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We all have different opinions and that’s ok. Im posting mine anyway knowing I’ll get backlash.

I’ve watched the video and Michelle throws the dessert at the floor and looks at breaking point as she shouts “here’s your f”img pie”. J and b ran into the bedroom the way my sister and I did 35 years ago when we had wound our mum up many a time for playing up.

The language used in the video after the pie was thrown was b and j arguing with b saying “I’m hungry now because of you” and j replies “I’m not the one who threw the pie”.

I know many would never swear at their children or lose it, but I’ll hold my hands up and say that I have. I’ve thrown a shoe into another room (that a child isn’t in) when my children had made me late for 4th day in a row and shouted “here’s the bloody shoe” or said “ffs seriously” when we get to school and thed left their pe kit or lunchbox behind. I’ve felt sick the whole rest of the day and cried in the office about it out of guilt. I’ve then apologised when I got home and they said they thought it was funny they had pushed me that far 🤷🏻‍♀️

I was simply dealing with single parenting and life stresses. I wasn’t rose west. If my kids had filmed me in those moments, I’d look like it.

In the same way people thing KP is a brilliant mum for the snippets she puts out about Harvey, I’m not going to think Michelle is a child abuser based on the video.

My opinion for what it’s worth
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To be honest I've felt quite upset about the GFM being called and still being called a scam (yes I can see somewhere it is) because I have helped promote it, but I've seen the good that has come out of it so far. So trying to stay positive.

I know everyone has their opinion of things and that's their prerogative, we will all differ on things from time to time. I hate conflict on here and to see people falling out. 😘

I know some people won't like KP's exs, which is fair enough, personally I like her ex-husbands, but not the majority of her ex boyfriends, I hate that Kris B covered up for her with the drink driving, some of the stuff Carl did was shady, I think I go hot and cold with my opinion on him, but there she is still calling him names in a late night text even after they have finished and she has moved on (again) It would be good to hear his side of his 96 pages of black and white proof one day he kept threatening.

Pete, I know some find Cheesy, but he is a good dad, loves and cares about his kids and family and tries to protect them, he works hard, doesn't have restraining orders against him, or hasn't drunk driven, or done drugs and does his best to stay quiet despite a constant goading and digging from KP. I'm sure Princess & Junior both love their mum and feel conflicted at her behaviour.
Alex, was subjected to revenge p0rn by her and had to get a restraining order, incidentally, have we seen him dressed as Roxanne either in the media or on his social media since they split? No I don't think so. KP outed him and encouraged him to make his private fantasies public. One minute KP says she actively encouraged Alex to do that, the next she pretending she didn't know anything about it when she first met him. Maybe if she had paid him what she owed, he would of not been jailed for that insurance thing, no excuse I know, but he has done his punishment. Again, he comes across as a good, loving dad. He also went bankrupt, but was discharged a year later as he stuck to his terms.
Kieran, again, loves his kids, yes he does OF's (just like KP) that sort of thing is not my cup of tea, I'm not a prude (believe it or not 🤪) I don't judge him for doing it, he used to be a stipper after all :censored: but I don't think KH has ever taken his kids along while he does an OF's shoot like KP has done. :mad: Michelle had to get a Restraining order too for her behaviour towards her. The TT stuff, again, I don't really get that, but this kind of earning is how a lot of celebs/zlebs seem to make some money these days. In all honesty (like KP says :rolleyes:) why wouldn't you work from your kitchen if you have the opportunity 🤷‍♀️😂 the way of the world definitely seems to be changing now, where kids want to grown up and be Youtube stars rather than dentists or vets etc.

KP just constantly lives in the past, each time she gets a new guy, she's still then harping on about the exs, wanting revenge, totally fixated, they don't bring her up unless she does something to them. I'm sure JJ will find out in time, in fact, wouldn't surprise me if he hasn't already seen her narc rage when she's pissed up and especially with more court cases on the horizon.

Is JJ there just for some fame, or is he another one who thinks they can save her? Because, really no one can.
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To be honest I've felt quite upset about the GFM being called and still being called a scam (yes I can see somewhere it is) because I have helped promote it, but I've seen the good that has come out of it so far. So trying to stay positive.

