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The bitch got off on a technicality on that occasion because the police couldn't prove that she was the one driving at the time of the crash. But if y'all remember, her and Kris B were very much estranged at the time and she gate-crashed his birthday party that night. IMO she drove there whilst not quite 'Firing on all six' then fucked up on the way home.
Kris was smart and got away from that carcrash who can blame him. I remember seeing bits of her in videos and saying" I have the last laugh I always do" and "never underestimate the Pwicey " she always came across that everything is a big laugh to her and I don't think any amount of rehab will ever change her. It's entrenched so deeply in her personality.
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Pom Bear

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@Pom Bear look what’s come into the Asda freezer for Crimbo! 😃 Limited Edition frozen Viennetta Yule Log hopefully not mistaken as KP’s face, post Botox 🥶 🪵 View attachment 930484
Loooool that made me laugh 😄😄😄❤🤗🥰😘xx.

I'm back 🥰

Will be on again Saturday afternoon (today lol) as I got back late, then spent 3 hours trying to sort out my internet problem..
Looks at long last it's sorted now.

So going to recharge my Pom batteries and be back on tomorrow as usual 😀 x
It's good to be back 🥰 ..

Pom batteries now charging lol ...

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There's an interview out there somewhere with Keiran with a gay publication about his Only Fans. He's lovely in that too. Describes his penis as nothing to be proud of, a grower not a show-er. Bless him. He bloody should be proud. There's nothing about that man I dislike. Smitten I am. ♥
im in my 60s but i got to be honest,that bloke (keiron) got a great looking knob,i think michelle is doing a sterling job and seems to have pulled his balls out of wherever skanky kicked them,as hes now fighting back . Katie,i dont think much of your latest knob, your just downgrading all the time !
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PT. What baffles me is if she really cares about all the above and being hated why does she do the things she does and makes it worse for herself? Blue x
She literally can’t see the wood for the trees. No pun intended.

Many moons ago, when Daniel Infield was in financial control, all our heroine had to do was get pissed and loaded and flash the flesh. Not the sharpest pencil, her face and body were her path to riches. Red tops guaranteed next morning, deals flooding in, just keep rinsing and repeating.

Wheel started to come off around Leandro Penna time. Just in it for the fame and the bounce (surprise), a few too many unsavoury habits and traits were revealed and keeping him quiet came at a cost.
Money started swilling out much faster than it was coming in, Daniel stepped away and suddenly KP was vulnerable to all manner and means of flotsam and jetsam. Then the tailspin really quickened pace.

She has no clue how to turn things around, only rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Like a caged animal pacing, she can only tread the same tired path, which all decent folk are rightly sick to the back teeth of.

Needs a complete new path to follow, with sincerity and determination. Can you teach this old dog new tricks? Sorry to say, I don’t think so.
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Cole has totally fucked up. He thought he was getting Katie Price from about 6 years ago. I watched her earlier on Catchphrase and yes, she was as thick as fuck,but her extensions were clean and glossy and her face,albeit filled and botoxed to high heavens,was quite nice. She was mother to 2 young babies and it was before the Kieran sex addict lie. She was on prime time TV and holding her own with Warwick and Biggins 😂. Fast forward 7 years and the woman is a wreck. I don’t believe drugs and drink have been a consistent problem for her,certainly not in her marriages,but her ego has been damaged so badly by the loss of her husbands and her looks she has evolved into what we see today. Cole did not sign up for this…
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Chatty Member
Okay, now I’m fairly caught up.. this is a shocking outcome. As an earlier poster (lawyer) stated, the judge really didn’t have many options. The only consolation I can take from this, is that 12 months in Skanky land is a long time; something will happen with Carwash and she’ll go off the rails again. When this happens her suspended sentence can be activated, and she will then be sent to prison. I can’t see her not fucking up, tbh.

She won’t get into the states now, NZ, Australia, Canada etc. So good luck moving to Vegas, KP; Carol will have to go to his “second home” without you. This will impact her insurance, loans, this will all stay on her record for seven years - she likely hasn’t even thought of this. Adoption? Nope. Not a chance with a conviction.

She’s a cunt of the highest order; and her pathetic public apologies won’t work this time.
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How long before the next scandal from this utter c u n t. ?? 2 months I reckon !
Earlier than that I reckon. Something will happen over the Christmas period, she won’t have the kids as we are led to believe the Dad’s have them this year. Pwicey is going to party like crazy, and that relationship has the stability of a volcano about to explode. They have no friends, both families have been keeping their distance, don’t think either side is impressed with the pair of them, he has no proper job, just her chauffeur and general dogsbody.

