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The F4J post won't get much traction - they couldn't even generate publicity with the things they said about KP and they were pretty scandalous!
F4J or rather the founder does come across as a very bitter person.

I once had dealings with a man offering free legal advice to men whose partners were witholding access to their children. I think this was pre f4J days. He seemed like he really actually hated all women and was also a very bitter person. The thing that he was most bitter about was that his ex wife had claimed she had caught him masterbating into a toilet roll tube that he had fashioned into a cardboard vagina :ROFLMAO:
I'm not sure why he told us that piece of information but I've never forgotten it and I thought it may cheer you Krusties up on a Monday morning!
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Daisy Uncle

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Hmmmm... I'm wondering if f4j had a plan for KH to grab and keep bunny, and he, rightly, refused. They are a bunch of arseholes.
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Agree - family court matters are private for a reason , to protect the children at all costs , now all of their dirty laundry is there in print for anyone to see forever
it seems that F4J saying KH stepped back in December, ties in with them basically exposing ALL of KP’s kids and tarring them forever with those allegations. If that is the case, he did exactly the right thing. You cannot say you stand up for alienated fathers and their children and then put the children’s name in the public domain with sexual/incest allegations. F4J are pissed off because of the group pic with CW in it, they are coming across as a petulant child, throwing its toys out of the pram. Dads in particular are going to think twice about asking for their help now as they’re not confidential or moral. I’m appalled at their statements
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And now Clare is gorgeous and slim and KP is....well, built like a brick shithouse with an alien face. Clare 1 skanky 0
And Clare has a lovely house all paid for: Clare 2. Skanky 0
Clare get's on with Pete & has done for years: Clare 3. Skanky 0
Pete's got a great manager in Clare : Clare 4. Skanky 0
This could go on ad-infinum, and yes I do! :D
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Rita Chevrolet

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That can be the case, my Nieces father is a drug taking violent asshole but was always ok with my Niece so my sister never stopped him seeing her. It was my Niece who decided when she was older and saw for herself his true side and wanted nothing to do with him.
Thats true enough. I had to wait till my two were old enough to see for themselves that their father is an absolute arsehole, this being the bloke who'd turn up every Sunday like a bad smell, take them to football and then leave them in the pub carpark for three hours whilst he got drunk again. They were both in their later teens when each separately said " He's a w*****!" Even as of yesterday I spoke to one of them who told me that he'd had his "father" on Whatsapp just as his wife had brought in their lunch to which Ex laughed "WTF is that shit?". Son told it it was quinoa and that they happened to like it and this lovely man proceeded to slag them off for eating "that shit.........................". Son said he told him to go and have some more drink seeing as it was Sunday afternoon & boozing time, then shut him down - he said he's really not bothered if he never speaks to him again because he is an arsehole and not worth the time nor energy.

Now I dearly would have loved to have obliterated him from my kid's lives right at the start because I knew what he was actually like, however I was obliged to wait until nature ran it's course when my children reached the conclusion for themselves. All skanky's kids will realise the facts for themselves one day as Junior already has and skanky will be ALONE as she rightly deserves :)
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Back to actually talking about KP on the KP threads......more pages filled with made up bullshit
Ps the state of her on this clip, and to think she's had her hair and make up done there!! Looking more and more like Daniella westbrook everyday with the smashed in mouth and nose. Plus she can't hardly talk properly 🤢🤣
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Chatty Member
Sorry incoming rant! This thread is at its best when everyone focuses on expressing their outrage at the antics of KP and how she seemingly lives the life she does punishment free!
It’s hated when she spend money on her pampering whilst owing money for tax unpaid and creditors etc, no one can therefore be scared to also express the same distaste to MP seemingly spending money on luxuries while her family is in receipt of charity donations !
this thread is getting a really bad press because like it or not there is a lot of aggression to posters not agreeing with other points of view , we all are entitled to post what we like here assuming it is relevant to KP, and so even if people don’t agree , why can’t opinions be respected and challenged politely ? Yes I know sometimes there are some suspicious posters stirring , but majority here are here for the common purpose of discussed KP
Some of the way people are spoken to when they try and express a minority opinion of just horrible and hateful, it’s been really upsetting to be honest and I feel like leaving the thread just because it makes me feel annoyed in real life !
it would be such a boring thread if everyone followed a herd mentality and agreed with every aspect of her life !
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Pretty sure the camera is just the ezviz c6n indoor security camera. We have the same one it starts to record when there is movement. The video has also been downloaded from the app. However to get onto the app you must pay for £4.99 subscription and scan the QR code on the bottom of the physical camera. So it is likely kieran or michelle downloaded the video. Not sure how someone got hold of it once downloaded though
Is it possible someone got hold of the password? I work in IT security and it’s shockingly easy to get onto these cameras. I knew of someone who hacked a baby cam. That person did get into trouble. It’s an offence under the computer misuse act.