I know everyone has their opinion of things and that's their prerogative, we will all differ on things from time to time. I hate conflict on here and to see people falling out. 😘

I know some people won't like KP's exs, which is fair enough, personally I like her ex-husbands, but not the majority of her ex boyfriends, I hate that Kris B covered up for her with the drink driving, some of the stuff Carl did was shady, I think I go hot and cold with my opinion on him, but there she is still calling him names in a late night text even after they have finished and she has moved on (again) It would be good to hear his side of his 96 pages of black and white proof one day he kept threatening.

Pete, I know some find Cheesy, but he is a good dad, loves and cares about his kids and family and tries to protect them, he works hard, doesn't have restraining orders against him, or hasn't drunk driven, or done drugs and does his best to stay quiet despite a constant goading and digging from KP. I'm sure Princess & Junior both love their mum and feel conflicted at her behaviour.
Alex, was subjected to revenge p0rn by her and had to get a restraining order, incidentally, have we seen him dressed as Roxanne either in the media or on his social media since they split? No I don't think so. KP outed him and encouraged him to make his private fantasies public. One minute KP says she actively encouraged Alex to do that, the next she pretending she didn't know anything about it when she first met him. Maybe if she had paid him what she owed, he would of not been jailed for that insurance thing, no excuse I know, but he has done his punishment. Again, he comes across as a good, loving dad. He also went bankrupt, but was discharged a year later as he stuck to his terms.
Kieran, again, loves his kids, yes he does OF's (just like KP) that sort of thing is not my cup of tea, I'm not a prude (believe it or not 🤪) I don't judge him for doing it, he used to be a stipper after all :censored: but I don't think KH has ever taken his kids along while he does an OF's shoot like KP has done. :mad: Michelle had to get a Restraining order too for her behaviour towards her. The TT stuff, again, I don't really get that, but this kind of earning is how a lot of celebs/zlebs seem to make some money these days. In all honesty (like KP says :rolleyes:) why wouldn't you work from your kitchen if you have the opportunity 🤷‍♀️😂 the way of the world definitely seems to be changing now, where kids want to grown up and be Youtube stars rather than dentists or vets etc.

KP just constantly lives in the past, each time she gets a new guy, she's still then harping on about the exs, wanting revenge, totally fixated, they don't bring her up unless she does something to them. I'm sure JJ will find out in time, in fact, wouldn't surprise me if he hasn't already seen her narc rage when she's pissed up and especially with more court cases on the horizon.

Is JJ there just for some fame, or is he another one who thinks they can save her? Because, really no one can.
Don’t be upset DC. Those with an ounce of sense, know the GFM has & is being used for the purpose it was set up for❤👍. Let F4J and the doubting Thomas’s prove otherwise - they can’t & are full of hot air.
I’ve met all her husbands . Boyson is an enabler. HE lied for her more than once. Lied to the police when she was pissed, drugged up, wet herself & threw up, when she overturned the RR. She had a previous accident where she buckled the front of that car & ended up in a bush. Would he have lied for her if she’d killed or injured someone? He put all those kids at risk by lying for her😡. Peter is a great dad & lovely man. Has been raised well & his valves are reflected in his kids. Now has a lovely happy life, with a lovely wife & other children. Alex was a lamb to the slaughter, used & abused, but again, good family values. Thank God, he didn’t impregnate that praying mantis. Same with Kieran. Adores his kids & loves his mum & now Michelle & his other kids, including Michelle’s son. Again, good family morals. These are things KFP hasn’t got. She is a clone of the harridan mother. Unfeeling, lacking in morals & just an absolute bitch.
DC you have & will continue fighting the corner of what is right, because you care & have morals💖. Justice has to be served eventually🙏🏻. I get very despondent, I can tell you, but goodness has to happen soon. 🙏🏻🙏🏻😀🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
To lighten it. I’ve just change a cat litter tray, lined with newspaper. There’s a picture of KFP on paper. I turned it upwards, so I make sure the cat shits on her face👍😀🤣
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Of course K&M WANT the kids at theirs.