Basically they live in each other’s pockets 24/7, its a very unhealthy toxic relationship, something will crack again. They often look like they’ve just had an argument.

A holiday is also probably looming, they may even be abroad for Christmas, but what do they actually do on hols, rarely see them doing any sightseeing etc, it‘s either her having surgery or them getting off their tits, like teenagers, and that’s when the shit flies. Trouble incoming soon I’d say.
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OMG even that thick bitch must be aware of the public reaction. She must know by now that everyone is outraged by this 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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I am SICK TO FUCKING DEATH of her playing the mental health card!!!!!!!!! Like really FUCKING SICK OF IT! YOURE JUST A SCUMBAG CUNT YOU'RE NOT MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!
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Catching up (again)…. Oh Cole. It’s been what 48hrs and there you are. Those kids are not allowed near you. You know, those kids that are looked after by their dad - the guy who’s trying to teach his kids right from wrong. The reason they’re not allowed near you is something to do with BIFFA. Have a look in the mirror mate. And I’ve had the biggest belly laugh, you’re not in it for the money. Hahahahahaha. You absolute fucking brainless thickheaded underbitingjawslinging steroidabusing mushroom trouserpanted teeny wiener . Ps your girlfriend is a repeat drugged up, drunken driver. It’s not a one orf mental elf.
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Joanna Surrey

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She won't drive around there over Christmas, she'll know people are watching out for her. I reckon she'll go somewhere hot with Coal Scuttle. He's now stuck being the chauffeur and obviously hates trekking backwards and forwards to Harvey so that will soon be put on the back burner. I think there'll be another massive blow up between these two soon. He must realise now he's hooked up with the wrong one in his quest to be a celeb. The comments and backlash over this are off the scale. It must have finally registered with her that she's absolutely finished, nothing to offer at all to the media apart from promoting tat. She's literally earning a living from being hated, what a terrible existence.
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£1000 LV boots....and £5 Claire's accessories clip-ins. Makes no sense.
She's got to a stage where her hair is so thin and damaged nothing will look good. With all types of extensions you need a layer of hair on top to keep them hidden but she has destroyed hers, so the thin wispy natural hair will never cover the extensions. seems like a metaphor for her life, she destroys everything but tries desperately to add fake stuff on top of the crap to distract!
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Kieran should keep quiet. No comment or reaction. Peter does that & it's far more effective. And it gives her nothing to respond to
Sorry I disagree especially if he can get a fee for his time. Peter has the money to afford solicitors where his children are concerned unlike Keiran and I would do the same as him if I were in his shoes if it helped with my children because I doubt she’s paying child support. I also thought what he said was respectful, unlike her numerous unwarranted venomous comments about him. I say good on him!
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And the £1000 Gucci handbag! Thought she was broke …

see stepdaddy turned up ‘ let’s write a book together … how to not get sent down …
She's had two separate pairs of LV boots on this week...both on the LV website, so this season, not old boots she's pulled from the back of the wardrobe. And, I highly doubt Louis V or Gucci are gifting them to her, like that rancid sesame street jacket they were given.
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He's probably liking it because it's his children's little baby cousin, that's all 👍 because he seems the decent sort where the kids are concerned.
Yes Kieran seems to be focused on his children and extended family's children and all joking aside that shows great character of a parent. I think Kieran and Michelle are doing a sterling job. Don't give up guys. You are the good ones
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Pink Squirrel

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Being discussed now on Jeremy Vine...they're not going easy on her 🤣
I can't stand Jeremy Vine but managed to stomach it enough to watch the bit about Skanky. Not very popular is she 😂
I think it's safe to say that apart from about 3 brainless morons, the whole country hates her.
Everywhere she goes at the minute she will be faced with people staring, whispering & giving her disgusted looks. And quite rightly so.

She really is a worthless parasite. Surely at this point she realises she's finished?
She has lost everything.
We are watching complete failure unfold.
She's fooling nobody with her fake & filtered existence.
Her pathetic life is like a colander. Everything pouring through quicker than she can block the holes.
Yesterday wasn't what we wanted. But let's sit back & breathe calmly because karma is slowly unfolding.
She's writing her own downfall & doing a spectacular job.
I just feel desperately sorry for her children & those she owes money too. They are the victims of this poisonous creature.
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