Ooh this is my 1000th post, so now I’m a VIP. Woot!!!
Well, I should be. It’s not changed yet. Boo.
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So MP chucked a pie and swore at kids (not seen video) in June then KP rescued them in November why leave it so long if she was worried? And I think they have seen a lot worse with KP
SS cannot be to worries as they left the other kids with them and Bunny has been with them
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Of course someone is to blame for posting it. But someone must also be to blame for releasing it in the first place in order for the other person to get hold of it and post it on social media! It’s come from private cctv footage taken inside the children’s bedroom.

People are missing the point that the clip wouldn’t exist at all if Michelle hadn’t lost her temper and did what she did 🤷🏼‍♀️
There are presumptions there though. We don't know why there was a camera there or who placed it there or who 'released' it.
This Alicia person has definitely chosen to release this on to a public forum seen by millions.

I was looking at concerned citizen Alicia's account. The first post is October 2022, a month before KP swooped home from Thailand and told the whole world there was a video.....also the same time two posters were on here pedalling the video story.
The account is obviously set up with fake pictures from other people's websites. So this is a fake person, telling people they should believe them about how they got the footage?

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Can I just say I read the threads daily. Always on my watch list. I just rarely comment but have commented in the past.

It's paranoid to believe people unhappy at the video have an agenda. I don't. I just have opinions you disagree with. Which is fine , all threads have people with different morals, values and life experiences.
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All its done with me is make me think even more that they twisted stuff they posted about KP ... they even dragged P&J into that ... I would imagine that's part of the reason KH pulled away from them ... truth is what's needed in court not twisted crap, it wouldn't look good to the court for
KH to be seen to be complicit in what amounts to a public hate campaign full of lies against KP
All F4J have confirmed to me is always get support from a professional organisation who have policies and a code of conduct. When you need support in your life for anything you are vulnerable. KH/F4J tie up was around Father’s Day and KH was distraught, F4J must have felt like a lifeline. But they’ve taken advantage and the law SHOULD come down on any organisation that takes advantage of vunerability and compromises confidentiality. Not just in KH situation, others on here have shared what this organisation is like. I think Matt was bullied as a child and now taking it out on the whole world 🤬
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Sorry, but I don’t think anyone can defend that video, I would like to see Michelle’s response if someone walked into A or V rooms and shouted hers your F,ing pudding, throwing it all the bed. I feel really sad for B & J nothing is kept private. They are clearly neglected in the care of Kipper, it’s a complex case and I don’t think it should all be on public display like it is. I hope the video gets taken down for the children’s sake.
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Chatty Member
Im not going to watch the video. Did she throw the plate at the child directly and it hit the bed or was it thrown onto the bed? Not downplaying it at all but there’s a huge difference if it was thrown at the bed. I wouldn’t have done it but that’s just me, children can push your buttons and context is everything. Was it a cctv type video or did B film it? I’m sure this video has already been passed to SS, especially considering the situation with the bent SW. this smacks of KP trying to derail any support that KH has, either way she’s still a scummy mummy
You need to watch it. Some isn’t what it is made out to be. It certainly is not child abuse.
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To be honest I've felt quite upset about the GFM being called and still being called a scam (yes I can see somewhere it is) because I have helped promote it, but I've seen the good that has come out of it so far. So trying to stay positive.