It feels like a sudden conspiracy that Kieran only wants the kids 50% because of what F4J say. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I don’t know this, maybe in the beginning that was going to be his best scenario to get them 50/50, but as time went on it became apparent the drugs/alienation/ false allegations/ treatment of the kids changed that)
Kieran is not going to talk about ANY of this yet, I’m sure he would love to put his side out there. I don’t understand why people think he should do this or say that, he will be advised by his barrister and the court and it won’t look good if he starts spouting off. He is doing everything by the book. Family court is private and you can be held for contempt of court by discussing certain things.
He has come so much further because of the GFM and the donations, he wouldn’t be where he was today if there hadn’t been another 16k available for court fees and barristers.
He has had to fight KP kidnapping his children, then a corrupt social worker for months on end, now F4J and I see people still disbelieve the GFM is not being used appropriately. 😡😡😡😡
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Been abroad on hols, so haven’t seen any of the latest tragic happenings until just now. I was feeling done with following Skank’s story before I set eyes on this awful video, which sadly does exist after all, and must say should never have been published publicly, I feel very deflated about the whole situation.

It’s all too dark and upsetting now, only comment I will make on the video, and yes it’s real, it’s not doctored either, but it isn’t child abuse as whoever posted it on IG claims, that is an exasperated mother. We’ve all shouted at our kids, they drive you crazy, even my daughter who’s pretty much the loveliest child I could have wished for, has her tantrum moments, but have to say the optics in that video are awful, especially now. Of course we know B & J will have seen and heard a lot worse over the last 18 months with Skank, but Skank has probably used this video with Dim Lynn and SS to keep them away from KH, and may partly answer why nothing has happened to take them from her. I’ve always had a feeling M struggles with the too and fro with Skank, it must put a strain on her, sadly the throwing of the food does not show her in a good light, and will be used against her. It may just be a one-off, but it damages her, I can’t defend it, but it’s a tired mother, we’ve no idea of the context, but it looks bad to the casual observer. Again, it shouldn’t be in the public domain, but someone has decided it will be, it has the stink of Skank machinations all over it.

I’ve said all along if 50/50 custody is the outcome of the family court, B & J have no chance going forward, she has already harmed them mentally and educationally, she will do further harm under 50/50 and the situation will put a terrible strain on KH and M, I cannot see it working, those poor children have been failed, I feel it looks very bleak going forward for B & J, I can no longer put a positive spin on the custody situation, only limited access rights for Skank will help them, I don’t believe that will happen. I just don’t see how the damage she has done, will do, can ever be undone now.

I’m just so tired of her now, things might be in motion, but I dunno, nothing seems to stop her whatever happens. She’s still evading everything, it all takes too long and no one has curbed anything for years now, it’s just rinse and repeat and I realised I’m saying the same thing over and over, we are always on the cusp of her finally being taken down, hoping the next week will bring some accountability, something, but nothing ever comes.

Courts are deferred, her spending never capped, HMRC came for her, her debts massive just to them, so she books a Thailand holiday. The BH just goes on and on, years now, she’s now a double bankrupt, so she just books a Thailand holiday. She posts scams on IG, gets a slap on the wrist, she continues to post scams on IG, nothing is done, she laughs and books a holiday to Thailand, probably paid for by her IG scams. She still lives in the MM, a house she cannot afford to live in, but still she lives there, no one takes it from her, even though she doesn’t pay the mortgage most of the time, and then she books another holiday to Thailand for lols.

Yeah I feel done with it all, ain’t gonna flounce like I have before 😁 I’ll stick around, have to see it through to the next BH and the lols of the Thailand bollox (sorry it’s still not a relationship, and he’s just weird anyway, f*ck knows what he’s about, but he ain’t marrying her and she can no longer conceive, so no baby 6) probably just sigh and say oh she got away with that did she 🤦🏽‍♀️ I just don’t get any of it. Maybe it will all change in the next few weeks, and her comeuppance will happen, she’ll lose everything, and you can throw eggs at me for being so despondent, but I feel so done at mo, why is this thing so Teflon, it’s bizarre.

