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I think people should also keep in mind that she has a ` rogue ` social worker, on side ... behind the scenes, advising her all the way, a woman who was in a position of trust, has prior form, is BENT as someone mentioned on here, was sacked because she wasn't doing her job

` LYNN RICKWOOD ` is pwiccess ace card, knows all the legal loopholes ... that's the ONLY reason the children are still in her care, and why she remains so arrogant about this situation ... someone who knows the system, is helping with all her experience and knowledge ... in an ideal world, this bitch would be jailed for all the damage she has done to all children under her watch but as we know, the world doesn't work that way ... sadly for these children, this is about their mother ` winning ` at any cost, life for her, is one big game, point scoring .... she doesn't care about hurting them in the process
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Hampshire Hog

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Morning Krusty flumps 😘

Let’s not forget and lose sight of the fact the kids had
I could go on but I would be here all day.
I have lost it with my kids and chucked a plate in the sink or on the side,we do not know in what context this is because we only have the carefully chosen piece shown. Where’s the rest of it?

As an aside someone recorded me having an argument , but it was clearly edited to delete the person winding me up, the judge asked for the full recording and for the person presenting it to have transcribed in full, needless to say it didn’t happen and it was chucked out. I on the other hand said please play it I have nothing to hide.
What I’m trying to say is there are two sides to a story and sometimes three . Let’s not lose sight of the fact that skankarella is no saint.

Have a lovely day all.😘🥰
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Some time ago folk on here were wondering if Kipper was persuading/bribing Jett and Bunny into misbehaving at Kierans house. 'Pudding-Gate' may have a trifle of truth in it whereby they were both winding M up during tea-time and sent to their room(s). Pudding was served with a little bang down on the table and slopped over a bit. We all know how insidious KP can be at twisting minor incidents.
I’m 100% sure she encouraged them to be nasty to MP. Do you remember the video of a young Junior at Pete’s for a family celebration with Claire etc. They were sat round eating and Junior calls Claire a fat something or other. Coaxed to do it by his perfect muvver. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬👊👊👊🥊

I loved how Peter handled it. He took Junior aside on his own and gentlely explain that in his house everyone loves and respects everyone despite age, size, colour, height. And how much Claire has done for the family and Junior apologised.

sorry for rabbiting on because I’m guessing you all saw it.
I'm just off to the shops to buy us all new hats in anticipation of the great day.....

Stop it Madcatbimbo, I think he’ll make a great husband when he grows up! 🤣
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Stan Butler

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I don't want to start any arguments 😉 but how the fuck can you block a drain when you haven't had a working kitchen in 6 weeks and only a downstairs bathroom. One of the pipes is from a kitchen sink and the other looks like a pipe from the bath and hand basin (the main sewage from the toilet would run straight into the main sewer) 😘
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You need to watch it. Some isn’t what it is made out to be. It certainly is not child abuse.
I relented and watched it and I agree. It’s a mum that’s lost it momentarily. It’s the comments that the poster has put that tries to make it “more” inflammatory , like what J does afterwards. Definately not child abuse, not nice, not thought out, spur of the moment but not child abuse
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Something is brewing, this video from nearly 2 years ago is a desperate attempt to smear Michelle's name, I couldn't give a flying fuck what she spends her own money on, I will not be watching the video, not the best thing to do but let's not forget who they have been dealing with and the stress of what that would bring, I trust what DC is saying 100% about the go fund me and if it helps to get the kids back to Kieran and Michelle then it can only be a good thing.
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Welcome to #375!

Here is the link to #374

Thank you to @WillowTree21 for the thread title. Had to edit as it was too long!

View attachment 2861726

I am still on previous thread so can't offer a recap.

Keep tattling!
Thanks for the votes❤. F4J really are snakes, to put it mildly. WOW where’s their proof.? Kieran has done everything by the book to try & get custody ( and to just see his kids). No wonder people have warned to steer clear of them🤮😡. Really think, it would be wise for Kieran to issue a statement, IF RedTops start running any stories. I hope they don’t.
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Pom Bear

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@Stan Butler I was looking at my pics I put on last night and forgot to add this one for you I mentioned on your AFP potato pic Love Pom 😄❤❤❤😘 xxxx.


I forgot I also made this same time lol 😄😊💖❤🥰😘 xx..

