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So I mentally prepared myself for something really terrible just in case. Well I'm sorry but what a load of nonsense! Firstly I would love to know who got hold of this clip and how, as it was meant to be from CCTV in the kids' room. Secondly, Bunny already in the room, Jett comes in and jumps on his bed so they're not both running away in terror, in fact Jett is acting in a very petulent manner like he is angry at something he's been told. Then we have MP opening the door and throwing the pudding, yes she swears but from the way Jett seemed and Bunny blaming him ("I'm starving", "it's your fault") and him saying "blame Michelle" I would say they both probably didn't want whatever they were being served for dinner, or refused to eat it, and M got to end of tether and told them to go to their room. No, I don't believe MP threw pudding AT anyone, just landed it on B's bed. Blimey, if this is meant to be abuse then I'm sorry but from when I was a kid, most parents would these days be locked up for what they said or did! Aliciaandhertravels is either a FM, plant, or somehow on KFP "payroll", not to be taken seriously at all in my humble opinion.
Watching that clip it looks like jett has been told off and Michelle's opened the door chucked the pie in in frustration ( at the floor not a kid)
Bunny seemed upset at jett not Michelle, and jett seems in a bit of a grump like he knew he'd misbehaved
I think this makes sense now why jett hasn't been visiting his dad. I think he played up ( maybe on kps orders) and now kp has twisted his poor little mind into thinking he can't go back to his dad's now out of shame / embarrassment
The video at first is shocking but when you rewatch it and think logically you can see its just a tired frustrated parent at the end of her tether and a step child playing up
I'm sure they were all sorry after, like any parent us that's lost their shit and definitely NOT child abuse.
What they endure at the MM is most definitely child abuse
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Catching up
So.if this video finally come to daylight as things are progressing well and f4j have gone out on the vile attack over kh. All seems suss.
The video has been stated as dated 20 June 2022 so just before skanks Court case on breaking the restraining order against mp and ednas wedding
Nobody knows the context prior to the incident, were the kids playing up, who set the video to record this and why did skank wait till 5 months later to not return kids if this vid was doing the rounds in the village over the summer .. surely she would have refused to give them back before November but guess she was too busy enjoying her own life to really care. Only after mp showing bunny's thoughtful card the very next day skank kept the kids

I got blocked by f4j for asking if they got further with police over skanks false allegations about blade🙄🙄 and now this video gets published on IG..
Truly hope its gets reported as it on a randoms ig with no affiliation to kh etc and those who need to know are aware.
I'm sure the kids have seen worse trauma in their mothers company which makes this video not as terrible as it seems
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I don’t know anyone who would ever swear or throw a plate at their young child, but maybe that’s just me 🤷‍♀️
If anyone threw something like that at my child I’d knock them into the middle of next week. I don’t care what the kids were doing or what behaviour preceded it, that, especially from someone who isn’t even their parent, is completely unacceptable. Vile.
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Stan Butler

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@Stan Butler I was looking at my pics I put on last night and forgot to add this one for you I mentioned on your AFP potato pic Love Pom 😄❤❤❤😘 xxxx.

View attachment 2861832

I forgot I also made this same time lol 😄😊💖❤🥰😘 xx..

View attachment 2861838
Classic Pomstar 😘🤩🥰🥰 can remember posting the clan tattie pic it nearly got me dragged off in the ambulance with square wheels to the funny farm when i forgot to move them and my son's came home with their girlfriend's after a night out and saw them on the kitchen worktop. 😘🤣🤣🤣
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Stan Butler