Anyway thought I better comment, saw some messages asking where I was, and yes some of you guessed on hols, not back till Friday, gee where will this sorry saga be by then, no nearer any answers I bet. Gee what a state it all is 🤦🏽‍♀️😔
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So why has this come out now
1 Custody hearing soon
2 To stop people giving to his gofundme
Because of some random comments on here from people who rarely post, I looked in Kieran Tattle site. WOW, some people who are commenting on there, also slating our comments about the video/Michelle situation & also the GFM. Frankly, although moderator has posted a comment, I'm shocked that this is happening & accounts are not blocked. Freedom of speech, but stirring up the pot not acceptable in my book. Posters (some well known), coming from Kieran site & then aggravating people on here. Some very 2 faced people & also some suspicious one's too. I think it's all getting quite toxic & when you have to put on ignore, poster's, all a bit too much for me.
Like Kylie, I'm not getting a hint of ANYTHING positive happening. We're all just routing for a happy ending for the kids, which seems to be no where near being resolved, but the 2 bankruptcies, creditors not being paid, car crime's etc etc, not a single one has justice been really served. She's been allowed to slag off Peter, Emily, Alex, Kieran, Michelle publicly & constantly. but no action taken. And all the while, she live's like a lottery winner, with almost daily cosmetic procedures, hair, brows, lashes, nails, spray tans, lips/bum implants, tattoo's etc etc. The probably jetting off to Thailand imminently :mad: Even our DC is feeling deflated by some of what's happening.
Maybe this is how people infiltrate a comments forum & wear you down. Not having seen the video, but read enough about it & the F4J recent posts, together with the GFM being labelled as a 'scam' I believe there is a systematic & well timed mission going on to discredit anything to do with Kieran/Michelle, that could put her custody of J & B in jeopardy.
I don't personally like the way things are going. It's all very miserable.
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I don’t think he only wants them 50% and I am sorry if you feel I led that DC. I do think
He is solidly behind doing right by the kids, which may include them still seeing Mum. And those thoughts have not been swayed by F4J. I believe most think GFM is being used appropriately. I do totally. Everytime I hear criticism I head over and contribute if I can afford, it’s my own personal victory. I don’t believe anything F4J post would sway anyone on here that MP and KH aren’t doing everything in their power for J&B. I don’t expect KH to speak about it. I get the impression from his TikTok and MP comments on Instagram they want to and will when the time is right and I’d love to hear what they say. But I don’t need to hear from them to support them. It’s not Kieran’s style to do knee jerk anyway. I applaud his coping mechanisms and his tenacity. And you know a lot you can’t and shouldn’t say so it’s annoying I guess to read posts from people like me who speculate. But never, ever have I thought he only WANTS them 50% of the time x
At the end of the day, KFP eventually returned from Thailand 18 months ago & refused to give the kids back to Kieran. She’s made countless accusations to police & SS about Kieran, of which no charges or actions have been taken. Nothing she’s said & some things have been shocking, have been proved. She’s not even been charged with wasting police time, which is unbelievable. Kieran must be mentally drained. That poor, poor man. Those of us who have contributed to GFM, know this money has been a small help in Kierans legal battle to get to see his children & hopefully, eventually get some custody arrangements in place. I like to receive the little email’s from Sam, with little updates. Our lovely DC has been 100% behind this. I think we all know she is trustworthy & has done an immense amount of work, trying to help Kieran & importantly, get some justice towards KFP, for the children, creditors & neglected & dead animal’s like beautiful Blade. I will still continue to contribute. While some of what F4J‘s announcements in the past have been clearly correct, I think putting personal facts (if they are true) about the children, which not only included J & B, but Princess, Junior & Harvey is damaging. Where have they got all the information from? Can they really be legally allowed to use words like incest? Someone fed this info or they’re blatant lies, Huge lies. I think the latest statements are bollocks. They do not have those poor kids interest at heart.
I also hope the BENT social worker,is being investigated & action is taken. This woman has caused a great deal of trouble & has no doubt hindered & lengthened Kieran’s custody battle. The sooner the custody hearing happens the better, Dragged on far too long. 😡👎
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Well I'm going to have my say, and I know it won't go down very well, so here goes.

I've seen the video and viewed it as Michelle losing control due to the kids playing up. I agree, it doesn't paint M in a good light.

We have heard Junior say on Loose Women how his mum is always slagging off P&E. We have heard what he said to Clare. That's only a fraction of what we know.

She has no boundaries in place and let's those children do whatever they want. She will be constantly slagging of K&M and saying how they stopped them living with her, and going on holidays etc. She will be asking them questions and it will be a constant thing when they came bqck from visits (willow confirmed she did this with J&P).

She doesn't filter her conversations even though they are young children. She doesn't curb the language even if it's of a sexual nature. She has always swore in front of all her kids. Pete used to tell her off for this.

What M did was wrong, but sadly it's not out of the ordinary for them. They are used to far worse. They see and hear much worse than this. I think it much be exceptionally hard to keep them inline and try to put boundaries in place when they are left to their own devices at home.

