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Well-known member
I've just watched the video. While there is not enough context to say this is abuse, equally there is not enough evidence to say that it is not.

I am shocked so many on here are defending this behaviour. And it is definitely unacceptable behaviour from Michelle Penticost; it would not be justifiable towards an adult, let alone then 7 and 8 year old children with a difficult background. They need extra care and consideration, not lashing out when they're imperfect (and that's assuming they actually did anything provocative here, which there is no evidence for and tantamount to victim blaming).

I am reading the room on this thread and I don't agree with most of you. I don't agree with minimizing or justifying this just because Skanky is demonstrably worse. The fundraiser never sat right with for multiple reasons, mainly because we don't actually know Kieran or Michelle at all.

I also think since there is a fundraiser and there is public interest in saving these children, that people need the full picture.

It's like on a smaller scale with the Britney Spears situation: the public, the media, and her fans were adamant that her dad was the devil incarnate and she needed to be released from her conservatorship. Look how that turned out. Would the discussion have been more nuanced if the public had seen more evidence from the other side? Would the outcome have been different?
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slightly disheveled

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It’s a small cctv type thing, it wasn’t recorded on a phone, maybe Kieron put it there who knows, but those kids weren’t scared going into their room, it looks like they’ve been sent there, after being naughty or rude.
It’s not abuse
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Rita Chevrolet

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Some strange story about a wife throwing a lemon meringue pie at her husband when he annoyed her and all the family laughed as if that's a normal response 😬
If you cannot see someone being driven to the edge of distraction like Michelle will have been over all the shit she inherited when she took-on one of skank's rejects, well poor you!

Mine was not a normal response because usually I ignore the moaning, but when he's been going on-and-on endlessly about a fucking lemon pie filling not setting properly to his acceptable parameters, well that was enough! I have had FOUR children who have all survived childhood ta very much, who are all grown-up, decent members of society, who all have very good jobs and loving families of their own - my chucking a lemon meringue pie at old Moanypants ain't nothing in the grand scheme of things is it???? Thats why they laughed - Mum finally lost it!! - son said it was like at the circus when the clown chucks a pie at the ringmaster

In future perhaps I'd better just take all the stick & moaning lest someone gets offended eh? :mad:
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They are loving it all on the KH thread on here. It makes me so sad that people actually think KH would stand by a woman who didn't want his children. It is so obvious they BOTH absolutely adored those kids and looked after them so well. Not just bare basics, but the kids thrived under their care.

F4J can go fuck themselves. It's all lies and publicity for them.
I can't read the KH thread as it won't do my blood pressure or the urge to throw my phone any good.

How anyone can say that KH and M are the problem when Skank has had decades to manipulate the narrative. If KH doesn't say anything in response he's wrong if he does then he's equally in the wrong. All I see is a loving father torn apart by Skanky, her clan and the grifting fuckers that are F4J

Mind you I can think for myself unlike some of these bloody idiots
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No wonder she has been deflecting like mad 😂 :ROFLMAO:, family court possibly coming to a head and now Trustees appointed who may be able to curb her spending and sell the house. Hopefully someone with more legal knowledge can enlighten us soon
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It’s all fake Dolly 😘
Of course it has to be fake. Where do these stories come from? She owe's at least £4m now in debts to creditors/Loans on MM/ Tax & VAT etc etc.. Never get credit when MM is sold & there certainly won't be any money left for her. Deluded. She'll some how have to do same as her mate KK & rent (in someone else's name/management - she doesn't have) & lease a flash car (when she isn't banned & can afford Huge sky high insurance premiums). She's clinging on to those 2 poor kids & Harvey, as an excuse to say she needs a decent size property (not the 9 bed MM). She would never move up north, she needs to be near London & her lackies. Honestly the utter :poop: stories that are being churned out lately.:sick:
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So Trustees appointed, found this...
To carry on the business of the bankrupt for the purpose of winding it up for the benefit of the unsecured creditors; To bring or defend legal proceedings in relation to any claim by or against the bankrupt; To apply to the court for possession and sale of the bankrupt's home o_O:love:
I'm sorry to appear thick, I don't know much about bankruptcy. But if this latest Gazette posting is about 2nd bankruptcy, what make's it different to the 1st one? Trustee's were appointed then, but didn't seem to pin her down to keep to financial arrangements, plus no sign of the house being sold then. I'm still not even understanding how someone can have 2 bankruptcies. She's not co-operated & paid her creditors from the 1st one & now has a huge VAT & tax bill unpaid. I also think there's going to turn out to be more creditors/loans that come about. I know our Schmooze did try & put it into plain language, but even they thought it was unusual. Please can someone, anyone, explain what's different this time? I know she's in more serious :poop: now. But as usual doesn't seem phased & deflecting by these pathetic non stories, wedding, Tattoo's etc etc. So confused. Sorry - also if they are going to sell MM this time, how much notice do they give her? Wonder if she's already been given notice to leave:p(y)🙏
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Active member
I just noticed the captions in the video don't match the audio.

