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As an og wanted fan i think it is to soon but at the same time my thoughts are that shes still grieving and that people do grive all different kinds of ways .like we havnt heard anything from her about it yet but also .it might not be serious .it could just be something quick for her .sometimes grief hits people different .yeah she seems okay but is she just holding it in and then its all just going to come out at once .however i feel she needs to give the kids more attention .i feel the same way about max .it hit max hard and i feel like the relationship with masie isnt serious. personally i think again its the same hes doing it to get his mind of it all
I don’t think grieving is an excuse for shagging a killer 5 months after your husband’s funeral. You can’t behave like that and constantly share personal stories about Tom and her ‘grieving process’ for money. She isn’t the only one grieving for Tom - there are his parents and brother as well as THEIR children!
When you’re a mother you need to put your children first, especially if they’ve already lost the other parent! These children are young, Kelsey could make life more comforting and easier for them by being there, she could lessen the pain for Tom’s family by not shagging someone so soon. Kelsey seems to be getting SO MUCH support and comfort from so many people. I think she’s abusing that support by not passing it on.
The way she’s conducting herself is awful, but the way she isn’t supporting her children when they need her the most is unforgiveable. She, and they will pay for it later on in life. I can’t see how anyone can justify that with ‘she deserves to be happy’ or ‘she’s grieving.’
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If you compare her to Vanessa Bryant (late Kobe Bryant’s wife’s) who died in January 2020, she’s really cold hearted. Vanessa hasn’t even looked at another bloke, nor has anything come out that she’s dating and dedicated her insta page to Kobe. She also dedicates her life to her young children and never seems to go on many nights out. Even 3 years down the line, you can still see she’s grieving. She’s all about her young kids.

This one is a complete and utter chav. No one will care about her in a few months.

She’s also been with Kobe since she was 18.
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Rio Ferdinand is the lowest of the low. He absolutely makes my skin crawl. As has been said he was shagging around for years even when his wife was dying. Leopards don't change their spots and I heard he's still doing it now. So Kate should be looking closer to home rather than dishing out advice, especially since she wasn't even the person widowed, she was the one the 'grieving widower' was carrying on with.

These 2 would be the last people I'd take advice from but I'm sure Kelsey likes an echo chamber so only speaks to people who will agree with her.

Moving on at this speed is bad enough, but with a convicted killer? It's so distasteful. I was thinking surely she could have found someone without a criminal past, but I guess a nice normal bloke wouldn't consider getting involved with someone so recently bereaved, hence why she's ended up with this toerag.
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She definitely won’t give up Tom’s last name that’s her meal ticket 😡 my heart goes out to his family I can’t imagine how painful this must be to them
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The snippet of her podcast with Fearne Cotton. Wow I don't think I have any words. She's so forceful about her right to move on.
'We are so black and white in this country, people think I should be walking around in black with a black veil over my face' just wow. No one thinks that but using his illness/death to make a name yourself playing the grieving widow whilst having a new man is in a bit 😬
Also the constant I have to be happy etc because I have 2 kids, I understand to a point, however, red carpets, PR events aren't for your kids, they are for you. I just hope you are spending more time giving them security snd stability than your social media portrays
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8 months is shockingly short to be moving on after losing your husband and father of your 2 very young kids. It would be the last thing on my mind.

I think there’s a respectful amount of time based on public opinion and this ain’t it but regardless of what everyone else thinks, I just can’t comprehend how or why someone could actually want it so soon 😱😱😱
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I agree. They’ve already lost their son and now will feel they’ll lose the link to him of their grandkids as another bloke swooping in to play happy families.
Sadly, this is what tends to happen if the family is quite young - so very hard to see someone else playing happy families with your grandchildren.

BUT Kelsey could’ve easily avoided hurting Tom’s family so much - if she really felt she had to have another man so soon (we’ve learnt that she’ll do whatever she wants), she could’ve kept it all private! She didn’t need to ‘write’ a book and announce the new boyf; she didn’t need to share private moments about Tom with bloody Coleen Nolan & Linda bloody Robson on the telly! And she didn’t need to let documentary makers into her home and film her getting rid of Tom’s stuff.

Kelsey Hardwick is a cold-hearted and selfish woman who’s appetite for money & attention knows no bounds.
Next thread title idea:

#2 Kelsey Hardwick - trades off the Parker name, by selling endless stories as she’s desperate for fame!
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This woman is repulsive!
I haven't read the whole thread so apologies if this has already been said but she was first linked to Sean at a friend's wedding FOUR MONTHS after Tom died.
"Tom would want me to be happy"
Of course he would, but let the man rest first, Hun.

And as for those poor children (who forever seem to be passed from pillar to post, as she swans off again using Tom's name and her "grief" for self promotion) they didn't even have time to adjust to losing their Daddy. One minute he was there, the next he wasn't, and then there was another guy.

It just makes me sick.
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“My whole goal is to make sure they have a lovely life and achieve things that Tom would have wanted them to achieve, so they’re really busy with activities.

“I’m the mum who’s going to dance class, then swimming lessons, because I want them to achieve everything that Tom and I wanted them to do together.”

what a pile of fucking shite! They’re busy with activities so you don’t have to deal with them and can fuck off to retreats and holidays and weddings! Selfish twat
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She’s really not hot. Can’t believe she pulled someone in a boy band in the first place. She’s about a 3/10 in terms of attractiveness - she has a real hard face
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Just watched the GMB interview. I don't want to rip apart and over analyze everything she said but one thing that stood out was when she talked about deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. And how Tom's items are just objects at the end of the day, whereas the memories are in her heart forever (something like that)

Sorry but his kids are too young so they won't have a memory of tom, other than what they see on videos or photos. Wouldn't it be nice to keep his things for his childrens sake??? Yes she will most likely keep things like his music related items, but what about things like his favourite coat, or his wallet, some jewellery etc. His kids would cherish that when they're older. She has the luxury of remembering moments with him. They don't
Why the rush to get rid of his things aswell? I know she will need to have a sort out eventually but its not even been a year!! She clearly wants rid so theres no reminders of him when shagging her new piece.
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I don't know if they ever talked about money publicly, but I don't think they had tons (obviously more than the average person though). The Wanted didn't really succeed in the international market, and I remember there was an article at one point where they said they were skint and envious of how much 1D were earning. I imagine he was able to leave behind some of the money he made on the reunion tour, but Ed Sheeran paid for some of his medical bills.
I really hope Tom made the decision to put money into a trust fund for his kids and that any future earnings from his book and royalties goes straight to them…and not to her!!
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I see her friend Kelsey has managed to get her wedding on TV for the documentary, they really are all as bad as each other, how is having her friends wedding televised helping raise awareness for brain tumours and grief?

Shes insufferable 🙄
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You can find a new partner , you cannot find a new dad , so her complete focus should be on them kids. Yeah the odd night out, you know even a fling but you do not go from a kind man like tom to a thug like this. young kids need good role models not killers
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