Amy says that those children see and hear things with KP that they shouldn't.

Now for my unpopular opinion, I don't like Kieran, and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. And I know this won't go down well, but it's how I feel. However, I do strongly feel that those children should be placed with him.

KP and all her cronies think that everyone on Tattle is in his camp. That we all back him. I don't. But I do think he's a very good father and that's what's important.

Any idiot can see the difference in those children's lives compared to now. And that's why I think they should be placed with him.

And, I do believe that M probably doesn't want them full time. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to try and instil boundaries when there aren't any in place with their mother.

J&P wouldn't be the people they are today if it wasn't for PA. I don't think he's all innocent either, but he's a bloody good father..

Kp is a terrible mother. She has always put self care before everything else.

I do think that K was up to his old tricks and forwarded that video for sympathy. This obviously got around the village and eventually made its way to KP. Which we had posters telling us this at the time. I also think that M knew about this, hence the comments on IG at the time.
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I know people probably want to move on so I will just make this one post on the subject. I have only just seen the video for myself and made sure I was not using my IG account to view it. The account posting this video is completely fake (as others have pointed out) and is clearly run by someone linked to KFP

I remember DC16 seemed to confirm the existence of a video a long time ago. I am therefore not that shocked to see it. Whilst I believe it doesn’t meet the description of abuse, the reality of seeing such an unpleasant event is still saddening. B & J are vulnerable children dealing with a disrupted family life, pushing boundaries and playing up is almost inevitable. When it occurs it needs to be dealt with calmly and constructively for the best outcome. Of course even the best parents can lose their temper at times but clearly this type of retaliation should not occur. This does seem to be the only video referenced and this could mean this is the worst that has occurred in that household. I really hope this was an isolated event and lessons have been learnt. I still think with support KH can provide the better home for B & J.

What is absolutely certain is the individual sharing this video publicly doesn’t give a damn about those children! Exposing footage of these vulnerable children in their bedroom is worrying. The video has been in KFP’s possession and will have been shown to the relevant authorities already. There is absolutely no justification for posting it on Instagram. Someone has worked hard to try and make the video as upsetting as possible, it’s cut strategically, the subtitles are inaccurate and the captions are misleading (actually despicably so at times). This video release is calculating and coordinated. It’s not heat of the moment foolishness, someone has had time to sit and think about this and they have concluded that those children’s rights to privacy mean nothing. They made sure Tattlers saw it and will happily show it to the whole world. Actually instructing people to DM if they want a copy of it!! Who does this?? It has KFP and her accomplices written all over it.

Whilst others have fallen slightly in my estimation - KFP has plummeted to a new low.
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Woke up this morning had a quick scroll and seems like all hell broke loose last night, have to catch up on a lot but wanted to say this, we are all here for one reason so please try not to let this video cause us to fall out as that's what KFP and clan want. I will say no more about that video apart from whoever uploaded it the Police need a chat with you.

KFP has serious issues not to mention the easily proven ❄ excessive drinking, endangering kids in the car with her irresponsible driving and no seatbelts, a seemingly personality disorder, narcissism, colluding with a twisted bent social worker Dim Lynn Dickwood, I hope you get charged with some crimes Dim Lynn as it seems you have greatly abused your power as a SW. (I am a former children's social work administrator so I know the rules very well)

Thank god PA brought up P&J, lovely kids and that clip of them with their very ill gran was very touching, that was PA's parenting there not yours Kipper. Feeding the youngest 2 healthy meals cooked from scratch? No didn't think so. Sitting with them each night for an hour helping with homework? No, too busy with your vanity to bother with that.

Taking young kids to a salon is not a child friendly activity and even AFP has stated Kipper says things the kids can hear which they shouldn't. Parading youngsters on a stage in Thailand with the little girl looking too grown up with those ridiculous extensions, letting her set up youtube and tik tok accounts so she can talk to adult strangers with no parental supervision, yes very child friendly you thick twat.

Manipulating and abusing the boyfriend's/ex husbands, still abusing them when they are long gone. Colluding with Darth Jayda and her sweatshop tat that either doesn't arrive/wrong size/stinks of fish, all on trust pilot reviews, please anyone new reading here if you are gullible enough to buy from J Why Why please inform Trading Standards if your order arrives and is basically unfit for purpose.