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" onestly judge i was going to turn up at the BH and answer all your questions in person, but i had to take Bunny out of school and bugger off to Thailand with the kids and kryten my new "the one my rock" after someone posted that video to social media, it was affecting me mental health and that of the kids" 😎😉🤣
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The recorded incident was nearly 2 years ago it has obviously been looked at and dealt with by the people who needed to be involved, this is one chance recording of the rats nest that is KFP's life, it doesn't change that she's a loudmouthed, crass, unbearable cunt who blames her short comings on everyone else. Viewing the video does not change my thoughts on her.
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This has got KPs filthy fingers all over it
1 slyly release a video of the kids ( fuck their privacy) acting sad at kierons house
2 paint Michelle in a bad light (trying to force a wedge between K and M)
3 spam her instagram with happy family days out with step dad number 5765 so the brain dead followers only see the latest of her being the best mum anyone's ever seen
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I remember that episode” mummy says Clare is like an elephant”.
Watched some old episodes of Katie and Peter yesterday and she really was vile to him most of the time , continually gaslighting him.
On one of the honeymoons with Peter she didn’t want the breakfast that had been sent to the room and wanted a 10 egg omelette instead! All that egg eating must be the reason for the foul smelling farts.
I remember that episode as well. I thought PA handled it really well. Karma for KP as Claire is a big part of J & P’s lives & they probably have more respect for her than they do their own Mum.
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Oh my god!!! The ‘Piegate’ video has been posted on someone’s IG stories 🙈 the actual camera footage has the date of 20-06-2022 on at around 20:15. Don’t come for me saying I’m hating on MP or whatever, but the video is exactly what was said on here and I hate to say it but I can’t see otherwise 😩 I just feel for those poor children. Not going to go into much detail, but Jett even says ‘I hate this house’. The video shows a lot, but not what happened leading up to this.
What was it? Doesn't seem to be on there now.
Definitely still there - I’ve just watched it.
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I’m shocked by the amount of people defending this behaviour.

Imagine if it was your kids in the video, being sworn and food thrown at…surely you wouldn’t just shrug it off and say ooo that’s quite tame actually.

Yes KP might be worse, but it doesn’t make this any more acceptable. I’m so glad I grew up in the family that I have if people think this is ok.

Even as an adult now, if my husband or someone that is supposed to love me swore and threw food at me like that I would be deeply hurt and upset. Maybe I’m just too soft 🤷🏼‍♀️
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..........There is absolutely no justification for posting it on Instagram. Someone has worked hard to try and make the video as upsetting as possible, it’s cut strategically, the subtitles are inaccurate and the captions are misleading (actually despicably so at times). This video release is calculating and coordinated. It’s not heat of the moment foolishness, someone has had time to sit and think about this and they have concluded that those children’s rights to privacy mean nothing. They made sure Tattlers saw it and will happily show it to the whole world. Actually instructing people to DM if they want a copy of it!! Who does this?? It has KFP and her accomplices written all over it.

Whilst others have fallen slightly in my estimation - KFP has plummeted to a new low.
Exactly this, Someone has taken the time and trouble to put the captions on with a disturbing narrative, edited it ( possibly edited words out) it's all planned and deliberate which is very disturbing.
Whatever people want to say about a step-parent getting angry, they didn't plan and sit on something for years....which is very odd.
KH copied that clip from the home security system and sent it on to a woman or women he was trying to fuck to show what a horrible person MH was and how rotten his home life was. Simple as that. KP or one of her minions has gotten their hands on the clip and Voila. Once again KH penis has been his downfall.
Where's your proof of that, or is it just an opinion.
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It’s on an Instagram account aliciaandhertravels
I saw the video on Insta by a very obsessed and vile person who seems to be enjoying it. Firstly all I see is an exasperated mum, who has had enough ( we have all been there ) I also saw Bunny seemed to Blame Jett for it twice, he said it's not my fault twice, B didn't seem to blame Michelle, she was not happy with Jett. All I heard from Michelle was Here's your bloody pudding. I think the bleep was added for more drama. She did not aim for the kids only the floor. Jett may or may not been asked to wind Michelle up? Again Not Abusive at all.
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Wow, KP honestly.looks 15 years older..there's no way I would've thought that. Clare looks brillaint
No comparison. And to think KFP has paid thousands £££ to look this bad. Every single procedure she has done, make's her look more grotesque. The last 2 picture's are clearly filtered, yet she looks appalling. (n)
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She wasn't able to move in with Carl because she couldn't move Bunny's school remember ... Bunny had to stay with AFP
This claim of living with Carl by f4j does appear to be true because it fits with the whole MM property rental advert that was going online at the time and the reports that she and/or Carl had a rental in Essex etc …. So KH must have been successful in preventing her moving away with the kids
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