in Tom’s documentary when they’re house viewing the house that she’s living in now?
Tom’s telling the interviewer that he’s hoping the new house will be a fresh start 🥺, Kelsey asks Tom (who’s looking particularly ill that day) if he’s going to view upstairs with her and the estate agent. Obviously he doesn’t have the energy for the stairs, he decides to stay downstairs.
Kelsey to the estate agent: “He can’t be bothered to do stairs today...”

Poor Tom, she must’ve been so draining for him. There he was knowing full well that he wouldn’t see the kids growing up in that house, but having to act like he was okay so that Kelsey wasn’t inconvenienced.
That’s toxic ‘positivity’ and denial right there!
My heart breaks for him. He must've felt so alone at times. Sad that he would've had to think about his kids growing up in the house and he wouldn't be around for it, and even sadder to think not even a year later another man will be with his wife in the same house. He gave it everything he had at the end and it's just so sad to see what's happening. He would be heartbroken if he could see how much Kelsey was leaving the kids for weeks at a time. And now introducing this new man into their lives so soon
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Oh god
Just watched the new show she is gonna be on on mtv
Every clip even Ashley’s was about the person who died
In true Kelsey style the clips we saw were about her!!
‘I’m never going to be the same Kelsey that I was two years ago’
‘His death was magical like I knew it would be’
Who the fuck even says shit like that??
No death is magical
Even in his last seconds on earth it was made to be magical and Tom still couldn’t have the dignity to die in peace it still had to be magical and ‘positive’
whats magical about a 30 year old dying of an aggressive brain tumour.. she needs to get a fucking grip
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Why do you think it’s the worst?
I just think she comes across as even
more self-centred, other people are grieving too but feels it’s just about her.
Also, poor Tom texting Dave Bolton late at night every night saying how scared he was, such a shame he wasn’t also able to share these feelings with Kelsey due to her toxic Positive Parkers crap. Also, so many things don’t add up, I think dhe’s from the Markle school of fabrication. She said it was just the two of them in that room at the end of his life, but staff were there too. She also demanded to know as his breathing got worse “are you dying? Is this you dying?!” Don’t get me wrong, it must be awful for everyone, but I can’t be bothered with all the lies that come from her mouth.
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View attachment 2070027
Some of you make out like Toms family must dislike Kelsey or her dating etc…well this picture was today. We obviously have no idea about their relationship, only they know.
They may or may not approve (we don’t know), but what is pretty certain is that they’ve already lost their son - so I’m sure they’ll do whatever it takes not to lose connection with their grandchildren too!!
They’ll have their private thoughts - good or bad.
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My mum died 2 years in August. My dad is in his mid 60s, they were together since teenagers. At least for now he says he never wants to entertain the idea of meeting another woman. For me, this is normal behaviour of a grieving spouse. We spend her birthdays and their wedding anniversary together just chatting. We speak about Mum like she's just in the next room. She might not be here in person, but she isnt erased from our lives at all
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Idk if it’s just me but I hate the word ‘dead’ in that context. Saying someone has passed is much nicer
It’s the way she says it too she’s like “he’s dead he’s not coming back” like she’s thinking “can we move on now 🙄” then brings the conversation back to being about herself
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She’s absolutely vulgar, and Kate F is a nasty POS just like Rio, he was seeing her and another woman whilst his wife was dying from cancer, it’s like she (the first wife, Rebecca I think?) was there to make his life easier as a footballer (a shit one at that!) and birth his children, beyond that he didn’t give a toss, and he’s got form for physical violence (court stuff is out there), so of course Kels would fit right in. All these types care about is making it all about them, and gaslighting anyone who calls it out by hiding behind the “grief” and “right to move on and make changes”, nah you’re all just dead inside and flipping horrid people only out for themselves, such a shame that they have so much when genuinely decent people have so little, then again it’s better to be skint and actually decent rather than comfortable if selling your soul and that of everyone else is what it takes. It’s like Tom’s headstone is just a stepping stone for her now, his poor family, his parents, completely overlooked and pushed out! Sickening.
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What the wanted fans are saying about this
Yes she deserves to move on, I absolutely agree on that. But 8 months on since Tom’s passing? When she’s supposedly grief stricken and with 2 very young children to care for? And here I am still single throughout this whole year 😂 I honestly don’t get how she can have truly ‘found love’ so quickly, when I was grieving the last thing on my mind was engaging with dating and I could barely get myself through each day.