Please let us all stick together it's like a family on here and those flying fuckwits are not doing themselves ANY favours, anyone stupid enough to collaborate with Kipper then sorry but you can't say you "did not know".

Sink Boy, you have that nickname because of Kipper and what you did on only scams, people have been laughing at you and you have humiliated yourself in fact that video you did about being on the frontline, I can see now that you were being emotionally abused by Kipper, was it worth it? Please when the time is right and do this legally as in get legal advice first, then expose that cunt, and Boyson, you do the same please and if you did take the rap for her on that driving charge just own up to it, at least you would get some respect for doing that even if you get in trouble with the law.

Keep digging Kipper, your massive gob and behaviour will be your downfall if the unnecessary surgery doesn't get you first. Nasty spiteful woman with an equally cuntish sister and mother.

To all the regular members I love you all 💙
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I feel so so sorry for the kids. Imagine the stress they live under. The constant new ‘daddies’ at their mums, the drink, the drugs, bankruptcy & bailiffs, the chaos of a never ending stream of people in that house, the chaos of no routine to know who will be looking out for them. The wider family not stepping in - your aunties, uncles, grannies, siblings always on the periphery. A sacked social worker now your nanny. Then the f4j allegations of incest. Dear god, life in the MM must be hellish for them, they might think it’s better as they can be ‘feral’ but they will be managing every situation in their heads trying to navigate and predict the chaos.

Then the stress of dad’s house, step siblings, stepmum. That video is horrible and this won’t be popular but M launched that plate into a dark bedroom. Bunny cries about the state of her bed. I get it may be one incident but the stress those kids must feel every single day trying to navigate all the adults. No wonder they play up, they’re trying to survive.

I also think like others have said there’s a lot of black and white / hero and villain in this. I don’t see one hero.
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Personally I'm not at all bothered about F4J ranting and stirring....the only thing that matters is what happens in family court and SM posts from a screaming nut case won't come into that at all. Even if the whole of social media get their pitchforks out and Kieran's name is thrown around every thread on here negatively, still won't affect what is important. I suspect there aren't many family court judges scrolling through tattle or twitter for updates. Keep going Kieran, none of this rubbish will affect anything.
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Stan Butler

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I said this a few freds ago about the GFM and that is, i hope when this shitshow is resolved with the kids the GFM stays open for a week or so (because there wont be much if anything left in the pot) so if people want they can throw a few more quid into it so Kieran can take the kids away for the day or weekend. Makes no difference to me if i go into work and hour or two early or stay and do an hour or two overtime i spend it sat on my arse watching Netflix or in the canteen eating bacon and egg butties.🤣🤣😉😘
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Is it just me or is there a lot of people commenting on here who have not been around before. This video has done what it set out to do and to cause disharmony on this thread and to paint Michelle as a bad mother. How can we all make judgement of parenting styles of K and M based on just this. How many times have we seen them doing child based activities and seen the child happy. I,ve been in this situation and it is horrible. My partner was 21,myself 31 when she became stepmother to my son who lived with my narcissistic ex. The problems my son tried to cause between us by just listening to his mother were horrendous for my partner, how the fuck she never retaliated I don,t know. I cannot remember the number of times she cried in my arms trying to cope with my son,s issues (caused by his mother, long story but she emotionally destroyed my son and her 2 other children), which became worse after we had our own 3 kids. After nearly 30 years he realised what his mother was like and now has no contact with her. Unfortunately I can see J and B going down this route. All I can say is think about the effects on Michelle and Kieran, and from what I,ve seen despite this video is they try to be supportive and try to creat a loving home.
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It’s so obvious that KH stepped away when they started with their public statements that completely ruined J & B’s right to privacy, as well as Junior and Princesses. Naming those kids in their statement was not in the public interest. The dates that have posted only back up that KH didn’t agree with their tactics and stepped away at the time she was in panto and they were threatening to turn up. The fella at the helm of that organisation is a sociopath and has a god complex. I hope KH reports him to the police for harassment.
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They are loving it all on the KH thread on here. It makes me so sad that people actually think KH would stand by a woman who didn't want his children. It is so obvious they BOTH absolutely adored those kids and looked after them so well. Not just bare basics, but the kids thrived under their care.

F4J can go fuck themselves. It's all lies and publicity for them.
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Big welcome to all the “new” posters this morning, presumably taking a day trip over here from other threads.
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