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I have three of varying ages. Never said it once.
Then again I don't swear and throw food at them so...
I don't suppose your number of children suddenly doubled whilst dealing with being actively harrassed by their mother.....who has 2 restraining orders for abuse against you?
Maybe Michelle was under a lot more pressure?
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So, last night I was reading through the KH thread from 2023, the majority of comments were saying SS must have good reason for keeping the kids from KH and with KP, she must have a SW and that SW would be aware of what KH/MP has done. Fast forward to now and we all know the situation with the bent SW. I wonder if any of the posters from that time have reconsidered their opinions?
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Harvey on one bum cheek?

oh and the cover up - of the bad Carl tatt. Who didn't see that one coming :rolleyes:
I think the tattoos are because she can’t get any further surgery. It’s the only option to physically change herself at the minute. I wonder if no one will touch those implants as they will all suggest going much smaller and telling her the skin is too thin to do anything else.
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Latest from DM
Lego: Katie, I just have one question to ask, and it would make me the happiest man boy in the whole world if you said "yes"... 😌

Skank: Aww mah gawd Jay-Jay, ofcows, wah is it, like?!! 😍

Lego: Would you buy me a Baracdi Breezer, please? The nasty man in the off license wouldn't serve me as he said I had to be over eighteen!! 😔

Skank: (Rings SB on burner) Fackin ell Crawl! Pweeze come back! Yaw still da won!!! 😭😭😭
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Daisy Uncle

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I'm not watching the video, my thoughts, there is one video of an unpleasant moment at KH's home. There are dozens of videos from KP's home showing way more unpleasant things. A pattern of neglectful parenting clearly shown.

KP also has a habit of dropping a bomb and then buggering off on holiday, while saying it's nothing to do with me. Running away from all her self induced problems and denying responsibility while getting a few more tragic tattoos no doubt.

Maybe Lynne Rickwood disgraced social worker who had access to, and leaked the video, watch out Lynne KP will chuck you under the bus without a second thought.
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Catching up
So.if this video finally come to daylight as things are progressing well and f4j have gone out on the vile attack over kh. All seems suss.
The video has been stated as dated 20 June 2022 so just before skanks Court case on breaking the restraining order against mp and ednas wedding
Nobody knows the context prior to the incident, were the kids playing up, who set the video to record this and why did skank wait till 5 months later to not return kids if this vid was doing the rounds in the village over the summer .. surely she would have refused to give them back before November but guess she was too busy enjoying her own life to really care. Only after mp showing bunny's thoughtful card the very next day skank kept the kids

I got blocked by f4j for asking if they got further with police over skanks false allegations about blade🙄🙄 and now this video gets published on IG..
Truly hope its gets reported as it on a randoms ig with no affiliation to kh etc and those who need to know are aware.
I'm sure the kids have seen worse trauma in their mothers company which makes this video not as terrible as it seems
im sure its been passed to the authorities, after all KP has seen it so she would make sure the authorities have. MP is now spending time with B so clearly the powers to be have no problem with that. Why now? I think everyone knows the answer to that
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I am super shocked by that F4J post: they are awful aren’t they!
No doubt they will now start sharing correspondence to back up what they are saying but I can’t see MP saying she doesn’t want the kids living there for no reason. Perhaps she was saying they need 50:50 and need their mum too; perhaps she was saying they need to move home to accommodate them before they can move in! I dunno, but something feels a little off.
It’s interesting though F4J threatening a pantomime invasion on KP. I assume KH pulled out because he didn’t like what they were doing. That wouldn't have stopped them attacking KP but they did. So yes has KP bribed them and set this up. I am devastated for KH who doesn’t deserve any of this. And as for MP saying she doesn’t want the kids or doesn’t want them full time, that will be something F4J have twisted. She personally can’t look after them full time, she works full time, technically she doesn’t even take
care of Apollo or Valentino full time. It’s how their family works that doesn’t mean she/they don’t want them, it means you must fight and agree what is practical and manageable. Anything can be twisted, F4J know that 😡🤬😤👿😖🗯
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Hampshire Hog

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My take on this…. They just want media attention, any attention be it good or bad is attention.
I bet madam Tussaud (aka skank pants ) is loving this. I agree with DC16 KH would not put his chances of getting J&B back by not doing it by the book.
The inference put on the GFM stinks of desperation and I for one will ignore any thing f4j have to say
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