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I trust you Dc16.Absolute belief.You are decent,I feel this one hundred percent.
However. I have problems with other posters who do cryptic to Olympic standard. I get that you can’t/shouldn’t compromise your case, but at the very least write a sentence that makes sense.
It’s like Meghan and Harry.Whatthefuckspeak.
I have an inkling who Binfest might be, or rather what they do based on what they have said, but not going to risk them being outed, sorry. Plus I think the KP camp might lay traps to try and find out. (But then I might be completely off track 🤦🏻‍♀️) I know we all hate cryptic clues and totally agree that we want something more substantial. I’ve honestly been so deflated the last couple of days, although I knew she would get away with a custodial sentence.
I wonder how long she will keep her head down on social media, probably not long, she will be needing some more cash to waste on hair and nail appointments.
Harvey’s term time ended today and pick up is tomorrow, according to their website. I’ve also heard she was trying to go away again, but probably won’t secure a freebie in time. I just wished the magistrate would of taken her passport and tagged her as she would hate that.
Only another 2 months until her bankruptcy, let’s see if her MH starts going downhill a couple of weeks before that 🙄
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Kieran should keep quiet. No comment or reaction. Peter does that & it's far more effective. And it gives her nothing to respond to
I also disagree. If he makes money for the article good on him. You know it will be used to give the kids a better life, more than what their mother is doing and it’s Kieran and Michelle that will always have to pick up the pieces. Hopefully he can get full custody, that’s why she hates PA so much when she says lawyers, lawyers, lawyers, I refuse to speak thru them anymore, it’s bec PA has the full control
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Serious The Priory the only place in England that deals with mental health problems, addiction problems etc, it seems as if it's the place of choice for celebrities. It clearly isn't doing a good job. Maybe they are soft on the patients rather than dishing up some cold hard reality checks and home truths which is exactly what KP needs
Problem is you can’t help someone unless they want to be helped. KP still denies any addiction issues, says it’s PTSD, anxiety etc etc. not saying it’s not all of those but she definitely doesn’t want help. She wants her old life back. Her old body back. And probably her old husband back. About 99% of the country suffer from anxiety after last two years, we are not all coked up slinging ourselves around hedges in uninsured cars while banned because we are ‘lonely’.
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I am absolutely appalled that she yet again has got away scot free - she could have caused such a terrible accident and devastated another Family. Thankfully that didn't happen, but as her track record is so 😱, this is not teaching her any lessons.

As for the Loose Women (Nadia) in support of her - it stinks! ☹

It maddens me that she even utters her Mental Health, or rather her sister/brother or management write the drivel - someone with the MH that they keep mentioning wouldn't be flying abroad (Vegas) for a holiday, or going for further boob jobs. They hopefully would be getting much needed treatment, except your everyday patient would be having a terrible struggle to even access any treatment. If they can access treatment, they would have in all likelihood, been waiting many months to speak to anyone.

She has absolutely no idea what it could possibly be like to have mental health illness - it's a bandwagon jumped on by her Family and Management to keep her out of trouble, and hope the public/fans swallow it.

She is a self indulged and selfish bitch. Nothing will change in her behaviour and attitude - she will either end up dead herself, or cause an accident again.

I'm sick of her. Her Family are a disgrace too - they all clearly believe they are above the law, and unfortunately after this weeks outcome, that does seem to be the case. Shameful ☹☹
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but its not just Kieran that thinks she should have been jailed 99% of the comments the news articles have say she should have been jailed (are they all wrong and him and Katie right)
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midsummer blue

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Fucking tosser!!! He really doesn’t help himself does he.
He must be so proud of his Dolly getting off drink/drug driving with just a suspended sentence. ( I have sworn more in the last few days than I have all year!!! ) Mental Health my arse!!! Blaming something else as always. Take fucking responsibility woman YOU and YOU alone are responsible for YOUR actions!! So fuck off Carl no one gives a shit about you!!! Mr.Price the 50th!!!!
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Hopefully that would be jail time the thieving hag.
HMRC have enough to prosecute. Personally I’d look through the files, find the minor offences and use one of them. This would trigger her sentence.

I know the validity of binfest is questioned but his comment regarding “Time” made a lot of sense.

February 14th 2022 at the Rolls Building is the next bankruptcy hearing. I’m assuming Katie will attend given recent conditions placed on her.
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Active member
Kieran should keep quiet. No comment or reaction. Peter does that & it's far more effective. And it gives her nothing to respond to
I disagree. She’s humiliated him for years, why shouldn’t he stick the boot into the nasty old cow while she’s already down?

It must be so hard for him - she’s constantly slating him and Pete in the press, yet they keep a dignified silence for the sake of the kids. Why doesn’t she think of her children when she’s mouthing off about what terrible dads they are?

if anything he should be spilling more tea! 😂

also not having a go at you btw I just feel bad for Kieran
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Just watching a crime program about a psychopath. The expert dr on there said that psychopaths don’t form bonds, even with their biological children. They just view them as pawns to help them get what they want. I can’t think why but I felt the need to share that on here.
Heard you loud and clear and totally agree, I'm always saying it! Pete said she was empty and needed therapy, Leandro said she was wired wrong and Alex came straight out and said she was a sociopath. She only does what she wants and doesn't care about damaging anyone else because like you said, she can't form genuine attachments. Her being irritable and miserable all the time, flat voice and seeking out drugs to feel something is another sign! She isn't going through occasional mental health issues it's a lifelong condition.
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Cole apparently furious at Kieran according to DM
Coal is 'furious'. Bet he's lying on the floor now, face down in his Goochi Rompersuit kicking and screaming.