Bunny starts to cry about stuff being on the bed and says 'Why'
Jett says 'It isn't, me blame Michelle'
Bunny says 'It is you'.
Jett 'did I chuck the pudding at you, no I didn't'

.....but there's no caption on 'It is you' The video is also cut when Jett gets into bed ( supposedly scared according) Seems like he got out again and that was cut. Then there's a caption at the end telling us something Jett is doing something with 'an object' I think it's bollocks, he does not seem disressed.
You've got to ask WHO, as a 'concerned member of the public' would go to the trouble of adding captions to a supposed child abuse video and editing bits out?

She is on the F4J insta account saying that Jett was so upset he was tying a noose around his neck - he clearly isn’t in the footage but it has been typed onto the video that he was tying something round his neck which I couldn’t make out.

She claims she got the video from her brother in law but seems very invested in sharing it and tagging journalists etc in it to gain traction - what is her motive??

Set aside the content of the video, why is she now sharing it? Presumably she has had this before today if it was being circulated, why now would a insta travel person suddenly decide it needed to be shared (especially since the kids aren’t even living there anymore - it’s not like she was pushing for urgent action).

The video shouldn’t have been shared, the content of the video is down to the police and courts to judge. I can only speculate that she knows the videos Carl has shared with Kieron and is getting this one out there first so that anything that follows is discredited.
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Chatty Member
It’s so obvious that KH stepped away when they started with their public statements that completely ruined J & B’s right to privacy, as well as Junior and Princesses. Naming those kids in their statement was not in the public interest. The dates that have posted only back up that KH didn’t agree with their tactics and stepped away at the time she was in panto and they were threatening to turn up. The fella at the helm of that organisation is a sociopath and has a god complex. I hope KH reports him to the police for harassment.
Agree - family court matters are private for a reason , to protect the children at all costs , now all of their dirty laundry is there in print for anyone to see forever
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I said this a few freds ago about the GFM and that is, i hope when this shitshow is resolved with the kids the GFM stays open for a week or so (because there wont be much if anything left in the pot) so if people want they can throw a few more quid into it so Kieran can take the kids away for the day or weekend. Makes no difference to me if i go into work and hour or two early or stay and do an hour or two overtime i spend it sat on my arse watching Netflix or in the canteen eating bacon and egg butties.🤣🤣😉😘
What a fab suggestion, we can give you an hour off potato carving to make up extra work time! ❤
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She hasn’t genuinely posted this picture surely?? No! But……just….,,surely not?!
It's a screen shot 🤣 but she looks dog rough all the way through it, shouting and smacking her fish lips together blabbering on and on
She's embarrassing
I do love how it captured her wonky eyes and sausage lips perfectly though and the gurner mouth 🤮
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Cat Eyez

VIP Member
I bet KH refused as to not separate Bunny & Jett.... If he refused at all that is.

I've always thought there is no way he'd separate them.

And maybe in a very brief moment of darkness, stress and utter exhaustion KH expressed throwing in the towel.... Who could blame him after everything he's been though this past 18 months.

But I don't believe for a second that he'd willingly leave them with KP like F4J have suggested.

It's so obvious that KH is fighting hard for the safe return of both his children.
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Daisy Uncle

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F4j thoroughly deserve their reputation as oddball wankers. Tbh not hard to see why they don't have access to their own kids.
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The trials and tribulations of living in a cuntry cottage.... I wonder if she bought drain cleaner from B&Q...?!!


(nb: Not quite sure who the rather sulky figure is bottom right or why she's even there...)
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Who set the camera up in the room to capture all of this
The kids are playing up little shits , not child abuse though is it
Skanky probably most likely told bunny to film every scene argument
For her to get dirt on k& m Showing your used vagina to your children is abuse
Skanky’s a neglecting bastard. Looks like a set up to me wouldn’t worry about it too much
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Well-known member
Skim reading and will catch up but just wanted to say @DC16 and @Angelic37 - keep being you and don’t let the bastards bring you down. Thank you for all you are doing and I for one trust in you both, the GFM and that eventually, The karma bus will come with a one way ticket for Skank. In the words of the great man Ted Lasso - believe ❤
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