I know everyone has their opinion of things and that's their prerogative, we will all differ on things from time to time. I hate conflict on here and to see people falling out. 😘

I know some people won't like KP's exs, which is fair enough, personally I like her ex-husbands, but not the majority of her ex boyfriends, I hate that Kris B covered up for her with the drink driving, some of the stuff Carl did was shady, I think I go hot and cold with my opinion on him, but there she is still calling him names in a late night text even after they have finished and she has moved on (again) It would be good to hear his side of his 96 pages of black and white proof one day he kept threatening.

Pete, I know some find Cheesy, but he is a good dad, loves and cares about his kids and family and tries to protect them, he works hard, doesn't have restraining orders against him, or hasn't drunk driven, or done drugs and does his best to stay quiet despite a constant goading and digging from KP. I'm sure Princess & Junior both love their mum and feel conflicted at her behaviour.
Alex, was subjected to revenge p0rn by her and had to get a restraining order, incidentally, have we seen him dressed as Roxanne either in the media or on his social media since they split? No I don't think so. KP outed him and encouraged him to make his private fantasies public. One minute KP says she actively encouraged Alex to do that, the next she pretending she didn't know anything about it when she first met him. Maybe if she had paid him what she owed, he would of not been jailed for that insurance thing, no excuse I know, but he has done his punishment. Again, he comes across as a good, loving dad. He also went bankrupt, but was discharged a year later as he stuck to his terms.
Kieran, again, loves his kids, yes he does OF's (just like KP) that sort of thing is not my cup of tea, I'm not a prude (believe it or not 🤪) I don't judge him for doing it, he used to be a stipper after all :censored: but I don't think KH has ever taken his kids along while he does an OF's shoot like KP has done. :mad: Michelle had to get a Restraining order too for her behaviour towards her. The TT stuff, again, I don't really get that, but this kind of earning is how a lot of celebs/zlebs seem to make some money these days. In all honesty (like KP says :rolleyes:) why wouldn't you work from your kitchen if you have the opportunity 🤷‍♀️😂 the way of the world definitely seems to be changing now, where kids want to grown up and be Youtube stars rather than dentists or vets etc.

KP just constantly lives in the past, each time she gets a new guy, she's still then harping on about the exs, wanting revenge, totally fixated, they don't bring her up unless she does something to them. I'm sure JJ will find out in time, in fact, wouldn't surprise me if he hasn't already seen her narc rage when she's pissed up and especially with more court cases on the horizon.

Is JJ there just for some fame, or is he another one who thinks they can save her? Because, really no one can.
Dear @DC16, please don't let the constant barrage of doubters' comments regarding KH and the GFM wear you down, you have been the most amazing, inspirational leader in the WATS (War Against The Skank) and sought/ brought info to us mere mortals that would have taken sooo much longer to research and unearth. Thinking back through history, I thought a revised William Wallace quote might cheer you up and revitalise your amazing strength and tenacity: "They may fling our pies, but they'll never take our DCs wisdom"! You are our own Braveheart, our flag bearer, and us Warriors are all united in the WATS, and love and appreciate everything you post that shows how KH is progressing and how much he has fought against and is, slowly but surely, winning his own war after battling Skankerella and her Skankettes for so long❤
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Don’t be silly, if you didn’t post them someone else would have😘. F4J are the ones in the wrong.
I’m sure the truth will all come out at some point. 👍


And right on queue @Pom Bear pops in with a cracker to make us laugh 🤣
Dc can I just say, you are always so lovely to people. Never jump on people or have an attitude. I think you're such a nice person. Xxx
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KH just needs to stay the course and not let all this noise Camp KP is trying to create impact his end goal.
As Michelle Obama famously said 'When they go low, we go high'.

He needs to keep his nose clean and his eye on the prize. Cant remember who the poster was but I completely agree - I dont overly like the public perception both KH and MP give, but they are absolutely the right people to have raising J&B. They don't have to be likable, they just have to be good parents. Was the pudding video great, definitely not. Does it warrant child abuse - clearly the authorities dont think so. If they dont - we shouldn't either. As much as we like to think otherwise, they know far more than any of us (well most of us!)
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