He has no right to be 'furious':

1. She's a serial offender with what the judge said is one of the worst driving records she's seen and if her hands were not tied alluded to a custodial sentence. A judge Crawl, not just Kierian and the rest of the decent people of the UK. FACT.

2. If anyone else was in front of a judge with this record they would be locked up. She got off on a technically. FACT.

3. Kerian is right to say she should be in jail. Every other decent person believes the same. I wouldn't let my kids anywhere near those 2 IMHO. I'd be seriously concerned about their safety. Why is Jett 'scared' of Crawl? He's obviously seen some nasty things no young child should see IMHO.

4. What is Crawl 'furious' about? Kerian is speaking the truth and what the majority of the UK think? I'd love for him to come head to head with Kerian. He'd well sort out his underbite, Turkey teeth flying everywhere.
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I am absolutely appalled that she yet again has got away scot free - she could have caused such a terrible accident and devastated another Family. Thankfully that didn't happen, but as her track record is so 😱, this is not teaching her any lessons.

As for the Loose Women (Nadia) in support of her - it stinks! ☹

It maddens me that she even utters her Mental Health, or rather her sister/brother or management write the drivel - someone with the MH that they keep mentioning wouldn't be flying abroad (Vegas) for a holiday, or going for further boob jobs. They hopefully would be getting much needed treatment, except your everyday patient would be having a terrible struggle to even access any treatment. If they can access treatment, they would have in all likelihood, been waiting many months to speak to anyone.

She has absolutely no idea what it could possibly be like to have mental health illness - it's a bandwagon jumped on by her Family and Management to keep her out of trouble, and hope the public/fans swallow it.

She is a self indulged and selfish bitch. Nothing will change in her behaviour and attitude - she will either end up dead herself, or cause an accident again.

I'm sick of her. Her Family are a disgrace too - they all clearly believe they are above the law, and unfortunately after this weeks outcome, that does seem to be the case. Shameful ☹☹
I know it’s infuriating but maybe take a little comfort in what the judge said to KP yesterday in court. That must have been humiliating having to listen, not being able to answer back, or walk away from the truths the judge dished out to her face to face. The judge clearly saw through her BS and KP would also have known that her dressing down from the judge would be privy to ALL and forever on record. So as hard as it might be try not to take notice of what an irrelevant nobody like Nadia said.

In court, District Judge Amanda Kelly told Katie: "Unlike you not everyone has the luxury of putting themselves into the Priory clinic when their lives get hard.”

She went on to say Katie’s driving record was "absolutely appalling" and called her actions "incredibly selfish".

"When you chose to get behind the wheel that night you showed no concern for others”.

"You could have killed somebody. Your actions meant the emergency services had to use up their precious time”.

"You knowingly and deliberately flouted a court order and not for the first time. You seem to think you are above the law.”
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so Kieran calls her out but still hopes she will come good for the kids etc etc. Maybe what she needs is for the fathers and her parents, etc to stop letting her away with it everytime and call her out on it. 2 weeks ago she was telling press she hated the fathers , she needs a taste of her own medicine
She is and always has been her own worst enemy.
It’s a classic case of, “ give her enough rope, and she will hang herself “. There is only one person who will be the downfall of Katie Price, and that is Katie Price.
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I must be slow on the uptake ! I've been wondering about the title of this thread. It has only just dawned on me after 32 pages.:oops:🤣
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Rita Chevrolet

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community service and a 2 year ban is still good as we know how desperate she is to get back behind the wheel, and community service is a proper pain. hopefully she will get something dire to do. besides she will be back in court at some point in the future either, breaching the probation order or getting behind the wheel again.

Apparently she's back in court next week over an unpaid Dartford crossing charge that has gone from £7.50 to £1500 in unpaid penalties!

So on her IG stories feed she claimed she was baking a cake with Harvey, yet last week she was claiming they were living in hotels as they were homeless! She just can't keep her lies straight can she?
The Dartford Crossing lot should simply add their name to the list of people it owes money to.

What I don't understand is WHY the Court yesterday just fined her again when she owes 7K already? Why haven't the bailiffs been to Trampy Towers to collect like they'd do to anybody else???
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Chatty Member
Just started following KH on IG. Looks like he’s head over heels in love with all 4 kids.
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Pink Squirrel

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People asking who Leigh is in her Oscar winning acceptance speech....she thanked Leigh after Carl. We know she can't spell & doesn't understand punctuation. So instead of Carl, Leigh she actually meant Charlie got her through it all 🥴
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I refuse to watch any more of her YouTube shite. She just makes me too angry - plus it's as boring as hell.
I am going to take a step back from this shit-show. Someone wake me up when she breaks the terms of her suspended sentence and she ends up with some sort of just punishment for being a complete and utter C. U. N. T.
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Cole apparently furious at Kieran according to DM
Team Kieran, maybe Carl should shut his trap. He was the one who smacked her one afterall and she is still stupidly with him. Carl is just a nasty piece of work.
Rant over 🤣
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