And even if she had met someone, keep it quiet for now out of respect for Tom’s family. They’re about to face their first Christmas without him, let them get through the year of first everything’s without him before showing off your new man.
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Maybe a little more respect should’ve been given to Tom. Slip away quietly now and stop with the publicity using his memory
I feel she has no right to keep twittering on about Tom and his legacy when she was so quick to shit all over it with a new guy
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The fact that her kids are so young and everything is still so raw makes it worse. Eight months is no time at all. I can’t imagine how his family are feeling right now - I understand to an extent that her head is all over the place and I’ve never experienced grief like it, but it’s so unnecessary. I’m genuinely a bit shocked and sad at the same time.
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His family must be disgusted with her! C’mon it’s only a few short months since Tom passed, and they had young children together - they should be her priority right now! I’ve never thought she came across well ….
I feel sorry for them too. Kelsey seems devoid of any emotion - Tom said so himself in one of their videos!
Tom’s brother, Lewis, has unfollowed her & the kids on Insta.
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I think this woman is vile, failing as a widow and failing as a mother. Her and Tom portrayed some fairytale romance and she’s moved on as quick as she could! While I’m all for moving on in a respectable time frame I find it shameful that she moved on within 6 months. Her time should be spent with them babies, not out looking for the next husband. The first year of grieving someone is incredibly hard but necessary. She couldn’t even give Tom a year before she was out on the pull.
I don’t know too much about the boyfriend but he’s going to have to live in the shadow of Tom because that’s how she earns her money. Without that love story she’s no one. I bet Tom’s not resting in peace, poor sod.
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She always sounds and looks like she is fed up talking about him cause she wants to only talk about herself and how great she thinks she is , fed up with everyone caring about him and talking about lovely he was , fed up with him being the famous one that people liked but she knows his name and his death is the only way she can keep herself in the spotlight getting attention and fame so I honestly think she’ll keep the grieving widow attention seeking act going for a long time until maybe job opportunities or tv show offers come in maybe like strictly or being a presenter on loose women cause Kelsey is selfish she only cares about what she can gain from this and as annoyed as she comes across that she has to keep speaking about Tom she knows it’s the only way people will pay attention to her. She speaks about him so cold and bluntly like she’s saying he’s dead he’s not coming back so can you all stop caring about him and focus on me because I’m so amazing. She literally is only known because of him she’s only known as being Tom Parker’s wife!

I understand she’s gone through is awful losing her husband so young is not an easy thing so I do feel sorry for her or anyone going through that but it’s also difficult to feel sorry for her when she’s such a very self centred and disrespectful person. I’m not saying she has to stay in bed all day everyday crying and not living her life but it’s like she doesn’t even care . At first I thought maybe she’s just in shock and it hasn’t set in yet that he’s gone or maybe she’s trying to appear strong but the more times goes on the more her true colours show. I honestly believe she loved the fame and money that came with being with him more than she actually was in love with him cause that’s how it looks with the way she is behaving. I’m not saying she didn’t love him but I think she loves the fame and attention more. In the podcast she did with Giovanna fletcher when Kelsey was talking about herself she said something like “I have been in lots of films and lots of tv shows I’ve had a successful career too” no you haven’t you have a 2 minute appearance in an eastenders episode like over 10 years ago and I can’t name one film and you have been in nobody knows who are you sorry but that’s the truth. She has an ego and I don’t think she can stand that Tom was the famous one and still is even after his death.

look at Toms family and brother who have been low-key and more private when they are clearly grieving and devastated after losing Tom but you don’t see them trying to make money off of his death the way Kelsey is and trying to seek fame using his name and death constantly to achieve that fame. Why can’t she just be private the kids deserve that.
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As welll as having an insta account for her kids since they were born, she also signed them up to a talent and modelling agency. This woman is on the make, and everyone has a price tag as far as she’s comcerned. She’d sell her granny (the one who walked directly behind Tom’s coffin) to the highest bidder I’m sure!!

Actually, I’ve just reminded myself of how Kelsey and her family…and the other Kelsey, walked directly behind the coffin, and made themselves centre stage at Tom’s funeral.
As a mother, I found it so sad that not only the fact that Kelsey had insisted on having Tom to herself for his final two hours in the hospice, but was also the only one to be able to put a rose on Tom’s coffin before he was driven away. And now look who’s moved on already!!!
Poor Tom’s parents will never get over the loss of their child - their own flesh and blood. Being treated that way in his final weeks and now this with her new man must be a real sucker punch to them.
This 100%. I lost my mother the end of last month and cannot imagine spending the last few hours of her life alone with her beside her hospital bed. Firstly because it would be selfish and secondly you want family around you at a time like that surely!!!!

There was me and my dad and siblings and extended family there for many hours. That love and support from other family members gave me (and others) the strength to get through the more harrowing time ever experienced. It was incredibly tough and the hardest time of my life. How Kelsey thought hogging those last few hours Tom had to herself is cruel and I don't know why she would think that's better than having people there with her to share the experience.
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She has always seemed resentful of Tom even when he was alive. She comes across as someone who has had a toxic, bitter divorce, not like her much loved husband has just passed away! What a horrible woman. It radiates out of her face as well.
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